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path: root/editor/specialty/ppmntsc.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor/specialty/ppmntsc.c')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editor/specialty/ppmntsc.c b/editor/specialty/ppmntsc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9f2ac2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/specialty/ppmntsc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+/* This is ppmntsc.c, a program to adjust saturation values in an image
+   so they are legal for NTSC or PAL.
+   It is derived from the program rlelegal.c, dated June 5, 1995,
+   which is described below and propagates that program's copyright.
+   The derivation was done by Bryan Henderson on 2000.04.21 to convert
+   it from operating on the RLE format to operating on the PPM format
+   and to rewrite it in a cleaner style, taking advantage of modern C
+   compiler technology.  
+ * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
+ * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
+ * preserved on all copies.
+ * 
+ * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
+ * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
+ * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
+ *
+ * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
+ * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
+ * source is available for no extra charge.
+ *
+ * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
+ * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
+ * and the reason for such modification.
+ */
+ * rlelegal.c - Make RGB colors legal in the YIQ or YUV color systems.
+ * 
+ * Author:	Wes Barris
+ * 		Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc.
+ * Date:	Fri Oct 15, 1993
+ * @Copyright, Research Equipment Inc., d/b/a Minnesota Supercomputer
+ * Center, Inc., 1993
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1      /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ppm.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+#include "shhopt.h"
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+   /* The actions that make a legal pixel */
+struct cmdlineInfo {
+    /* All the information the user supplied in the command line,
+       in a form easy for the program to use.
+    */
+    const char * inputFilename;
+    unsigned int verbose;
+    unsigned int debug;
+    unsigned int pal;
+static void 
+rgbtoyiq(const int r, const int g, const int b, 
+         double * const y_p, 
+         double * const i_p, 
+         double * const q_p) {
+    *y_p = .299*(r/255.0) + .587*(g/255.0) + .114*(b/255.0);
+    *i_p = .596*(r/255.0) - .274*(g/255.0) - .322*(b/255.0);
+    *q_p = .211*(r/255.0) - .523*(g/255.0) + .312*(b/255.0);
+static void 
+yiqtorgb(const double y, const double i, const double q, 
+         int * const r_p, int * const g_p, int * const b_p) {
+    *r_p = 255.0*(1.00*y + .9562*i + .6214*q);
+    *g_p = 255.0*(1.00*y - .2727*i - .6468*q);
+    *b_p = 255.0*(1.00*y -1.1037*i +1.7006*q);
+static void 
+rgbtoyuv(const int r, const int g, const int b, 
+         double * const y_p, 
+         double * const u_p, 
+         double * const v_p) {
+    *y_p =  .299*(r/255.0) + .587*(g/255.0) + .114*(b/255.0);
+    *u_p = -.147*(r/255.0) - .289*(g/255.0) + .437*(b/255.0);
+    *v_p =  .615*(r/255.0) - .515*(g/255.0) - .100*(b/255.0);
+static void 
+yuvtorgb(const double y, const double u, const double v, 
+         int * const r_p, int * const g_p, int * const b_p) {
+    *r_p = 255.0*(1.00*y + .0000*u +1.1398*v);
+    *g_p = 255.0*(1.00*y - .3938*u - .5805*v);
+    *b_p = 255.0*(1.00*y +2.0279*u + .0000*v);
+static void
+make_legal_yiq(const double y, const double i, const double q, 
+               double * const y_new_p, 
+               double * const i_new_p, 
+               double * const q_new_p,
+               enum legalize * const action_p
+    ) {
+    double sat_old, sat_new;
+    /*
+     * I and Q are legs of a right triangle.  Saturation is the hypotenuse.
+     */
+    sat_old = sqrt(i*i + q*q);
+    if (y+sat_old > 1.0) {
+        const double diff = 0.5*((y+sat_old) - 1.0);
+        *y_new_p = y - diff;
+        sat_new = 1.0 - *y_new_p;
+        *i_new_p = i*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *q_new_p = q*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *action_p = LOWER_SAT;
+    } else if (y-sat_old <= -0.251) {
+        const double diff = 0.5*((sat_old-y) - 0.251);
+        *y_new_p = y + diff;
+        sat_new = 0.250 + *y_new_p;
+        *i_new_p = i*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *q_new_p = q*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *action_p = RAISE_SAT;
+    } else {
+        *y_new_p = y;
+        *i_new_p = i;
+        *q_new_p = q;
+        *action_p = ALREADY_LEGAL;
+    }
+    return;
+static void
+make_legal_yuv(const double y, const double u, const double v, 
+               double * const y_new_p, 
+               double * const u_new_p, 
+               double * const v_new_p,
+               enum legalize * const action_p
+    ) {
+    double sat_old, sat_new;
+    /*
+     * U and V are legs of a right triangle.  Saturation is the hypotenuse.
+     */
+    sat_old = sqrt(u*u + v*v);
+    if (y+sat_old >= 1.334) {
+        const double diff = 0.5*((y+sat_old) - 1.334);
+        *y_new_p = y - diff;
+        sat_new = 1.333 - *y_new_p;
+        *u_new_p = u*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *v_new_p = v*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *action_p = LOWER_SAT;
+    } else if (y-sat_old <= -0.339) {
+        const double diff = 0.5*((sat_old-y) - 0.339);
+        *y_new_p = y + diff;
+        sat_new = 0.338 + *y_new_p;
+        *u_new_p = u*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *v_new_p = v*(sat_new/sat_old);
+        *action_p = RAISE_SAT;
+    } else {
+        *u_new_p = u;
+        *v_new_p = v;
+        *action_p = ALREADY_LEGAL;
+    }
+    return;
+static void
+make_legal_yiq_i(const int r_in, const int g_in, const int b_in, 
+                 int * const r_out_p, 
+                 int * const g_out_p, 
+                 int * const b_out_p,
+                 enum legalize * const action_p
+    ) {
+    double y, i, q;
+    double y_new, i_new, q_new;
+    /*
+     * Convert to YIQ and compute the new saturation.
+     */
+    rgbtoyiq(r_in, g_in, b_in, &y, &i, &q);
+    make_legal_yiq(y, i, q, &y_new, &i_new, &q_new, action_p);
+    if (*action_p != ALREADY_LEGAL)
+        /*
+         * Given the new I and Q, compute new RGB values.
+        */
+        yiqtorgb(y_new, i_new, q_new, r_out_p, g_out_p, b_out_p);
+    else {
+        *r_out_p = r_in;
+        *g_out_p = g_in;
+        *b_out_p = b_in;
+      }
+    return;
+static void
+make_legal_yuv_i(const int r_in, const int g_in, const int b_in, 
+                 int * const r_out_p, 
+                 int * const g_out_p, 
+                 int * const b_out_p,
+                 enum legalize * const action_p
+    ){
+    double y, u, v;
+    double y_new, u_new, v_new;  
+    /*
+     * Convert to YUV and compute the new saturation.
+     */
+    rgbtoyuv(r_in, g_in, b_in, &y, &u, &v);
+    make_legal_yuv(y, u, v, &y_new, &u_new, &v_new, action_p);
+    if (*action_p != ALREADY_LEGAL)
+        /*
+         * Given the new U and V, compute new RGB values.
+         */
+        yuvtorgb(y_new, u_new, v_new, r_out_p, g_out_p, b_out_p);
+    else {
+        *r_out_p = r_in;
+        *g_out_p = g_in;
+        *b_out_p = b_in;
+    }
+    return;
+static void 
+make_legal_yiq_b(const pixel input,
+                 pixel * const output_p,
+                 enum legalize * const action_p) {
+    int ir_in, ig_in, ib_in;
+    int ir_out, ig_out, ib_out;
+    ir_in = (int)PPM_GETR(input);
+    ig_in = (int)PPM_GETG(input);
+    ib_in = (int)PPM_GETB(input);
+    make_legal_yiq_i(ir_in, ig_in, ib_in, &ir_out, &ig_out, &ib_out, action_p);
+    PPM_ASSIGN(*output_p, ir_out, ig_out, ib_out);
+    return;
+static void 
+make_legal_yuv_b(const pixel input,
+                 pixel * const output_p,
+                 enum legalize * const action_p) {
+    int ir_in, ig_in, ib_in;
+    int ir_out, ig_out, ib_out;
+    ir_in = (int)PPM_GETR(input);
+    ig_in = (int)PPM_GETG(input);
+    ib_in = (int)PPM_GETB(input);
+    make_legal_yuv_i(ir_in, ig_in, ib_in, &ir_out, &ig_out, &ib_out, action_p);
+    PPM_ASSIGN(*output_p, ir_out, ig_out, ib_out);
+    return;
+static void 
+report_mapping(const pixel old_pixel, const pixel new_pixel) {
+  Assuming old_pixel and new_pixel are input and output pixels,
+  tell the user that we changed a pixel to make it legal, if in fact we
+  did and it isn't the same change that we just reported.
+    static pixel last_changed_pixel;
+    static int first_time = TRUE;
+    if (!PPM_EQUAL(old_pixel, new_pixel) && 
+        (first_time || PPM_EQUAL(old_pixel, last_changed_pixel))) {
+        pm_message("Mapping %d %d %d -> %d %d %d\n",
+                   PPM_GETR(old_pixel),
+                   PPM_GETG(old_pixel),
+                   PPM_GETB(old_pixel),
+                   PPM_GETR(new_pixel),
+                   PPM_GETG(new_pixel),
+                   PPM_GETB(new_pixel)
+            );
+        last_changed_pixel = old_pixel;
+        first_time = FALSE;
+    }    
+static void
+convert_one_image(FILE * const ifp, struct cmdlineInfo const cmdline, 
+                  bool * const eofP, 
+                  int * const hicountP, int * const locountP) {
+    /* Parameters of input image: */
+    int rows, cols;
+    pixval maxval;
+    int format;
+    ppm_readppminit(ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format);
+    ppm_writeppminit(stdout, cols, rows, maxval, FALSE);
+    {
+        pixel* const input_row = ppm_allocrow(cols);
+        pixel* const output_row = ppm_allocrow(cols);
+        pixel last_illegal_pixel;
+        /* Value of the illegal pixel we most recently processed */
+        pixel black;
+        /* A constant - black pixel */
+        PPM_ASSIGN(black, 0, 0, 0);
+        PPM_ASSIGN(last_illegal_pixel, 0, 0, 0);  /* initial value */
+        {
+            int row;
+            *hicountP = 0; *locountP = 0;  /* initial values */
+            for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+                int col;
+                ppm_readppmrow(ifp, input_row, cols, maxval, format);
+                for (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
+                    pixel corrected;
+                    /* Corrected or would-be corrected value for pixel */
+                    enum legalize action;
+                    /* What action was used to make pixel legal */
+                    if (cmdline.pal)
+                        make_legal_yuv_b(input_row[col],
+                                         &corrected,
+                                         &action);
+                    else
+                        make_legal_yiq_b(input_row[col],
+                                         &corrected,
+                                         &action);
+                    if (action == LOWER_SAT) 
+                        (*hicountP)++;
+                    if (action == RAISE_SAT)
+                        (*locountP)++;
+                    if (cmdline.debug) report_mapping(input_row[col],
+                                                      corrected);
+                    switch (cmdline.output) {
+                    case ALL:
+                        output_row[col] = corrected;
+                        break;
+                    case LEGAL_ONLY:
+                        output_row[col] = (action == ALREADY_LEGAL) ?
+                            input_row[col] : black;
+                        break;
+                    case ILLEGAL_ONLY:
+                        output_row[col] = (action != ALREADY_LEGAL) ?
+                            input_row[col] : black;
+                        break;
+                    case CORRECTED_ONLY:
+                        output_row[col] = (action != ALREADY_LEGAL) ?
+                            corrected : black;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                ppm_writeppmrow(stdout, output_row, cols, maxval, FALSE);
+            }
+        }
+        ppm_freerow(output_row);
+        ppm_freerow(input_row);
+    }
+static void
+parseCommandLine(int argc, char ** argv,
+                 struct cmdlineInfo * const cmdlineP) {
+   Note that many of the strings that this function returns in the
+   *cmdlineP structure are actually in the supplied argv array.  And
+   sometimes, one of these strings is actually just a suffix of an entry
+   in argv!
+    optStruct3 opt;
+    optEntry *option_def;
+        /* Instructions to OptParseOptions on how to parse our options.
+         */
+    unsigned int option_def_index;
+    unsigned int legalonly, illegalonly, correctedonly;
+    MALLOCARRAY(option_def, 100);
+    option_def_index = 0;   /* incremented by OPTENTRY */
+    OPTENT3('v', "verbose",        OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &cmdlineP->verbose,  0);
+    OPTENT3('V', "debug",          OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &cmdlineP->debug,    0);
+    OPTENT3('p', "pal",            OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &cmdlineP->pal,      0);
+    OPTENT3('l', "legalonly",      OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &legalonly,           0);
+    OPTENT3('i', "illegalonly",    OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &illegalonly,         0);
+    OPTENT3('c', "correctedonly",  OPT_FLAG, NULL,  &correctedonly,       0);
+    opt.opt_table = option_def;
+    opt.short_allowed = TRUE;
+    opt.allowNegNum = FALSE;
+    optParseOptions3(&argc, argv, opt, sizeof(opt), 0);
+    if (argc - 1 == 0)
+        cmdlineP->inputFilename = "-";  /* he wants stdin */
+    else if (argc - 1 == 1)
+        cmdlineP->inputFilename = argv[1];
+    else 
+        pm_error("Too many arguments.  The only arguments accepted "
+                 "are the mask color and optional input file specification");
+    if (legalonly + illegalonly + correctedonly > 1)
+        pm_error("--legalonly, --illegalonly, and --correctedonly are "
+                 "conflicting options.  Specify at most one of these.");
+    if (legalonly) 
+        cmdlineP->output = LEGAL_ONLY;
+    else if (illegalonly) 
+        cmdlineP->output = ILLEGAL_ONLY;
+    else if (correctedonly) 
+        cmdlineP->output = CORRECTED_ONLY;
+    else 
+        cmdlineP->output = ALL;
+main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    struct cmdlineInfo cmdline;
+    FILE * ifP;
+    int total_hicount, total_locount;
+    int image_count;
+    bool eof;
+    ppm_init(&argc, argv);
+    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &cmdline);
+    ifP = pm_openr(cmdline.inputFilename);
+    image_count = 0;    /* initial value */
+    total_hicount = 0;  /* initial value */
+    total_locount = 0;  /* initial value */
+    eof = FALSE;
+    while (!eof) {
+        int hicount, locount;
+        convert_one_image(ifP, cmdline, &eof, &hicount, &locount);
+        image_count++;
+        total_hicount += hicount;
+        total_locount += locount;
+        ppm_nextimage(ifP, &eof);
+    }
+	if (cmdline.verbose) {
+        pm_message("%d images processed.", image_count);
+        pm_message("%d pixels were above the saturation limit.", 
+                   total_hicount);
+        pm_message("%d pixels were below the saturation limit.", 
+                   total_locount);
+    }
+    pm_close(ifP);
+    return 0;