/* image-proc.c: image processing routines */ #include #include #include #include "mallocvar.h" #include "message.h" #include "image-proc.h" #define BLACK 0 #define WHITE 0xff #ifndef M_SQRT2 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237 #endif #if 0 struct etyp { int t00, t11, t01, t01s; }; static bool get_edge(bitmap_type, int y, int x, struct etyp *t); static void check(int v1, int v2, int v3, struct etyp *t); #endif /* Allocate storage for a new distance map with the same dimensions as BITMAP and initialize it so that pixels in BITMAP with value TARGET_VALUE are at distance zero and all other pixels are at distance infinity. Then compute the gray-weighted distance from every non-target point to the nearest target point. */ distance_map_type new_distance_map(bitmap_type bitmap, unsigned char target_value, bool padded, at_exception_type * exp) { signed x, y; float d, min; distance_map_type dist; unsigned char *b = bitmap.bitmap; unsigned w = bitmap.width; unsigned h = bitmap.height; unsigned spp = bitmap.np; dist.height = h; dist.width = w; MALLOCARRAY(dist.d, h); MALLOCARRAY(dist.weight, h); if (dist.d == NULL || dist.weight == NULL) pm_error("Unable to get memory for distance map"); for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++) { MALLOCARRAY(dist.d[y], w); if (dist.d[y] == NULL) pm_error("Unable to get memory for distance map"); memset(dist.d[y], 0, w * sizeof(float)); MALLOCARRAY(dist.weight[y], w); if (dist.weight[y] == NULL) pm_error("Unable to get memory for distance map"); } if (spp == 3) { for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++, b += spp) { int gray; float fgray; gray = (int)LUMINANCE(b[0], b[1], b[2]); dist.d[y][x] = (gray == target_value ? 0.0F : 1.0e10F); fgray = gray * 0.0039215686F; /* = gray / 255.0F */ dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - fgray; /* dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - (fgray * fgray);*/ /* dist.weight[y][x] = (fgray < 0.5F ? 1.0F - fgray : -2.0F * fgray * (fgray - 1.0F));*/ } } } else { for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++, b += spp) { int gray; float fgray; gray = b[0]; dist.d[y][x] = (gray == target_value ? 0.0F : 1.0e10F); fgray = gray * 0.0039215686F; /* = gray / 255.0F */ dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - fgray; /* dist.weight[y][x] = 1.0F - (fgray * fgray);*/ /* dist.weight[y][x] = (fgray < 0.5F ? 1.0F - fgray : -2.0F * fgray * (fgray - 1.0F)); */ } } } /* If the image is padded then border points are all at most one unit away from the nearest target point. */ if (padded) { for (y = 0; y < (signed) h; y++) { if (dist.d[y][0] > dist.weight[y][0]) dist.d[y][0] = dist.weight[y][0]; if (dist.d[y][w - 1] > dist.weight[y][w - 1]) dist.d[y][w - 1] = dist.weight[y][w - 1]; } for (x = 0; x < (signed) w; x++) { if (dist.d[0][x] > dist.weight[0][x]) dist.d[0][x] = dist.weight[0][x]; if (dist.d[h - 1][x] > dist.weight[h - 1][x]) dist.d[h - 1][x] = dist.weight[h - 1][x]; } } /* Scan the image from left to right, top to bottom. Examine the already-visited neighbors of each point (those situated above or to the left of it). Each neighbor knows the distance to its nearest target point; add to this distance the distance from the central point to the neighbor (either sqrt(2) or one) multiplied by the central point's weight (derived from its gray level). Replace the distance already stored at the central point if the new distance is smaller. */ for (y = 1; y < (signed) h; y++) { for (x = 1; x < (signed) w; x++) { if (dist.d[y][x] == 0.0F) continue; min = dist.d[y][x]; /* upper-left neighbor */ d = dist.d[y - 1][x - 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* upper neighbor */ d = dist.d[y - 1][x] + dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* left neighbor */ d = dist.d[y][x - 1] + dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* upper-right neighbor (except at the last column) */ if (x + 1 < (signed) w) { d = dist.d[y - 1][x + 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; } } } /* Same as above, but now scanning right to left, bottom to top. */ for (y = h - 2; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = w - 2; x >= 0; x--) { min = dist.d[y][x]; /* lower-right neighbor */ d = dist.d[y + 1][x + 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* lower neighbor */ d = dist.d[y + 1][x] + dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* right neighbor */ d = dist.d[y][x + 1] + dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; /* lower-left neighbor (except at the first column) */ if (x - 1 >= 0) { d = dist.d[y + 1][x - 1] + (float) M_SQRT2 * dist.weight[y][x]; if (d < min) min = dist.d[y][x] = d; } } } return dist; } /* Free the dynamically-allocated storage associated with a distance map. */ void free_distance_map(distance_map_type *dist) { unsigned y, h; if (!dist) return; h = dist->height; if (dist->d != NULL) { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) free(dist->d[y]); free(dist->d); } if (dist->weight != NULL) { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) free(dist->weight[y]); free(dist->weight); } } #if 0 void medial_axis(bitmap_type *bitmap, distance_map_type *dist, bool bgSpec, pixel bg_color) { unsigned x, y, test; unsigned w, h; unsigned char *b; float **d, f; pixel bg; assert(bitmap != NULL); assert(BITMAP_PLANES(*bitmap) == 1); b = BITMAP_BITS(*bitmap); assert(b != NULL); assert(dist != NULL); d = dist->d; assert(d != NULL); h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(*dist); w = BITMAP_WIDTH(*dist); assert(BITMAP_WIDTH(*bitmap) == w && BITMAP_HEIGHT(*bitmap) == h); if (bgSpec) bg = bg_color; else PPM_ASSIGN(bg, 255, 255, 255); f = d[0][0] + 0.5; test = (f < d[1][0]) + (f < d[1][1]) + (f < d[0][1]); if (test > 1) b[0] = PPM_GETR(bg); f = d[0][w-1] + 0.5; test = (f < d[1][w-1]) + (f < d[1][w-2]) + (f < d[0][w-2]); if (test > 1) b[w-1] = PPM_GETR(bg); for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { f = d[0][x] + 0.5; test = (f < d[0][x-1]) + (f < d[0][x+1]) + (f < d[1][x-1]) + (f < d[1][x]) + (f < d[1][x+1]); if (test > 1) b[x] = PPM_GETR(bg); } b += w; for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { f = d[y][0] + 0.5; test = (f < d[y-1][0]) + (f < d[y-1][1]) + (f < d[y][1]) + (f < d[y+1][0]) + (f < d[y+1][1]); if (test > 1) b[0] = PPM_GETR(bg); for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { f = d[y][x] + 0.5; test = (f < d[y-1][x-1]) + (f < d[y-1][x]) + (f < d[y-1][x+1]) + (f < d[y][x-1]) + (f < d[y][x+1]) + (f < d[y+1][x-1]) + (f < d[y+1][x]) + (f < d[y+1][x+1]); if (test > 1) b[x] = PPM_GETR(bg) } f = d[y][w-1] + 0.5; test = (f < d[y-1][w-1]) + (f < d[y-1][w-2]) + (f < d[y][w-2]) + (f < d[y+1][w-1]) + (f < d[y+1][w-2]); if (test > 1) b[w-1] = PPM_GETR(bg); b += w; } for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { f = d[h-1][x] + 0.5; test = (f < d[h-1][x-1]) + (f < d[h-1][x+1]) + (f < d[h-2][x-1]) + (f < d[h-2][x]) + (f < d[h-2][x+1]); if (test > 1) b[x] = PPM_GETR(bg); } f = d[h-1][0] + 0.5; test = (f < d[h-2][0]) + (f < d[h-2][1]) + (f < d[h-1][1]); if (test > 1) b[0] = PPM_GETR(bg); f = d[h-1][w-1] + 0.5; test = (f < d[h-2][w-1]) + (f < d[h-2][w-2]) + (f < d[h-1][w-2]); if (test > 1) b[w-1] = PPM_GETR(bg); } #endif /* Binarize a grayscale or color image. */ void binarize(bitmap_type *bitmap) { unsigned i, npixels, spp; unsigned char *b; assert(bitmap != NULL); assert(bitmap->bitmap != NULL); b = bitmap->bitmap; spp = bitmap->np; npixels = bitmap->width * bitmap->height; if (spp == 1) { for (i = 0; i < npixels; i++) b[i] = (b[i] > GRAY_THRESHOLD ? WHITE : BLACK); } else if (spp == 3) { unsigned char *rgb = b; for (i = 0; i < npixels; i++, rgb += 3) { b[i] = (LUMINANCE(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) > GRAY_THRESHOLD ? WHITE : BLACK); } REALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(bitmap->bitmap, npixels); bitmap->np = 1; } else { WARNING1("binarize: %u-plane images are not supported", spp); } } #if 0 /* Thin a binary image, replacing the original image with the thinned one. */ bitmap_type ip_thin(bitmap_type input_b) { unsigned y, x, i; bool k, again; struct etyp t; unsigned w = BITMAP_WIDTH(input_b); unsigned h = BITMAP_HEIGHT(input_b); size_t num_bytes = w * h; bitmap_type b = input_b; if (BITMAP_PLANES(input_b) != 1) { FATAL1("thin: single-plane image required; " "%u-plane images cannot be thinned", BITMAP_PLANES(input_b)); return b; } /* Process and return a copy of the input image. */ MALLOCARRAY(b.bitmap, num_bytes); if (b.bitmap == NULL) pm_error("Unable to get memory for bitmap"); memcpy(b.bitmap, input_b.bitmap, num_bytes); /* Set background pixels to zero, foreground pixels to one. */ for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) b.bitmap[i] = (b.bitmap[i] == BLACK ? 1 : 0); again = true; while (again) { again = false; for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { /* During processing, pixels are used to store edge type codes, so we can't just test for WHITE or BLACK. */ if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue; k = (!get_edge(b, y, x, &t) || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x)) || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1)) || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && get_edge(b, y+1, x+1, &t) && get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t))); if (k) continue; get_edge(b, y, x, &t); if (t.t01) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 4; *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 2; again = true; } } for (y = 0; y < h; y++) for (x = 0; x < w; x++) if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0; for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue; k = (!get_edge(b, y, x, &t) || ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 04) == 0) || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1)) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1)) || (get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x) && *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x)) || (get_edge(b, y+1, x, &t) && get_edge(b, y, x+1, &t) && get_edge(b, y+1, x+1, &t))); if (k) continue; *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02; again = true; } } for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0; else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1; } } } /* Staircase removal; northward bias. */ for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue; k = !(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x) && ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x-1) && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x))) || (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x+1) && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x))))); if (k) continue; *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02; } } for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0; else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1; } } /* Southward bias */ for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) == 0) continue; k = !(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x) && ((*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x+1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x-1) && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x))) || (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y+1, x-1) && !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x+1) && (!*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x+1) || !*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y-1, x)) ))); if (k) continue; *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) |= 02; } } for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) & 02) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 0; else if (*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) > 0) *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) = 1; } } /* Set background pixels to WHITE, foreground pixels to BLACK. */ for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) b.bitmap[i] = (b.bitmap[i] == 0 ? WHITE : BLACK); return b; } bool get_edge(bitmap_type b, int y, int x, struct etyp *t) { t->t00 = 0; t->t01 = 0; t->t01s = 0; t->t11 = 0; check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x - 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x + 1), t); check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x + 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x + 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x + 1), t); check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x + 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x - 1), t); check(*BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y + 1, x - 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x - 1), *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y - 1, x - 1), t); return *BITMAP_PIXEL(b, y, x) && t->t00 && t->t11 && !t->t01s; } void check(int v1, int v2, int v3, struct etyp *t) { if (!v2 && (!v1 || !v3)) t->t00 = 1; if (v2 && (v1 || v3)) t->t11 = 1; if ((!v1 && v2) || (!v2 && v3)) { t->t01s = t->t01; t->t01 = 1; } } #endif