Netpbm Program Directory
We have the programs divided into these categories:
- pnmtopnm
- convert PNM image to PNM raw or plain
- pgmtopgm
- convert PGM or PBM image to PGM
- ppmtoppm
- convert PPM, PGM, or PBM image to PPM
- pamtopam
- convert PAM image to PAM
- pbmtopgm
- convert PBM image to PGM by averaging areas
- pgmtoppm
- colorize a PGM into a PPM
- ppmtopgm
- convert PPM image to PGM
- pamtopnm
- convert a PAM image to PBM, PGM, or PPM
- pamtogif
- convert PAM or PNM to GIF
- giftopnm
- convert GIF to PNM
- pnmtojpeg
- convert PNM to JPEG/JFIF/EXIF format
- jpegtopnm
- convert JFIF/JPEG/EXIF file to Netpbm format
- pamtojpeg2k
- convert PNM/PAM to JPEG-2000 code stream
- jpeg2ktopam
- convert JPEG-2000 code stream to PAM/PNM
- pamtopng
- convert Netpbm format to Portable Network Graphics
- pnmtopng
convert Netpbm format to Portable Network Graphics
- pngtopam
- convert PNG (Portable Network Graphics) to Netpbm formats
- pnmtops
- convert Netpbm formats to Postscript
- pstopnm
- convert Postscript to Netpbm formats
- pamtotiff
- convert Netpbm formats to TIFF RGB file
- tifftopnm
- convert TIFF file to PNM
- pnmtotiffcmyk
- convert Netpbm formats to TIFF CMYK file
- ppmtobmp
- convert PPM to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file
- bmptopnm
- convert Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file to PPM or PGM
- pbmtog3
- convert PBM to Group 3 FAX
- g3topbm
- convert Group 3 FAX to PBM
- pnmtojbig
- convert PNM to JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap)
- jbigtopnm
- convert JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) to PNM
- pnmtoxwd
- convert Netpbm formats to X11 window dump
- xwdtopnm
- convert X10 or X11 window dump to Netpbm formats
- pbmtoxbm
- convert PBM to X10 or X11 bitmap
- xbmtopbm
- convert X10 or X11 bitmap to PBM
- ppmtoxpm
- convert PPM to XPM format
- xpmtoppm
- convert XPM format to PPM
- pbmto10x
- convert PBM to Gemini 10x printer graphics
- 411toppm
- convert 411 (Sony Mavica) to PPM
- pbmto4425
- Display PBM image on AT&T 4425 ASCII terminal with gfx chars
- ppmtoacad
- convert PPM to AutoCAD database or slide
- ppmtoapplevol
- convert PPM to Apple volume label image
- pbmtoascii
- convert PBM to ASCII graphic form
- ppmtoascii
- convert PPM to ASCII graphics with ANSI terminal color control
- asciitopgm
- convert ASCII character graphics to PGM
- pbmtoatk
- convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit raster object
- atktopbm
- convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM
- pamtoavs
- convert Netpbm image to Stardent AVS
- avstopam
- convert Stardent AVS image to PAM
- pbmtobbnbg
- convert PBM to BBN BitGraph graphics
- bioradtopgm
- convert Biorad confocal image to PGM
- brushtopbm
- convert Xerox doodle brushes to PBM
- cameratopam
- convert raw camera image to PAM
- pbmtocis
- convert PBM to Compuserve RLE image
- cistopbm
- convert Compuserve RLE image to PBM
- pbmtocmuwm
- convert PBM to CMU window manager format
- cmuwmtopbm
- convert CMU window manager format to PBM
- ddbugtopbm
convert Palm DiddleBug image to PBM
- pnmtoddif
- convert from Netpbm formats to DDIF
- pamtodjvurle
- convert PNM/PAM to DjVu Color RLE format
- pbmtodjvurle
- convert PBM to DjVu Bitonal RLE format
- pbmtoepsi
- convert a PBM image to encapsulated Postscript preview bitmap
- pbmtoepson
- convert PBM to Epson 9-pin printer graphics
- pbmtoescp2
- convert PBM to Epson ESC/P2 printer graphics
- escp2topbm
- convert Epson ESC/P2 printer graphics to PBM
- ppmtoeyuv
- convert PPM to Encoder/Berkeley YUV format
- eyuvtoppm
- convert Encoder/Berkeley YUV format to PPM
- pnmtofiasco
- convert Netpbm image to Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format
- fiascotopnm
- convert Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format to Netpbm image
- pamtofits
- convert Netpbm formats to FITS format
- fitstopnm
- convert FITS format to PNM
- pgmtofs
- convert PGM to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
- fstopgm
- convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to PGM
- pbmtogem
- convert PBM into GEM .img file
- gemtopnm
- convert GEM .img format to Netpbm format
- pbmtogo
- convert PBM to GraphOn graphics
- gouldtoppm
- convert Gould scanner file to PPM
- pamtohdiff
- convert PAM image to horizontal difference version of same
- hdifftopam
- convert horizontal difference PAM back to original image
- hipstopgm
- convert HIPS format to PGM
- hpcdtoppm
- convert photo CD to PPM
- pamtohtmltbl
- convert PNM/PAM to an HTML table with a colored cell for each pixel
- pbmtoibm23xx
- convert from PBM to IBM 23XX printer stream
- ppmtoicr
- convert PPM to NCSA ICR graphics
- ppmtoilbm
- convert PPM to IFF ILBM
- ilbmtoppm
- convert IFF ILBM to PPM
- imgtoppm
- convert Img-whatnot to PPM
- infotopam
- convert Amiga .info icons to PAM
- ppmtoleaf
- convert PPM to Interleaf
- leaftoppm
- convert Interleaf to PPM
- pgmtolispm
- convert PGM into Lisp Machine format
- lispmtopgm
- convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into PGM format
- pbmtolj
- convert PBM to HP LaserJet black and white graphics
- ppmtolj
- convert PPM to HP LaserJet color graphics (PCL 5)
- pbmtoln03
- convert PGM image to Dec LN03+ Sixel image
- pbmtolps
- convert PBM image to Postscript using lines
- pbmtomacp
- convert PBM to MacPaint
- macptopbm
- convert MacPaint to PBM
- pbmtomatrixorbital
- convert a PBM image to a Matrix Orbital LCD image
- pbmtomda
- convert from PBM to Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs)
- mdatopbm
- convert from Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) to PBM
- pbmtomgr
- convert PBM to MGR format
- mgrtopbm
- convert MGR format to PBM
- ppmtomitsu
- convert from PPM to Mitsubishi S340-10 printer stream
- ppmtompeg
- convert series of PPM frames to an MPEG movie
- pamtompfont
- convert Netpbm image to Mplayer bitmap font
- pbmtomrf
- convert PBM image to MRF (compressed bitmap)
- mrftopbm
- convert MRF (compressed bitmap) to PBM
- mtvtoppm
- convert MTV ray-tracer output to PPM
- ppmtoneo
- convert PPM image to Atari Neochrome (.neo)
- neotoppm
- convert Atari Neochrome (.neo) image to PPM
- pbmtonokia
- convert PBM to Nokia Smart Messaging Format (SMF)
- pamtooctaveimg
- convert PNM/PAM to Gnu Octave image
- pnmtopalm
- convert Netpbm formats to Palm pixmap
- palmtopnm
- convert Palm pixmap to Netpbm formats
- pc1toppm
- convert Atari Degas .pc1 (compressed pi1) to PPM
- pcdovtoppm
- convert a photo CD PCD overview file to PPM
- pnmtopclxl
- convert PNM to HP PCL-XL (PCL 6) printer language
- ppmtopcx
- convert PPM to PC Paintbrush format
- pcxtoppm
- convert PC Paintbrush format to PPM
- pamtopdbimg
convert Netpbm formats to Palm Pilot Image Viewer format
- pdbimgtopam
convert Palm Pilot Image Viewer format to Netpbm formats.
- pamtopfm
- convert PAM/PNM to HDRshop PFM (Portable Float Map)
- pfmtopam
- convert HDRshop PFM (Portable Float Map) to PAM
- ppmtopi1
- convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1
- pi1toppm
- convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM
- pbmtopi3
- convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3
- pi3topbm
- convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM
- ppmtopict
- convert PPM to Macintosh PICT
- picttoppm
- convert Macintosh PICT to PPM
- ppmtopj
- convert PPM to HP PaintJet file
- pjtoppm
- convert HP PaintJet file to PPM
- ppmtopjxl
- convert from PPM to HP Paintjet XL PCL printer stream
- pbmtopk
- convert PBM image to packed format (PK) font
- pktopbm
- convert packed format (PK) font to PBM image
- pbmtoplot
- convert PBM into Unix plot file
- pbmtoppa
- convert PBM to HP PPA (Printer Performance Architecture) printer stream
- pbmtopsg3
- convert PBM images to Postscript using G3 fax compression.
- psidtopgm
- convert PostScript "image" data to PGM
- pbmtoptx
- convert PBM to Printronix graphics
- ppmtopuzz
- convert PPM to X11 "puzzle" file
- qrttoppm
- convert QRT ray-tracer output to PPM
- pnmtorast
- convert Netpbm formats to Sun raster file
- rasttopnm
- convert Sun raster file to Netpbm formats
- rlatopam
- convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF to PAM
- pnmtorle
- convert PNM to Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file
- rletopnm
- convert Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file to PNM
- sbigtopgm
- convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file to PGM
- pgmtosbig
- convert PGM to Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file
- st4topgm
- convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group ST-4 camera CCD file to PGM
- pgmtost4
- convert PGM to Santa Barbara Instrument Group ST-4 camera CCD file
- pnmtosgi
- convert from Netpbm formats to SGI format
- sgitopnm
- convert from SGI format to Netpbm formats
- pnmtosir
- convert from Netpbm formats to Solitaire Image Recorder file
(MGI Type 11 or 17)
- sirtopnm
- convert from Solitaire Image Recorder file to Netpbm formats.
- ppmtosixel
- convert PPM to DEC sixel format
- sldtoppm
- convert an AutoCAD slide file into a PPM
- spctoppm
- convert Atari compressed Spectrum to PPM
- spottopgm
- convert SPOT satellite image to PGM
- ppmtospu
- convert PPM to Atari uncompressed Spectrum
- sputoppm
- convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM
- pamtosrf
- convert Netpbm formats to SRF
- srftopam
- convert SRF to PAM
- pbmtosunicon
- convert PBM to Sun icon
- sunicontopnm
- convert Sun icon to Netpbm
- pamtosvg
- convert Netpbm image to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG); trace image
- svgtopam
- convert an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image to Netpbm format
- ppmtoterm
- display PPM image on ANSI standard text terminal
- pamtotga
- convert PAM to TrueVision Targa file
- tgatoppm
- convert TrueVision Targa file to PPM
- thinkjettopbm
- convert HP Thinkjet printer stream to PBM
- pamtouil
- convert PAM to Motif UIL icon file
- vidtoppm
- convert Parallax XVideo JPEG to sequence of PPM files
- pbmtowbmp
- convert PBM to WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap
- wbmptopbm
- convert WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap to PBM
- pamtowinicon
- convert PAM to Windows icon file
- ppmtowinicon
- convert PPM to Windows icon file (obsoleted by pamtowinicon).
- winicontopam
- convert Windows icon file to PAM
- winicontoppm
- convert Windows icon file to PPM (obsoleted by winicontoapm).
- ximtoppm
- convert Xim to PPM
- pamtoxvmini
- convert from Netpbm formats to Xv "thumbnail" picture
- xvminitoppm
- convert Xv "thumbnail" picture to PPM
- pbmtoybm
- convert PBM into Bennet Yee "face" file
- ybmtopbm
- convert Bennet Yee "face" file into PBM
- ppmtoyuv
- convert PPM to Abekas YUV format
- yuvtoppm
- convert Abekas YUV format to PPM
- ppmtoyuvsplit
- convert PPM to 3 subsampled raw Stanford MPEG YUV files
- yuvsplittoppm
- merge 3 subsampled raw YUV files to one PPM
- yuy2topam
- convert YUY2 format to PAM
- zeisstopnm
- convert a Zeiss confocal file to Netpbm format
- pbmtozinc
- convert PBM to Zinc Interface Library icon
- rawtopgm
- convert raw grayscale bytes to PGM
- rawtoppm
- convert raw RGB bytes to PPM
- ppmtoarbtxt
- convert PPM to just about any text-based format, using a grammar file
- anytopnm
- convert any graphics format to Netpbm format
Image Generators
All of these generate Netpbm format output.
- pbmmake
- create a blank PBM image of a specified size
- pgmmake
- create a PGM image of a specified size and shade of gray
- ppmmake
- create a PPM image of a specified size and color
- pgmramp
- generate a grayscale ramp (gradient)
- pamgradient
- create a four-corner gradient image
- pampaintspill
- smoothly spill colors into the background
- ppmpat
- create a pretty PPM image
- ppmrainbow
- create a spectrum-like image with colors fading together.
- ppmrough
- create PPM image of two colors with a ragged border between them
- pamcrater
- create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
- ppmforge
- fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
- pgmnoise
- create a PGM image of white noise
- pbmtext
- render text into a PBM image
- pbmtextps
- render text into a PBM image using a Postscript interpreter
- pbmupc
- create a Universal Product Code PBM image
- pamstereogram
- create a single image stereogram from a height map
- pamsistoaglyph
- convert a single-image stereogram to a red/cyan anaglyphic image
- ppmwheel
- generate a hue-value color wheel
- ppmcie
- generate a CIE color map PPM image
- pbmpage
- create a printer test pattern page in PBM format
- pamseq
- create a PAM image of all possible tuple values. E.g.
a color map containing all possible colors of given maxval
- pamgauss
- create a PAM image of a Gaussian (bell curve; normal curve) function.
- ppm3d
- generate a blue/green 3D glasses image from two images
Image Editors
All of these work on the Netpbm formats
- pamdepth
- change the maxval in an image
- pamscale
- scale/resample an image with high precision
- pnmscalefixed
- scale an image quickly with low precision
- pamstretch
- scale up an image by inserting interpolated pixels
- pamstretch-gen
- scale by non-integer values using pamstretch and pamscale
- pamenlarge
- enlarge an image N times
- pbmpscale
- enlarge a PBM image with edge smoothing
- pbmreduce
- reduce a PBM N times, using Floyd-Steinberg
- pamcut
- select a rectangular region from an image
- pnmcrop
- crop all like-colored borders off an image
- pnmpad
- add borders to an image
- pnmmargin
- add a margin to an image
- pamflip
- perform one or more flip operations on an image
- pnmrotate
- rotate an image
- pnmcat
- concatenate images
- pamcomp
- create composite (overlay) of images
- pnmcomp
- obsolete version of pamcomp
(kept because it may have fewer bugs)
- pnmpaste
- paste a rectangle into an image
- pnmstitch
- stitch together panoramic (side-by-side) photographs
- pamarith
- apply simple arithmetic binary function to samples in two images
- pammixmulti
- mix multiple images.
- ppmmix
- mix (overlay) two images.
- pamfunc
- apply simple arithmetic function to samples in an image
- ppmbrighten
- brighten or dim an image -- change saturation and value
- ppmflash
- brighten an image
- pamaltsat
- change saturation of an image in alternative way
- ppmdim
- dim an image - different way from ppmbrighten
- ppmdist
- map colors to high contrast grayscales arbitrarily
- pnmhisteq
- histogram equalize image to increase contrast
- pnmnorm
- normalize contrast (adjust levels)
- pamlevels
- adjust levels of color components
- pamrecolor
- alter colors without affecting luminance
- ppmntsc
- adjust colors so they are legal for NTSC or PAL television
- pnminvert
- invert an image (exchange black and white)
- pnmgamma
- perform gamma correction on an image
- ppmdither
- ordered dither for color images
- pamditherbw
- dither a grayscale image to black and white (convert PGM to PBM)
- pbmclean
- remove lone pixels (snow) from a PBM image
- pamthreshold
- threshold a grayscale image to black and white (convert PGM to PBM)
- pnmnlfilt
- filter an image by replacing each pixel with a function of nearby pixels
- pnmconvol
- general MxN convolution on an image. Can blur an image.
- pnmsmooth
- smooth an image
- pgmmedian
- apply a median filter to an image
- pammasksharpen
- sharpen an image via an unsharp mask
- pnmalias
- antialias an image
- pamedge
- edge-detect (outline) an image
- ppmrelief
- run a Laplacian Relief filter on a PPM
- pamshadedrelief
- generate shaded relief image from an elevation map
- pgmenhance
- edge-enhance a PGM image
- pgmmorphconv
- perform morphological convolutions on a PGM image: dilation and erosion.
- pgmbentley
- bentleyize a PGM image
- pamoil
- turn a PNM or PAM image into an oil painting
- ppmtv
- make an image lined so it looks like an old TV
- ppmchange
- change all of one color to another in PPM image
- pnmquant
- quantize colors/shades in a color or grayscale image down to fewer
- pnmquantall
- quantize colors on many files
- pnmremap
- replace colors in an image with those from a color map
- pamlookup
- map an image to a new image by using it as indices into a table
- pamunlookup
- inverse of pamlookup - generates the index image
- ppmshift
- shift lines of PPM image left or right a random amount
- ppmspread
- move pixels of PPM image a random amount
- pnmshear
- shear an image
- pamrubber
- rubber sheet deforming, distortion, stretching of an image
- pamaddnoise
- add noise to an image
- pamwipeout
- replace detail with smooth gradient from one edge to the other
- pamperspective
- change perspective distortion in an image
- pgmabel
- create cross-section of an image using Abel integration for deconvolution
- pnmmercator
- turn a rectangular projection map into a Mercator projection
- ppmglobe
- turn a cylindrical projection into strips that can be glued onto a sphere
- pnmtile
- replicate an image into a specified size
- pamdice
- slice an image into many horizontally and/or vertically
- pamundice
- assemble an image from tiles (opposite of pamdice)
- ppmtorgb3
- separate a PPM into three PGMs
- rgb3toppm
- combine three PGMs into one PPM
- pammixinterlace
- mix adjacent lines to merge interlaced images
- pamdeinterlace
- remove every other row from an image
- ppmshadow
- add a shadow to an image so it looks like it's floating
- pgmdeshadow
- deshadow a PGM image
- ppmdraw
- draw text, lines, shapes, etc. on an image
- ppmlabel
- add text to an image
- pamtris
- triangle rasterizer
- pamsummcol
- summarize (sum, average, etc) an image by column
- ppmfade
- produce series of images fading from one to another
Image Analyzers
These all work on the Netpbm formats as input.
- pamfile
- describe an image's vital characteristics
- pamtable
- print an image's raster in decimal
- pamslice
- print a row or column of an image in decimal
- pnmpsnr
- measure difference between two images
- pgmhist
- print a histogram of the values in a PGM image
- ppmhist
- print a histogram of a PPM
- pnmhistmap
- draw a histogram of a PGM or PPM
- pnmcolormap
- choose the N best colors to represent an image; create a colormap
- pamsumm
- summarize (sum, average, etc.) all samples in an image
- pamgetcolor
- display the average colors from specified regions in an image
- pgmtexture
- calculate textural features on a PGM image
- pamsharpness
- measure the sharpness of an image
- pamsharpmap
- create map of sharpness in an image
- pamtilt
- measure the tilt of an image, i.e. document skew
- pgmminkowski
- compute Minkowski integral over a PGM image
- pbmminkowski
- compute Minkowski integral over a PBM image
- pammosaicknit
- validate a mosaic knitting pattern
- pamchannel
- extract individual planes (channel, e.g. R, G, or B) from an image
- pamstack
- stack the planes of multiple PAM images into a single output image
- pampick
- pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream
- pamsplit
- split a multi-image Netpbm file into multiple 1-image files
- pamexec
- run a shell command on each image of a multi-image stream
- pamendian
- swap bytes in multi-byte samples of a PAM image
- pamfix
- salvage a Netpbm image whose file is truncated or has invalid sample values
- pamvalidate
- copy Netpbm image stream, if and only if entire stream is valid Netpbm.
- pbmmask
- create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
- ppmcolormask
- create mask of areas of a certain color in an image
- pambackground
- create mask of the background of an image
- pambayer
- interpret Bayer patterns
- pnmmontage
- build multiple Netpbm images into a single montage image
- pbmlife
- apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image
- pampop9
- simulate a multi-lens camera such as the Pop9
- ppmdmkfont
- create Ppmdfont "standard"
- ppmddumpfont
- dump a Ppmdfont file
- ppmdcfont
- turn a Ppmdfont file into C source for a builtin font
- pnmindex
- build a visual index of a bunch of Netpbm images
- pgmkernel
- generate a convolution kernel
- ppmsvgalib
- display a PPM image on a Linux virtual console using Svgalib
- pamx
- display a Netpbm image in an X Window System window
Obsolete Names
There used to be programs by the following names. Each has been either
renamed to a more illustrative name, or superseded by a more general
function. In most cases, Netpbm is installed with symbolic links that allow
old programs and procedures to use these names but run the replacement