#ifndef MITSU_H_INCLUDED #define MITSU_H_INCLUDED #define MAXLUTCOL 255 #define A4_MAXCOLS 1184 #define A4_MAXROWS 1452 #define A4S_MAXROWS 1754 #define A_MAXCOLS 1216 #define A_MAXROWS 1350 #define AS_MAXROWS 1650 /* To use the macros in this file that generate Mitsu output, define a function named 'cmd' that outputs a character. Like this: static void cmd(char const arg) { fputc(arg, stdout); } */ #define ONLINE cmd('\021') #define CLRMEM cmd('\033'), cmd('Z') struct Mediasize { char size; unsigned int maxcols; unsigned int maxrows; }; static struct Mediasize const MSize_User={' ',1184,1350}; static struct Mediasize const MSize_A4 ={'0',1184,1452}; static struct Mediasize const MSize_A ={'1',1216,1350}; static struct Mediasize const MSize_A4S ={'2',1184,1754}; static struct Mediasize const MSize_AS ={'3',1216,1650}; #define MEDIASIZE(chr) cmd('\033'), cmd('#'), cmd('P'), cmd((chr).size) #define HENLARGE(enl) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('P'), cmd(enl), cmd('\001') #define VENLARGE(enl) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('Q'), cmd(enl), cmd('\001') #define NOENLARGE '\001' #define ENLARGEx2 '\002' #define ENLARGEx3 '\003' #define COLREVERSION(arg) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('W'), cmd(arg) #define DONTREVERTCOLOR '0' #define REVERTCOLOR '2' #define NUMCOPY(num) cmd('\033'), cmd('#'), cmd('C'), cmd((num) & 0xff) #define HOFFINCH(off) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('S'), cmd((off) & 0xff) #define VOFFINCH(off) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('T'), cmd((off) & 0xff) #define CENTERING(cen) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('C'), cmd(cen) #define DONTCENTER '0' #define DOCENTER '1' #define TRANSFERFORMAT(fmt) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('A'), cmd(fmt) #define FRAMEORDER '0' #define LINEORDER '1' #define LOOKUPTABLE '3' #define COLORSYSTEM(cs) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('I'), cmd(cs) #define RGB '0' #define YMC '1' #define SHARPNESS(spn) cmd('\033'), cmd('#'), cmd('E'), cmd(spn) #define SP_USER ' ' #define SP_NONE '0' #define SP_LOW '1' #define SP_MIDLOW '2' #define SP_MIDHIGH '3' #define SP_HIGH '4' #define COLORDES(col) cmd('\033'), cmd('C'), cmd(col) #define RED '1' #define GREEN '2' #define BLUE '3' #define YELLOW '1' #define MAGENTA '2' #define CYAN '3' #define HPIXELS(hpix) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('H'),\ cmd(((hpix) >> 8) & 0xff), cmd((hpix) & 0xff) #define VPIXELS(vpix) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('V'),\ cmd(((vpix) >> 8) & 0xff), cmd((vpix) & 0xff) #define HPIXELSOFF(hoff) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('J'),\ cmd(((hoff) >> 8) & 0xff), cmd((hoff) & 0xff) #define VPIXELSOFF(voff) cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('K'),\ cmd(((voff) >> 8) & 0xff), cmd((voff) & 0xff) #define GRAYSCALELVL(lvl) cmd('\033'), cmd('#'), cmd('L'), cmd(lvl) #define BIT_6 '\006' #define BIT_8 '\010' #define LOADLOOKUPTABLE cmd('\033'), cmd('&'), cmd('L') #define DONELOOKUPTABLE cmd('\004') #define ROTATEIMG(rot) cmd('\033'), cmd('#'), cmd('R'), cmd(rot) #define DONTROTATE '0' #define DOROTATE '1' #define DATASTART cmd('\033'), cmd('O') #define PRINTIT cmd('\014') #define OFFLINE cmd('\023') #endif