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path: root/converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
commit1fd361a1ea06e44286c213ca1f814f49306fdc43 (patch)
tree64c8c96cf54d8718847339a403e5e67b922e8c3f /converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c
Create Subversion repository
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@1 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c')
1 files changed, 1892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c b/converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7f9ebab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/lib/dither.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1892 @@
+ *  dither.c:		Various dithering routines 	
+ *
+ *  Adapted by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 1995 Erik Corry
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is
+ * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
+ * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/11/27 20:22:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.3 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <stdlib.h>
+#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "fiasco.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "dither.h"
+				prototypes
+static int 
+display_16_bit (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image);
+static int 
+display_24_bit_bgr (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		    const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image);
+static int 
+display_24_bit_rgb (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		    const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image);
+static int 
+display_32_bit (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image);
+static int
+free_bits_at_bottom (unsigned long a);
+static int
+free_bits_at_top (unsigned long a);
+static int
+number_of_bits_set (unsigned long a);
+				public code
+fiasco_renderer_t *
+fiasco_renderer_new (unsigned long red_mask, unsigned long green_mask,
+		     unsigned long blue_mask, unsigned bpp,
+		     int double_resolution)
+ *  FIASCO renderer constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the FIASCO renderer structure and
+ *  initialize values.
+ *  `red_mask', `green_mask', and `blue_mask' are the corresponding masks
+ *  of the X11R6 XImage structure. 
+ *  `bpp' gives the depth of the image in bits per pixel (16, 24, or 32).
+ *  If `double_resolution' is not 0 the the image width and height is doubled.
+ *  (fast pixel doubling, no interpolation!)
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new structure or NULL on error
+ */
+   if (bpp != 16 && bpp != 24 && bpp !=32)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Rendering depth of XImage must be 16, 24, or 32 bpp."));
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      fiasco_renderer_t  *render    = calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_renderer_t));
+      renderer_private_t *private   = calloc (1, sizeof (renderer_private_t));
+      bool_t 	       	  twopixels = (bpp == 16 && double_resolution);
+      int 		  crval, cbval, i; /* counter */
+      if (!render || !private)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Out of memory."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+      switch (bpp)
+      {
+	 case 16:
+	    render->render = display_16_bit;
+	    break;
+	 case 24:
+	    if (red_mask > green_mask)
+	       render->render = display_24_bit_rgb;
+	    else
+	       render->render = display_24_bit_bgr;
+	    break;
+	 case 32:
+	    render->render = display_32_bit;
+	    break;
+	 default:
+	    break;			/* does not happen */
+      }
+      render->private = private;
+      render->delete  = fiasco_renderer_delete;
+      private->double_resolution = double_resolution;
+      private->Cr_r_tab = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (int));
+      private->Cr_g_tab = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (int));
+      private->Cb_g_tab = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (int));
+      private->Cb_b_tab = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (int));
+      if (!private->Cr_r_tab || !private->Cr_g_tab
+	  || !private->Cb_b_tab || !private->Cb_g_tab)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Out of memory."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+      for (i = 1024; i < 1024 + 256; i++)
+      {
+	 cbval = crval  = i - 128 - 1024;
+	 private->Cr_r_tab [i] =  1.4022 * crval + 0.5;
+	 private->Cr_g_tab [i] = -0.7145 * crval + 0.5;
+	 private->Cb_g_tab [i] = -0.3456 * cbval + 0.5; 
+	 private->Cb_b_tab [i] =  1.7710 * cbval + 0.5;
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+      {
+	 private->Cr_r_tab [i] = private->Cr_r_tab [1024];
+	 private->Cr_g_tab [i] = private->Cr_g_tab [1024];
+	 private->Cb_g_tab [i] = private->Cb_g_tab [1024]; 
+	 private->Cb_b_tab [i] = private->Cb_b_tab [1024];
+      }
+      for (i = 1024 + 256; i < 2048 + 256; i++)
+      {
+	 private->Cr_r_tab [i] = private->Cr_r_tab [1024 + 255];
+	 private->Cr_g_tab [i] = private->Cr_g_tab [1024 + 255];
+	 private->Cb_g_tab [i] = private->Cb_g_tab [1024 + 255]; 
+	 private->Cb_b_tab [i] = private->Cb_b_tab [1024 + 255];
+      }
+      private->Cr_r_tab += 1024 + 128;
+      private->Cr_g_tab += 1024 + 128;
+      private->Cb_g_tab += 1024 + 128;
+      private->Cb_b_tab += 1024 + 128;
+      /* 
+       *  Set up entries 0-255 in rgb-to-pixel value tables.
+       */
+      private->r_table = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (unsigned int));
+      private->g_table = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (unsigned int));
+      private->b_table = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (unsigned int));
+      private->y_table = calloc (256 + 2 * 1024, sizeof (unsigned int));
+      if (!private->r_table || !private->g_table
+	  || !private->b_table || !private->y_table)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Out of memory."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+      {
+	 private->r_table [i + 1024]
+	    = i >> (8 - number_of_bits_set(red_mask));
+	 private->r_table [i + 1024]
+	    <<= free_bits_at_bottom (red_mask);
+	 private->g_table [i + 1024]
+	    = i >> (8 - number_of_bits_set (green_mask));
+	 private->g_table [i + 1024]
+	    <<= free_bits_at_bottom (green_mask);
+	 private->b_table [i + 1024]
+	    <<= free_bits_at_bottom (blue_mask);
+	 private->b_table [i + 1024]
+	    = i >> (8 - number_of_bits_set (blue_mask));
+	 if (twopixels)
+	 {
+	    private->r_table [i + 1024] = ((private->r_table [i + 1024] << 16)
+					   | private->r_table [i + 1024]);
+	    private->g_table [i + 1024] = ((private->g_table [i + 1024] << 16)
+					   | private->g_table [i + 1024]);
+	    private->b_table [i + 1024] = ((private->b_table [i + 1024] << 16)
+					   | private->b_table [i + 1024]);
+	 }
+	 private->y_table [i + 1024] = (private->r_table [i + 1024]
+					| private->g_table [i + 1024]
+					| private->b_table [i + 1024]);
+      }
+      /*
+       * Spread out the values we have to the rest of the array so that
+       * we do not need to check for overflow.
+       */
+      for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+      {
+	 private->r_table [i]              = private->r_table [1024];
+	 private->r_table [i + 1024 + 256] = private->r_table [1024 + 255];
+	 private->g_table [i]              = private->g_table [1024];
+	 private->g_table [i + 1024 + 256] = private->g_table [1024 + 255];
+	 private->b_table [i]              = private->b_table [1024];
+	 private->b_table [i + 1024 + 256] = private->b_table [1024 + 255];
+	 private->y_table [i]              = private->y_table [1024];
+	 private->y_table [i + 1024 + 256] = private->y_table [1024 + 255];
+      }
+      private->r_table += 1024;
+      private->g_table += 1024;
+      private->b_table += 1024;
+      private->y_table += 1024 + 128;
+      return render;
+   }
+fiasco_renderer_delete (fiasco_renderer_t *renderer)
+ *  FIASCO renderer destructor:
+ *  Free memory of 'renderer' structure.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'renderer' is discarded.
+ */
+   if (!renderer)
+      return;
+   else
+   {
+      renderer_private_t *private = (renderer_private_t *) renderer->private;
+      Free (private->Cr_g_tab - (1024 + 128));
+      Free (private->Cr_r_tab - (1024 + 128));
+      Free (private->Cb_g_tab - (1024 + 128));
+      Free (private->Cb_b_tab - (1024 + 128));
+      Free (private->r_table - 1024);
+      Free (private->g_table - 1024);
+      Free (private->b_table - 1024);
+      Free (private->y_table - (1024 + 128));
+      Free (private);
+      Free (renderer);
+   }
+fiasco_renderer_render (const fiasco_renderer_t *renderer,
+			unsigned char *ximage,
+			const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image)
+   if (!renderer)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "renderer");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+      return renderer->render (renderer, ximage, fiasco_image);
+				private code
+ *  Erik Corry's multi-byte dither routines.
+ *
+ *  The basic idea is that the Init generates all the necessary
+ *  tables.  The tables incorporate the information about the layout
+ *  of pixels in the XImage, so that it should be able to cope with
+ *  16-bit 24-bit (non-packed) and 32-bit (10-11 bits per
+ *  color!) screens.  At present it cannot cope with 24-bit packed
+ *  mode, since this involves getting down to byte level again. It is
+ *  assumed that the bits for each color are contiguous in the
+ *  longword.
+ * 
+ *  Writing to memory is done in shorts or ints. (Unfortunately, short
+ *  is not very fast on Alpha, so there is room for improvement
+ *  here). There is no dither time check for overflow - instead the
+ *  tables have slack at each end. This is likely to be faster than an
+ *  'if' test as many modern architectures are really bad at
+ *  ifs. Potentially, each '&&' causes a pipeline flush!
+ *
+ *  There is no shifting and fixed point arithmetic, as I really doubt
+ *  you can see the difference, and it costs. This may be just my
+ *  bias, since I heard that Intel is really bad at shifting.
+ */
+static int
+number_of_bits_set (unsigned long a)
+ *  How many 1 bits are there in the longword.
+ *  Low performance, do not call often.
+ */
+   if (!a)
+      return 0;
+   if (a & 1)
+      return 1 + number_of_bits_set (a >> 1);
+   else
+      return (number_of_bits_set (a >> 1));
+static int
+free_bits_at_top (unsigned long a)
+ *  How many 0 bits are there at most significant end of longword.
+ *  Low performance, do not call often.
+ */
+   if(!a)				/* assume char is 8 bits */
+      return sizeof (unsigned long) * 8;
+   else if (((long) a) < 0l)		/* assume twos complement */
+      return 0;
+   else
+      return 1 + free_bits_at_top ( a << 1);
+static int
+free_bits_at_bottom (unsigned long a)
+ *  How many 0 bits are there at least significant end of longword.
+ *  Low performance, do not call often.
+ */
+   /* assume char is 8 bits */
+   if (!a)
+      return sizeof (unsigned long) * 8;
+   else if(((long) a) & 1l)
+      return 0;
+   else
+      return 1 + free_bits_at_bottom ( a >> 1);
+static int 
+display_16_bit (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image)
+ *  Convert 'image' to 16 bit color bitmap.
+ *  If 'double_resolution' is true then double image size in both directions.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'out[]'	is filled with dithered image
+ */
+   const image_t      *image;
+   renderer_private_t *private;
+   byte_t	      *out;
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "this");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!ximage)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "ximage");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!fiasco_image)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "fiasco_image");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   out 	   = (byte_t *) ximage;
+   image   = cast_image ((fiasco_image_t *) fiasco_image);
+   if (!image)
+      return 0;
+   private = (renderer_private_t *) this->private;
+   if (image->color)
+   {
+      word_t 	   *cbptr, *crptr;	/* pointer to chroma bands */
+      word_t 	   *yptr;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+      int     	    yval, crval, cbval;	/* pixel value in YCbCr color space */
+      int     	    R, G, B;		/* pixel value in RGB color space */
+      int     	    n;			/* pixel counter */
+      int     	    x, y;		/* pixel coordinates */
+      int 	   *Cr_r_tab, *Cr_g_tab, *Cb_g_tab, *Cb_b_tab;
+      unsigned int *r_table, *g_table, *b_table;
+      Cr_g_tab = private->Cr_g_tab;
+      Cr_r_tab = private->Cr_r_tab;
+      Cb_b_tab = private->Cb_b_tab;
+      Cb_g_tab = private->Cb_g_tab;
+      r_table  = private->r_table;
+      g_table  = private->g_table;
+      b_table  = private->b_table;
+      yptr     = image->pixels [Y];
+      cbptr    = image->pixels [Cb];
+      crptr    = image->pixels [Cr];
+      if (image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+      {
+	 u_word_t *dst, *dst2;		/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	 word_t	  *yptr2;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    dst   = (u_word_t *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + 4 * image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height / 2; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width / 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - 2 * image->width,
+		       2 * image->width * sizeof (u_word_t));
+	       memcpy (dst2, dst2 - 2 * image->width,
+		       2 * image->width * sizeof (u_word_t));
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	       dst   += 3 * image->width * 2;
+	       dst2  += 3 * image->width * 2;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    dst  = (u_word_t *) out;
+	    dst2 = dst + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height / 2; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width / 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	       dst   += image->width;
+	       dst2  += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      else				/* 4:4:4 format */
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    dst  = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - image->width,
+		       image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    u_word_t *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    dst  = (u_word_t *) out;
+	    for (n = image->width * image->height; n; n--)
+	    {
+	       crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+	       G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+	       B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+	       *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+      word_t	   *src;		/* current pixel of frame */
+      unsigned int *y_table;
+      y_table = private->y_table;
+      dst     = (unsigned int *) out;
+      src     = image->pixels [GRAY];
+      if (private->double_resolution)
+      {
+	 int x, y;			/* pixel coordinates */
+	 for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	 {
+	    for (x = image->width; x; x--)
+	    {
+	       int value;
+	       value = y_table [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       value = y_table [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       *dst++ = (value << 16) | value;
+	    }
+	    memcpy (dst, dst - image->width,
+		    image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	    dst += image->width;
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 int n;				/* pixel counter */
+	 for (n = image->width * image->height / 2; n; n--, src += 2)
+	    *dst++ = (y_table [src [1] >> 4] << 16) | y_table [src [0] >> 4];
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN  */
+	    *dst++ = (y_table [src [0] >> 4] << 16) | y_table [src [1] >> 4];
+#	endif
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ = (y_table [src [1] / 16] << 16) | y_table [src [0] / 16];
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN  */
+	    *dst++ = (y_table [src [0] / 16] << 16) | y_table [src [1] / 16];
+#	endif
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+      }
+   }
+   return 1;
+static int 
+display_24_bit_bgr (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		    const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image)
+ *  Convert 'image' to 16 bit color bitmap.
+ *  If 'double_resolution' is true then double image size in both directions.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'out[]'	is filled with dithered image
+ */
+   unsigned 	      *gray_clip = init_clipping ();
+   const image_t      *image;
+   renderer_private_t *private;
+   byte_t	      *out;
+   if (!gray_clip)
+      return 0;
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "this");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!ximage)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "ximage");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!fiasco_image)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "fiasco_image");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   out 	   = (byte_t *) ximage;
+   image   = cast_image ((fiasco_image_t *) fiasco_image);
+   if (!image)
+      return 0;
+   private = (renderer_private_t *) this->private;
+   if (image->color)
+   {
+      word_t 	   *cbptr, *crptr;	/* pointer to chroma bands */
+      word_t 	   *yptr;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+      int 	   *Cr_r_tab, *Cr_g_tab, *Cb_g_tab, *Cb_b_tab;
+      unsigned int *r_table, *g_table, *b_table;
+      Cr_g_tab = private->Cr_g_tab;
+      Cr_r_tab = private->Cr_r_tab;
+      Cb_b_tab = private->Cb_b_tab;
+      Cb_g_tab = private->Cb_g_tab;
+      r_table  = private->r_table;
+      g_table  = private->g_table;
+      b_table  = private->b_table;
+      yptr     = image->pixels [Y];
+      cbptr    = image->pixels [Cb];
+      crptr    = image->pixels [Cr];
+      if (image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    int		  yval1;	/* lumincance pixel */
+	    int 	  crval1, cbval1; /* chroma pixels */
+	    int		  yval2;	/* pixel in YCbCr color space */
+	    unsigned int  R1, G1, B1;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int  R2, G2, B2;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		  x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    unsigned int *dst2;		/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	    word_t	 *yptr2;	/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	    dst   = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 2;
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height >> 1; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = G1 | (R1 << 8) | (B2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = R2 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B1 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = G1 | (R1 << 8) | (B2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = R2 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - (image->width >> 1) * 3,
+		       (image->width >> 1) * 3 * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       memcpy (dst2, dst2 - (image->width >> 1) * 3, 
+		       (image->width >> 1) * 3 * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst   += (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 3;
+	       dst2  += (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 3;
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    int		  yval1;	/* lumincance pixel */
+	    int 	  crval1, cbval1; /* chroma pixels */
+	    int		  yval2;	/* pixel in YCbCr color space */
+	    unsigned int  R1, G1, B1;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int  R2, G2, B2;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		  x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    unsigned int *dst2;		/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	    word_t	 *yptr2;	/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	    dst   = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height >> 1; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+		  *dst   = G2 | (R2 << 8);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+		  *dst2   = G2 | (R2 << 8);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ |= (B1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = R1 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ |= (B1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = R1 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       dst   += (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	       dst2  += (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      else				/* 4:4:4 format */
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int R1, G1, B1;		/* pixel1 in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int R2, G2, B2;		/* pixel2 in RGB color space */
+	    int		 yval1, crval1, cbval1;	/* pixel1 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 yval2, crval2, cbval2;	/* pixel2 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 x, y;			/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		        /* dithered pixel pointer */
+	    dst = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2]
+				 + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+		  *dst++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = G1 | (R1 << 8) | (B2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = R2 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - 3 * (image->width >> 1),
+		       3 * (image->width >> 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst += 3 * (image->width >> 1);
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    unsigned int R1, G1, B1;		/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int R2, G2, B2;		/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		 yval1, crval1, cbval1;	/* pixel1 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 yval2, crval2, cbval2;	/* pixel2 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 n;			/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		        /* dithered pixel pointer */
+	    dst = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> 2; n; n--)
+	    {
+	       yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+	       G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1] + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+	       B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+	       R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+	       G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2] + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+	       B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+	       *dst++ = B1 | (G1 << 8) | (R1 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+	       *dst   = G2 | (R2 << 8);
+	       yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+	       G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1] + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+	       B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+	       R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+	       G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2] + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+	       B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+	       *dst++ |= (B1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+	       *dst++ = R1 | (B2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+      word_t	   *src;		/* current pixel of frame */
+      unsigned int *y_table;
+      y_table = private->y_table;
+      dst     = (unsigned int *) out;
+      src     = image->pixels [GRAY];
+      if (private->double_resolution)
+      {
+	 int	   x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	 unsigned *shift_clipping = gray_clip + 128;
+	 for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	 {
+	    for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	    {
+	       unsigned int val1, val2;
+	       val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	       val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	       val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8) | (val1 << 16) | (val1 << 24);
+	       *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8) | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24); 
+	       *dst++ = val2 | (val2 << 8) | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24);
+	    }
+	    memcpy (dst, dst - 3 * (image->width >> 1),
+		    3 * (image->width >> 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	    dst += 3 * (image->width >> 1);
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 int	   n;			/* pixel counter */
+	 unsigned *shift_clipping = gray_clip + 128;
+	 for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> 2; n; n--)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int val1, val2;
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8)
+		     | (val1 << 16) | (val2 << 24);  /* RGBR */
+	    *dst   = val2 | (val2 << 8);             /* GB-- */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ |= (val1 << 16) | (val1 << 24);   /* --RG */
+	    *dst++  = val1 | (val2 << 8)
+		      | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24); /* BRGB */
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   return 1;
+static int 
+display_24_bit_rgb (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		    const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image)
+ *  Convert 'image' to 16 bit color bitmap.
+ *  If 'double_resolution' is true then double image size in both directions.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'out[]'	is filled with dithered image
+ */
+   unsigned 	      *gray_clip = init_clipping ();
+   const image_t      *image;
+   renderer_private_t *private;
+   byte_t	      *out;
+   if (!gray_clip)
+      return 0;
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "this");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!ximage)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "ximage");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!fiasco_image)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "fiasco_image");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   out 	   = (byte_t *) ximage;
+   image   = cast_image ((fiasco_image_t *) fiasco_image);
+   if (!image)
+      return 0;
+   private = (renderer_private_t *) this->private;
+   if (image->color)
+   {
+      word_t 	   *cbptr, *crptr;	/* pointer to chroma bands */
+      word_t 	   *yptr;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+      int 	   *Cr_r_tab, *Cr_g_tab, *Cb_g_tab, *Cb_b_tab;
+      unsigned int *r_table, *g_table, *b_table;
+      Cr_g_tab = private->Cr_g_tab;
+      Cr_r_tab = private->Cr_r_tab;
+      Cb_b_tab = private->Cb_b_tab;
+      Cb_g_tab = private->Cb_g_tab;
+      r_table  = private->r_table;
+      g_table  = private->g_table;
+      b_table  = private->b_table;
+      yptr     = image->pixels [Y];
+      cbptr    = image->pixels [Cb];
+      crptr    = image->pixels [Cr];
+      if (image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    int		  yval1;	/* lumincance pixel */
+	    int 	  crval1, cbval1; /* chroma pixels */
+	    int		  yval2;	/* pixel in YCbCr color space */
+	    unsigned int  R1, G1, B1;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int  R2, G2, B2;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		  x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    unsigned int *dst2;		/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	    word_t	 *yptr2;	/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	    dst   = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 2;
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height >> 1; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = G1 | (B1 << 8) | (R2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = B2 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R1 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = G1 | (B1 << 8) | (R2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = B2 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - (image->width >> 1) * 3,
+		       (image->width >> 1) * 3 * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       memcpy (dst2, dst2 - (image->width >> 1) * 3, 
+		       (image->width >> 1) * 3 * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst   += (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 3;
+	       dst2  += (image->width >> 1) * 3 * 3;
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    int		  yval1;	/* lumincance pixel */
+	    int 	  crval1, cbval1; /* chroma pixels */
+	    int		  yval2;	/* pixel in YCbCr color space */
+	    unsigned int  R1, G1, B1;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int  R2, G2, B2;	/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		  x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    unsigned int *dst2;		/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	    word_t	 *yptr2;	/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	    dst   = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height >> 1; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+		  *dst   = G2 | (B2 << 8);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+		  *dst2   = G2 | (B2 << 8);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst++ |= (R1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = B1 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+		  yval1  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  *dst2++ |= (R1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+		  *dst2++ = B1 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       dst   += (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	       dst2  += (image->width >> 2) * 3;
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      else				/* 4:4:4 format */
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int R1, G1, B1;		/* pixel1 in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int R2, G2, B2;		/* pixel2 in RGB color space */
+	    int		 yval1, crval1, cbval1;	/* pixel1 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 yval2, crval2, cbval2;	/* pixel2 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 x, y;			/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		        /* dithered pixel pointer */
+	    dst = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+		  crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+		  G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+		  B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+		  R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+		  G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2]
+				  + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+		  B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+		  *dst++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R1 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = G1 | (B1 << 8) | (R2 << 16) | (G2 << 24);
+		  *dst++ = B2 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - 3 * (image->width >> 1),
+		       3 * (image->width >> 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst += 3 * (image->width >> 1);
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    unsigned int R1, G1, B1;		/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    unsigned int R2, G2, B2;		/* pixel in RGB color space */
+	    int		 yval1, crval1, cbval1;	/* pixel1 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 yval2, crval2, cbval2;	/* pixel2 in YCbCr space */
+	    int		 n;			/* pixel counter */
+	    unsigned int *dst;		        /* dithered pixel pointer */
+	    dst = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> 2; n; n--)
+	    {
+	       yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+	       G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1] + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+	       B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+	       R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+	       G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2] + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+	       B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+	       *dst++ = R1 | (G1 << 8) | (B1 << 16) | (R2 << 24);
+	       *dst   = G2 | (B2 << 8);
+	       yval1  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       yval2  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       yval1  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       yval2  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+	       crval1 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       crval2 = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval1 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval2 = *cbptr++ / 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_r_tab [crval1]];
+	       G1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cr_g_tab [crval1] + Cb_g_tab [cbval1]];
+	       B1 = gray_clip [yval1 + Cb_b_tab [cbval1]];
+	       R2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_r_tab [crval2]];
+	       G2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cr_g_tab [crval2] + Cb_g_tab [cbval2]];
+	       B2 = gray_clip [yval2 + Cb_b_tab [cbval2]];
+	       *dst++ |= (R1 << 16) | (G1 << 24);
+	       *dst++ = B1 | (R2 << 8) | (G2 << 16) | (B2 << 24);
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+      word_t	   *src;		/* current pixel of frame */
+      unsigned int *y_table;
+      y_table = private->y_table;
+      dst     = (unsigned int *) out;
+      src     = image->pixels [GRAY];
+      if (private->double_resolution)
+      {
+	 int	   x, y;		/* pixel counter */
+	 unsigned *shift_clipping = gray_clip + 128;
+	 for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	 {
+	    for (x = image->width >> 1; x; x--)
+	    {
+	       unsigned int val1, val2;
+	       val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	       val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	       val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8) | (val1 << 16) | (val1 << 24);
+	       *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8) | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24); 
+	       *dst++ = val2 | (val2 << 8) | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24);
+	    }
+	    memcpy (dst, dst - 3 * (image->width >> 1),
+		    3 * (image->width >> 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	    dst += 3 * (image->width >> 1);
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 int	   n;			/* pixel counter */
+	 unsigned *shift_clipping = gray_clip + 128;
+	 for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> 2; n; n--)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int val1, val2;
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ = val1 | (val1 << 8)
+		     | (val1 << 16) | (val2 << 24);  /* RGBR */
+	    *dst   = val2 | (val2 << 8);             /* GB-- */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    val1 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+	    val2 = shift_clipping [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ |= (val1 << 16) | (val1 << 24);   /* --RG */
+	    *dst++  = val1 | (val2 << 8)
+		      | (val2 << 16) | (val2 << 24); /* BRGB */
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   return 1;
+static int 
+display_32_bit (const struct fiasco_renderer *this, unsigned char *ximage,
+		const fiasco_image_t *fiasco_image)
+ *  Convert 'image' to 16 bit color bitmap.
+ *  If 'double_resolution' is true then double image size in both directions.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'out[]'	is filled with dithered image
+ */
+   const image_t      *image;
+   renderer_private_t *private;
+   byte_t	      *out;
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "this");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!ximage)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "ximage");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   if (!fiasco_image)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "fiasco_image");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   out 	   = (byte_t *) ximage;
+   private = (renderer_private_t *) this->private;
+   image   = cast_image ((fiasco_image_t *) fiasco_image);
+   if (!image)
+      return 0;
+   if (image->color)
+   {
+      word_t 	   *cbptr, *crptr;	/* pointer to chroma bands */
+      word_t 	   *yptr;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+      int     	    yval, crval, cbval;	/* pixel value in YCbCr color space */
+      int     	    R, G, B;		/* pixel value in RGB color space */
+      int     	    n;			/* pixel counter */
+      int     	    x, y;		/* pixel coordinates */
+      int 	   *Cr_r_tab, *Cr_g_tab, *Cb_g_tab, *Cb_b_tab;
+      unsigned int *r_table, *g_table, *b_table;
+      Cr_g_tab = private->Cr_g_tab;
+      Cr_r_tab = private->Cr_r_tab;
+      Cb_b_tab = private->Cb_b_tab;
+      Cb_g_tab = private->Cb_g_tab;
+      r_table  = private->r_table;
+      g_table  = private->g_table;
+      b_table  = private->b_table;
+      yptr  = image->pixels [Y];
+      cbptr = image->pixels [Cb];
+      crptr = image->pixels [Cr];
+      if (image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+      {
+	 unsigned int	*dst, *dst2;	/* pointers to dithered pixels */
+	 word_t		*yptr2;		/* pointers to lumincance band */
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    dst  = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2 = dst + 4 * image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height / 2; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width / 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - 2 * image->width,
+		       2 * image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       memcpy (dst2, dst2 - 2 * image->width,
+		       2 * image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	       dst   += 3 * image->width * 2;
+	       dst2  += 3 * image->width * 2;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    yptr2 = yptr + image->width;
+	    dst   = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    dst2  = dst + image->width;
+	    for (y = image->height / 2; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width / 2; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  yval  = (*yptr2++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  yval  = *yptr2++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst2++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       yptr  += image->width;
+	       yptr2 += image->width;
+	       dst   += image->width;
+	       dst2  += image->width;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      else				/* 4:4:4 format */
+      {
+	 if (private->double_resolution)
+	 {
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    dst = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       for (x = image->width; x; x--)
+	       {
+		  crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+		  yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+		  cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+		  yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+		  G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+		  B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+		  *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	       }
+	       memcpy (dst, dst - 2 * image->width,
+		       2 * image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	       dst += image->width * 2;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+	    dst  = (unsigned int *) out;
+	    for (n = image->width * image->height; n; n--)
+	    {
+	       crval = *crptr++ >> 4;
+	       cbval = *cbptr++ >> 4;
+	       yval  = (*yptr++ >> 4) + 128;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       crval = *crptr++ / 16;
+	       cbval = *cbptr++ / 16;
+	       yval  = *yptr++  / 16 + 128;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       R = yval + Cr_r_tab [crval];
+	       G = yval + Cr_g_tab [crval] + Cb_g_tab [cbval];
+	       B = yval + Cb_b_tab [cbval];
+	       *dst++ = r_table [R] | g_table [G] | b_table [B];
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned int *dst;		/* pointer to dithered pixels */
+      word_t	   *src;		/* current pixel of frame */
+      unsigned int *y_table;
+      y_table = private->y_table;
+      dst     = (unsigned int *) out;
+      src     = image->pixels [GRAY];
+      if (private->double_resolution)
+      {
+	 int x, y;			/* pixel coordinates */
+	 for (y = image->height; y; y--)
+	 {
+	    for (x = image->width; x; x--)
+	    {
+	       int value;
+	       value = y_table [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       value = y_table [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       *dst++ = value;
+	       *dst++ = value;
+	    }
+	    memcpy (dst, dst - 2 * image->width,
+		    2 * image->width * sizeof (unsigned int));
+	    dst += 2 * image->width;
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 int n;				/* pixel counter */
+	 for (n = image->width * image->height; n; n--)
+	    *dst++ = y_table [*src++ >> 4];
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *dst++ = y_table [*src++ / 16];
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+      }
+   }
+   return 1;