#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "shhopt.h" #include "mallocvar.h" typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef enum {MLog, MSpectrum } Method; /* method identifiers */ typedef struct { Method method; const char * name; } MethodTableEntry; MethodTableEntry methodTable[] = { {MLog, "log"}, {MSpectrum, "spectrum"} }; /* Command-line arguments parsed: */ typedef struct { const char * inputFileName; /* name of the input file. "-" for stdin */ float strength; uint linear; Method method; } CmdlineInfo; static Method methodFmNm(const char * const methodNm) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The method of saturation whose name is 'methodNm' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint i; bool found; Method method; for (i = 0, found = false; i < ARRAY_SIZE(methodTable) && !found; ++i) { if (streq(methodNm, methodTable[i].name)) { found = true; method = methodTable[i].method; } } if (!found) { /* Issue error message and abort */ char * methodList; uint methodListLen; uint i; /* Allocate a buffer to store the list of known saturation methods: */ for (i = 0, methodListLen = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(methodTable); ++i) methodListLen += strlen(methodTable[i].name) + 2; MALLOCARRAY(methodList, methodListLen); if (!methodList) pm_error("Failed to allocate memory for %lu saturation " "method names", (unsigned long)ARRAY_SIZE(methodTable)); /* Fill the list of methods: */ for (i = 0, methodList[0] = '\0'; i < ARRAY_SIZE(methodTable); ++i) { if (i > 0) strcat(methodList, ", "); strcat(methodList, methodTable[i].name); } pm_error("Unknown saturation method: '%s'. Known methods are: %s", methodNm, methodList); free(methodList); } return method; } static CmdlineInfo parsedCommandLine(int argc, const char ** argv) { CmdlineInfo cmdline; optStruct3 opt; uint option_def_index; uint methodSpec, strengthSpec, linearSpec; const char * method; optEntry * option_def; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENT3 */ OPTENT3(0, "method", OPT_STRING, &method, &methodSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "strength", OPT_FLOAT, &cmdline.strength, &strengthSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "linear", OPT_FLAG, &cmdline.linear, &linearSpec, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = 0; opt.allowNegNum = 0; pm_optParseOptions3( &argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ if (methodSpec) cmdline.method = methodFmNm(method); else cmdline.method = MSpectrum; if (!strengthSpec) pm_error("You must specify -strength"); if (!linearSpec) cmdline.linear = 0; if (argc-1 < 1) cmdline.inputFileName = "-"; else { cmdline.inputFileName = argv[1]; if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Program takes at most one argument: file name"); } free(option_def); return cmdline; } typedef struct { double _[3]; } TupleD; typedef struct { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about a color sample in linear format -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TupleD sample; /* layer intensities */ double maxval; /* the highest layer intensity */ uint maxl; /* index of that layer */ uint minl; /* index of the layer with lowest intensity */ double intensity; /* total sample intensity */ } LinSampleInfo; /* ---------------------------- Binary search ------------------------------ */ /* ( a minimal drop-in implementation ) */ /* Function to search, where is an arbitrary user-supplied parameter */ typedef double (binsearchFunc)(double const x, const void * const data); /* The binary-search function. Returns such from [, ] that monotonically increasing function func(x, data) equals within precision . is an arbitary parameter to . */ static double binsearch(binsearchFunc func, const void * const dataP, double const prec, double const minArg, double const maxArg, double const value ) { double x; double min, max; bool found; for (min = minArg, max = maxArg, found = false; !found;) { x = (min + max) / 2; { double const f = func(x, dataP); if ((fabs(f - value)) < prec) found = true; else { assert(f != value); if (f > value) max = x; else min = x; } } } return x; } /* ------------- Utilities not specific to saturation methods -------------- */ /* Y chromaticities in Rec.709: R G B */ static double const yCoeffs[3] = {0.3333, 0.6061, 0.0606}; static void applyRatio(TupleD * const tupP, double const ratio) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiply the components of tuple *tupP by coefficient 'ratio'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint c; for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) tupP->_[c] = tupP->_[c] * ratio; } static void getTupInfo(tuplen const tup, bool const linear, LinSampleInfo * const siP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert PBM tuple into linear form with double precision siP->sample and obtain also additional information required for further processing. Return the result as *siP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint i; double minval; minval = 1.1; siP->intensity = 0; siP->maxval = 0.0; siP->maxl = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { double linval; if (!linear) linval = pm_ungamma709(tup[i]); else linval = tup[i]; siP->sample._[i] = linval; if (linval > siP->maxval) { siP->maxval = linval; siP->maxl = i; } if (linval < minval) { siP->minl = i; minval = linval; } siP->intensity += linval * yCoeffs[i]; } } /* ------------------------ Logarithmic saturation ------------------------- */ /* Method and algorithm by Anton Shepelev. */ static void tryLogSat(double const sat, LinSampleInfo * const siP, TupleD * const tupsatP, double * const intRatioP, double * const highestP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to increase the saturation of siP->sample by a factor 'sat' and return the result as *tupsatP. Also return as *intRatioP the ratio of intensities of 'tupin' and siP->sample. Return as *highestP the highest component the saturated color would have if normalized to intensity siP->intensity. If the return value exceeds unity saturation cannot be properly increased by the required factor. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint c; double intSat; for (c = 0, intSat = 0.0; c < 3; ++c) { tupsatP->_[c] = pow(siP->sample._[c], sat); intSat = intSat + tupsatP->_[c] * yCoeffs[c]; } { double const intRatio = siP->intensity / intSat; double const maxComp = tupsatP->_[siP->maxl] * intRatio; *intRatioP = intRatio; *highestP = maxComp; } } /* Structure for the binary search of maximum saturation: */ typedef struct { LinSampleInfo * siP; /* original color with precalculated information */ TupleD * tupsatP; /* saturated color */ double * intRatioP; /* ratio of orignal and saturated intensities */ } MaxLogSatInfo; static binsearchFunc binsearchMaxLogSat; static double binsearchMaxLogSat(double const x, const void * const dataP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Target function for the generic binary search routine, for the finding of the maximum possible saturation of a given color. 'dataP' shall point to a MaxSatInfo structure. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const MaxLogSatInfo * const infoP = dataP; double highest; tryLogSat(x, infoP->siP, infoP->tupsatP, infoP->intRatioP, &highest); return highest; } static void getMaxLogSat(LinSampleInfo * const siP, TupleD * const tupsatP, double * const intRatioP, double const upperLimit ) { /* Saturates the color sample> as much as possible and stores the result in , which must be multiplied by <*intRatioP> in order to restore the intensity of the original color. The range of saturation search is [1.0..]. */ const double PREC = 0.00001; /* precision of binary search */ MaxLogSatInfo info; info.siP = siP; info.tupsatP = tupsatP; info.intRatioP = intRatioP; /* Discarding return value (maximum saturation) because upon completion of binsearch() info.tupsatP will contain the saturated color. The target value of maximum channel intensity is decreased by PREC in order to avoid overlow. */ binsearch(binsearchMaxLogSat, &info, PREC, 1.0, upperLimit, 1.0 - PREC); } static void saturateLog(LinSampleInfo* const siP, double const sat, TupleD* const tupsatP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturate linear tuple *siP using the logarithmic saturation method. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double intRatio; /* ratio of original and saturated intensities */ double maxlValSat; /* maximum component intensity in the saturated sample */ tryLogSat(sat, siP, tupsatP, &intRatio, &maxlValSat); /* if we cannot saturate siP->sample by 'sat', use the maximum possible saturation */ if (maxlValSat > 1.0) getMaxLogSat(siP, tupsatP, &intRatio, sat); /* restore the original intensity: */ applyRatio(tupsatP, intRatio); } /* ------------------------- Spectrum saturation --------------------------- */ /* Method and algorithm by Anton Shepelev. */ static void saturateSpectrum(LinSampleInfo * const siP, double const sat, TupleD * const tupsatP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturate linear tuple *siP using the Spectrum saturation method. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double k; double * sample; sample = siP->sample._; /* short-cut to the input sample data */ if (sample[siP->minl] == sample[siP->maxl]) k = 1.0; /* Cannot saturate a neutral sample */ else { double const km1 = (1.0 - siP->intensity)/(siP->maxval - siP->intensity); /* Maximum saturation factor that keeps maximum layer intesity within range */ double const km2 = siP->intensity/(siP->intensity - sample[siP->minl]); /* Maximum saturation factor that keeps minimum layer intesity within range */ /* To satisfy both constraints, choose the strictest: */ double const km = km1 > km2 ? km2 : km1; /* Ensure the saturation factor does not exceed the maximum possible value: */ k = sat < km ? sat : km; } { /* Initialize the resulting sample with the input value */ uint i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) tupsatP->_[i] = sample[i]; } applyRatio(tupsatP, k); /* apply the saturation factor */ { /* restore the original intensity */ uint i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) tupsatP->_[i] = tupsatP->_[i] - siP->intensity * (k - 1.0); } } /* --------------------- General saturation algorithm ---------------------- */ static void saturateTup(Method const method, double const sat, bool const linear, tuplen const tup) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturate black and white tuple 'tup' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LinSampleInfo si; getTupInfo(tup, linear, &si); if (sat < 1.0 || /* saturation can always be decresed */ si.maxval < 1.0 ) { /* there is room for increase */ TupleD tupsat; /* Dispatch saturation methods: (There seems too little benefit in using a table of function pointers, so a manual switch should suffice) */ switch (method) { case MLog: saturateLog (&si, sat, &tupsat); break; case MSpectrum: saturateSpectrum(&si, sat, &tupsat); break; } /* Put the processed tuple back in the tuple row, gamma-adjusting it if required. */ { uint i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) tup[i] = linear ? tupsat._[i] : pm_gamma709(tupsat._[i]); } } } static void pamaltsat(CmdlineInfo const cmdline, FILE * const ofP) { struct pam inPam, outPam; tuplen * tuplerown; FILE * ifP; uint row; ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &inPam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type)); outPam = inPam; outPam.file = ofP; tuplerown = pnm_allocpamrown(&inPam); pnm_writepaminit(&outPam); for (row = 0; row < inPam.height; ++row) { pnm_readpamrown(&inPam, tuplerown); if (inPam.depth >= 3) { uint col; for (col = 0; col < inPam.width; ++col) saturateTup(cmdline.method, cmdline.strength, cmdline.linear, tuplerown[col]); } pnm_writepamrown(&outPam, tuplerown); } pnm_freepamrown(tuplerown); pm_close(ifP); } int main(int argc, const char ** argv) { CmdlineInfo cmdline; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); cmdline = parsedCommandLine(argc, argv); pamaltsat(cmdline, stdout); return 0; }