/* * rpf.h * * Written by: Stefan Frank * Richard Krampfl * Ullrich Hafner * * This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec) * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner */ /* * $Date: 2000/06/14 20:49:37 $ * $Author: hafner $ * $Revision: 5.1 $ * $State: Exp $ */ #ifndef _RPF_H #define _RPF_H #include "types.h" #include "fiasco.h" typedef struct rpf { unsigned mantissa_bits; /* number of bits used for mantissa */ real_t range; /* scale value to [-range, +range] */ fiasco_rpf_range_e range_e; } rpf_t; int rtob (real_t real, const rpf_t *rpf); real_t btor (int b, const rpf_t *rpf); rpf_t * alloc_rpf (unsigned mantissa, fiasco_rpf_range_e range); extern const int RPF_ZERO; #endif /* not _RPF_H */