/* xwdtopnm.c - read an X11 or X10 window dump file and write a PNM image. ** ** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ /* IMPLEMENTATION NOTES: The file X11/XWDFile.h from the X Window System is an authority for the format of an XWD file. Netpbm uses its own declaration, though. It has been a real challenge trying to reverse engineer the XWD format. This program is almost always broken as people find XWD images with which it does not work and we update the program in response. We consider an XWD file correct if Xwud displays it properly. */ #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #include #include #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "pnm.h" #include "x10wd.h" #include "x11wd.h" struct compMask { unsigned long red; unsigned long grn; unsigned long blu; }; struct cmdlineInfo { /* All the information the user supplied in the command line, in a form easy for the program to use. */ const char * inputFilename; unsigned int verbose; unsigned int debug; unsigned int headerdump; }; static bool debug; static bool verbose; #ifdef DEBUG_PIXEL static unsigned int pixel_count = 0; #endif /* Byte-swapping junk. */ static int zero_bits(const unsigned long mask) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the number of consective zero bits at the least significant end of the binary representation of 'mask'. E.g. if mask == 0x00fff800, we would return 11. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i; unsigned long shifted_mask; for (i=0, shifted_mask = mask; i < sizeof(mask)*8 && (shifted_mask & 0x00000001) == 0; i++, shifted_mask >>= 1 ); return(i); } static int one_bits(const unsigned long input) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the number of one bits in the binary representation of 'input'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int one_bits; unsigned long mask; one_bits = 0; /* initial value */ for (mask = 0x00000001; mask != 0x00000000; mask <<= 1) if (input & mask) one_bits++; return(one_bits); } static void parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv, struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that many of the strings that this function returns in the *cmdline_p structure are actually in the supplied argv array. And sometimes, one of these strings is actually just a suffix of an entry in argv! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry * option_def; /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int option_def_index; MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENTRY */ OPTENT3(0, "verbose", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->verbose, 0); OPTENT3(0, "debug", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->debug, 0); OPTENT3(0, "headerdump", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->headerdump, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We may have parms that are negative numbers */ optParseOptions3(&argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ if (argc - 1 == 0) cmdlineP->inputFilename = NULL; /* he wants stdin */ else if (argc - 1 == 1) { if (STREQ(argv[1], "-")) cmdlineP->inputFilename = NULL; /* he wants stdin */ else cmdlineP->inputFilename = strdup(argv[1]); } else pm_error("Too many arguments. The only argument accepted\n" "is the input file specification"); } static void processX10Header(X10WDFileHeader * const h10P, FILE * const file, int * const colsP, int * const rowsP, unsigned int * const padrightP, xelval * const maxvalP, enum visualclass * const visualclassP, int * const formatP, xel ** const colorsP, int * const bits_per_pixelP, int * const bits_per_itemP, struct compMask * const compMaskP, enum byteorder * const byte_orderP, enum byteorder * const bit_orderP) { int i; X10Color* x10colors; bool grayscale; bool byte_swap; *maxvalP = 65535; /* Initial assumption */ if ( h10P->file_version != X10WD_FILE_VERSION ) { byte_swap = TRUE; h10P->header_size = pm_bs_long(h10P->header_size); h10P->file_version = pm_bs_long(h10P->file_version); h10P->display_type = pm_bs_long(h10P->display_type); h10P->display_planes = pm_bs_long(h10P->display_planes); h10P->pixmap_format = pm_bs_long(h10P->pixmap_format); h10P->pixmap_width = pm_bs_long(h10P->pixmap_width); h10P->pixmap_height = pm_bs_long(h10P->pixmap_height); h10P->window_width = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_width); h10P->window_height = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_height); h10P->window_x = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_x); h10P->window_y = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_y); h10P->window_bdrwidth = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_bdrwidth); h10P->window_ncolors = pm_bs_short(h10P->window_ncolors); } else byte_swap = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i < h10P->header_size - sizeof(*h10P); ++i ) if ( getc( file ) == EOF ) pm_error( "couldn't read rest of X10 XWD file header" ); /* Check whether we can handle this dump. */ if ( h10P->window_ncolors > 256 ) pm_error( "can't handle X10 window_ncolors > %d", 256 ); if ( h10P->pixmap_format != ZFormat && h10P->display_planes != 1 ) pm_error( "can't handle X10 pixmap_format %d with planes != 1", h10P->pixmap_format ); grayscale = TRUE; /* initial assumption */ if ( h10P->window_ncolors != 0 ) { /* Read X10 colormap. */ MALLOCARRAY( x10colors, h10P->window_ncolors ); if ( x10colors == NULL ) pm_error( "out of memory" ); for ( i = 0; i < h10P->window_ncolors; ++i ) { if ( fread( &x10colors[i], sizeof(X10Color), 1, file ) != 1 ) pm_error( "couldn't read X10 XWD colormap" ); if ( byte_swap ) { x10colors[i].red = pm_bs_short(x10colors[i].red); x10colors[i].green = pm_bs_short(x10colors[i].green); x10colors[i].blue = pm_bs_short(x10colors[i].blue); } if ( x10colors[i].red != x10colors[i].green || x10colors[i].green != x10colors[i].blue ) grayscale = FALSE; } } if ( h10P->display_planes == 1 ) { *formatP = PBM_TYPE; *visualclassP = StaticGray; *maxvalP = 1; *colorsP = pnm_allocrow( 2 ); PNM_ASSIGN1( (*colorsP)[0], 0 ); PNM_ASSIGN1( (*colorsP)[1], *maxvalP ); *padrightP = (((h10P->pixmap_width + 15) / 16) * 16 - h10P->pixmap_width) * 8; *bits_per_itemP = 16; *bits_per_pixelP = 1; } else if ( h10P->window_ncolors == 0 ) { /* Must be grayscale. */ *formatP = PGM_TYPE; *visualclassP = StaticGray; *maxvalP = ( 1 << h10P->display_planes ) - 1; *colorsP = pnm_allocrow( *maxvalP + 1 ); for ( i = 0; i <= *maxvalP; ++i ) PNM_ASSIGN1( (*colorsP)[i], i ); *padrightP = (((h10P->pixmap_width + 15) / 16) * 16 - h10P->pixmap_width) * 8; *bits_per_itemP = 16; *bits_per_pixelP = 1; } else { *colorsP = pnm_allocrow( h10P->window_ncolors ); *visualclassP = PseudoColor; if ( grayscale ) { *formatP = PGM_TYPE; for ( i = 0; i < h10P->window_ncolors; ++i ) PNM_ASSIGN1( (*colorsP)[i], x10colors[i].red ); } else { *formatP = PPM_TYPE; for ( i = 0; i < h10P->window_ncolors; ++i ) PPM_ASSIGN( (*colorsP)[i], x10colors[i].red, x10colors[i].green, x10colors[i].blue); } *padrightP = (h10P->pixmap_width & 1) * 8; *bits_per_itemP = 8; *bits_per_pixelP = 8; } *colsP = h10P->pixmap_width; *rowsP = h10P->pixmap_height; *byte_orderP = MSBFirst; *bit_orderP = LSBFirst; } static void fixH11ByteOrder(X11WDFileHeader * const h11P, X11WDFileHeader ** const h11FixedPP) { X11WDFileHeader * h11FixedP; MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(h11FixedP); if (h11P->file_version == X11WD_FILE_VERSION) { memcpy(h11FixedP, h11P, sizeof(*h11FixedP)); } else { h11FixedP->header_size = pm_bs_long(h11P->header_size); h11FixedP->file_version = pm_bs_long(h11P->file_version); h11FixedP->pixmap_format = pm_bs_long(h11P->pixmap_format); h11FixedP->pixmap_depth = pm_bs_long(h11P->pixmap_depth); h11FixedP->pixmap_width = pm_bs_long(h11P->pixmap_width); h11FixedP->pixmap_height = pm_bs_long(h11P->pixmap_height); h11FixedP->xoffset = pm_bs_long(h11P->xoffset); h11FixedP->byte_order = pm_bs_long(h11P->byte_order); h11FixedP->bitmap_unit = pm_bs_long(h11P->bitmap_unit); h11FixedP->bitmap_bit_order = pm_bs_long(h11P->bitmap_bit_order); h11FixedP->bitmap_pad = pm_bs_long(h11P->bitmap_pad); h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel = pm_bs_long(h11P->bits_per_pixel); h11FixedP->bytes_per_line = pm_bs_long(h11P->bytes_per_line); h11FixedP->visual_class = pm_bs_long(h11P->visual_class); h11FixedP->red_mask = pm_bs_long(h11P->red_mask); h11FixedP->green_mask = pm_bs_long(h11P->green_mask); h11FixedP->blue_mask = pm_bs_long(h11P->blue_mask); h11FixedP->bits_per_rgb = pm_bs_long(h11P->bits_per_rgb); h11FixedP->colormap_entries = pm_bs_long(h11P->colormap_entries); h11FixedP->ncolors = pm_bs_long(h11P->ncolors); h11FixedP->window_width = pm_bs_long(h11P->window_width); h11FixedP->window_height = pm_bs_long(h11P->window_height); h11FixedP->window_x = pm_bs_long(h11P->window_x); h11FixedP->window_y = pm_bs_long(h11P->window_y); h11FixedP->window_bdrwidth = pm_bs_long(h11P->window_bdrwidth); } *h11FixedPP = h11FixedP; } static void readX11Colormap(FILE * const file, int const ncolors, bool const byteSwap, X11XColor** const x11colorsP) { X11XColor * x11colors; int rc; /* Read X11 colormap. */ MALLOCARRAY(x11colors, ncolors); if (x11colors == NULL) pm_error("out of memory"); rc = fread(x11colors, sizeof(x11colors[0]), ncolors, file); if (rc != ncolors) pm_error("couldn't read X11 XWD colormap"); if (byteSwap) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ncolors; ++i) { x11colors[i].red = pm_bs_short(x11colors[i].red); x11colors[i].green = pm_bs_short(x11colors[i].green); x11colors[i].blue = pm_bs_short(x11colors[i].blue); } } if (debug) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ncolors && i < 8; ++i) pm_message("Color %d r/g/b = %d/%d/%d", i, x11colors[i].red, x11colors[i].green, x11colors[i].blue); } *x11colorsP = x11colors; } static bool colormapAllGray(const X11XColor* const x11colors, unsigned int const ncolors) { unsigned int i; bool grayscale; grayscale = TRUE; /* initial assumption */ for (i = 0; i < ncolors; ++i) if (x11colors[i].red != x11colors[i].green || x11colors[i].green != x11colors[i].blue ) grayscale = FALSE; return grayscale; } static void dumpX11Header(X11WDFileHeader * const h11P) { const char * formatDesc; const char * byteOrderDesc; const char * bitOrderDesc; const char * visualClassDesc; X11WDFileHeader * h11FixedP; fixH11ByteOrder(h11P, &h11FixedP); switch(h11FixedP->pixmap_format) { case XYBitmap: formatDesc = "XY bit map"; break; case XYPixmap: formatDesc = "XY pix map"; break; case ZPixmap: formatDesc = "Z pix map"; break; default: formatDesc = "???"; } switch(h11FixedP->byte_order) { case LSBFirst: byteOrderDesc = "LSB first"; break; case MSBFirst: byteOrderDesc = "MSB first"; break; default: byteOrderDesc = "???"; } switch (h11FixedP->bitmap_bit_order) { case LSBFirst: bitOrderDesc = "LSB first"; break; case MSBFirst: bitOrderDesc = "MSB first"; break; default: bitOrderDesc = "???"; } switch (h11FixedP->visual_class) { case StaticGray: visualClassDesc = "StaticGray"; break; case GrayScale: visualClassDesc = "GrayScale"; break; case StaticColor: visualClassDesc = "StaticColor"; break; case PseudoColor: visualClassDesc = "PseudoColor"; break; case TrueColor: visualClassDesc = "TrueColor"; break; case DirectColor: visualClassDesc = "DirectColor"; break; default: visualClassDesc = "???"; } pm_message("File version: %u", h11FixedP->file_version); pm_message("Format: %s (%u)", formatDesc, h11FixedP->pixmap_format); pm_message("Width: %u", h11FixedP->pixmap_width); pm_message("Height: %u", h11FixedP->pixmap_height); pm_message("Depth: %u bits", h11FixedP->pixmap_depth); pm_message("X offset: %u", h11FixedP->xoffset); pm_message("byte order: %s (%u)", byteOrderDesc, h11FixedP->byte_order); pm_message("bitmap unit: %u", h11FixedP->bitmap_unit); pm_message("bit order: %s (%u)", bitOrderDesc, h11FixedP->bitmap_bit_order); pm_message("bitmap pad: %u", h11FixedP->bitmap_pad); pm_message("bits per pixel: %u", h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel); pm_message("bytes per line: %u", h11FixedP->bytes_per_line); pm_message("visual class: %s (%u)", visualClassDesc, h11FixedP->visual_class); pm_message("red mask: %08x", h11FixedP->red_mask); pm_message("green mask: %08x", h11FixedP->green_mask); pm_message("blue mask: %08x", h11FixedP->blue_mask); pm_message("bits per rgb: %u", h11FixedP->bits_per_rgb); pm_message("number of colormap entries: %u", h11FixedP->colormap_entries); pm_message("number of colors in colormap: %u", h11FixedP->ncolors); pm_message("window width: %u", h11FixedP->window_width); pm_message("window height: %u", h11FixedP->window_height); pm_message("window upper left X coordinate: %u", h11FixedP->window_x); pm_message("window upper left Y coordinate: %u", h11FixedP->window_y); pm_message("window border width: %u", h11FixedP->window_bdrwidth); free(h11FixedP); } static unsigned long reverseBits(unsigned long arg, unsigned int nSigBits) { unsigned long input; unsigned long output; unsigned int i; for (i = 0, input = arg, output = 0; i < nSigBits; ++i) { output <<= 1; output |= (input & 0x1); input >>= 1; } return output; } static void computeComponentMasks(X11WDFileHeader * const h11P, struct compMask * const compMaskP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'd think the component (red, green, blue) masks in the header would just be right. But we've seen a direct color image which has BGR layout even though the masks say RGB. It also says bit order is LSB first, even though the pixels within the items are arranged MSB first. So we're guessing that LSB first bit order in that particular case means the bits within each the pixel are backwards. So we reverse the masks to compensate. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (h11P->visual_class == DirectColor && h11P->bits_per_pixel == 24 && h11P->bitmap_bit_order == LSBFirst) { compMaskP->red = reverseBits(h11P->red_mask, 24); compMaskP->grn = reverseBits(h11P->green_mask, 24); compMaskP->blu = reverseBits(h11P->blue_mask, 24); } else { compMaskP->red = h11P->red_mask; compMaskP->grn = h11P->green_mask; compMaskP->blu = h11P->blue_mask; } } static void processX11Header(X11WDFileHeader * const h11P, FILE * const file, int * const colsP, int * const rowsP, unsigned int * const padrightP, xelval * const maxvalP, enum visualclass * const visualclassP, int * const formatP, xel ** const colorsP, int * const bits_per_pixelP, int * const bits_per_itemP, struct compMask * const compMaskP, enum byteorder * const byte_orderP, enum byteorder * const bit_orderP) { int i; X11XColor* x11colors; bool grayscale; bool const byte_swap = (h11P->file_version != X11WD_FILE_VERSION); X11WDFileHeader * h11FixedP; fixH11ByteOrder(h11P, &h11FixedP); if (byte_swap && verbose) pm_message("Header is different endianness from this machine."); for (i = 0; i < h11FixedP->header_size - sizeof(*h11FixedP); ++i) if (getc(file) == EOF) pm_error("couldn't read rest of X11 XWD file header"); /* Check whether we can handle this dump. */ if (h11FixedP->pixmap_depth > 24) pm_error( "can't handle X11 pixmap_depth > 24"); if (h11FixedP->bits_per_rgb > 24) pm_error("can't handle X11 bits_per_rgb > 24"); if (h11FixedP->pixmap_format != ZPixmap && h11FixedP->pixmap_depth != 1) pm_error("can't handle X11 pixmap_format %d with depth != 1", h11FixedP->pixmap_format); if (h11FixedP->bitmap_unit != 8 && h11FixedP->bitmap_unit != 16 && h11FixedP->bitmap_unit != 32) pm_error("X11 bitmap_unit (%d) is non-standard - can't handle", h11FixedP->bitmap_unit); /* The following check was added in 10.19 (November 2003) */ if (h11FixedP->bitmap_pad != 8 && h11FixedP->bitmap_pad != 16 && h11FixedP->bitmap_pad != 32) pm_error("X11 bitmap_pad (%d) is non-standard - can't handle", h11FixedP->bitmap_unit); if (h11FixedP->ncolors > 0) { readX11Colormap(file, h11FixedP->ncolors, byte_swap, &x11colors); grayscale = colormapAllGray(x11colors, h11FixedP->ncolors); } else grayscale = TRUE; *visualclassP = (enum visualclass) h11FixedP->visual_class; if (*visualclassP == DirectColor) { unsigned int i; *formatP = PPM_TYPE; *maxvalP = 65535; /* DirectColor is like PseudoColor except that there are essentially 3 colormaps (shade maps) -- one for each color component. Each pixel is composed of 3 separate indices. */ *colorsP = pnm_allocrow(h11FixedP->ncolors); for (i = 0; i < h11FixedP->ncolors; ++i) PPM_ASSIGN( (*colorsP)[i], x11colors[i].red, x11colors[i].green, x11colors[i].blue); } else if (*visualclassP == TrueColor) { *formatP = PPM_TYPE; *maxvalP = pm_lcm(pm_bitstomaxval(one_bits(h11FixedP->red_mask)), pm_bitstomaxval(one_bits(h11FixedP->green_mask)), pm_bitstomaxval(one_bits(h11FixedP->blue_mask)), PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL ); } else if (*visualclassP == StaticGray && h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel == 1) { *formatP = PBM_TYPE; *maxvalP = 1; *colorsP = pnm_allocrow( 2 ); PNM_ASSIGN1((*colorsP)[0], *maxvalP); PNM_ASSIGN1((*colorsP)[1], 0); } else if (*visualclassP == StaticGray) { unsigned int i; *formatP = PGM_TYPE; *maxvalP = (1 << h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel) - 1; *colorsP = pnm_allocrow(*maxvalP + 1); for (i = 0; i <= *maxvalP; ++i) PNM_ASSIGN1((*colorsP)[i], i); } else { *colorsP = pnm_allocrow(h11FixedP->ncolors); if (grayscale) { unsigned int i; *formatP = PGM_TYPE; for (i = 0; i < h11FixedP->ncolors; ++i) PNM_ASSIGN1((*colorsP)[i], x11colors[i].red); } else { unsigned int i; *formatP = PPM_TYPE; for (i = 0; i < h11FixedP->ncolors; ++i) PPM_ASSIGN( (*colorsP)[i], x11colors[i].red, x11colors[i].green, x11colors[i].blue); } *maxvalP = 65535; } *colsP = h11FixedP->pixmap_width; *rowsP = h11FixedP->pixmap_height; *padrightP = h11FixedP->bytes_per_line * 8 - h11FixedP->pixmap_width * h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel; /* According to X11/XWDFile.h, the item size is 'bitmap_pad' for some images and 'bitmap_unit' for others. This is strange, so there may be some subtlety of their definitions that we're missing. See comments in pixelReader_getpix() about what an item is. Ben Kelley in January 2002 had a 32 bits-per-pixel xwd file from a truecolor 32 bit window on a Hummingbird Exceed X server on Win32, and it had bitmap_unit = 8 and bitmap_pad = 32. But Björn Eriksson in October 2003 had an xwd file from a 24 bit-per-pixel direct color window that had bitmap_unit = 32 and bitmap_pad = 8. This was made by Xwd in Red Hat Xfree86 4.3.0-2. In March 2007, Darren Frith presented an xwd file like this: Header says direct color, bits_per_pixel = 24, bitmap_unit = 32, bitmap_pad = 8, byte order and bit order LSB first. The bytes in each item are in fact MSB first and the pixels spread across the items MSB first. The raster is consecutive 24 bit pixel units, but each row is padded on the right with enough bits to make the total line size 32 x width. Really strange. The header says the bits within each pixel are one byte red, one byte green, one byte blue. But they are actually blue, green, red. Xwud, ImageMagick, and Gimp render this image correctly, so it's not broken. Created by Xwd of X.org 7.1.1. Before Netpbm 9.23 (January 2002), we used bitmap_unit as the item size always. Then, until 10.19 (November 2003), we used bitmap_pad when pixmap_depth > 1 and pixmap_format == ZPixmap. We still don't see any logic in these fields at all, but we figure whichever one is greater (assuming both are meaningful) has to be the item size. */ *bits_per_itemP = MAX(h11FixedP->bitmap_pad, h11FixedP->bitmap_unit); *bits_per_pixelP = h11FixedP->bits_per_pixel; if (*visualclassP == DirectColor) { /* Strange, but we've seen a Direct Color 24/32 image that says LSBFirst and it's a lie. And Xwud renders it correctly. */ *byte_orderP = MSBFirst; *bit_orderP = MSBFirst; } else { *byte_orderP = (enum byteorder) h11FixedP->byte_order; *bit_orderP = (enum byteorder) h11FixedP->bitmap_bit_order; } computeComponentMasks(h11FixedP, compMaskP); free(h11FixedP); } static void getinit(FILE * const ifP, int * const colsP, int * const rowsP, unsigned int * const padrightP, xelval * const maxvalP, enum visualclass * const visualclassP, int * const formatP, xel ** const colorsP, int * const bits_per_pixelP, int * const bits_per_itemP, struct compMask * const compMaskP, enum byteorder * const byte_orderP, enum byteorder * const bit_orderP, bool const headerDump) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the header from the XWD image in input stream 'ifP'. Leave the stream positioned to the beginning of the raster. Return various fields from the header. Return as *padrightP the number of additional bits of padding are at the end of each line of input. This says the input stream contains *colsP pixels of image data (at *bits_per_pixelP bits each) plus *padrightP bits of padding. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Assume X11 headers are larger than X10 ones. */ unsigned char header[sizeof(X11WDFileHeader)]; X10WDFileHeader* h10P; X11WDFileHeader* h11P; int rc; h10P = (X10WDFileHeader*) header; h11P = (X11WDFileHeader*) header; if ( sizeof(*h10P) > sizeof(*h11P) ) pm_error("ARGH! On this machine, X10 headers are larger than " "X11 headers!\n You will have to re-write xwdtopnm." ); /* We read an X10 header's worth of data from the file, then look at it to see if it looks like an X10 header. If so we process the X10 header. If not, but it looks like the beginning of an X11 header, we read more bytes so we have an X11 header's worth of data, then process the X11 header. Otherwise, we raise an error. */ rc = fread(&header[0], sizeof(*h10P), 1, ifP); if (rc != 1) pm_error( "couldn't read XWD file header" ); if (h10P->file_version == X10WD_FILE_VERSION || pm_bs_long(h10P->file_version) == X10WD_FILE_VERSION) { if (verbose) pm_message("Input is X10"); processX10Header(h10P, ifP, colsP, rowsP, padrightP, maxvalP, visualclassP, formatP, colorsP, bits_per_pixelP, bits_per_itemP, compMaskP, byte_orderP, bit_orderP); } else if (h11P->file_version == X11WD_FILE_VERSION || pm_bs_long(h11P->file_version) == X11WD_FILE_VERSION) { int rc; if (verbose) pm_message("Input is X11"); /* Read the balance of the X11 header */ rc = fread(&header[sizeof(*h10P)], sizeof(*h11P) - sizeof(*h10P), 1, ifP); if (rc != 1) pm_error("couldn't read end of X11 XWD file header"); if (headerDump) dumpX11Header(h11P); processX11Header(h11P, ifP, colsP, rowsP, padrightP, maxvalP, visualclassP, formatP, colorsP, bits_per_pixelP, bits_per_itemP, compMaskP, byte_orderP, bit_orderP); } else pm_error("unknown XWD file version: %u", h11P->file_version); } #ifdef DEBUG_PIXEL #define DEBUG_PIXEL_1 \ if (pixel_count < 4) \ pm_message("getting pixel %d", pixel_count); #define DEBUG_PIXEL_2 \ if (pixel_count < 4) \ pm_message("item: %.8lx", row_controlP->item.l); #define DEBUG_PIXEL_3 \ if (pixel_count < 4) \ pm_message(" bits_taken: %lx(%d), carryover_bits: %lx(%d), " \ "pixel: %lx", \ bits_taken, bits_to_take, row_controlP->carryover_bits, \ row_controlP->bits_carried_over, pixel); #define DEBUG_PIXEL_4 \ if (pixel_count < 4) { \ pm_message(" row_control.bits_carried_over = %d" \ " carryover_bits= %.8lx", \ row_controlP->bits_carried_over, \ row_controlP->carryover_bits); \ pm_message(" row_control.bits_used = %d", \ row_controlP->bits_used); \ pm_message(" row_control.bits_left = %d", \ row_controlP->bits_left); \ } \ \ pixel_count++; #else #define DEBUG_PIXEL_1 do {} while(0) #define DEBUG_PIXEL_2 do {} while(0) #define DEBUG_PIXEL_3 do {} while(0) #define DEBUG_PIXEL_4 do {} while(0) #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pixel reader. The pixel reader is an object that reads an XWD raster and gives you one pixel at a time from it. It consists of a structure of type 'pixelReader' and the pixelReader_*() subroutines. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { FILE * fileP; unsigned long itemBuffer; /* The item buffer. This contains what's left of the item most recently read from the image file -- an item goes from the XWD raster into here and then bits disappear from it as they become part of pixels returned by the object. 'nBitsLeft' tells how many bits are in the buffer now. It's zero when nothing has ever been read from the file. Only the least signficant 'nBitsLeft' bits are meaningful. The numeric value of the member is the number whose pure binary representation is the bit string in the buffer. That bit string starts out as the contents of one item of the XWD raster, with the "byte order" value from the XWD header applied. E.g. Assume bits per item is 16 and the and the "byte order" value is "MSB First". Assume the raster contains 0x01 at Offset 109 and 0x02 at Offset 110. The value of this member just after that item is read is two hundred fifty-eight. If we are running on a little-endian machine, it appears in memory as 0x02 at Address A and 0x01 at Address A+1. Then we pull bits from either the beginning or end of the buffer according to the "bit order" value from the XWD header. E.g. in the example above, assume "bit order" is lsb first. and bits per pixel is 4. After reading the first pixel (0010b) from the buffer, 'itemBuffer' is sixteen (0x010) and 'nBitsLeft' is 12. */ unsigned int nBitsLeft; /* This is the number of bits in the current item that have not yet been returned as part of a pixel. */ int bitsPerPixel; int bitsPerItem; enum byteorder byteOrder; enum byteorder bitOrder; } pixelReader; static void pixelReader_init(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP, FILE * const fileP, int const bitsPerPixel, int const bitsPerItem, enum byteorder const byteOrder, enum byteorder const bitOrder) { pixelReaderP->fileP = fileP; pixelReaderP->bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel; pixelReaderP->bitsPerItem = bitsPerItem; pixelReaderP->byteOrder = byteOrder; pixelReaderP->bitOrder = bitOrder; pixelReaderP->nBitsLeft = 0; } static void pixelReader_term(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP) { unsigned int remainingByteCount; if (pixelReaderP->nBitsLeft > 0) pm_message("Warning: %u unused bits left in the pixel reader " "buffer after full image converted. XWD file may be " "corrupted or Xwdtopnm may have misinterpreted it", pixelReaderP->nBitsLeft); pm_drain(pixelReaderP->fileP, 4096, &remainingByteCount); if (remainingByteCount >= 4096) pm_message("Warning: at least 4K additional bytes in XWD input stream " "after full image converted. XWD file may be corrupted " "or Xwdtopnm may have misinterpreted it."); else if (remainingByteCount > 0) pm_message("Warning: %u additional bytes in XWD input stream " "after full image converted. XWD file may be corrupted " "or Xwdtopnm may have misinterpreted it.", remainingByteCount); } static void readItem(pixelReader * const rdrP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read one item from the XWD raster associated with pixel reader *rdrP. Put the item into the item buffer of the pixel reader object *rdrP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ assert(rdrP->nBitsLeft == 0); switch (rdrP->bitsPerItem) { case 8: { unsigned char const item8 = getc(rdrP->fileP); rdrP->itemBuffer = item8; rdrP->nBitsLeft = 8; } break; case 16: { short item16; switch (rdrP->byteOrder) { case MSBFirst: pm_readbigshort(rdrP->fileP, &item16); break; case LSBFirst: pm_readlittleshort(rdrP->fileP, &item16); break; } rdrP->itemBuffer = (unsigned short)item16; rdrP->nBitsLeft = 16; } break; case 32: { long item32; switch (rdrP->byteOrder) { case MSBFirst: pm_readbiglong(rdrP->fileP, &item32); break; case LSBFirst: pm_readlittlelong(rdrP->fileP, &item32); break; } rdrP->itemBuffer = item32; rdrP->nBitsLeft = 32; } break; default: pm_error("INTERNAL ERROR: impossible bits_per_item"); } } static unsigned long const lsbmask[] = { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lsbmask[i] is the mask you use to select the i least signficant bits of a bit string. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f, 0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff, 0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff, 0x0000ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff, 0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff, 0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff }; static unsigned long pixelReader_getbits(pixelReader * const rdrP, unsigned int const nBits) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the next 'nBits' bits from the stream, and return the last 32 of them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned long pixel; /* Accumulator for the value we ultimately return. We shift in bits from the right end. The number of bits presently in the accumulator is rdrP->bitsPerPixel - nBitsStillNeeded . */ unsigned int nBitsStillNeeded; /* How many bits we still need to add to 'pixel', as we build it up to the full amount we have to return. The bits are right justified in it -- additional bits will shift in from the right. */ pixel = 0; nBitsStillNeeded = nBits; while (nBitsStillNeeded > 0) { if (rdrP->nBitsLeft == 0) /* Buffer's empty. Have to go back to the well for rdrP->bitsPerItem more bits. */ readItem(rdrP); { unsigned int const nBitsToTake = MIN(rdrP->nBitsLeft, nBitsStillNeeded); unsigned long const bitsToTakeMask = lsbmask[nBitsToTake]; /* E.g. if nbitsToTake is 4, this is 0x0000000F */ unsigned long bitsToTake; /* The actual bits we take, in the 'nBitsToTake' low bits */ assert(nBitsToTake <= 32); if (rdrP->bitOrder == MSBFirst) { unsigned int const nBitsToLeave = rdrP->nBitsLeft - nBitsToTake; bitsToTake = (rdrP->itemBuffer >> nBitsToLeave) & bitsToTakeMask; } else { bitsToTake = rdrP->itemBuffer & bitsToTakeMask; rdrP->itemBuffer >>= nBitsToTake; } /* Shift the bits into the right end of the accumulator */ pixel <<= nBitsToTake; pixel |= bitsToTake; rdrP->nBitsLeft -= nBitsToTake; nBitsStillNeeded -= nBitsToTake; } } return pixel; } static unsigned long pixelReader_getpix(pixelReader * const rdrP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a pixel from the input image. A pixel is a bit string. It may be either an rgb triplet or an index into the colormap (or even an rgb triplet of indices into the colormaps!). We don't care -- it's just a bit string. We return an integer. It's the integer that the pixel represents as pure binary cipher, with the first bit the most significant bit. The basic unit of storage in the input file is an "item." An item can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes, and 'bits_per_item' tells us which. Each item can have its bytes stored in forward or reverse order, and 'byte_order' tells us which. We have seen a Direct Color 24 bpp/32 bpi image which said 'byte_order' == LSBFirst, but the byte order is nonetheless MSB first. Each item can contain one or more pixels, and may contain fractional pixels. 'bits_per_pixel' tells us how many bits each pixel has, and 'bits_per_pixel' is always less than or equal to 'bits_per_item', but not necessarily a factor of it. Within an item, after taking care of the endianness of its storage format, the pixels may be arranged from left to right or right to left. 'bit_order' tells us which. We have also seen images in which the pixels are arranged from left to right within the items, but the RGB components within each pixel are right to left and 'bit_order' is LSBFirst. But it's not that simple. Sometimes dummy bits are added to the right edge of the image in order to make an integral number of items in each row of the raster. And we've even seen images where there are a ridiculous number of padding bits on the right so as to make the number of items per line equal the number of pixels per line, even though items are 32 bits and pixels are 24 bits! The XWD header has a field that tells how many bytes there are per XWD raster line, so that's the final word on how much padding there is. We maintain a 32 bit buffer to decouple reading of whole items from the file and reading of an arbitrary number of bits from the pixelReader. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ assert(rdrP->bitsPerPixel <= 32); return pixelReader_getbits(rdrP, rdrP->bitsPerPixel); } static void reportInfo(int const cols, int const rows, unsigned int const padright, xelval const maxval, enum visualclass const visualclass, int const format, int const bits_per_pixel, int const bits_per_item, struct compMask const compMask, enum byteorder const byte_order, enum byteorder const bit_order) { const char *visualclass_name; const char *byte_order_name; const char *bit_order_name; switch (visualclass) { case StaticGray: visualclass_name="StaticGray"; break; case GrayScale: visualclass_name="Grayscale"; break; case StaticColor: visualclass_name="StaticColor"; break; case PseudoColor: visualclass_name="PseudoColor"; break; case TrueColor: visualclass_name="TrueColor"; break; case DirectColor: visualclass_name="DirectColor"; break; default: visualclass_name="(invalid)"; break; } switch (byte_order) { case MSBFirst: byte_order_name = "MSBFirst"; break; case LSBFirst: byte_order_name = "LSBFirst"; break; default: byte_order_name = "(invalid)"; break; } switch (bit_order) { case MSBFirst: bit_order_name = "MSBFirst"; break; case LSBFirst: bit_order_name = "LSBFirst"; break; default: bit_order_name = "(invalid)"; break; } pm_message("%d rows of %d columns with maxval %d", rows, cols, maxval); pm_message("padright=%u bits. visualclass = %s. format=%d (%c%c)", padright, visualclass_name, format, format/256, format%256); pm_message("bits_per_pixel=%d; bits_per_item=%d", bits_per_pixel, bits_per_item); pm_message("byte_order=%s; bit_order=%s", byte_order_name, bit_order_name); pm_message("component mask: red=0x%.8lx; grn=0x%.8lx; blu=0x%.8lx", compMask.red, compMask.grn, compMask.blu); } static void convertRowSimpleIndex(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP, int const cols, const xel * const colors, xel * const xelrow) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) xelrow[col] = colors[pixelReader_getpix(pixelReaderP)]; } static void convertRowDirect(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP, int const cols, const xel * const colors, struct compMask const compMask, xel * const xelrow) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { unsigned long pixel; /* This is a triplet of indices into the color map, packed into this bit string according to compMask */ unsigned int red_index, grn_index, blu_index; /* These are indices into the color map, unpacked from 'pixel'. */ pixel = pixelReader_getpix(pixelReaderP); red_index = (pixel & compMask.red) >> zero_bits(compMask.red); grn_index = (pixel & compMask.grn) >> zero_bits(compMask.grn); blu_index = (pixel & compMask.blu) >> zero_bits(compMask.blu); PPM_ASSIGN(xelrow[col], PPM_GETR(colors[red_index]), PPM_GETG(colors[grn_index]), PPM_GETB(colors[blu_index]) ); } } static void convertRowTrueColor(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP, int const cols, pixval const maxval, const xel * const colors, struct compMask const compMask, xel * const xelrow) { unsigned int col; unsigned int red_shift, grn_shift, blu_shift; unsigned int red_maxval, grn_maxval, blu_maxval; red_shift = zero_bits(compMask.red); grn_shift = zero_bits(compMask.grn); blu_shift = zero_bits(compMask.blu); red_maxval = compMask.red >> red_shift; grn_maxval = compMask.grn >> grn_shift; blu_maxval = compMask.blu >> blu_shift; for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { unsigned long pixel; pixel = pixelReader_getpix(pixelReaderP); /* The parsing of 'pixel' used to be done with hardcoded layout parameters. See comments at end of this file. */ PPM_ASSIGN(xelrow[col], ((pixel & compMask.red) >> red_shift) * maxval / red_maxval, ((pixel & compMask.grn) >> grn_shift) * maxval / grn_maxval, ((pixel & compMask.blu) >> blu_shift) * maxval / blu_maxval ); } } static void convertRow(pixelReader * const pixelReaderP, FILE * const ofP, unsigned int const padright, int const cols, xelval const maxval, int const format, struct compMask const compMask, const xel* const colors, enum visualclass const visualclass) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read a row from the XWD pixel input stream 'pixelReaderP' and write it to the PNM output stream 'ofP'. The row is 'cols' pixels. After reading the 'cols' pixels, we read and discard an additional 'padright' bits from the input stream, so as to read the entire input line. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xel* xelrow; xelrow = pnm_allocrow(cols); switch (visualclass) { case StaticGray: case GrayScale: case StaticColor: case PseudoColor: convertRowSimpleIndex(pixelReaderP, cols, colors, xelrow); break; case DirectColor: convertRowDirect(pixelReaderP, cols, colors, compMask, xelrow); break; case TrueColor: convertRowTrueColor(pixelReaderP, cols, maxval, colors, compMask, xelrow); break; default: pm_error("unknown visual class"); } pixelReader_getbits(pixelReaderP, padright); pnm_writepnmrow(ofP, xelrow, cols, maxval, format, 0); pnm_freerow(xelrow); } static void reportOutputType(int const format) { switch (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format)) { case PBM_TYPE: pm_message("writing PBM file"); break; case PGM_TYPE: pm_message("writing PGM file"); break; case PPM_TYPE: pm_message("writing PPM file"); break; default: pm_error("shouldn't happen"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct cmdlineInfo cmdline; FILE * ifP; int rows, cols, format; unsigned int padright; /* Number of bits of padding on the right of each row */ unsigned int row; int bitsPerPixel; int bitsPerItem; struct compMask compMask; xelval maxval; enum visualclass visualclass; enum byteorder byteOrder, bitOrder; xel * colors; /* the color map */ pixelReader pixelReader; pnm_init(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); debug = cmdline.debug; verbose = cmdline.verbose; if (cmdline.inputFilename != NULL) ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFilename); else ifP = stdin; getinit(ifP, &cols, &rows, &padright, &maxval, &visualclass, &format, &colors, &bitsPerPixel, &bitsPerItem, &compMask, &byteOrder, &bitOrder, cmdline.headerdump); if (verbose) reportInfo(cols, rows, padright, maxval, visualclass, format, bitsPerPixel, bitsPerItem, compMask, byteOrder, bitOrder); pixelReader_init(&pixelReader, ifP, bitsPerPixel, bitsPerItem, byteOrder, bitOrder); pnm_writepnminit(stdout, cols, rows, maxval, format, 0); reportOutputType(format); for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { convertRow(&pixelReader, stdout, padright, cols, maxval, format, compMask, colors, visualclass); } pixelReader_term(&pixelReader); pm_close(ifP); pm_close(stdout); return 0; } /* This used to be the way we parsed a direct/true color pixel. I'm keeping it here in case we find out some application needs it this way. There doesn't seem to be any reason to do this hard-coded stuff when the header contains 32 bit masks that tell exactly how to extract the 3 colors in all cases. We know for a fact that 16 bit TrueColor output from XFree86's xwd doesn't match these hard-coded shift amounts, so we have replaced this whole switch thing. -Bryan 00.03.01 switch (bits_per_pixel) { case 16: PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, ( ( ul & red_mask ) >> 0 ), ( ( ul & green_mask ) >> 5 ), ( ( ul & blue_mask ) >> 11) ); break; case 24: case 32: PPM_ASSIGN( *xP, ( ( ul & 0xff0000 ) >> 16 ), ( ( ul & 0xff00 ) >> 8 ), ( ul & 0xff ) ); break; default: pm_error( "True/Direct is valid only with 16, 24, and 32 bits" ); } */