#include #include #include "netpbm/pm_config.h" #include "netpbm/pm_c_util.h" #include "netpbm/mallocvar.h" #include "netpbm/nstring.h" #include "netpbm/shhopt.h" #include "netpbm/pm_system.h" #include "netpbm/pam.h" #include "winicon.h" struct CmdlineInfo { const char * inputFileName; unsigned int verbose; int pngthreshold; unsigned int truetransparent; }; static void parseCommandLine(int argc, const char **argv, struct CmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) { optEntry * option_def; unsigned int option_def_index; optStruct3 opt3; unsigned int pngthresholdSpec; MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100); option_def_index = 0; OPTENT3 (0, "verbose", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->verbose, 0); OPTENT3 (0, "pngthreshold", OPT_UINT, &cmdlineP->pngthreshold, &pngthresholdSpec, 0); OPTENT3 (0, "truetransparent", OPT_FLAG, NULL, &cmdlineP->truetransparent, 0); opt3.opt_table = option_def; opt3.short_allowed = false; opt3.allowNegNum = false; pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt3, sizeof(opt3), 0); if (pngthresholdSpec) { if (UINT_MAX / cmdlineP->pngthreshold < cmdlineP->pngthreshold) pm_error("-pngthreshold is too large: %u", cmdlineP->pngthreshold); } else cmdlineP->pngthreshold = 128; if (argc-1 > 0) { cmdlineP->inputFileName = argv[1]; if (argc-1 > 1) pm_error("Too many arguments: %u. The only non-option " "argument is the optional input file name", argc-1); } else cmdlineP->inputFileName = "-"; free(option_def); } static bool verbose; static unsigned char const pngHeader[] = PNG_HEADER; struct Palette { sample color[256][3]; unsigned int colorCt; /* Number of colors in color[][] */ bool tooManyColors; /* There are too many colors for a BMP palette (more than 256); only the first 256 are in color[][] */ }; static struct IconDir * newIconDir() { struct IconDir * dirP; MALLOCVAR_NOFAIL(dirP); dirP->zero = 0; dirP->type = ICONDIR_TYPE_ICO; dirP->count = 0; dirP->entriesAllocCt = 0; dirP->entries = NULL; return dirP; } static void freeIconDir(struct IconDir * const dirP) { if (dirP->entries) free(dirP->entries); free(dirP); } static void addToDirectory(struct IconDirEntry * const dirEntryP, struct IconDir * const dirP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add an icon to the icon directory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (dirP->count + 1 > dirP->entriesAllocCt) { /* Out of space in dirP->entries[]. Expand. */ dirP->entriesAllocCt += 8; REALLOCARRAY(dirP->entries, dirP->entriesAllocCt); if (!dirP->entries) pm_error("Unable to get memory for %u entries " "in the Icon directory.", dirP->entriesAllocCt); } dirP->entries[dirP->count++] = *dirEntryP; } typedef void (GetPixelFn) (tuple ** const tuples, unsigned int const col, unsigned int const row, sample * const pixel); static GetPixelFn get_grayscalePixel; static void get_grayscalePixel(tuple ** const tuples, unsigned int const col, unsigned int const row, sample * const pixel) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a pixel from a grayscale PAM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pixel[0] = tuples[row][col][0]; pixel[1] = tuples[row][col][0]; pixel[2] = tuples[row][col][0]; } static GetPixelFn get_rgbPixel; static void get_rgbPixel(tuple ** const tuples, unsigned int const col, unsigned int const row, sample * const pixel) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a pixel from an RGB PAM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pixel [0] = tuples [row][col][0]; pixel [1] = tuples [row][col][1]; pixel [2] = tuples [row][col][2]; } static bool andMakesOpaque(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, unsigned int const row, unsigned int const col, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, bool const haveAnd, unsigned int const andPlane) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AND mask makes a pixel opaque -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (haveAnd) return (pamP->maxval <= tuples[row][col][andPlane]); else if (haveAlpha) return (pamP->maxval <= tuples[row][col][alphaPlane]); else /* neither alpha channel nor AND mask: full opacity */ return true; } static void getPalette(struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, GetPixelFn * const getPixel, struct Palette * const paletteP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the palette for all the colors in 'tuples'. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; paletteP->colorCt = 0; /* initial value */ paletteP->tooManyColors = false; /* initial value */ for (row = 0; pamP->height > row && !paletteP->tooManyColors; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; pamP->width > col && !paletteP->tooManyColors; ++col) { sample pixel[3]; unsigned int i; getPixel(tuples, col, row, pixel); for (i = 0; i < paletteP->colorCt; ++i) { if ((paletteP->color[i][0] == pixel[0]) && (paletteP->color[i][1] == pixel[1]) && (paletteP->color[i][2] == pixel[2])) break; } if (i == paletteP->colorCt) { /* We didn't find the color. */ if (paletteP->colorCt >= 256) { /* Image exceeds the palette capacity */ paletteP->tooManyColors = true; } else { /* Add the color to the palette */ paletteP->color[paletteP->colorCt][0] = pixel[0]; paletteP->color[paletteP->colorCt][1] = pixel[1]; paletteP->color[paletteP->colorCt][2] = pixel[2]; ++paletteP->colorCt; } } } } } static bool realAlphaNeeded(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, unsigned int const alphaPlane) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A real alpha channel (in contrast to an AND mask) is needed to represent the image in 'tuples', given that 'alphaPlane' is the alpha plane. A real alpha channel is needed if any pixel is translucent (neither opaque nor transparent). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { sample const opacity = tuples[row][col][alphaPlane]; if (opacity != 0 && opacity != pamP->maxval) return true; } } return false; } static void write32BitBmp(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, GetPixelFn * const getPixel, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, FILE * const ofP, uint32_t * const sizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write a 32-bit BMP encoded image to file *ofP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int row; /* write BMP image header * * Note: bm_height is sum of rows in XOR mask and AND mask, while * image_size is the size of the AND mask only. * * image_size does not include the sizes of the (optional) palette * and the (mandatory) AND mask. */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 40); /* header_size */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, pamP->width); /* bm_width */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, pamP->height * 2); /* bm_height */ pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, 1); /* color_planes */ pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, 32); /* bits_per_pixel */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, BI_RGB); /* compression_method */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, pamP->width *4 *pamP->height); /* image_size */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* horizontal_resolution */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* vertical_resolution */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* colors_in_palette */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* important_colors */ /* write "XOR mask" */ for (row = pamP->height - 1; row >= 0; --row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { sample pixel[3]; uint32_t val; getPixel(tuples, col, row, pixel); val = ((uint32_t) pixel[PAM_RED_PLANE] << 16) + ((uint32_t) pixel[PAM_GRN_PLANE] << 8) + ((uint32_t) pixel[PAM_BLU_PLANE] << 0) ; if (haveAlpha) val += (uint32_t) tuples[row][col][alphaPlane] << 24; pm_writelittlelongu(ofP, val); } } *sizeP = 40 + pamP->height * pamP->width * 4; } static void writePaletteBmp(unsigned int const bpp, const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, GetPixelFn * const getPixel, const struct Palette * const paletteP, FILE * const ofP, uint32_t * const sizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write a `BMP with palette' encoded image to file *ofP. Unless it would be smaller as a 32-bit direct image, in which case write that instead. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const maxColors = 1 << bpp; unsigned int const size = pamP->height *((pamP->width * bpp + 31) & ~31) / 8; if (pamP->height * pamP->width * 4 <= maxColors * 4 + size) write32BitBmp(pamP, tuples, getPixel, false /*haveAlpha*/, 0, ofP, sizeP); else { unsigned int const maxCol = ((pamP->width * bpp + 31) & ~31) / bpp; unsigned int i; int row; /* BMP image header */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 40); /* header_size */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, pamP->width); /* bm_width */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, pamP->height *2); /* bm_height */ pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, 1); /* color_planes */ pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, bpp); /* bits_per_pixel */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, BI_RGB); /* compression_method */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, size); /* image_size */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* horizontal_resolution*/ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* vertical_resolution */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* colors_in_palette */ pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, 0); /* important_colors */ /* palette */ for (i = 0; i < paletteP->colorCt; ++i) pm_writelittlelongu(ofP, 0 +(paletteP->color[i][PAM_RED_PLANE] << 16) +(paletteP->color[i][PAM_GRN_PLANE] << 8) +(paletteP->color[i][PAM_BLU_PLANE] << 0)); for (; i < maxColors; ++i) pm_writelittlelongu(ofP, 0); /* `XOR mask' */ for (row = pamP->height - 1; row >= 0; --row) { uint8_t val; uint16_t mask; unsigned int col; mask = 0x1; val = 0x0; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { sample pixel[3]; unsigned int i; mask <<= bpp; val <<= bpp; getPixel(tuples, col, row, pixel); for (i = 0; i < paletteP->colorCt; ++i) if (true && (pixel[0] == paletteP->color[i][0]) && (pixel[1] == paletteP->color[i][1]) && (pixel[2] == paletteP->color[i][2])) break; assert(i < paletteP->colorCt); val |= i; if (mask > 0xFF) { pm_writecharu(ofP, val); mask = 0x1; val = 0x0; } } for (; col < maxCol; ++col) { mask <<= bpp; val <<= bpp; if (mask > 0xFF) { pm_writecharu(ofP, val); mask = 0x1; } } } *sizeP = size; } } static void writeAndMask(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, bool const haveAnd, unsigned int const andPlane, FILE * const ofP, uint32_t * const sizeP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write the AND mask to file *ofP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int const maxCol =((pamP->width * 1 + 31) & ~31) / 1; int row; unsigned int sizeSoFar; sizeSoFar = 0; for (row = pamP->height - 1; row >= 0; --row) { uint8_t val; uint16_t mask; unsigned int col; mask = 0x1; val = 0x0; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { mask <<= 1; val <<= 1; if (!andMakesOpaque(pamP, tuples, row, col, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane)) val |= 0x1; if (mask > 0xFF) { pm_writecharu(ofP, val); sizeSoFar += 1; mask = 0x1; val = 0x0; } } for (; col < maxCol; ++col) { mask <<= 1; val <<= 1; if (mask > 0xFF){ pm_writecharu(ofP, val); sizeSoFar += 1; mask = 0x1; } } } *sizeP = sizeSoFar; } static void makeAlphaFile(const struct pam * const imagePamP, tuple ** const imageTuples, unsigned int const alphaPlane, const char ** const alphaFileNameP) { FILE * alphaFileP; struct pam alphaPam; tuple ** alphaTuples; unsigned int row; pm_make_tmpfile(&alphaFileP, alphaFileNameP); alphaPam.size = sizeof(alphaPam); alphaPam.len = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type); alphaPam.file = alphaFileP; alphaPam.format = PAM_FORMAT; alphaPam.width = imagePamP->width; alphaPam.height = imagePamP->height; alphaPam.depth = 1; alphaPam.maxval = imagePamP->maxval; strcpy(alphaPam.tuple_type, PAM_PGM_TUPLETYPE); alphaTuples = pnm_allocpamarray(&alphaPam); assert(alphaPlane < imagePamP->depth); for (row = 0; row < alphaPam.height; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < alphaPam.width; ++col) alphaTuples[row][col][0] = imageTuples[alphaPlane][row][col]; } pnm_writepam(&alphaPam, alphaTuples); pnm_freepamarray(alphaTuples, &alphaPam); pm_close(alphaFileP); } struct AcceptToFileParm { FILE * ofP; size_t * writeCtP; }; static void acceptToFile(int const pipeToSuckFd, void * const accepterParm) { struct AcceptToFileParm * const parmP = accepterParm; FILE * const inFileP = fdopen(pipeToSuckFd, "r"); bool eof; size_t copyCt; for (eof = false, copyCt = 0; !eof; ) { size_t readCt; unsigned char buffer[1024]; readCt = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), inFileP); if (readCt == 0) eof = true; else { size_t writeCt; writeCt = fwrite(buffer, 1, readCt, parmP->ofP); if (writeCt != readCt) pm_error("Write to images file failed. errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); copyCt += writeCt; } } *parmP->writeCtP = copyCt; } static void writePng(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, bool const haveAnd, unsigned int const andPlane, uint32_t * const sizeP, FILE * const ofP) { struct pamtuples pamTuples; size_t pngSize; struct AcceptToFileParm acceptParm; pamTuples.pamP = (struct pam *)pamP; pamTuples.tuplesP = (tuple ***)&tuples; acceptParm.ofP = ofP; acceptParm.writeCtP = &pngSize; if (haveAlpha || haveAnd) { const char * alphaFileName; const char * command; if (haveAlpha) makeAlphaFile(pamP, tuples, alphaPlane, &alphaFileName); else makeAlphaFile(pamP, tuples, andPlane, &alphaFileName); pm_asprintf(&command, "pnmtopng -alpha=\"%s\"", alphaFileName); pm_system(pm_feed_from_pamtuples, &pamTuples, acceptToFile, &acceptParm, command); pm_strfree(command); unlink(alphaFileName); } else { pm_system(pm_feed_from_pamtuples, &pamTuples, acceptToFile, &acceptParm, "pnmtopng"); } *sizeP = pngSize; } static void blackenXor(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, bool const haveAnd, unsigned int const andPlane) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set all pixels marked as transparent in AND mask to black. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) { if (!andMakesOpaque(pamP, tuples, row, col, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane)) { tuples[row][col][0] = PAM_BLACK; if (pamP->depth >= 3) { tuples[row][col][1] = PAM_BLACK; tuples[row][col][2] = PAM_BLACK; } } } } } static void readAndScalePam(struct pam * const pamP, bool const doingPng, tuple ** const tuples) { if (doingPng) { /* Read the image with its native maxval */ unsigned int row; for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) pnm_readpamrow(pamP, tuples[row]); } else { /* Read the image and scale to maxval 255 */ tuple * tuplerow; unsigned int row; tuplerow = pnm_allocpamrow(pamP); for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; ++row) { pnm_readpamrow(pamP, tuplerow); pnm_scaletuplerow(pamP, tuples[row], tuplerow, 255); } pnm_freepamrow(tuplerow); pamP->maxval = 255; } } static void determineImageType(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, GetPixelFn ** const getPixelP, bool * const haveAlphaP, unsigned int * const alphaPlaneP, bool * const haveAndP, unsigned int * const andPlaneP) { /* PAM input channels: * * 1-channel PAM: Grayscale * 2-channel PAM: Grayscale +Alpha * 3-channel PAM: RGB * 4-channel PAM: RGB +Alpha * 5-channel PAM: RGB +Alpha +AND mask */ switch (pamP->depth) { case 1: *getPixelP = get_grayscalePixel; *haveAlphaP = false; *haveAndP = false; break; case 2: *getPixelP = get_grayscalePixel; if (realAlphaNeeded(pamP, tuples, 1)) { *haveAlphaP = true; *alphaPlaneP = 1; *haveAndP = false; } else { *haveAlphaP = false; *haveAndP = true; *andPlaneP = 1; } break; case 3: *getPixelP = get_rgbPixel; *haveAlphaP = false; *haveAndP = false; break; case 4: *getPixelP = get_rgbPixel; if (realAlphaNeeded(pamP, tuples, 3)) { *haveAlphaP = true; *alphaPlaneP = 3; *haveAndP = false; } else { *haveAlphaP = false; *haveAndP = true; *andPlaneP = 3; } break; case 5: *getPixelP = get_rgbPixel; *haveAlphaP = true; *alphaPlaneP = 3; *haveAndP = true; *andPlaneP = 4; break; default: pm_error("unexpected PAM depth %u. " "We understand depths 1-5", pamP->depth); break; } } static void reportImageInfo(unsigned int const imageNum, const struct pam * const pamP, const struct Palette * const paletteP, bool const haveAlpha, bool const haveAnd) { const char * colorCt; if (paletteP->tooManyColors) pm_asprintf(&colorCt, "> 256"); else pm_asprintf(&colorCt, "%u", paletteP->colorCt); pm_message("Image %2u:" " %3u x %3u x %u, %s colors%s%s", imageNum, pamP->width, pamP->height, pamP->depth, colorCt, haveAlpha ? ", alpha channel": "", haveAnd ? ", AND mask": ""); pm_strfree(colorCt); } static void writeIconAndCreateDirEntry(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple ** const tuples, GetPixelFn * const getPixel, bool const doingPng, bool const haveAlpha, unsigned int const alphaPlane, bool const haveAnd, unsigned int const andPlane, bool const mustBlackenXor, const struct Palette * const paletteP, FILE * const ofP, struct IconDirEntry * const dirEntryP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write to *ofP the icon image for the image represented by *pamP and 'tuples'. Generate the information for an icon directory entry for this image and return it as *dirEntryP. ==>BUT: the 'offset' member of this structure will not be meaningful. <== Make a PNG image if 'doingPng' is true; BMP otherwise. 'haveAlpha' means that there is an alpha plane in 'tuples' and it is Plane 'alphaPlane'. 'haveAnd' means that there is an AND plane in 'tuples' and it is Plane 'andPlane'. *paletteP is the color palette for the icon; it contains an entry for each color in 'tuples'. Except: it may simply indicate that there are too many colors in 'tuples' to have a palette. The 'bits_per_pixel' member of the directory entry is supposed to tell the color resolution of the image so the user can decide which of many versions of the icon in the file to use. But we just call it 32 bits in every case except paletted BMP, where it actually relates to how many colors are in the image. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dirEntryP->width = pamP->width; dirEntryP->height = pamP->height; dirEntryP->color_planes = 1; dirEntryP->zero = 0; if (doingPng) { dirEntryP->color_count = 0; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 32; writePng(pamP, tuples, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane, &dirEntryP->size, ofP); } else { uint32_t bmpSize; uint32_t andMaskSize; if (mustBlackenXor) blackenXor(pamP, tuples, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane); if (haveAlpha) { dirEntryP->color_count = 0; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 32; write32BitBmp(pamP, tuples, getPixel, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, ofP, &bmpSize); } else if (paletteP->tooManyColors) { /* Do a truecolor image */ dirEntryP->color_count = 0; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 32; write32BitBmp(pamP, tuples, getPixel, false /*haveAlpha*/, 0, ofP, &bmpSize); } else { /* Do a paletted image */ if (paletteP->colorCt <= 2) { dirEntryP->color_count = paletteP->colorCt; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 1; writePaletteBmp(1, pamP, tuples, getPixel, paletteP, ofP, &bmpSize); } else if (paletteP->colorCt <= 16) { dirEntryP->color_count = paletteP->colorCt; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 4; writePaletteBmp(4, pamP, tuples, getPixel,paletteP, ofP, &bmpSize); } else { dirEntryP->color_count = 0; dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel = 8; writePaletteBmp(8, pamP, tuples, getPixel, paletteP, ofP, &bmpSize); } } writeAndMask(pamP, tuples, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane, ofP, &andMaskSize); dirEntryP->size = bmpSize + andMaskSize; } } static void convertOneImage(unsigned int const imageNum, FILE * const ifP, unsigned int const pngThreshold, bool const mustBlackenXor, FILE * const ofP, struct IconDir * const dirP) { struct IconDirEntry dirEntry; struct pam pam; tuple ** tuples; bool haveAlpha; unsigned int alphaPlane; bool haveAnd; unsigned int andPlane; GetPixelFn * getPixel; struct Palette palette; bool doingPng; /* Output: * * threshold^2 pixels or more: * no alpha channel: PNG (RGB) * alpha channel: PNG (RGBA) * alpha channel +AND mask: PNG (RGBA), AND mask dropped * alpha values other than 0 and maxval: 32bit +alpha BMP * no more than 2 colors: 1bit or 32bit BMP * no more than 16 colors: 4bit or 32bit BMP * no more than 256 colors: 8bit or 32bit BMP * more than 256 colors: 32bit BMP */ pnm_readpaminit(ifP, &pam, PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type)); if (pam.width > 256 || pam.height > 256) pm_error("Image %u: too large as a windows icon (%u x %u). " "Maximum allowed dimension is 256", imageNum, pam.width, pam.height); tuples = pnm_allocpamarray(&pam); doingPng = pam.width * pam.height >= pngThreshold; readAndScalePam(&pam, doingPng, tuples); determineImageType(&pam, tuples, &getPixel, &haveAlpha, &alphaPlane, &haveAnd, &andPlane); getPalette(&pam, tuples, getPixel, &palette); if (verbose) reportImageInfo(imageNum, &pam, &palette, haveAlpha, haveAnd); writeIconAndCreateDirEntry(&pam, tuples, getPixel, doingPng, haveAlpha, alphaPlane, haveAnd, andPlane, mustBlackenXor, &palette, ofP, &dirEntry); if (verbose) pm_message("Image %2u: %u bytes", imageNum, dirEntry.size); pnm_freepamarray(tuples, &pam); addToDirectory(&dirEntry, dirP); } static void convert(FILE * const ifP, unsigned int const pngThreshold, bool const mustBlackenXor, struct IconDir * const dirP, FILE * const ofP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read a (multi-image) PAM file from *ifP and convert the individual images to the proper format for a Windows icon file and write those to *ofP. Where the number of pixels in an image is at least 'pngThreshold', use a PNG image. Otherwise, use a BMP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int imageNum; bool eof; for (imageNum = 0, eof = false; !eof; ++imageNum) { convertOneImage(imageNum, ifP, pngThreshold, mustBlackenXor, ofP, dirP); pnm_nextimage(ifP, &eof); } } static void writeIconDirEntry(const struct IconDirEntry * const dirEntryP, FILE * const ofP) { pm_writecharu (ofP, dirEntryP->width); pm_writecharu (ofP, dirEntryP->height); pm_writecharu (ofP, dirEntryP->color_count); pm_writecharu (ofP, dirEntryP->zero); pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, dirEntryP->color_planes); pm_writelittleshortu (ofP, dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel); pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, dirEntryP->size); pm_writelittlelongu (ofP, dirEntryP->offset); } static void writeIconDirectory(const struct IconDir * const dirP, FILE * const ofP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write to file *ofP the icon directory described by *dirP. *dirP's image offset members are meaningless as input. We fill them in. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t const hsize = 6 + dirP->count * 16; unsigned int imageNum; unsigned int imageOffset; pm_writelittleshortu(ofP, dirP->zero); pm_writelittleshortu(ofP, dirP->type); pm_writelittleshortu(ofP, dirP->count); for (imageNum = 0, imageOffset = hsize; imageNum < dirP->count; ++imageNum) { struct IconDirEntry * const dirEntryP = &dirP->entries[imageNum]; pm_message("image %2u: %3u x %3u x %2u", imageNum, dirEntryP->width, dirEntryP->height, dirEntryP->bits_per_pixel); dirEntryP->offset = imageOffset; writeIconDirEntry(dirEntryP, ofP); imageOffset += dirEntryP->size; } } static void copyFile(FILE * const ifP, FILE * const ofP) { bool eof; for (eof = false; !eof; ) { unsigned char buffer[1024]; size_t bytesRead; bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), ifP); if (bytesRead == 0) eof = true; else { size_t bytesWritten; bytesWritten = fwrite(buffer, 1, bytesRead, ofP); if (bytesWritten < bytesRead) pm_error("Error writing to output file."); } } } static void writeIconFile(const struct IconDir * const dirP, FILE * const imagesFileP, FILE * const ofP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write a windows icon file. *dirP is the icon directory to put in it. *imagesFileP contains all the text of the icon images. The contents of this file go verbatim into the output. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ writeIconDirectory(dirP, ofP); copyFile(imagesFileP, ofP); } int main(int argc, const char *argv []) { struct CmdlineInfo cmdline; FILE * ifP; FILE * imagesFileP; /* This is the file in which we collect the individual icon images to be copied later to the output. */ struct IconDir * dirP; pm_proginit(&argc, argv); parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline); verbose = cmdline.verbose; /* The output icon file has directory information at the top that we can't know until we have looked at the input images. So as we pass through the input, we collect the directory information and generate the individual icon images and store them in *imageFileP. When we've been through all of the input, we write out the directory and then copy the images from *imageFileP to the output. */ dirP = newIconDir(); imagesFileP = pm_tmpfile(); ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFileName); convert(ifP, SQR(cmdline.pngthreshold), cmdline.truetransparent, dirP, imagesFileP); rewind(imagesFileP); writeIconFile(dirP, imagesFileP, stdout); freeIconDir(dirP); return 0; }