# Make Unix man pages from Netpbm HTML user manual
# GNU make version 3.81 or newer recommended.
# Tested with GNU make version 3.80.
# CAVEAT: USERGUIDE must be a valid directory: even for "make clean"!
# MAKEFILE_DIR is the directory with this file: manpage.mk.
# Should be buildtools.
# Use $(realpath) and $(lastword) if available.
# (both appear in GNU make v. 3.81)
ifeq ($(realpath $(CURDIR)/.),$(CURDIR))
MAKEFILE_DIR := $(dir $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
MAKEFILE_DIR := $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# Python script makeman should be in the same directory.
# Install location of manpages.
# Subdirectories man{1,3,5} must exist.
MANDIR ?= /usr/share/man/
# Directory with the HTML input files. It must be explicitly set and
# must be a valid directory.
ifeq ($(USERGUIDE),)
$(error error: Variable USERGUIDE must be explicitly set)
ifeq ($(wildcard $(USERGUIDE)/*html),)
$(error error: No HTML files found in $(USERGUIDE))
# In the past the following default value was used.
# It works if you've done a SVN checkout for netpbm and userguide in the
# same directory, and you are working in a subdirectory of netpbm, say
# ./buildtools .
# USERGUIDE = ../../userguide
# The files that don't get converted to manual pages.
# Override at the command line if necessary.
# error.html: appears when problem occurs when fetching HTML files with wget.
# directory.html: list of Netpbm programs.
# libnetpbm_dir.html: directory to pages describing libnetpbm functions
# hpcdtoppm: Not distributed via Sourceforge for copyright restrictions.
# ppmsvgalib: Not used in systems with X Window System.
# vidtoppm: Does not compile due to missing header files.
directory.html \
error.html \
hpcdtoppm.html \
liberror.html \
libnetpbm_dir.html \
ppmsvgalib.html \
# File lists
# We do not provide a list of troff manpages to be generated.
# Instead the list is generated afresh from HTML file names. Reasons:
# 1. Any list would have to be updated every time an HTML file is added.
# 2. The suffix (man section) depends on content (a "META" tag) of the
# HTML file. (The mankeman script is clever.)
# 3. In one instance the file stem name changes: index.html => netpbm.1
HTML_ALL := $(sort $(notdir $(wildcard $(USERGUIDE)/*.html)))
# Subsets of HTMLMANUALS, by target man section
HTML3 := $(shell cd $(USERGUIDE) && \
fgrep -l -i '' \
HTML5 := $(shell cd $(USERGUIDE) && \
fgrep -l -i '' \
HTML1 := $(filter-out $(HTML3) $(HTML5),$(HTMLMANUALS))
# Troff man pages, by section
MAN1 := $(patsubst index.1,netpbm.1,$(HTML1:.html=.1))
MAN3 := $(HTML3:.html=.3)
MAN5 := $(HTML5:.html=.5)
MANPAGES := $(MAN1) $(MAN3) $(MAN5)
XML1 := $(MAN1:.1=.xml)
XML3 := $(MAN3:.3=.xml)
XML5 := $(MAN5:.5=.xml)
XMLPAGES = $(XML1) $(XML3) $(XML5)
.PHONY : report
report: htmlcount manpagecount
.PHONY : manpagecount
@echo Number of actual / expected troff man pages in current directory:
@echo Section 1: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN1))) / $(words $(MAN1))
@echo Section 3: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN3))) / $(words $(MAN3))
@echo Section 5: $(words $(wildcard $(MAN5))) / $(words $(MAN5))
@echo total: $(words $(wildcard $(MANPAGES))) / $(words $(MANPAGES))
.PHONY : htmlcount
@echo HTML files in USERGUIDE directory: $(USERGUIDE)
@echo Total HTML files: $(words $(HTML_ALL))
@echo Rejected HTML files: $(HTML_REJECT) : $(words $(HTML_REJECT))
@echo Valid HTML files: $(words $(HTMLMANUALS))
.PHONY : reportvalid
@echo Source HTML files in USERGUIDE directory: $(USERGUIDE)
# Note that this may give different results from "ls ."
.PHONY : reportman
@echo $(MANPAGES)
# Static rules for converting HTML to troff man -- reports bad lines
# to standard error.
%.1 %.3 %.5: $(USERGUIDE)/%.html
@echo Converting $< to $@
@python $(MAKEMAN) -d $(USERGUIDE) $(> /dev/null
# This will install the generated man pages.
# Note that lists MAN1 MAN3 MAN5 depend upon the names of HTML files
# in the USERGUIDE directory, even after man page generation.
# If the current directory has "pbm.1" but USERGUIDE does not have
# "pbm.html", the document will not be installed.
# If the USERGUIDE directory is empty, no documents will be installed.
.PHONY : installman
installman: report
set -x
for f in $(wildcard $(MAN1)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz; fi; done
for f in $(wildcard $(MAN3)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz; fi; done
for f in $(wildcard $(MAN5)); do if [ -f $$f ]; then gzip <$$f >$(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz; fi; done
# This will uninstall the man pages.
# Only pages with corresponing files in USERGUIDE are deleted.
.PHONY : uninstallman
uninstallman: report
for f in $(MAN1); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f.gz; fi; done
for f in $(MAN3); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f.gz; fi; done
for f in $(MAN5); do if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz ]; then rm -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f.gz; fi; done
# Legacy uninstall target.
# # Clean up old locations on Fedora Core 2
# rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/extendedopacity.1.gz
# rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/directory.3.gz
# rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/libnetpbm_dir.3.gz
# # remove pointer man pages (that say, "The man page isn't here")
# # which might have been installed previously
# for f in $(MAN1); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$f; done
# for f in $(MAN3); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man3/$$f; done
# for f in $(MAN5); do rm -f $(MANDIR)/man5/$$f; done
.PHONY: clean
@rm -f *.[135] $(XML)