Warning: The Netpbm distribution uses long filenames, so you can only build the package in a W9x environment, with LFN support. To build Netpbm with DJGPP v2.0x you need: - djgpp: gcc, make, and binutils - bash - fileutils - sed - groff (to convert man pages to cat format) - man and less (to read the converted man pages) You can fetch all packages on Simtelnet in the DJGPP tree: ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/ You need too four external libraries to add tiff, png and jpeg support to Netpbm (you can build without them, modifying Makefile.config.djgpp but I think it makes Netpbm useless). - Libtiff (www.libtiff.org) - Libjpeg (www.ijg.org) - Libpng (www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html) - Libz (www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip) All libraries come with guidelines to compile ok with DJGPP. At this time you can get binary packages of libjpeg, libpng and libz on Simtelnet. To build the Netpbm programs do the following: Copy Makefile.config.djgpp to Makefile.config Run "touch Makefile.config" to prevent Make from updating the file. Read the Makefile.config and make any changes you want Do "make merge" Do "make install-merge" to install binaries and man pages. Makefile.config.djgpp is set up to install these in TMPDIR/netpbm (normally /dgjpp/tmp/netpbm). If everything worked OK, you can move the contents of this directory to your DJGPP production tree. WARNING There are some problems that have to be addressed if using the binaries in pure DOS OS, without long file names, but it works OK using "netpbm " ( is the real Netpbm program to be used, for example: netpbm ppmtobmp testimg.bmp instead of the usual ppmtobmp testimg.bmp). This procedure and the code to adapt Netpbm to DJGPP was contributed by M.Alvarez in August 2001. You can find his current information on using Netpbm with DJGPP and prebuilt binaries at .