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path: root/generator/pamcrater.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'generator/pamcrater.c')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generator/pamcrater.c b/generator/pamcrater.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d61ce548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/pamcrater.c
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+                               pamcrater
+  Fractal cratering
+  This is derived from John Walker's 'pgmcrater' which not only creates
+  the terrain map as this program does, but then does a relief filter to
+  convert it to a shaded visual image.
+  The  algorithm  used  to  determine crater size is as described on
+  pages 31 and 32 of:
+  Peitgen, H.-O., and Saupe, D. eds., The Science Of Fractal
+      Images, New York: Springer Verlag, 1988.
+  The  mathematical  technique  used  to calculate crater radii that
+  obey the proper area law distribution from a uniformly distributed
+  pseudorandom sequence was developed by Rudy Rucker.
+  The original program carried this attribution and license:
+       Designed and implemented in November of 1989 by:
+        John Walker
+        Autodesk SA
+        Avenue des Champs-Montants 14b
+        CH-2074 MARIN
+        Switzerland
+        Usenet: kelvin@Autodesk.com
+        Fax:    038/33 88 15
+        Voice:  038/33 76 33
+  Permission  to  use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+  its documentation  for  any  purpose  and  without  fee  is  hereby
+  granted,  without any conditions or restrictions.  This software is
+  provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+/* Modifications by Arjen Bax, 2001-06-21: Remove black vertical line at
+   right edge. Make craters wrap around the image (enables tiling of image).
+ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE   /* get M_PI in math.h */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "pm_c_util.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#include "nstring.h"
+#include "pam.h"
+struct CmdlineInfo {
+    /* All the information the user supplied in the command line,
+       in a form easy for the program to use.
+    */
+    unsigned int number;
+    unsigned int height;
+    unsigned int width;
+    unsigned int randomseedSpec;
+    unsigned int randomseed;
+    unsigned int test;
+    unsigned int radius;
+static void
+parseCommandLine(int argc, const char ** const argv,
+                 struct CmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) {
+   Note that the file spec array we return is stored in the storage that
+   was passed to us as the argv array.
+    optEntry * option_def;
+        /* Instructions to OptParseOptions3 on how to parse our options.
+         */
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    unsigned int option_def_index;
+    unsigned int numberSpec, heightSpec, widthSpec, radiusSpec;
+    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENT3 */
+    OPTENT3(0,   "number",     OPT_UINT,    &cmdlineP->number,
+            &numberSpec,                 0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "height",     OPT_UINT,    &cmdlineP->height,
+            &heightSpec,                 0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "width",      OPT_UINT,    &cmdlineP->width,
+            &widthSpec,                  0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "randomseed", OPT_UINT,    &cmdlineP->randomseed,
+            &cmdlineP->randomseedSpec,   0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "test",       OPT_FLAG,    NULL,
+            &cmdlineP->test,       0);
+    OPTENT3(0,   "radius",     OPT_UINT,    &cmdlineP->radius,
+            &radiusSpec,           0);
+    opt.opt_table = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = FALSE;  /* We have no short (old-fashioned) options */
+    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;  /* We may have parms that are negative numbers */
+    pm_optParseOptions3(&argc, (char **)argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
+        /* Uses and sets argc, argv, and some of *cmdlineP and others. */
+    if (argc-1 > 0)
+        pm_error("There are no non-option arguments.  You specified %u",
+                 argc-1);
+    if (!heightSpec)
+        cmdlineP->height = 256;
+    if (cmdlineP->height == 0)
+        pm_error("-height must be positive");
+    if (!widthSpec)
+        cmdlineP->width = 256;
+    if (cmdlineP->width == 0)
+        pm_error("-width must be positive");
+    if (cmdlineP->test) {
+        if (!radiusSpec)
+            pm_error("With -test, you must specify -radius");
+        else {
+            if(MAX(cmdlineP->height, cmdlineP->width) * 2 < cmdlineP->radius)
+                pm_error("Radius (%u) too large", cmdlineP->radius);
+            if (numberSpec)
+                pm_error("-number is meaningless with -test");
+            if (cmdlineP->randomseedSpec)
+                pm_error("-randomseed is meaningless with -test");
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (radiusSpec)
+            pm_error("-radius is meaningful only with -test");
+        if (!numberSpec)
+            cmdlineP->number = 50000;
+        if (cmdlineP->number == 0)
+            pm_error("-number must be positive");
+    }
+    free(option_def);
+/* Definitions for obtaining random numbers. */
+/*  Display parameters  */
+static double const arand       = 32767.0;  /* Random number parameters */
+static double const CdepthPower = 1.5;      /* Crater depth power factor */
+static double const DepthBias2  = 0.5;      /* Square of depth bias */
+static double const
+cast(double const high) {
+    return high * ((rand() & 0x7FFF) / arand);
+static unsigned int
+mod(int          const t,
+    unsigned int const n) {
+    /* This is used to transform coordinates beyond bounds into ones
+       within: craters "wrap around" the edges.  This enables tiling
+       of the image.
+       Produces strange effects when crater radius is very large compared
+       to image size.
+    */
+    int m;
+    m = t % (int)n;
+    if (m < 0)
+        m += n;
+    return m;
+static sample *
+terrainModP(struct pam * const pamP,
+            tuple **     const terrain,
+            int          const x,
+            int          const y) {
+    return &terrain[mod(y, pamP->height)][mod(x, pamP->width)][0];
+static sample
+terrainMod(struct pam * const pamP,
+           tuple **     const terrain,
+           int          const x,
+           int          const y) {
+    return *terrainModP(pamP, terrain, x, y);
+static void
+smallCrater(struct pam * const pamP,
+            tuple **     const terrain,
+            int          const cx,
+            int          const cy,
+            double       const g) {
+   Generate a crater with a special method for tiny craters.
+    int y;
+    unsigned int amptot;
+    unsigned int npatch;
+    /* Set pixel to the average of its Moore neighborhood. */
+    for (y = cy - 1, amptot = 0, npatch = 0; y <= cy + 1; ++y) {
+        int x;
+        for (x = cx - 1; x <= cx + 1; ++x) {
+            amptot += terrainMod(pamP, terrain, x, y);
+            ++npatch;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        unsigned int const axelev = amptot / npatch;
+        /* Perturb the mean elevation by a small random factor. */
+        int const x = g >= 1 ? ((rand() >> 8) & 3) - 1 : 0;
+        *terrainModP(pamP, terrain, cx, cy) = axelev + x;
+    }
+static void
+normalCrater(struct pam * const pamP,
+             tuple **     const terrain,
+             int          const cx,
+             int          const cy,
+             double       const radius) {
+   Generate a regular (not tiny) crater.
+   Generate an impact feature of the correct size and shape.
+    int    const impactRadius = (int) MAX(2, (radius / 3));
+    int    const craterRadius = (int) radius;
+    double const rollmin      = 0.9;
+    int y;
+    unsigned int amptot, axelev;
+    unsigned int npatch;
+    /* Determine mean elevation around the impact area.
+       We assume the impact area is a fraction of the total crater size. */
+    for (y = cy - impactRadius, amptot = 0, npatch = 0;
+         y <= cy + impactRadius;
+         ++y) {
+        int x;
+        for (x = cx - impactRadius; x <= cx + impactRadius; ++x) {
+            amptot += terrainMod(pamP, terrain, x, y);
+            ++npatch;
+        }
+    }
+    assert(npatch > 0);
+    axelev = amptot / npatch;
+    for (y = cy - craterRadius; y <= cy + craterRadius; ++y) {
+        int const dysq = (cy - y) * (cy - y);
+        int x;
+        for (x = cx - craterRadius; x <= cx + craterRadius; ++x) {
+            int  const dxsq = (cx - x) * (cx - x);
+            double const cd = (dxsq + dysq) /
+                              (double) (craterRadius * craterRadius);
+            double const cd2 = cd * 2.25;
+            double const tcz = sqrt(DepthBias2) - sqrt(fabs(1 - cd2));
+            double cz;
+            double roll;
+            cz = MAX((cd2 > 1) ? 0.0 : -10, tcz);  /* Initial value */
+            cz *= pow(craterRadius, CdepthPower);
+            if (dysq == 0 && dxsq == 0 && ((int) cz) == 0) {
+                cz = cz < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+            }
+            roll = (((1 / (1 - MIN(rollmin, cd))) /
+                     (1 / (1 - rollmin))) - (1 - rollmin)) / rollmin;
+            {
+                unsigned int av;
+                av = (axelev + cz) * (1 - roll) +
+                    (terrainMod(pamP, terrain, x, y) + cz) * roll;
+                av = MAX(1000, MIN(64000, av));
+                *terrainModP(pamP, terrain, x, y) = av;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* We should also have largeCrater() */
+static void
+plopCrater(struct pam * const pamP,
+           tuple **     const terrain,
+           int          const cx,
+           int          const cy,
+           double       const radius) {
+    if (radius < 3)
+        smallCrater (pamP, terrain, cx, cy, radius);
+    else
+        normalCrater(pamP, terrain, cx, cy, radius);
+static void
+genCraters(struct CmdlineInfo const cmdline) {
+   Generate cratered terrain
+    tuple ** terrain;    /* elevation array */
+    unsigned int row;
+    struct pam pam;
+    /* Allocate the elevation array and initialize it to mean surface
+       elevation.
+    */
+    pam.size   = sizeof(pam);
+    pam.len    = PAM_STRUCT_SIZE(tuple_type);
+    pam.file   = stdout;
+    pam.format = PAM_FORMAT;
+    pam.height = cmdline.height;
+    pam.width  = cmdline.width;
+    pam.depth  = 1;
+    pam.maxval = 65535;
+    pam.bytes_per_sample = 2;
+    STRSCPY(pam.tuple_type, "elevation");
+    terrain = pnm_allocpamarray(&pam);
+    for (row = 0; row < pam.height; ++row) {
+        unsigned int col;
+        for (col = 0; col < pam.width; ++col)
+            terrain[row][col][0] = pam.maxval / 2;
+    }
+    if (cmdline.test)
+        plopCrater(&pam, terrain,
+                   pam.width/2, pam.height/2, (double) cmdline.radius);
+    else {
+        unsigned int const ncraters = cmdline.number; /* num of craters */
+        unsigned int l;
+        for (l = 0; l < ncraters; ++l) {
+            int const cx = cast((double) pam.width  - 1);
+            int const cy = cast((double) pam.height - 1);
+            /* Thanks, Rudy, for this equation that maps the uniformly
+               distributed numbers from cast() into an area-law distribution
+               as observed on cratered bodies.
+               Produces values within the interval:
+               0.56419 <= radius <= 56.419
+            */
+            double const radius = sqrt(1 / (M_PI * (1 - cast(0.9999))));
+            plopCrater(&pam, terrain, cx, cy, radius);
+            if (((l + 1) % 100000) == 0)
+                pm_message("%u craters generated of %u (%u%% done)",
+                           l + 1, ncraters, ((l + 1) * 100) / ncraters);
+        }
+    }
+    pnm_writepam(&pam, terrain);
+    pnm_freepamarray(terrain, &pam);
+    pm_close(stdout);
+main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
+    struct CmdlineInfo cmdline;
+    pm_proginit(&argc, argv);
+    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);
+    srand(cmdline.randomseedSpec ? cmdline.randomseed : pm_randseed());
+    genCraters(cmdline);
+    return 0;