/* * options.c: FIASCO options handling * * Written by: Ullrich Hafner * * This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec) * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner */ /* * $Date: 2000/10/28 17:39:31 $ * $Author: hafner $ * $Revision: 5.5 $ * $State: Exp $ */ #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */ #include "config.h" #include #if STDC_HEADERS # include #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */ #include #include "nstring.h" #include "types.h" #include "macros.h" #include "error.h" #include "wfa.h" #include "misc.h" #include "bit-io.h" #include "fiasco.h" #include "options.h" fiasco_c_options_t * fiasco_c_options_new (void) /* * FIASCO options constructor. * Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder options structure and * fill in default values. * * Return value: * pointer to the new option structure */ { c_options_t *options = calloc (1, sizeof (c_options_t)); fiasco_c_options_t *public = calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_c_options_t)); if (!options || !public) { set_error (_("Out of memory.")); return NULL; } public->private = options; public->delete = fiasco_c_options_delete; public->set_tiling = fiasco_c_options_set_tiling; public->set_frame_pattern = fiasco_c_options_set_frame_pattern; public->set_basisfile = fiasco_c_options_set_basisfile; public->set_chroma_quality = fiasco_c_options_set_chroma_quality; public->set_optimizations = fiasco_c_options_set_optimizations; public->set_video_param = fiasco_c_options_set_video_param; public->set_quantization = fiasco_c_options_set_quantization; public->set_progress_meter = fiasco_c_options_set_progress_meter; public->set_smoothing = fiasco_c_options_set_smoothing; public->set_title = fiasco_c_options_set_title; public->set_comment = fiasco_c_options_set_comment; strcpy (options->id, "COFIASCO"); /* * Set default value of fiasco options */ options->basis_name = strdup ("small.fco"); options->lc_min_level = 4; options->lc_max_level = 12; options->p_min_level = 8; options->p_max_level = 10; options->images_level = 5; options->max_states = MAXSTATES; options->chroma_max_states = 40; options->max_elements = MAXEDGES; options->tiling_exponent = 4; options->tiling_method = FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC; options->id_domain_pool = strdup ("rle"); options->id_d_domain_pool = strdup ("rle"); options->id_rpf_model = strdup ("adaptive"); options->id_d_rpf_model = strdup ("adaptive"); options->rpf_mantissa = 3; options->rpf_range = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50; options->dc_rpf_mantissa = 5; options->dc_rpf_range = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00; options->d_rpf_mantissa = 3; options->d_rpf_range = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50; options->d_dc_rpf_mantissa = 5; options->d_dc_rpf_range = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00; options->chroma_decrease = 2.0; options->prediction = NO; options->delta_domains = YES; options->normal_domains = YES; options->search_range = 16; options->fps = 25; options->pattern = strdup ("IPPPPPPPPP"); options->reference_filename = NULL; options->half_pixel_prediction = NO; options->cross_B_search = YES; options->B_as_past_ref = YES; options->check_for_underflow = NO; options->check_for_overflow = NO; options->second_domain_block = NO; options->full_search = NO; options->progress_meter = FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE; options->smoothing = 70; options->comment = strdup (""); options->title = strdup (""); return public; } void fiasco_c_options_delete (fiasco_c_options_t *options) /* * FIASCO options destructor. * Free memory of FIASCO options struct. * * No return value. * * Side effects: * structure 'options' is discarded. */ { c_options_t *this = cast_c_options (options); if (!this) return; Free (this->id_domain_pool); Free (this->id_d_domain_pool); Free (this->id_rpf_model); Free (this->id_d_rpf_model); Free (this->pattern); Free (this->comment); Free (this->title); Free (this); return; } int fiasco_c_options_set_tiling (fiasco_c_options_t *options, fiasco_tiling_e method, unsigned exponent) /* * Set tiling `method' and `exponent'. * See type `fiasco_tiling_e' for a list of valid tiling `methods'. * The image is subdivied into 2^`exponent' tiles * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } switch (method) { case FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC: case FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_DSC: case FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_ASC: case FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC: this->tiling_method = method; break; default: set_error (_("Invalid tiling method `%d' specified " "(valid methods are 0, 1, 2, or 3)."), method); return 0; } this->tiling_exponent = exponent; return 1; } int fiasco_c_options_set_frame_pattern (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *pattern) /* * Set `pattern' of input frames. * `pattern' has to be a sequence of the following * characters (case insensitive): * 'i' intra frame * 'p' predicted frame * 'b' bidirectional predicted frame * E.g. pattern = 'IBBPBBPBB' * * When coding video frames the prediction type of input frame N is determined * by reading `pattern' [N] (`pattern' is periodically extended). * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!pattern) { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "pattern"); return 0; } else if (strlen (pattern) < 1) { set_error (_("Frame type pattern doesn't contain any character.")); return 0; } else { const char *str; bool_t parse_error = NO; int c = 0; for (str = pattern; *str && !parse_error; str++) switch (*str) { case 'i': case 'I': case 'b': case 'B': case 'p': case 'P': break; default: c = *str; parse_error = YES; } if (parse_error) { set_error (_("Frame type pattern contains invalid character `%c' " "(choose I, B or P)."), c); return 0; } else { Free (this->pattern); this->pattern = strdup (pattern); return 1; } } } int fiasco_c_options_set_basisfile (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *filename) /* * Set `filename' of FIASCO initial basis. * * Return value: * 1 on success (if the file is readable) * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!filename) { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "filename"); return 0; } else { /* Skip this because basis file may be linked with program, not in a separate file. See get_linked_basis(). NETPBM FILE *file = open_file (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS); if (file) { fclose (file); return 1; } else { set_error (_("Can't read basis file `%s'.\n%s."), filename, get_system_error ()); return 0; } */ return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_chroma_quality (fiasco_c_options_t *options, float quality_factor, unsigned dictionary_size) /* * Set color compression parameters. * When coding chroma channels (Cb and Cr) * - approximation quality is given by `quality_factor' * `Y quality' and * - `dictionary_size' gives the number of dictionary elements. * * If 'quality' <= 0 then the luminancy coding quality is also during * chroma channel coding. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!dictionary_size) { set_error (_("Size of chroma compression dictionary has to be " "a positive number.")); return 0; } else if (quality_factor <= 0) { set_error (_("Quality of chroma channel compression has to be " "positive value.")); return 0; } else { this->chroma_decrease = quality_factor; this->chroma_max_states = dictionary_size; return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_optimizations (fiasco_c_options_t *options, unsigned min_block_level, unsigned max_block_level, unsigned max_elements, unsigned dictionary_size, unsigned optimization_level) /* * Set various optimization parameters. * - During compression only image blocks of size * {`min_block_level', ... ,`max_block_level'} are considered. * The smaller this set of blocks is the faster the coder runs * and the worse the image quality will be. * - An individual approximation may use at most `max_elements' * elements of the dictionary which itself contains at most * `dictionary_size' elements. The smaller these values are * the faster the coder runs and the worse the image quality will be. * - `optimization_level' enables some additional low level optimizations. * 0: standard approximation method * 1: significantly increases the approximation quality, * running time is twice as high as with the standard method * 2: hardly increases the approximation quality of method 1, * running time is twice as high as with method 1 * (this method just remains for completeness) * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!dictionary_size) { set_error (_("Size of dictionary has to be a positive number.")); return 0; } else if (!max_elements) { set_error (_("At least one dictionary element has to be used " "in an approximation.")); return 0; } else if (max_block_level < 4) { set_error (_("Maximum image block size has to be at least level 4.")); return 0; } else if (min_block_level < 4) { set_error (_("Minimum image block size has to be at least level 4.")); return 0; } else if (max_block_level < min_block_level) { set_error (_("Maximum block size has to be larger or " "equal minimum block size.")); return 0; } else { this->lc_min_level = min_block_level; this->lc_max_level = max_block_level; this->max_states = dictionary_size; this->max_elements = max_elements; this->second_domain_block = optimization_level > 0 ? YES : NO; this->check_for_overflow = optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO; this->check_for_underflow = optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO; this->full_search = optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO; return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_prediction (fiasco_c_options_t *options, int intra_prediction, unsigned min_block_level, unsigned max_block_level) /* * Set minimum and maximum size of image block prediction to * `min_block_level' and `max_block_level'. * (For either motion compensated prediction of inter frames * or DC based prediction of intra frames) * Prediction of intra frames is only used if `intra_prediction' != 0. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (max_block_level < 6) { set_error (_("Maximum prediction block size has to be " "at least level 6")); return 0; } else if (min_block_level < 6) { set_error (_("Minimum prediction block size has to be " "at least level 6")); return 0; } else if (max_block_level < min_block_level) { set_error (_("Maximum prediction block size has to be larger or " "equal minimum block size.")); return 0; } else { this->p_min_level = min_block_level; this->p_max_level = max_block_level; this->prediction = intra_prediction; return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_video_param (fiasco_c_options_t *options, unsigned frames_per_second, int half_pixel_prediction, int cross_B_search, int B_as_past_ref) /* * Set various parameters used for video compensation. * 'frames_per_second' defines the frame rate which should be * used when the video is decoded. This value has no effect during coding, * it is just passed to the FIASCO output file. * If 'half_pixel_prediction' is not 0 then half pixel precise * motion compensated prediction is used. * If 'cross_B_search' is not 0 then the fast Cross-B-Search algorithm is * used to determine the motion vectors of interpolated prediction. Otherwise * exhaustive search (in the given search range) is used. * If 'B_as_past_ref' is not 0 then B frames are allowed to be used * for B frame predicion. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else { this->fps = frames_per_second; this->half_pixel_prediction = half_pixel_prediction; this->cross_B_search = cross_B_search; this->B_as_past_ref = B_as_past_ref; return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_quantization (fiasco_c_options_t *options, unsigned mantissa, fiasco_rpf_range_e range, unsigned dc_mantissa, fiasco_rpf_range_e dc_range) /* * Set accuracy of coefficients quantization. * DC coefficients (of the constant dictionary vector f(x,y) = 1) * are quantized to values of the interval [-`dc_range', `dc_range'] using * #`dc_mantissa' bits. All other quantized coefficients are quantized in * an analogous way using the parameters `range' and `mantissa'. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (mantissa < 2 || mantissa > 8 || dc_mantissa < 2 || dc_mantissa > 8) { set_error (_("Number of RPF mantissa bits `%d', `%d' have to be in " "the interval [2,8]."), mantissa, dc_mantissa); return 0; } else { if ((range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_0_75 || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00 || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50 || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_2_00) && (dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_0_75 || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00 || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50 || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_2_00)) { this->rpf_range = range; this->dc_rpf_range = dc_range; this->rpf_mantissa = mantissa; this->dc_rpf_mantissa = dc_mantissa; return 1; } else { set_error (_("Invalid RPF ranges `%d', `%d' specified."), range, dc_range); return 0; } } } int fiasco_c_options_set_progress_meter (fiasco_c_options_t *options, fiasco_progress_e type) /* * Set type of progress meter. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } switch (type) { case FIASCO_PROGRESS_BAR: case FIASCO_PROGRESS_PERCENT: case FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE: this->progress_meter = type; break; default: set_error (_("Invalid progress meter `%d' specified " "(valid values are 0, 1, or 2)."), type); return 0; } return 1; } int fiasco_c_options_set_smoothing (fiasco_c_options_t *options, int smoothing) /* * Define `smoothing'-percentage along partitioning borders. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (smoothing < -1 || smoothing > 100) { set_error (_("Smoothing percentage must be in the range [-1, 100].")); return 0; } else { this->smoothing = smoothing; return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_comment (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *comment) /* * Define `comment' of FIASCO stream. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!comment) { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "title"); return 0; } else { this->comment = strdup (comment); return 1; } } int fiasco_c_options_set_title (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *title) /* * Define `title' of FIASCO stream. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (!title) { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "title"); return 0; } else { this->title = strdup (title); return 1; } } c_options_t * cast_c_options (fiasco_c_options_t *options) /* * Cast generic pointer `options' to type c_options_t. * Check whether `options' is a valid object of type c_options_t. * * Return value: * pointer to options struct on success * NULL otherwise */ { c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) options->private; if (this) { if (!streq (this->id, "COFIASCO")) { set_error (_("Parameter `options' doesn't match required type.")); return NULL; } } else { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "options"); } return this; } /************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** DECODER *************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ fiasco_d_options_t * fiasco_d_options_new (void) /* * FIASCO options constructor. * Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder options structure and * fill in default values. * * Return value: * pointer to the new option structure */ { d_options_t *options = calloc (1, sizeof (d_options_t)); fiasco_d_options_t *public = calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_d_options_t)); if (!options || !public) { set_error (_("Out of memory.")); return NULL; } public->private = options; public->delete = fiasco_d_options_delete; public->set_smoothing = fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing; public->set_magnification = fiasco_d_options_set_magnification; public->set_4_2_0_format = fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format; strcpy (options->id, "DOFIASCO"); /* * Set default value of fiasco decoder options */ options->smoothing = 70; options->magnification = 0; options->image_format = FORMAT_4_4_4; return public; } void fiasco_d_options_delete (fiasco_d_options_t *options) /* * FIASCO options destructor. * Free memory of FIASCO options struct. * * No return value. * * Side effects: * structure 'options' is discarded. */ { d_options_t *this = cast_d_options (options); if (!this) return; Free (this); return; } int fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int smoothing) /* * Define `smoothing'-percentage along partitioning borders. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else if (smoothing < -1 || smoothing > 100) { set_error (_("Smoothing percentage must be in the range [-1, 100].")); return 0; } else { this->smoothing = smoothing; return 1; } } int fiasco_d_options_set_magnification (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int level) /* * Set magnification-'level' of decoded image. * 0: width x height of original image * 1: (2 * width) x (2 * height) of original image * -1: (width / 2 ) x (height / 2) of original image * etc. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else { this->magnification = level; return 1; } } int fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int format) /* * Set image format to 4:2:0 or 4:4:4. * * Return value: * 1 on success * 0 otherwise */ { d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options); if (!this) { return 0; } else { this->image_format = format ? FORMAT_4_2_0 : FORMAT_4_4_4; return 1; } } d_options_t * cast_d_options (fiasco_d_options_t *options) /* * Cast generic pointer `options' to type d_options_t. * Check whether `options' is a valid object of type d_options_t. * * Return value: * pointer to options struct on success * NULL otherwise */ { d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) options->private; if (this) { if (!streq (this->id, "DOFIASCO")) { set_error (_("Parameter `options' doesn't match required type.")); return NULL; } } else { set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "options"); } return this; }