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path: root/generator/pgmcrater.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
commit1fd361a1ea06e44286c213ca1f814f49306fdc43 (patch)
tree64c8c96cf54d8718847339a403e5e67b922e8c3f /generator/pgmcrater.c
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git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@1 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'generator/pgmcrater.c')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generator/pgmcrater.c b/generator/pgmcrater.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1833e604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/pgmcrater.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+			  Fractal cratering
+	   Designed and implemented in November of 1989 by:
+	    John Walker
+	    Autodesk SA
+	    Avenue des Champs-Montants 14b
+	    CH-2074 MARIN
+	    Switzerland
+	    Usenet: kelvin@Autodesk.com
+	    Fax:    038/33 88 15
+	    Voice:  038/33 76 33
+    The  algorithm  used  to  determine crater size is as described on
+    pages 31 and 32 of:
+	Peitgen, H.-O., and Saupe, D. eds., The Science Of Fractal
+	    Images, New York: Springer Verlag, 1988.
+    The  mathematical  technique  used	to calculate crater radii that
+    obey the proper area law distribution from a uniformly distributed
+    pseudorandom sequence was developed by Rudy Rucker.
+    Permission	to  use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+    its documentation  for  any  purpose  and  without	fee  is  hereby
+    granted,  without any conditions or restrictions.  This software is
+    provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+    If you like this kind of stuff, you may also enjoy "James  Gleick's
+    Chaos--The  Software"  for  MS-DOS,  available for $59.95 from your
+    local software store or directly from Autodesk, Inc., Attn: Science
+    Series,  2320  Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965, USA.  Telephone:
+    (800) 688-2344 toll-free or, outside the  U.S. (415)  332-2344  Ext
+    4886.   Fax: (415) 289-4718.  "Chaos--The Software" includes a more
+    comprehensive   fractal    forgery	  generator    which	creates
+    three-dimensional  landscapes  as  well as clouds and planets, plus
+    five more modules which explore other aspects of Chaos.   The  user
+    guide  of  more  than  200	pages includes an introduction by James
+    Gleick and detailed explanations by Rudy Rucker of the  mathematics
+    and algorithms used by each program.
+/* Modifications by Arjen Bax, 2001-06-21: Remove black vertical line at right
+ * edge. Make craters wrap around the image (enables tiling of image).
+ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE   /* get M_PI in math.h */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "pm_c_util.h"
+#include "pgm.h"
+#include "mallocvar.h"
+static void gencraters ARGS((void));
+static void initseed ARGS((void));
+/* Definitions for obtaining random numbers. */
+#define Cast(low, high) ((low)+((high)-(low)) * ((rand() & 0x7FFF) / arand))
+/*  Data types	*/
+typedef int Boolean;
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define V   (void)
+/*  Display parameters	*/
+#define SCRX	screenxsize	      /* Screen width */
+#define SCRY	screenysize	      /* Screen height */
+#define SCRGAMMA 1.0		      /* Display gamma */
+/*  Local variables  */
+#define ImageGamma  0.5 	      /* Inherent gamma of mapped image */
+static int screenxsize = 256;	      /* Screen X size */
+static int screenysize = 256;	      /* Screen Y size */
+static double dgamma = SCRGAMMA;      /* Display gamma */
+static double arand = 32767.0;	      /* Random number parameters */
+static long ncraters = 50000L;	      /* Number of craters to generate */
+static double CdepthPower = 1.5;      /* Crater depth power factor */
+static double DepthBias = 0.707107;   /* Depth bias */
+static int modulo(int t, int n)
+    int m;
+    assert(n>0);
+    m = t % n;
+    while (m<0) {
+	m+=n;
+    }
+    return m;
+/*  INITSEED  --  Generate initial random seed, if needed.  */
+static void initseed()
+    int i;
+    i = time(NULL) * 0xF37C;
+    srand(i);
+    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) 
+        V rand();
+/*  GENCRATERS	--  Generate cratered terrain.	*/
+static void gencraters()
+    int i, j, x, y;
+    long l;
+    unsigned short *aux;
+    int slopemin = -52, slopemax = 52;
+#define RGBQuant    255
+    unsigned char *slopemap;   /* Slope to pixel map */
+    gray *pixels;	       /* Pixel vector */
+#define Auxadr(x, y)  &aux[modulo(y, SCRY)*SCRX+modulo(x, SCRX)]
+    /* Acquire the elevation array and initialize it to mean
+       surface elevation. */
+    if (aux == NULL) 
+        pm_error("out of memory allocating elevation array");
+    /* Acquire the elevation buffer and initialize to mean
+       initial elevation. */
+    for (i = 0; i < SCRY; i++) {
+	unsigned short *zax = aux + (((long) SCRX) * i);
+	for (j = 0; j < SCRX; j++) {
+	    *zax++ = 32767;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Every time we go around this loop we plop another crater
+       on the surface.	*/
+    for (l = 0; l < ncraters; l++) {
+	double g;
+	int cx = Cast(0.0, ((double) SCRX - 1)),
+	    cy = Cast(0.0, ((double) SCRY - 1)),
+	    gx, gy, x, y;
+	unsigned long amptot = 0, axelev;
+	unsigned int npatch = 0;
+	/* Phase 1.  Compute the mean elevation of the impact
+		     area.  We assume the impact area is a
+		     fraction of the total crater size. */
+	/* Thanks, Rudy, for this equation  that maps the uniformly
+	   distributed	numbers  from	Cast   into   an   area-law
+	   distribution as observed on cratered bodies. */
+	g = sqrt(1 / (M_PI * (1 - Cast(0, 0.9999))));
+	/* If the crater is tiny, handle it specially. */
+#if 0
+	fprintf(stderr, "crater=%lu ", (unsigned long)l);
+	fprintf(stderr, "cx=%d ", cx);
+	fprintf(stderr, "cy=%d ", cy);
+	fprintf(stderr, "size=%g\n", g);
+	if (g < 3) {
+	   /* Set pixel to the average of its Moore neighbourhood. */
+	    for (y = cy - 1; y <= cy + 1; y++) {
+		for (x = cx - 1; x <= cx + 1; x++) {
+		    amptot += *Auxadr(x, y);
+		    npatch++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    axelev = amptot / npatch;
+	    /* Perturb the mean elevation by a small random factor. */
+	    x = (g >= 1) ? ((rand() >> 8) & 3) - 1 : 0;
+	    *Auxadr(cx, cy) = axelev + x;
+	    /* Jam repaint sizes to correct patch. */
+	    gx = 1;
+	    gy = 0;
+	} else {
+	    /* Regular crater.	Generate an impact feature of the
+	       correct size and shape. */
+	    /* Determine mean elevation around the impact area. */
+	    gx = MAX(2, (g / 3));
+	    gy = MAX(2, g / 3);
+	    for (y = cy - gy; y <= cy + gy; y++) {
+		for (x = cx-gx; x <= cx + gx; x++) {
+		    amptot += *Auxadr(x,y);
+		    npatch++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    axelev = amptot / npatch;
+	    gy = MAX(2, g);
+	    g = gy;
+	    gx = MAX(2, g);
+	    for (y = cy - gy; y <= cy + gy; y++) {
+		double dy = (cy - y) / (double) gy,
+		       dysq = dy * dy;
+		for (x = cx - gx; x <= cx + gx; x++) {
+		    double dx = ((cx - x) / (double) gx),
+			   cd = (dx * dx) + dysq,
+			   cd2 = cd * 2.25,
+			   tcz = DepthBias - sqrt(fabs(1 - cd2)),
+			   cz = MAX((cd2 > 1) ? 0.0 : -10, tcz),
+			   roll, iroll;
+		    unsigned short av;
+		    cz *= pow(g, CdepthPower);
+		    if (dy == 0 && dx == 0 && ((int) cz) == 0) {
+		       cz = cz < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+		    }
+#define 	    rollmin 0.9
+		    roll = (((1 / (1 - MIN(rollmin, cd))) /
+			     (1 / (1 - rollmin))) - (1 - rollmin)) / rollmin;
+		    iroll = 1 - roll;
+		    av = (axelev + cz) * iroll + (*Auxadr(x,y) + cz) * roll;
+		    av = MAX(1000, MIN(64000, av));
+		    *Auxadr(x,y) = av;
+		}
+	    }
+	 }
+	if ((l % 5000) == 4999) {
+	    pm_message( "%ld craters generated of %ld (%ld%% done)",
+		l + 1, ncraters, ((l + 1) * 100) / ncraters);
+	}
+    }
+    i = MAX((slopemax - slopemin) + 1, 1);
+    MALLOCARRAY(slopemap, i);
+    if (slopemap == NULL)
+        pm_error("out of memory allocating slope map");
+    for (i = slopemin; i <= slopemax; i++) {
+        /* Confused?   OK,  we're using the  left-to-right slope to
+	   calculate a shade based on the sine of  the	angle  with
+	   respect  to the vertical (light incident from the left).
+	   Then, with one exponentiation, we account for  both	the
+	   inherent   gamma   of   the	 image	(ad-hoc),  and	the
+	   user-specified display gamma, using the identity:
+		 (x^y)^z = (x^(y*z))		     */
+	slopemap[i - slopemin] = i > 0 ?
+	    (128 + 127.0 *
+		pow(sin((M_PI / 2) * i / slopemax),
+		       dgamma * ImageGamma)) :
+	    (128 - 127.0 *
+		pow(sin((M_PI / 2) * i / slopemin),
+		       dgamma * ImageGamma));
+    }
+    /* Generate the screen image. */
+    pgm_writepgminit(stdout, SCRX, SCRY, RGBQuant, FALSE);
+    pixels = pgm_allocrow(SCRX);
+    for (y = 0; y < SCRY; y++) {
+	gray *pix = pixels;
+	for (x = 0; x < SCRX; x++) {
+	    int j = *Auxadr(x+1, y) - *Auxadr(x, y);
+	    j = MIN(MAX(slopemin, j), slopemax);
+	    *pix++ = slopemap[j - slopemin];
+	}
+	pgm_writepgmrow(stdout, pixels, SCRX, RGBQuant, FALSE);
+    }
+    pm_close(stdout);
+    pgm_freerow(pixels);
+#undef Auxadr
+#undef Scradr
+    free((char *) slopemap);
+    free((char *) aux);
+/*  MAIN  --  Main program.  */
+int main(argc, argv)
+  int argc;
+  char *argv[];
+    int i;
+    Boolean gammaspec = FALSE, numspec = FALSE,
+	    widspec = FALSE, hgtspec = FALSE;
+    const char * const usage = "[-number <n>] [-width|-xsize <w>]\n\
+                  [-height|-ysize <h>] [-gamma <f>]";
+    DepthBias = sqrt(0.5);	      /* Get exact value for depth bias */
+    pgm_init(&argc, argv);
+    i = 1;
+    while ((i < argc) && (argv[i][0] == '-') && (argv[i][1] != '\0')) {
+        if (pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-gamma", 2)) {
+	    if (gammaspec) {
+                pm_error("already specified gamma correction");
+	    }
+	    i++;
+            if ((i == argc) || (sscanf(argv[i], "%lf", &dgamma)  != 1))
+		pm_usage(usage);
+	    if (dgamma <= 0.0) {
+                pm_error("gamma correction must be greater than 0");
+	    }
+	    gammaspec = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-number", 2)) {
+	    if (numspec) {
+                pm_error("already specified number of craters");
+	    }
+	    i++;
+            if ((i == argc) || (sscanf(argv[i], "%ld", &ncraters) != 1))
+		pm_usage(usage);
+	    if (ncraters <= 0) {
+                pm_error("number of craters must be greater than 0!");
+	    }
+	    numspec = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-xsize", 2) ||
+                   pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-width", 2)) {
+	    if (widspec) {
+                pm_error("already specified a width/xsize");
+	    }
+	    i++;
+            if ((i == argc) || (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &screenxsize) != 1))
+		pm_usage(usage);
+	    if (screenxsize <= 0) {
+                pm_error("screen width must be greater than 0");
+	    }
+	    widspec = TRUE;
+        } else if (pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-ysize", 2) ||
+                   pm_keymatch(argv[i], "-height", 2)) {
+	    if (hgtspec) {
+                pm_error("already specified a height/ysize");
+	    }
+	    i++;
+            if ((i == argc) || (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &screenysize) != 1))
+		pm_usage(usage);
+	    if (screenxsize <= 0) {
+                pm_error("screen height must be greater than 0");
+	    }
+	    hgtspec = TRUE;
+	} else {
+	    pm_usage(usage);
+	}
+	i++;
+    }
+    initseed();
+    gencraters();
+    exit(0);