/* * read.c: Input of WFA files * * Written by: Ullrich Hafner * * This file is part of FIASCO (Fractal Image And Sequence COdec) * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner */ /* * $Date: 2000/07/18 15:44:58 $ * $Author: hafner $ * $Revision: 5.4 $ * $State: Exp $ */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1 /* New name for SVID & BSD source defines */ #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "nstring.h" #include "types.h" #include "macros.h" #include "error.h" #include "wfa.h" #include "misc.h" #include "rpf.h" #include "bit-io.h" #include "wfalib.h" #include "tree.h" #include "matrices.h" #include "weights.h" #include "nd.h" #include "mc.h" #include "basis.h" #include "read.h" /***************************************************************************** prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static void read_tiling (tiling_t *tiling, unsigned image_width, unsigned image_height, unsigned image_level, bitfile_t *input); /***************************************************************************** public code *****************************************************************************/ bitfile_t * open_wfa (const char *filename, wfa_info_t *wi) /* * Open WFA file 'filename' and read header information. * * Return value: * Pointer to input stream (fileposition: first WFA frame) * * Side effects: * The values of the header of 'filename' are copied to 'wfainfo'. * */ { bitfile_t *input; /* pointer to WFA bitfile */ assert (filename && wi); wi->wfa_name = strdup (filename); /* * Check whether 'filename' is a regular WFA file */ { unsigned n; const char *str; if (!(input = open_bitfile (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS))) file_error (filename); for (str = FIASCO_MAGIC, n = strlen (FIASCO_MAGIC); n; n--) if (get_bits (input, 8) != (unsigned) *str++) error ("Input file %s is not a valid FIASCO file!", filename); get_bits (input, 8); /* fetch newline */ } /* * Read WFA header information */ { char basis_name [MAXSTRLEN]; /* temp. buffer */ const unsigned rice_k = 8; /* parameter of Rice Code */ char *str = basis_name; while ((*str++ = get_bits (input, 8)) != 0 && str < basis_name + MAXSTRLEN) ; if (str == basis_name + MAXSTRLEN) error ("Input file %s is not a valid FIASCO file!", filename); { wi->release = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); if (wi->release > FIASCO_BINFILE_RELEASE) error ("Can't decode FIASCO files of file format release `%d'." "\nCurrent file format release is `%d'.", wi->release, FIASCO_BINFILE_RELEASE); } if (wi->release > 1) { header_type_e type; while ((type = read_rice_code (rice_k, input)) != HEADER_END) { char buffer [MAXSTRLEN]; unsigned n = 0; switch (type) { case HEADER_TITLE: while ((buffer [n++] = get_bits (input, 8))) ; wi->title = strdup (buffer); break; case HEADER_COMMENT: while ((buffer [n++] = get_bits (input, 8))) ; wi->comment = strdup (buffer); break; default: /* should not happen */ break; } } } wi->basis_name = strdup (basis_name); wi->max_states = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->color = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO; wi->width = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->height = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); /* * Compute bintree level */ { unsigned lx = log2 (wi->width - 1) + 1; unsigned ly = log2 (wi->height - 1) + 1; wi->level = MAX(lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0); } wi->chroma_max_states = wi->color ? read_rice_code (rice_k, input) : -1; wi->p_min_level = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->p_max_level = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->frames = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->smoothing = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); /* * Read RPF models from disk */ { unsigned mantissa; fiasco_rpf_range_e range; mantissa = get_bits (input, 3) + 2; range = get_bits (input, 2); wi->rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range); if (get_bit (input)) /* different DC model */ { mantissa = get_bits (input, 3) + 2; range = get_bits (input, 2); wi->dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range); } else /* use same model for DC coefficients */ wi->dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->rpf->mantissa_bits, wi->rpf->range_e); if (get_bit (input)) /* different delta model */ { mantissa = get_bits (input, 3) + 2; range = get_bits (input, 2); wi->d_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range); } else wi->d_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->rpf->mantissa_bits, wi->rpf->range_e); if (get_bit (input)) /* different DC delta model */ { mantissa = get_bits (input, 3) + 2; range = get_bits (input, 2); wi->d_dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range); } else wi->d_dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits, wi->dc_rpf->range_e); } if (wi->frames > 1) /* motion compensation stuff */ { wi->fps = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->search_range = read_rice_code (rice_k, input); wi->half_pixel = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO; wi->B_as_past_ref = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO; } } INPUT_BYTE_ALIGN (input); return input; } void read_basis (const char *filename, wfa_t *wfa) /* * Read WFA initial basis 'filename' and fill 'wfa' struct. * * No return value. * * Side effects: * wfa->into, wfa->weights, wfa->final_distribution, wfa->basis_states * wfa->domain_type wfa->wfainfo->basis_name, are filled with the * values of the WFA basis. */ { FILE *input; /* ASCII WFA initial basis file */ assert (filename && wfa); if (!wfa->wfainfo->basis_name || !streq (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name, filename)) { if (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name) Free (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name); wfa->wfainfo->basis_name = strdup (filename); } if (get_linked_basis (filename, wfa)) return; /* basis is linked with executable */ /* * Check whether 'wfa_name' is a regular ASCII WFA initial basis file */ { char magic [MAXSTRLEN]; /* WFA magic number */ if (!(input = open_file (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS))) file_error(filename); if (fscanf (input, MAXSTRLEN_SCANF, magic) != 1) error ("Format error: ASCII FIASCO initial basis file %s", filename); else if (strneq (FIASCO_BASIS_MAGIC, magic)) error ("Input file %s is not an ASCII FIASCO initial basis!", filename); } /* * WFA ASCII format: * * Note: State 0 is assumed to be the constant function f(x, y) = 128. * Don't define any transitions of state 0 in an initial basis. * * Header: * type |description * ----------------+----------- * string |MAGIC Number "Wfa" * int |Number of basis states 'N' * bool_t-array[N] |use vector in linear combinations, * |0: don't use vector (auxiliary state) * |1: use vector in linear combinations * float-array[N] |final distribution of every state * * Transitions: * * current state *