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path: root/lib/util/runlength.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2015-09-26 19:59:25 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2015-09-26 19:59:25 +0000
commitd77b3e8f164893762749f22f38bed0d13883905e (patch)
treee1fa32bd49bdc7c5e862aba30c0ca81a963ef658 /lib/util/runlength.c
parent6e879ff027c9019c964d15ae0e0c966fc7d1c7a8 (diff)
Update Advanced to 10.72
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/advanced@2639 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/util/runlength.c')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/util/runlength.c b/lib/util/runlength.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5c60db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/util/runlength.c
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+                                  runlength.c
+  "Packbits" run-length encoding and variants.
+  Copyright (C) 2015 by Akira Urushibata (afu@wta.att.ne.jp).
+  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+  that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+  copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+  documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+  warranty.
+  Functions pm_rlenc_byte() and pm_rlenc_word() are based on algorithm
+  originally by Robert A. Knop (rknop@mop.caltech.edu).
+  Those who wish to incorporate the code herein into their own programs are
+  strongly discouraged from removing the comments within borders consisting
+  of "+" marks.  This is a practical consideration based on code inspection
+  and bug fixes of various programs which use run-length compression.
+  Packbits is a simple yet efficient simple run-length compression method.  It
+  has a provision for uncompressed sequences which allows efficient encoding
+  of noisy input.
+  A survey of netpbm source code in 2015 found Packbits encoding in the
+  following Netpbm programs: pbmtoescp2, pbmtomacp, pnmtopalm, pnmtopclxl,
+  pnmtops, ppmtoilbm and ppmtopjxl.
+  Packbits is an option in the TIFF standard; pamtotiff can generate TIFF
+  images that use Packbits compression, but does so via code in the TIFF
+  library (not part of Netpbm).
+  Variants of Packbits are employed in pnmtosgi,  pamtopdbimg,  pbmtoppa
+  and  pbmtogo.
+  All the above programs formerly did the same compression through different
+  code.  This redundancy bloated the Netpbm package and made maintenance
+  difficult.  This maintenance difficulty surfaced as an issue when tests with
+  valgrind revealed multiple memory-related problems in the above programs.
+  Indeed, just determining which programs do this compression by this method
+  was not simple because of differences in terminology.  "Packbits" is often
+  called "run length encoding."  In ppmtoilbm the name is "byterun1."
+  Today, all Netpbm programs that do Packbits compression use the facilities
+  in this file for it.
+#include <string.h>
+#include "pm.h"
+#include "pm_c_util.h"
+#include "runlength.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+static const char * const errorUndefinedMode =
+    "Internal error: compression mode %u not supported";
+   Run length encoding
+   In this simple run-length encoding scheme, compressed and uncompressed
+   strings follow a single index or "flag" byte N.  There are several
+   variations, differing in the format of the flag byte, maximum string length
+   and element size (byte or word).
+   In the most widely used version, Packbits, the meaning of the flag byte N
+   is defined as follows:
+    0-127 means the next N+1 bytes are uncompressed.
+    129-255 means the next byte is to be repeated 257-N times.
+    128 is not used.
+   The name "Packbits" is misleading: it packs bytes, not bits.
+pm_rlenc_compressbyte(const unsigned char * const inbuf,
+                      unsigned char       * const outbuf,
+                      enum pm_RleMode       const mode,
+                      size_t                const inSize,
+                      size_t              * const outputSizeP) {
+  Compress the contents of input buffer 'inbuf' with Packbits encoding into
+  output buffer 'outbuf'.  'inSize' is the number of bytes of data in 'inbuf'.
+  Return as *outputSizeP the number of bytes we put in 'outbuf'.
+  'outbuf' should be allocated with pm_rlenc_allocoutbuf().
+  Always encode 3-byte repeat sequences.
+  Encode 2-byte repeat sequences only when they are at the start of the block.
+  This ensures that the output is never unnecessary bloated.
+  Original algorithm by Robert A. Knop (rknop@mop.caltech.edu)
+    unsigned int const maxRun = 128;
+    size_t inCurs, outCurs;
+    if (mode != PM_RLE_PACKBITS)
+        pm_error(errorUndefinedMode, mode);
+    for (inCurs = 0, outCurs = 0; inCurs < inSize; ) {
+        if ((inCurs < inSize - 1) && (inbuf[inCurs] == inbuf[inCurs+1])) {
+            /*Begin replicate run*/
+            size_t const hold = inCurs;
+            size_t count;
+            for (count = 0;
+                 inCurs < inSize &&
+                     inbuf[inCurs] == inbuf[hold] &&
+                     count < maxRun; 
+                 ++inCurs, ++count)
+                ;
+            outbuf[outCurs++] = (unsigned char)(257 - count);
+            outbuf[outCurs++] = inbuf[hold];
+        } else {
+            /*Do a non-run*/
+            size_t const hold = outCurs;
+            size_t count;
+            ++outCurs;
+            count = 0;
+            while(((inCurs + 2 >= inSize) && (inCurs < inSize) ) || 
+                  ((inCurs + 2 <  inSize) &&
+                   ((inbuf[inCurs] != inbuf[inCurs+1]  )
+                    || (inbuf[inCurs] != inbuf[inCurs+2]  ) ) )    ) {
+                outbuf[outCurs++] = inbuf[inCurs++];
+                if (++count >= 128)
+                    break;
+            }
+            outbuf[hold] = (unsigned char)(count - 1);
+        }
+    }
+    *outputSizeP = outCurs;
+static void
+setFlagElement(void            * const outP,
+               enum pm_RleMode   const mode,
+               bool              const isRepeatRun,
+               size_t            const count) {
+  Write the flag byte or word at specified point in the output buffer.
+    switch (mode) {
+    case PM_RLE_SGI16:
+        * (uint16_t *) outP =  (isRepeatRun ? 0x00 : 0x80 ) | count;
+        break;
+    case PM_RLE_PALM16:
+        * (unsigned char *) outP = isRepeatRun ?
+            (unsigned char)(257 - count) : (unsigned char) (count - 1);
+        break;
+    default:
+        pm_error(errorUndefinedMode, mode);
+    }
+pm_rlenc_compressword(const uint16_t   * const inbuf,
+                      unsigned char *    const outbuf,
+                      enum pm_RleMode    const mode,
+                      size_t             const inSize,
+                      size_t           * const outputSizeP) {
+   Similar to pm_rlenc_byte(), but this works with two-byte elements.  The
+   difference between SGI16 and PALM16 is the size of the flag.  SGI16 : 16
+   bits; PALM16 : 8 bits
+   'inSize' is a number of words,but *outputSizeP is a number of bytes.
+    size_t inCurs, outCurs;
+    size_t flagSz;
+    unsigned int maxRunSz;
+    switch (mode) {
+    case PM_RLE_SGI16:
+        flagSz = 2;
+        maxRunSz = 127;
+        break;
+    case PM_RLE_PALM16:
+        flagSz = 1;
+        maxRunSz = 128;
+        break;
+    default:
+        pm_error(errorUndefinedMode, mode);
+    }
+    for (inCurs = 0, outCurs = 0; inCurs < inSize; ) {
+        if ((inCurs < inSize - 1) && (inbuf[inCurs] == inbuf[inCurs+1])) {
+            uint16_t const runValue = inbuf[inCurs];
+            size_t count;
+            /* Do a run of 'runValue' values */
+            for (count = 0;
+                 count < maxRunSz &&
+                     inCurs < inSize &&
+                     inbuf[inCurs] == runValue;
+                 ++inCurs, ++count)
+                ;
+            setFlagElement(&outbuf[outCurs], mode, TRUE, count);
+            outCurs += flagSz;
+            * (uint16_t *) &outbuf[outCurs] = runValue;
+            outCurs += 2;
+        } else {
+            /*Do a non run*/
+            size_t const nonrunStart = inCurs;
+            size_t count;
+            count = 0;
+            while (count < maxRunSz &&
+                   ((inCurs + 2 >= inSize && inCurs < inSize) ||
+                    (inCurs + 2 <  inSize &&
+                     (inbuf[inCurs] != inbuf[inCurs+1]
+                      || inbuf[inCurs] != inbuf[inCurs+2])))) {
+                ++inCurs;
+                ++count;
+            }
+            setFlagElement(&outbuf[outCurs], mode, FALSE, count);
+            outCurs += flagSz;
+            memcpy(&outbuf[outCurs], &inbuf[nonrunStart], count * 2);
+            outCurs += count * 2;
+        }
+    }
+    if (mode == PM_RLE_SGI16) {
+        * (uint16_t *) &outbuf[outCurs] = 0;     /* terminator */
+        outCurs += 2;
+    }
+    *outputSizeP = outCurs;
+   Worst case output size
+   The term "worst-case output size" can mean one of two things depending on
+   whether the encoder is efficient or not.
+   Sub-optimal encoder: the output size can be up to twice the input size.
+   This happens (or one may rather say "is achieved by a determined encoder")
+   when input is split into one-byte blocks.
+   Efficient encoder: the output is larger than the input by the minimum
+   number of flag bytes.  The worst case happens when there are no repeat
+   sequences in the input.
+   The key to an efficient encoder is correct handling of short, inefficient
+   sequences.  The following algorithm (not actually used in this file)
+   describes the idea.
+   A run is a maximal set of two or more consecutive identical values in the
+   input.  A nonrun is a maximal set of values in which every value is
+   different from its neighbors.
+   A compressed block is one that encodes a sequence of identical values
+   (which could be a run or just part of a run) as a value and a count.
+   count.  An uncompressed block is one that encodes a sequence of any values
+   by listing the values individually.
+   Start by encoding the entire input as uncompressed blocks.  Seek runs that
+   can be encoded with compressed blocks, but only if doing so doesn't make
+   the output larger.
+   Criteria to avoid bloat:
+     - Overhead for a single uncompressed block: 1 byte.
+     - Overhead for one uncompressed block and a compressed block: 2 bytes.
+     - Overhead for two uncompressed blocks and a compressed block: 3 bytes.
+     - New blocks at the edge of any existing block add 1 byte of overhead.
+       New blocks in the middle of existing blocks add 2 bytes of overhead.
+     - Whenever savings are larger than the added overhead, encode the run
+       as a compressed block.
+pm_rlenc_maxbytes(size_t          const inSize,  /* number of elements */
+                  enum pm_RleMode const mode) {
+   Calculate worst case output size from input size and encoding mode.
+   'inSize' counts the number of elements, not bytes: input size is (2 *
+   inSize) bytes if input is an array of 16-bit words.
+   Return value is the maximum possible output size in bytes regardless of
+   type of input.
+   Abort the program if the maximum possible output size is greater than
+   INT_MAX.
+   /* The upper limit could be raised above INT_MAX, but no program needs that
+      today.
+   */
+    size_t blockSize;
+    size_t flagSize;
+    size_t itemSize;
+    size_t miscSize;
+    size_t overhead;
+    switch (mode) {
+    case PM_RLE_PACKBITS:
+        blockSize = 128; flagSize = 1; itemSize = 1; miscSize = 0; break;
+    case PM_RLE_SGI8:
+        blockSize = 127; flagSize = 1; itemSize = 1; miscSize = 0; break;
+    case PM_RLE_GRAPHON:  case PM_RLE_PPA:
+        blockSize =  64; flagSize = 1; itemSize = 1; miscSize = 0; break;
+    case PM_RLE_SGI16:
+        blockSize = 127; flagSize = 2; itemSize = 2; miscSize = 2; break;
+    case PM_RLE_PALM16:
+        blockSize = 128; flagSize = 1; itemSize = 2; miscSize = 0; break;
+    default:
+        pm_error(errorUndefinedMode, mode);
+    }
+    overhead = miscSize +
+        (inSize / blockSize + (inSize % blockSize > 0 ? 1 : 0) ) * flagSize;
+    if (inSize > INT_MAX / itemSize ||
+        inSize * itemSize > INT_MAX - overhead)
+        pm_error("Cannot do RLE compression.  Input too large.");
+    return inSize * itemSize + overhead;
+pm_rlenc_allocoutbuf(unsigned char ** const outbufP,
+                     size_t           const inSize,  /* element count */
+                     enum pm_RleMode  const mode) {
+   Allocate an output buffer sufficient for input with inSize elements, using
+   compression mode 'mode'.  Element may be byte or word, whichever 'mode'
+   implies.
+    size_t const size = pm_rlenc_maxbytes(inSize, mode);
+    unsigned char * outbuf;
+    MALLOCARRAY(outbuf, size);
+    if (outbuf == NULL)
+        pm_error("Out of memory trying to get %u bytes for RLE output buffer",
+                 (unsigned)size);
+    *outbufP = outbuf;
+pm_rlenc_freebuf(void * const buf) {
+    free(buf);