/* * tiling.c: Subimage permutation * * Written by: Ullrich Hafner * * This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec) * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner */ /* * $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $ * $Author: hafner $ * $Revision: 5.1 $ * $State: Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include #include "pm_c_util.h" #include "types.h" #include "macros.h" #include "error.h" #include "image.h" #include "misc.h" #include "wfalib.h" #include "tiling.h" /***************************************************************************** prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static int cmpdecvar (const void *value1, const void *value2); static int cmpincvar (const void *value1, const void *value2); /***************************************************************************** public code *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct var_list { int address; /* bintree address */ real_t variance; /* variance of tile */ } var_list_t; tiling_t * alloc_tiling (fiasco_tiling_e method, unsigned tiling_exponent, unsigned image_level) /* * Image tiling constructor. * Allocate memory for the tiling_t structure. * `method' defines the tiling method (spiral or variance, * ascending or descending). * In case of invalid parameters, a structure with tiling.exponent == 0 is * returned. * * Return value * pointer to the new tiling structure on success */ { tiling_t *tiling = Calloc (1, sizeof (tiling_t)); if ((int) image_level - (int) tiling_exponent < 6) { tiling_exponent = 6; warning (_("Image tiles must be at least 8x8 pixels large.\n" "Setting tiling size to 8x8 pixels.")); } switch (method) { case FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC: case FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_DSC: case FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_ASC: case FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC: tiling_exponent = tiling_exponent; break; default: warning (_("Invalid tiling method specified. Disabling tiling.")); tiling_exponent = 0; break; } return tiling; } void free_tiling (tiling_t *tiling) /* * Tiling struct destructor: * Free memory of 'tiling' struct. * * No return value. * * Side effects: * structure 'tiling' is discarded. */ { if (tiling->vorder) Free (tiling->vorder); Free (tiling); } void perform_tiling (const image_t *image, tiling_t *tiling) /* * Compute image tiling permutation. * The image is split into 2**'tiling->exponent' tiles. * Depending on 'tiling->method', the following algorithms are used: * "VARIANCE_ASC" : Tiles are sorted by variance. * The first tile has the lowest variance * "VARIANCE_DSC" : Tiles are sorted by variance. * The first tile has the largest variance * "SPIRAL_ASC" : Tiles are sorted like a spiral starting * in the middle of the image. * "SPIRAL_DSC" : Tiles are sorted like a spiral starting * in the upper left corner. * * No return value. * * Side effects: * The tiling permutation is stored in 'tiling->vorder'. */ { if (tiling->exponent) { unsigned tiles = 1 << tiling->exponent; /* number of image tiles */ bool_t *tile_valid; /* tile i is in valid range ? */ tiling->vorder = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (int)); tile_valid = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (bool_t)); if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_ASC || tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC) { unsigned address; /* bintree address of tile */ unsigned number; /* number of image tiles */ unsigned lx = log2 (image->width - 1) + 1; /* x level */ unsigned ly = log2 (image->height - 1) + 1; /* y level */ unsigned level = MAX(lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0); var_list_t *var_list = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (var_list_t)); /* * Compute variances of image tiles */ for (number = 0, address = 0; address < tiles; address++) { unsigned width, height; /* size of image tile */ unsigned x0, y0; /* NW corner of image tile */ locate_subimage (level, level - tiling->exponent, address, &x0, &y0, &width, &height); if (x0 < image->width && y0 < image->height) /* valid range */ { if (x0 + width > image->width) /* outside image area */ width = image->width - x0; if (y0 + height > image->height) /* outside image area */ height = image->height - y0; var_list [number].variance = variance (image->pixels [GRAY], x0, y0, width, height, image->width); var_list [number].address = address; number++; tile_valid [address] = YES; } else tile_valid [address] = NO; } /* * Sort image tiles according to sign of 'tiling->exp' */ if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC) qsort (var_list, number, sizeof (var_list_t), cmpdecvar); else qsort (var_list, number, sizeof (var_list_t), cmpincvar); for (number = 0, address = 0; address < tiles; address++) if (tile_valid [address]) { tiling->vorder [address] = var_list [number].address; number++; debug_message ("tile number %d has original address %d", number, tiling->vorder [address]); } else tiling->vorder [address] = -1; Free (var_list); } else if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_DSC || tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC) { compute_spiral (tiling->vorder, image->width, image->height, tiling->exponent, tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC); } else { warning ("Unsupported image tiling method.\n" "Skipping image tiling step."); tiling->exponent = 0; } } } /***************************************************************************** private code *****************************************************************************/ static int cmpincvar (const void *value1, const void *value2) /* * Sorts by increasing variances (quicksort sorting function). */ { return ((var_list_t *) value1)->variance - ((var_list_t *) value2)->variance; } static int cmpdecvar (const void *value1, const void *value2) /* * Sorts by decreasing variances (quicksort sorting function). */ { return ((var_list_t *) value2)->variance - ((var_list_t *) value1)->variance; }