/*============================================================================ svgtopam ============================================================================== This is not useful today. It is merely a stub from which someone who cares about SVG can build a full converter. The framework is all there; it should be just a matter of coding to add each of the SVG features to it. Today, the program works fine on an image that consists solely of elements, which use only the "M", "L", and "z" commands. By Bryan Henderson, San Jose, California. May 2006 Contributed to the public domain. ============================================================================== Implementation notes: A look at Libxml2 Subversion source code change history says the type 'xmlReaderTypes' was added (in ) in 2.5.9. But a MacOS 10.3.9 user reports in April 2007 that he has 2.6.16 installed and it doesn't have xmlReaderTypes. Another MacOS user reported that in December 2008. Apparently that OS has a broken libxml2 installation. ============================================================================*/ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE /* New name for SVID & BSD source defines */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #define _BSD_SOURCE /* Make sure strdup() is in */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE /* Make sure fileno() is in */ #include #include #include #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "shhopt.h" #include "pam.h" #include "ppm.h" #include "ppmdraw.h" static bool traceDraw; struct cmdlineInfo { const char * inputFileName; unsigned int trace; }; static void parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv, struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse program command line described in Unix standard form by argc and argv. Return the information in the options as *cmdlineP. If command line is internally inconsistent (invalid options, etc.), issue error message to stderr and abort program. Note that the strings we return are stored in the storage that was passed to us as the argv array. We also trash *argv. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ optEntry *option_def; /* Instructions to pm_optParseOptions3 on how to parse our options. */ optStruct3 opt; unsigned int option_def_index; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; /* incremented by OPTENT3 */ OPTENT3(0, "trace", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->trace, 0); opt.opt_table = option_def; opt.short_allowed = FALSE; /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */ opt.allowNegNum = FALSE; /* We have no parms that are negative numbers */ pm_optParseOptions3( &argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0 ); /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */ if (argc-1 < 1) cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; else { cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Too many arguments (%u). The only non-option argument " "is the input file name.", argc-1); } } /*============================================================================ Wrappers for libxml2 routines. The difference is that these use conventional C data types, have shorter names, and abort the program instead of returning a special value when they fail. =============================================================================*/ static const char * getAttribute(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, const char * const attributeName) { const char * const rc = (const char *) xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(xmlReaderP, (const xmlChar *)attributeName); if (rc == NULL) pm_error("xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(\"%.256s\") failed. ", attributeName); return rc; } static const char * currentNodeName(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP) { const char * const rc = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName(xmlReaderP); if (rc == NULL) pm_error("xmlTextReaderConstName() failed. "); return rc; } /*===========================================================================*/ #define OUTPUT_MAXVAL 255 typedef struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; pixel ** pixels; pixval maxval; } canvas; typedef struct { pixel fillColor; } style; typedef struct { const char * pathText; /* This is e.g. "M0 0 L1 1 L9 8 Z" */ style style; /* This is the style as given by a 'style' attribute of */ unsigned int pathTextLength; /* This is the length in characters of 'pathText'. It's redundant with 'pathText' and exists for convenience. */ } path; static void createPath(const char * const pathText, style const style, path ** const pathPP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a path as described by a element whose "style" attribute indicates style 'style' and whose "d" attribute indicates path data 'pathText'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool error; path * pathP; MALLOCVAR(pathP); if (pathP == NULL) error = TRUE; else { pathP->style = style; pathP->pathText = strdup(pathText); if (pathP->pathText == NULL) error = TRUE; else { pathP->pathTextLength = strlen(pathP->pathText); error = FALSE; } if (error) free(pathP); } if (error ) *pathPP = NULL; else *pathPP = pathP; } static void destroyPath(path * const pathP) { assert(pathP->pathTextLength == strlen(pathP->pathText)); pm_strfree(pathP->pathText); free(pathP); } typedef struct { unsigned int x; unsigned int y; } point; static point makePoint(unsigned int const x, unsigned int const y) { point p; p.x = x; p.y = y; return p; } static ppmd_point makePpmdPoint(point const arg) { ppmd_point p; p.x = arg.x; p.y = arg.y; return p; } typedef enum { PATH_MOVETO, PATH_LINETO, PATH_CLOSEPATH, PATH_CUBIC } pathCommandVerb; typedef struct { point dest; } pathMovetoArgs; typedef struct { /* Draw a line segment from current point to 'dest' */ point dest; } pathLinetoArgs; typedef struct { /* Draw a cubic spline from current point to 'dest' with control points 'ctl1' at the beginning of the curve and 'ctl2' at the end. I.e. it's a section of a cubic curve which passes through the current point and 'dest' and whose slope at the current point is that of the line through the current point and 'ctl1' and whose slope at 'dest' is that of the line through 'dest' and 'ctl2'; A cubic curve is a plot of a polynomial equation of degree 3 (or less, for our purposes). */ point dest; point ctl1; point ctl2; } pathCubicArgs; typedef struct { pathCommandVerb verb; union { pathMovetoArgs moveto; pathLinetoArgs lineto; pathCubicArgs cubic; } args; } pathCommand; typedef struct { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an object for reading through a path from beginning to end. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ path * pathP; unsigned int cursor; } pathReader; static void createPathReader(path * const pathP, pathReader ** const pathReaderPP) { pathReader * pathReaderP; MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(pathReaderP); pathReaderP->pathP = pathP; pathReaderP->cursor = 0; *pathReaderPP = pathReaderP; } static void destroyPathReader(pathReader * const pathReaderP) { free(pathReaderP); } static void skipWhiteSpace(pathReader * const pathReaderP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move the cursor over any white space where it now points. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const path * const pathP = pathReaderP->pathP; while (isspace(pathP->pathText[pathReaderP->cursor]) && pathReaderP->cursor < pathP->pathTextLength) ++pathReaderP->cursor; } static void getNumber(pathReader * const pathReaderP, unsigned int * const numberP) { const path * const pathP = pathReaderP->pathP; const char * const pathText = pathP->pathText; size_t const pathTextLength = pathP->pathTextLength; assert(!isspace(pathText[pathReaderP->cursor])); if (pathReaderP->cursor >= pathTextLength) pm_error("Path description ends where a number was expected."); else { unsigned int number; number = 0; /* initial value */ while (pathReaderP->cursor < pathTextLength && isdigit(pathText[pathReaderP->cursor])) { number = 10 * number + (pathText[pathReaderP->cursor] - '0'); ++pathReaderP->cursor; } *numberP = number; } } static void getNextCommand(pathReader * const pathReaderP, pathCommand * const pathCommandP, bool * const endOfPathP) { const path * const pathP = pathReaderP->pathP; const char * const pathText = pathP->pathText; size_t const pathTextLength = pathP->pathTextLength; skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); if (pathReaderP->cursor >= pathTextLength) *endOfPathP = true; else { switch (pathText[pathReaderP->cursor++]) { case 'M': pathCommandP->verb = PATH_MOVETO; skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.moveto.dest.x); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.moveto.dest.y); break; case 'L': pathCommandP->verb = PATH_LINETO; skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.lineto.dest.x); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.lineto.dest.y); break; case 'C': pathCommandP->verb = PATH_CUBIC; skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.ctl1.x); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.ctl1.y); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.ctl2.x); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.ctl2.y); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.dest.x); skipWhiteSpace(pathReaderP); getNumber(pathReaderP, &pathCommandP->args.cubic.dest.y); break; case 'z': pathCommandP->verb = PATH_CLOSEPATH; break; default: pm_error("Unrecognized command in : '%c'", pathText[pathReaderP->cursor++]); } } } static void outlineObject(path * const pathP, struct fillobj * const fillObjP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a fill object, which contains and outline of the object and can be used with ppmd_fill() to fill the figure. The outline is as described by *pathP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pathReader * pathReaderP; bool endOfPath; point currentPos; point subpathStart; /* Point at which the current subpath starts */ endOfPath = false; subpathStart = makePoint(0,0); currentPos = subpathStart; createPathReader(pathP, &pathReaderP); while (!endOfPath) { pathCommand pathCommand; getNextCommand(pathReaderP, &pathCommand, &endOfPath); if (!endOfPath) { switch (pathCommand.verb) { case PATH_MOVETO: if (traceDraw) pm_message("Moving to (%u, %u)", pathCommand.args.moveto.dest.x, pathCommand.args.moveto.dest.y); subpathStart = pathCommand.args.moveto.dest; currentPos = subpathStart; break; case PATH_LINETO: { point const dest = pathCommand.args.lineto.dest; if (traceDraw) pm_message("Lining to (%u, %u)", dest.x, dest.y); ppmd_line(NULL, 0, 0, 0, currentPos.x, currentPos.y, dest.x, dest.y, ppmd_fill_drawproc, fillObjP); currentPos = dest; } break; case PATH_CLOSEPATH: if (traceDraw) pm_message("Closing."); ppmd_line(NULL, 0, 0, 0, currentPos.x, currentPos.y, subpathStart.x, subpathStart.y, ppmd_fill_drawproc, fillObjP); currentPos = subpathStart; break; case PATH_CUBIC: { point const dest = pathCommand.args.cubic.dest; point const ctl1 = pathCommand.args.cubic.ctl1; point const ctl2 = pathCommand.args.cubic.ctl2; if (traceDraw) pm_message("Doing cubic spline to (%u, %u)", dest.x, dest.y); /* We need to write ppmd_spline4() */ ppmd_spline4p(NULL, 0, 0, 0, makePpmdPoint(currentPos), makePpmdPoint(dest), makePpmdPoint(ctl1), makePpmdPoint(ctl2), ppmd_fill_drawprocp, fillObjP); currentPos = dest; } break; } } } destroyPathReader(pathReaderP); } static void drawPath(canvas * const canvasP, path * const pathP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw the path 'pathP' on the canvas 'canvasP'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct fillobj * fillObjP; if (traceDraw) pm_message("Drawing path '%s' with fill color (%u, %u, %u)", pathP->pathText, pathP->style.fillColor.r, pathP->style.fillColor.g, pathP->style.fillColor.b); fillObjP = ppmd_fill_create(); outlineObject(pathP, fillObjP); ppmd_fill(canvasP->pixels, canvasP->width, canvasP->height, canvasP->maxval, fillObjP, PPMD_NULLDRAWPROC, &pathP->style.fillColor); ppmd_fill_destroy(fillObjP); } static style interpretStyle(const char * const styleAttr) { style style; char * buffer; char * p; buffer = strdup(styleAttr); if (buffer == NULL) pm_error("Could not get memory for a buffer to parse style attribute"); p = &buffer[0]; while (p) { const char * const token = pm_strsep(&p, ";"); const char * strippedToken; const char * p; char * buffer; for (p = &token[0]; isspace(*p); ++p); strippedToken = p; buffer = strdup(strippedToken); if (strlen(strippedToken) > 0) { char * const colonPos = strchr(buffer, ':'); if (colonPos == NULL) pm_error("There is no colon in the attribute specification " "'%s' in the 'style' attribute of a " "element.", strippedToken); else { const char * const value = colonPos + 1; const char * const name = &buffer[0]; *colonPos = '\0'; if (streq(name, "fill")) { style.fillColor = ppm_parsecolor(value, OUTPUT_MAXVAL); } else if (streq(name, "stroke")) { if (!streq(value, "none")) pm_error("Value of 'stroke' attribute in the 'style' " "attribute of a element is '%s'. We " "understand only 'none'", value); } else pm_error("Unrecognized attribute '%s' " "in the 'style' attribute " "of a element", name); } } free(buffer); } free(buffer); return style; } static void getPathAttributes(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, style * const styleP, const char ** const pathP) { const char * const style = getAttribute(xmlReaderP, "style"); const char * const d = getAttribute(xmlReaderP, "d"); *styleP = interpretStyle(style); *pathP = d; } static void processSubPathNode(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, bool * const endOfPathP) { /* See comment above about xmlReaderTypes not being defined */ xmlReaderTypes const nodeType = xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP); *endOfPathP = FALSE; /* initial assumption */ switch (nodeType) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: pm_error(" contains a <%s> element. should have " "no contents", currentNodeName(xmlReaderP)); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: { const char * nodeName = currentNodeName(xmlReaderP); if (streq(nodeName, "path")) *endOfPathP = TRUE; else pm_error(" found where expected", nodeName); } break; default: /* Just ignore whatever this is. Contents of are meaningless; all the information is in the attributes */ break; } } static void processPathElement(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, canvas * const canvasP) { style style; const char * pathData; path * pathP; bool endOfPath; assert(xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT); assert(streq(currentNodeName(xmlReaderP), "path")); getPathAttributes(xmlReaderP, &style, &pathData); createPath(pathData, style, &pathP); if (pathP) { drawPath(canvasP, pathP); destroyPath(pathP); } endOfPath = xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(xmlReaderP); while (!endOfPath) { int rc; rc = xmlTextReaderRead(xmlReaderP); switch (rc) { case 1: processSubPathNode(xmlReaderP, &endOfPath); break; case 0: pm_error("Input file ends in the middle of a "); break; default: pm_error("xmlTextReaderRead() failed, rc=%d", rc); } } } static void stringToUint(const char * const string, unsigned int * const uintP, const char ** const errorP) { /* TODO: move this to nstring.c */ if (strlen(string) == 0) pm_asprintf(errorP, "Value is a null string"); else { char * tailptr; *uintP = strtoul(string, &tailptr, 10); if (*tailptr != '\0') pm_asprintf(errorP, "Non-numeric crap in string: '%s'", tailptr); else *errorP = NULL; } } static void getSvgAttributes(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, unsigned int * const colsP, unsigned int * const rowsP) { const char * const width = getAttribute(xmlReaderP, "width"); const char * const height = getAttribute(xmlReaderP, "height"); const char * error; stringToUint(width, colsP, &error); if (error) { pm_error("'width' attribute of has invalid value. %s", error); pm_strfree(error); } stringToUint(height, rowsP, &error); if (error) { pm_error("'height' attribute of has invalid value. %s", error); pm_strfree(error); } } static void processSubSvgElement(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, canvas * const canvasP) { const char * const nodeName = currentNodeName(xmlReaderP); assert(xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT); if (streq(nodeName, "path")) processPathElement(xmlReaderP, canvasP); else pm_error("This image contains a <%s> element. This program " "understands only !", nodeName); } static void processSubSvgNode(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, canvas * const canvasP, bool * const endOfSvgP) { xmlReaderTypes const nodeType = xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP); *endOfSvgP = FALSE; /* initial assumption */ switch (nodeType) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: processSubSvgElement(xmlReaderP, canvasP); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: { const char * const nodeName = currentNodeName(xmlReaderP); if (streq(nodeName, "svg")) *endOfSvgP = TRUE; else pm_error(" found where expected", nodeName); } break; default: /* Just ignore whatever this is */ break; } } static void createCanvas(unsigned int const width, unsigned int const height, pixval const maxval, canvas ** const canvasPP) { canvas * canvasP; MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(canvasP); canvasP->width = width; canvasP->height = height; canvasP->pixels = ppm_allocarray(width, height); canvasP->maxval = maxval; *canvasPP = canvasP; } static void destroyCanvas(canvas * const canvasP) { ppm_freearray(canvasP->pixels, canvasP->height); free(canvasP); } static void writePam(FILE * const ofP, canvas * const canvasP) { unsigned int row; struct pam pam; tuple * tuplerow; pam.size = sizeof(pam); pam.len = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type); pam.file = ofP; pam.format = PAM_FORMAT; pam.plainformat = 0; pam.width = canvasP->width; pam.height = canvasP->height; pam.depth = 3; pam.maxval = OUTPUT_MAXVAL; strcpy(pam.tuple_type, PAM_PPM_TUPLETYPE); pnm_writepaminit(&pam); tuplerow = pnm_allocpamrow(&pam); for (row = 0; row < (unsigned)pam.height; ++row) { pixel * const pixelrow = canvasP->pixels[row]; unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < (unsigned)pam.width; ++col) { pixel const thisPixel = pixelrow[col]; assert(pam.depth >= 3); tuplerow[col][PAM_RED_PLANE] = PPM_GETR(thisPixel); tuplerow[col][PAM_GRN_PLANE] = PPM_GETG(thisPixel); tuplerow[col][PAM_BLU_PLANE] = PPM_GETB(thisPixel); } pnm_writepamrow(&pam, tuplerow); } pnm_freepamrow(tuplerow); } static void processSvgElement(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, FILE * const ofP) { unsigned int width, height; bool endOfSvg; canvas * canvasP; assert(xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT); assert(streq(currentNodeName(xmlReaderP), "svg")); getSvgAttributes(xmlReaderP, &width, &height); createCanvas(width, height, 255, &canvasP); endOfSvg = xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(xmlReaderP); while (!endOfSvg) { int rc; rc = xmlTextReaderRead(xmlReaderP); switch (rc) { case 1: processSubSvgNode(xmlReaderP, canvasP, &endOfSvg); break; case 0: pm_error("Input file ends in the middle of a "); break; default: pm_error("xmlTextReaderRead() failed, rc=%d", rc); } } writePam(ofP, canvasP); destroyCanvas(canvasP); } static void processTopLevelElement(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, FILE * const ofP) { const char * const nodeName = currentNodeName(xmlReaderP); assert(xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT); assert(xmlTextReaderDepth(xmlReaderP) == 0); if (!streq(nodeName, "svg")) pm_error("Not an SVG image. This XML document consists of " "a <%s> element, whereas an SVG image is an " "element.", nodeName); else processSvgElement(xmlReaderP, ofP); } static void processTopLevelNode(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, FILE * const ofP) { unsigned int const depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(xmlReaderP); xmlReaderTypes const nodeType = xmlTextReaderNodeType(xmlReaderP); assert(depth == 0); switch (nodeType) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: processTopLevelElement(xmlReaderP, ofP); break; default: /* Just ignore whatever this is */ break; } } static void processDocument(xmlTextReaderPtr const xmlReaderP, FILE * const ofP) { bool eof; eof = false; while (!eof) { int rc; rc = xmlTextReaderRead(xmlReaderP); switch (rc) { case 1: processTopLevelNode(xmlReaderP, ofP); break; case 0: eof = true; break; default: pm_error("xmlTextReaderRead() failed, rc=%d", rc); } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct cmdlineInfo cmdline; FILE * ifP; xmlTextReaderPtr xmlReaderP; pnm_init(&argc, argv); xmlInitParser(); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); traceDraw = cmdline.trace; ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); xmlReaderP = xmlReaderForFd(fileno(ifP), "SVG_IMAGE", NULL, 0); if (xmlReaderP) { processDocument(xmlReaderP, stdout); /* xmlTextReaderIsValid() does not appear to work. It always says the document is invalid */ xmlFreeTextReader(xmlReaderP); } else pm_error("Failed to create xmlReader"); xmlCleanupParser(); return 0; }