.\" $Id: fiasco_d_options_new.3,v 1.1 2000/10/28 17:35:12 hafner Exp $ .TH fiasco 3 "April, 2000" "FIASCO" "Fractal Image And Sequence COdec" .SH NAME .B fiasco_d_options_new, fiasco_d_options_set_magnification, .B fiasco_d_options_delete, fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing .B fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format \- define additional options of FIASCO decoder .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .BI "fiasco_d_options_t *" .fi .BI "fiasco_d_options_new" .fi .BI " (void);" .sp .BI "void" .fi .BI "fiasco_d_options_delete" .fi .BI " (fiasco_d_options_t * "options ); .sp .BI "int" .fi .BI "fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format" .fi .BI " (fiasco_d_options_t * "options , .fi .BI " int "format ); .sp .BI "int" .fi .BI "fiasco_d_options_set_magnification" .fi .BI " (fiasco_d_options_t * "options , .fi .BI " int "level ); .sp .BI "int" .fi .BI "fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing" .fi .BI " (fiasco_d_options_t * "options , .fi .BI " unsigned "smoothing ); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBfiasco_d_options_new()\fP function allocates and initializes a FIASCO options object which is used to control additional decompression parameters. Conversely, the function \fBfiasco_d_options_delete()\fP discards the given FIASCO decoder options object. Several member functions are available to modify the default behavior of the FIASCO decoder. \fBfiasco_d_options_set_smoothing()\fP sets the \fIsmoothing\fP-percentage along partitioning borders when the images are regenerated; default is 70. \fBfiasco_d_options_set_magnification()\fP sets the \fImagnification\fP of the regenerated image; default is 0, i.e., the image geometry is not changed. \fBfiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format()\fP defines whether the decoder should use the default 4:4:4 format or the 4:2:0 format. The latter one significantly reduces the decoding time at the cost of some additional blocking artefacts. .SH ARGUMENTS .TP options This object encapsulates various decoding parameters. .TP smoothing This percentage (range is 0 - i.e., no smoothing - to 100) defines how much the regenerated image is smoothed along the partitioning borders. .TP level This value gives the magnification of the decoded image with respect to the original size. Positive values increase and negative values decrease the width and height of the image by a factor of 2^abs(\fIlevel\fP). .TP format If \fIformat\fP is 0 then the 4:4:4 color image format is used, i.e., the chroma channel are of the same size as the luminance. Otherwise, the 4:2:0 format is used. Then, width and height of each chroma channel is only one half of the width and height of the luminance. .SH RETURN VALUES The function \fBfiasco_d_options_new()\fP returns a pointer to the newly allocated decoder option object. If an error has been caught, a NULL pointer is returned. All set functions return 1 on success and 0 if an error has been caught. In case of an error, use the function fiasco_get_error_message(3) to get a string with the last error message of FIASCO. .SH "SEE ALSO" .br .BR fiasco_decoder "(3), " fiasco_coder (3) Ullrich Hafner, Juergen Albert, Stefan Frank, and Michael Unger. \fBWeighted Finite Automata for Video Compression\fP, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications, January 1998 .br Ullrich Hafner. \fBLow Bit-Rate Image and Video Coding with Weighted Finite Automata\fP, Ph.D. thesis, Mensch & Buch Verlag, ISBN 3-89820-002-7, October 1999. .SH AUTHOR Ullrich Hafner