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path: root/editor/pgmabel.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2009-03-29 22:19:36 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2009-03-29 22:19:36 +0000
commitac138b159f6a208dd964a8147cb39a2571092008 (patch)
tree5a4dfa10a5923670c9e160e96a29967f9aa76700 /editor/pgmabel.c
parent56fbd619bbac49a77ec0b48f06e6ed7bfb84468a (diff)
Release 10.46.00
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/advanced@869 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/pgmabel.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/editor/pgmabel.c b/editor/pgmabel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4914c4be..00000000
--- a/editor/pgmabel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-/* pgmabel.c - read a portable graymap and making the deconvolution
-**      Deconvolution of an axial-symmetric image of an rotation symmetrical
-**      process by solving the linear equation system with y-Axis as
-**      symmetry-line
-** Copyright (C) 1997-2006 by German Aerospace Research establishment
-** Author: Volker Schmidt
-**         lefti@voyager.boerde.de
-** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
-** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
-** implied warranty.
-** 24 Jan 2002 : 001.009 :  some optimzization
-** 22 Jan 2002 : 001.008 :  some stupid calculations changed
-** 08 Aug 2001 : 001.007 :  new usage (netpbm-conform)
-** 27 Jul 1998 : 001.006 :  First try of error correction
-** 26 Mar 1998 : 001.005 :  Calculating the dl's before transformation
-** 06 Feb 1998 : 001.004 :  Include of a logo in the upper left edge
-** 26 Nov 1997 : 001.003 :  Some bug fixes and reading only lines
-** 25 Nov 1997 : 001.002 :  include of pixsize for getting scale invariant
-** 03 Sep 1997 : 001.001 :  only define for PID2
-** 03 Sep 1997 : 001.000 :  First public release
-** 21 Aug 1997 : 000.909 :  Recalculate the streching-factor
-** 20 Aug 1997 : 000.908 :  -left and -right for calculating only one side
-** 20 Aug 1997 : 000.906 :  correction of divisor, include of -factor
-** 15 Aug 1997 : 000.905 :  Include of -help and -axis
-static const char* const version="$VER: pgmabel 1.009 (24 Jan 2002)";
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>   /* for calloc */
-#include "pgm.h"
-#include "mallocvar.h"
-#ifndef PID2          /*  PI/2 (on AMIGA always defined) */
-#define PID2    1.57079632679489661923  
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-/* some global variables */
-static double *aldl, *ardl;                /* pointer for weighting factors */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-** procedure for calculating the sum of the calculated surfaces with the
-** weight of the surface
-**      n     <-  index of end point of the summation
-**      N     <-  width of the calculated row
-**      xr    <-  array of the calculated elements of the row
-**      adl   <-  pre-calculated surface coefficient for each segment
-static double 
-Sum ( int n, double *xr, int N, double *adl)
-    int k;
-    double result=0.0;
-    if (n==0) return(0.0);             /* outer ring  is 0 per definition    */
-    for (k=0 ; k<=(n-1) ; k++)
-    {
-         result += xr[k] * ( adl[k*N+n] - adl[(k+1)*N+n]);
-/*       result += xr[k] * ( dr(k,n+0.5,N) - dr(k+1,n+0.5,N));   */
-    }
-    return(result);
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-** procedure for calculating the surface coefficient for the Integration
-**      R, N  <-  indizes of the coefficient
-**      r     <-  radial position of the center of the surface
-static double 
-dr ( int R, double r,  int N)
-    double a;
-    double b;
-    a=(double) N-R ;
-    b=(double) N-r ;
-    return(sqrt(a*a-b*b));
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-** procedure for making the Abel integration for deconvolution of the image
-**        y    <-> array with values for deconvolution and results
-**        N    <-  width of the array
-**        adl  <-  array with pre-calculated weighting factors
-static void 
-abel ( float *y, int N, double *adl)
-    register int n;
-    double *rho, *rhop;       /* results and new index                       */
-    float  *yp;               /* new indizes for the y-array                 */
-    MALLOCARRAY(rho, N);
-    if( !rho )
-        pm_error( "out of memory" );
-    rhop = rho;
-    yp  = y;
-    for (n=0 ; n<N ; n++)
-    {
-        *(rhop++) = ((*yp++) - Sum(n,rho,N,adl))/(adl[n*N+n]);
-/*    *(rhop++) = ((*yp++) - Sum(n,rho,N))/(dr(n,n+0.5,N));  old version */
-        if ( *rhop < 0.0 ) *rhop = 0.0;         /*  error correction !       */
-/*   if (n > 2) rhop[n-1] = (rho[n-2]+rho[n-1]+rho[n])/3.0;  stabilization*/
-    }
-    for (n=0 ; n<N ; n++)
-        {
-            if (( n>=1 )&&( n<N-1 ))
-	       (*y++) = ((rho[n-1]*0.5+rho[n]+rho[n+1]*0.5)/2.0);/*1D median filter*/
-            else (*y++) = rho[n];
-        }
-    free(rho);
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-** printing a help message if Option -h(elp) is chosen
-static void 
-    pm_message("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-    pm_message("| pgmabel                                                       |");
-    pm_message("| make a deconvolution with vertical axis as symmetry-line      |");
-    pm_message("| usage:                                                        |");
-    pm_message("| pgmabel [-help] [-axis N] [-factor N] [-left|-right]          |");
-    pm_message("|         [-pixsize] [-verbose] [pgmfile]                       |");
-    pm_message("|   axis    : horizontal position of the axis                   |");
-    pm_message("|   factor  : user defines stretch-factor for the gray levels   |");
-    pm_message("|   pixsize : size of one pixel in mm (default = 0.1)           |");
-    pm_message("|   left    : calculating only the left (or right) side         |");
-    pm_message("|   verbose : output of useful data                             |");
-    pm_message("|   pgmfile : Name of a pgmfile (optional)                      |");
-    pm_message("|                                                               |");
-    pm_message("| for further information please contact the manpage            |"); 
-    pm_message("-----------------------------------------------------------------");
-    pm_message("%s",version);     /* telling the version      */
-    exit(-1);                     /* retur-code for no result */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-** main program
-int main( argc, argv )
-    int    argc;
-    char*  argv[];
-    FILE*  ifp;
-    gray maxval;                            /* maximum gray-level            */
-    gray* grayorig;
-    gray* grayrow;                          /* one line in the image         */
-    int argn, rows, cols, row, format;
-    int col, midcol=0, temp, tc;
-    float *trow;                          /* temporary row for deconvolution */
-    float l_div, r_div, fac=1.0, cfac=4.0;  /* factor for scaling gray-level */
-    float pixsize=0.1;
-    /* no verbose, calculating both sides                                */
-    int verb = FALSE, left = TRUE, right = TRUE;
-    int nologo = FALSE;
-    const char* const usage = "[-help] [-axis N] [-factor N] [-pixsize N] [-left|-right] [-verbose] [pgmfile]";
-    pgm_init( &argc, argv );
-    argn = 1;
-    /* Check for flags. */
-    while ( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0' )
-        {
-        if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-help", 1 ) ) help();
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-axis", 1 ) )
-            {
-            ++argn;
-            if ( argn == argc || sscanf( argv[argn], "%i", &midcol ) !=1 )
-                pm_usage( usage );
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-factor", 1 ) )
-            {
-            ++argn;
-            if ( argn == argc || sscanf( argv[argn], "%f", &fac ) !=1 )
-                pm_usage( usage );
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-pixsize", 1 ) )
-            {
-            ++argn;
-            if ( argn == argc || sscanf( argv[argn], "%f", &pixsize ) !=1 )
-                pm_usage( usage );
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-verbose", 1 ) )
-            {
-                verb = TRUE;
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-left", 1 ) )
-            {
-                if ( left ) right = FALSE;
-                else pm_usage( usage );
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-right", 1 ) )
-           {
-                if ( right ) left = FALSE;
-                else pm_usage( usage );
-            }
-        else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-nologo", 4 ) )
-            {
-                nologo = TRUE;
-            }
-        else
-            pm_usage( usage );
-        ++ argn;
-        }
-    if ( argn < argc )
-        {
-        ifp = pm_openr( argv[argn] );                    /* open the picture */
-        ++argn;
-        }
-    else
-        ifp = stdin;                                /* or reading from STDIN */
-    if ( argn != argc )
-        pm_usage( usage );
-    pgm_readpgminit( ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format );  /* read picture  */
-    pgm_writepgminit( stdout, cols, rows, maxval, 0 );  /* write the header  */
-    grayorig = pgm_allocrow(cols);
-    grayrow = pgm_allocrow( cols );                     /* allocate a row    */
-    if (midcol == 0) midcol = cols/2;     /* if no axis set take the center */
-    if (left ) l_div = (float)(PID2*pixsize)/(cfac*fac);
-    else l_div=1.0;                              /* weighting the left side  */
-    if (right) r_div = (float)(PID2*pixsize)/(cfac*fac);
-    else r_div=1.0;                              /* weighting the right side */
-    if (verb)
-    {
-        pm_message("%s",version);
-        pm_message("Calculating a portable graymap with %i rows and %i cols",rows,cols);
-        pm_message("  resuming a pixelsize of %f mm",pixsize);
-        if ( !right ) pm_message("     only the left side!");
-        if ( !left ) pm_message("     only the right side!");
-        pm_message("  axis = %i, stretching factor = %f",midcol,cfac*fac);
-        if ( left ) pm_message("  left side weighting = %f",l_div);
-        if ( right ) pm_message(" right side weighting = %f",r_div);
-    }
-    /* allocating the memory for the arrays aldl and ardl                    */
-    aldl = calloc ( midcol*midcol, sizeof(double));
-    if( !aldl )
-        pm_error( "out of memory" );
-    ardl = calloc ( (cols-midcol)*(cols-midcol), sizeof(double));
-    if( !ardl )
-        pm_error( "out of memory" );
-    MALLOCARRAY(trow, cols);
-    if( !trow )
-        pm_error( "out of memory" );
-    /* now precalculating the weighting-factors for the abel-transformation  */
-    for (col = 0; col < midcol; ++col)             /* factors for left side  */
-    {
-        for (tc = 0; tc < midcol; ++tc) aldl[col*midcol+tc] = dr(col,tc+0.5,midcol);
-    }
-    for (col = 0; col < (cols-midcol); ++col)      /* factors for right side */
-    {
-        for (tc = 0; tc < (cols-midcol); ++tc) 
-            ardl[col*(cols-midcol)+tc] = dr(col,tc+0.5,cols-midcol);
-    }
-    /* abel-transformation for each row splitted in right and left side      */
-    for ( row = 0; row < rows ; ++row )
-    {
-        pgm_readpgmrow( ifp, grayorig, cols, maxval, format );
-        for ( col = 0; col < midcol; ++col)          /* left side            */
-        {
-            trow[col] = (float) (grayorig[col]);
-        }
-        if (left ) abel(trow, midcol, aldl);         /* deconvolution        */
-        for ( col = 0; col < midcol; ++col)          /* writing left side    */
-        {
-            temp = (int)(trow[col]/l_div);
-            grayrow[col] = (temp>0?temp:0);
-        }
-        for ( col = midcol; col < cols; ++col )      /* right side           */
-        {
-            trow[cols-col-1] = (float) (grayorig[col]);
-        }
-        if ( right ) abel(trow,(cols-midcol),ardl);  /* deconvolution        */
-        for ( col = midcol; col < cols; ++col)       /* writing right side   */
-        {
-            temp = (int)(trow[cols-col-1]/r_div);
-            temp = (temp>0?temp:0);
-            grayrow[col] = temp;
-        }
-        pgm_writepgmrow( stdout, grayrow, cols, maxval, 0 );  /* saving row  */
-    }
-    pm_close( ifp );
-    pm_close( stdout );               /* closing output                      */
-    free( trow );                     /* deconvolution is done, clear memory */
-    pgm_freerow( grayorig );
-    pgm_freerow( grayrow );
-    free(aldl);
-    free(ardl);                      /* all used memory freed (i hope)       */
-    exit( 0 );                       /* end of procedure                     */