/*============================================================================= pbmtomacp =============================================================================== Read a PBM file and produce a MacPaint bitmap file Copyright (C) 2015 by Akira Urushibata ("douso"). Replacement of a previous program of the same name written in 1988 by Douwe van der Schaaf (...!mcvax!uvapsy!vdschaaf). Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. =============================================================================*/ /* Implemention notes Header size is 512 bytes. There is no MacBinary header. White margin which is added for input files with small dimensions is treated separately from the active image raster. The margins are directly coded based on the number of rows/columns. Output file size never exceeds 53072 bytes. When -norle is specified, output is always 53072 bytes. It is conceivable that decoders which examine the size of Macpaint files (for general validation or for determination of header type and size) do exist. The uncompressed output (-norle case) fully conforms to Macpaint specifications. No special treatment by the decoder is required. */ #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "pbm.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "macp.h" #define MIN3(a,b,c) (MIN((MIN((a),(b))),(c))) struct CmdlineInfo { /* All the information the user supplied in the command line, in a form easy for the program to use. */ const char * inputFileName; /* File name of input file */ unsigned int left; unsigned int right; unsigned int top; unsigned int bottom; unsigned int leftSpec; unsigned int rightSpec; unsigned int topSpec; unsigned int bottomSpec; bool norle; }; static void parseCommandLine(int argc, const char ** const argv, struct CmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc and argv. Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry * option_def; /* malloc'ed */ /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int norleSpec; unsigned int option_def_index; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENTRY */ OPTENT3(0, "left", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->left, &cmdlineP->leftSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "right", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->right, &cmdlineP->rightSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "top", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->top, &cmdlineP->topSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "bottom", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->bottom, &cmdlineP->bottomSpec, 0); OPTENT3(0, "norle", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &norleSpec, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */ pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ cmdlineP->norle = norleSpec; if (argc-1 < 1) cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; else { cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Program takes zero or one argument (filename). You " "specified %d", argc-1); } free(option_def); } struct CropPadDimensions { unsigned int imageWidth; /* Active image content */ unsigned int imageHeight; unsigned int leftCrop; /* Cols cropped off from input */ unsigned int topCrop; /* Rows cropped off from input */ unsigned int topMargin; /* White padding for output */ unsigned int bottomMargin; unsigned int leftMargin; }; static void calculateCropPad(struct CmdlineInfo const cmdline, unsigned int const cols, unsigned int const rows, struct CropPadDimensions * const cropPadP) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validate -left -right -top -bottom from command line. Determine what rows, columns to take from input if any of these are specified and return it as *cropPadP. 'cols and 'rows' are the dimensions of the input image. Center image if it is smaller than the fixed Macpaint format size. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const left = cmdline.leftSpec ? cmdline.left : 0; unsigned int const top = cmdline.topSpec ? cmdline.top : 0; unsigned int right, bottom, width, height; if (cmdline.leftSpec) { if (cmdline.rightSpec && left >= cmdline.right) pm_error("-left value must be smaller than -right value"); else if (left + 1 > cols) pm_error("Specified -left value is beyond right edge " "of input image"); } if (cmdline.topSpec) { if (cmdline.bottomSpec && top >= cmdline.bottom) pm_error("-top value must be smaller than -bottom value"); else if (top + 1 > rows) pm_error("Specified -top value is beyond bottom edge " "of input image"); } if (cmdline.rightSpec) { if (cmdline.right + 1 > cols) pm_message("Specified -right value %u is beyond edge of " "input image", cmdline.right); right = MIN3(cmdline.right, cols - 1, left + MACP_COLS - 1); } else right = MIN(cols - 1, left + MACP_COLS - 1); if (cmdline.bottomSpec) { if (cmdline.bottom + 1 > rows) pm_message("Specified -bottom value %u is beyond edge of " "input image", cmdline.bottom); bottom = MIN3(cmdline.bottom, rows - 1, top + MACP_ROWS - 1); } else bottom = MIN(rows - 1, top + MACP_ROWS - 1); cropPadP->leftCrop = left; cropPadP->topCrop = top; assert(right >= left); width = right - left + 1; assert(width > 0 && width <= MACP_COLS); cropPadP->leftMargin = (MACP_COLS - width) / 2; if (width < cols) pm_message("%u of %u input columns will be output", width, cols); height = bottom - top + 1; assert(height > 0 && height <= MACP_ROWS); cropPadP->topMargin = (MACP_ROWS - height) / 2; cropPadP->bottomMargin = cropPadP->topMargin + height - 1; if (height < rows) pm_message("%u out of %u input rows will be output", height, rows); cropPadP->imageWidth = width; cropPadP->imageHeight = height; } static void writeMacpHeader(FILE * const ofP) { char const ch = 0x00; /* header contains nothing */ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < MACP_HEAD_LEN; ++i) fputc(ch, ofP); } static void writeMacpRowUnpacked(const bit * const imageBits, unsigned int const leftMarginCharCt, unsigned int const imageColCharCt, FILE * const ofP) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encode (without compression) and output one row. The row comes divided into three parts: left margin, image, right margin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char const marginByte = 0x00; /* White bits for margin */ unsigned int const rightMarginCharCt = MACP_COLCHARS - leftMarginCharCt - imageColCharCt; unsigned int i; fputc(MACP_COLCHARS - 1, ofP); for (i = 0; i < leftMarginCharCt; ++i) fputc(marginByte, ofP); if (imageColCharCt > 0) fwrite(imageBits, 1, imageColCharCt, ofP); for (i = 0; i < rightMarginCharCt; ++i) fputc(marginByte, ofP); } static void writeMacpRowPacked(const bit * const packedBits, unsigned int const leftMarginCharCt, unsigned int const imageColCharCt, unsigned int const rightMarginCharCt, FILE * const ofP) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encode one row and write it to *ofP. As in the unpacked case, the row comes divided into three parts: left margin, image, right margin. Unlike the unpacked case we need to know both the size of the packed data and the size of the right margin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char const marginByte = 0x00; /* White bits for margin */ if (leftMarginCharCt > 0) { fputc(257 - leftMarginCharCt, ofP); fputc(marginByte, ofP); } if (imageColCharCt > 0) fwrite(packedBits, 1, imageColCharCt, ofP); if (rightMarginCharCt > 0) { fputc(257 - rightMarginCharCt, ofP); fputc(marginByte, ofP); } } static void packit(const bit * const sourceBits, unsigned int const imageColCharCt, unsigned char * const packedBits, unsigned int * const packedImageLengthP ) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compress according to packbits algorithm, a byte-level run-length encoding scheme. Each row is encoded separately. The following code does not produce optimum output when there are 2-byte long sequences between longer ones: the 2-byte run in between does not get packed, using up 3 bytes where 2 would do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int charcount, packcount; enum {EQUAL, UNEQUAL} status; bit * count; for (packcount = 0, charcount = 0, status = EQUAL; charcount < imageColCharCt; ) { bit const save = sourceBits[charcount++]; int newcount; newcount = 1; while (charcount < imageColCharCt && sourceBits[charcount] == save) { ++charcount; ++newcount; } if (newcount > 2) { count = (unsigned char *) &packedBits[packcount++]; *count = 257 - newcount; packedBits[packcount++] = save; status = EQUAL; } else { if (status == EQUAL) { count = (unsigned char *) &packedBits[packcount++]; *count = newcount - 1; } else *count += newcount; for( ; newcount > 0; --newcount) { packedBits[packcount++] = save; } status = UNEQUAL; } } *packedImageLengthP = packcount; } static void writeMacpRow(bit * const imageBits, unsigned int const leftMarginCharCt, unsigned int const imageColCharCt, bool const norle, FILE * const ofP) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write the row 'imageBits' to Standard Output. Write it packed, unless packing would lead to unnecessary bloat or 'norle' is true. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (norle) writeMacpRowUnpacked(imageBits, leftMarginCharCt, imageColCharCt, ofP); else { unsigned int const rightMarginCharCt = MACP_COLCHARS - leftMarginCharCt - imageColCharCt; unsigned char * const packedBits = malloc(MACP_COLCHARS+1); unsigned int packedImageLength; if (packedBits == NULL) pm_error("Failed to get memory for a %u-column row buffer", MACP_COLCHARS); packit(imageBits, imageColCharCt, packedBits, &packedImageLength); /* Check if we are we better off with compression. If not, send row unpacked. See note at top of file. */ if (packedImageLength + (leftMarginCharCt > 0 ? 1 : 0) * 2 + (rightMarginCharCt > 0 ? 1 : 0) * 2 < MACP_COLCHARS) writeMacpRowPacked(packedBits, leftMarginCharCt, packedImageLength, rightMarginCharCt, ofP); else /* Extremely rare */ writeMacpRowUnpacked(imageBits, leftMarginCharCt, imageColCharCt, ofP); free(packedBits); } } static void encodeRowsWithShift(bit * const bitrow, FILE * const ifP, int const inCols, int const format, bool const norle, struct CropPadDimensions const cropPad, FILE * const ofP) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shift input rows to put only specified columns to output. Add padding on left and right if necessary. No shift if the input image is the exact size (576 columns) of the Macpaint format. If the input image is too wide and -left was not specified, extra content on the right is discarded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const offset = (cropPad.leftMargin + 8 - cropPad.leftCrop % 8) % 8; unsigned int const leftTrim = cropPad.leftMargin % 8; unsigned int const rightTrim = (8 - (leftTrim + cropPad.imageWidth) % 8 ) % 8; unsigned int const startChar = (cropPad.leftCrop + offset) / 8; unsigned int const imageCharCt = pbm_packed_bytes(leftTrim + cropPad.imageWidth); unsigned int const leftMarginCharCt = cropPad.leftMargin / 8; unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < cropPad.imageHeight; ++row) { pbm_readpbmrow_bitoffset(ifP, bitrow, inCols, format, offset); /* Trim off fractional margin portion in first byte of image data */ if (leftTrim > 0) { bitrow[startChar] <<= leftTrim; bitrow[startChar] >>= leftTrim; } /* Do the same with bits in last byte of relevant image data */ if (rightTrim > 0) { bitrow[startChar + imageCharCt - 1] >>= rightTrim; bitrow[startChar + imageCharCt - 1] <<= rightTrim; } writeMacpRow(&bitrow[startChar], leftMarginCharCt, imageCharCt, norle, ofP); } } static void writeMacp(unsigned int const cols, unsigned int const rows, int const format, FILE * const ifP, bool const norle, struct CropPadDimensions const cropPad, FILE * const ofP) { unsigned int row, skipRow; bit * bitrow; writeMacpHeader(ofP); /* Write top padding */ for (row = 0; row < cropPad.topMargin; ++row) writeMacpRow(NULL, MACP_COLCHARS, 0, norle, ofP); /* Allocate PBM row with one extra byte for the shift case. */ bitrow = pbm_allocrow_packed(cols + 8); for (skipRow = 0; skipRow < cropPad.topCrop; ++skipRow) pbm_readpbmrow_packed(ifP, bitrow, cols, format); encodeRowsWithShift(bitrow, ifP, cols, format, norle, cropPad, ofP); pbm_freerow_packed(bitrow); /* Add bottom padding */ for (row = cropPad.bottomMargin + 1; row < MACP_ROWS; ++row) writeMacpRow(NULL, MACP_COLCHARS, 0, norle, ofP); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { FILE * ifP; int rows, cols; int format; struct CmdlineInfo cmdline; struct CropPadDimensions cropPad; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); pbm_readpbminit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &format); calculateCropPad(cmdline, cols, rows, &cropPad); writeMacp(cols, rows, format, ifP, cmdline.norle, cropPad, stdout); pm_close(ifP); return 0; }