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path: root/converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
commit1fd361a1ea06e44286c213ca1f814f49306fdc43 (patch)
tree64c8c96cf54d8718847339a403e5e67b922e8c3f /converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c
Create Subversion repository
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@1 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c b/converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26bae7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/input/read.c
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ *  read.c:		Input of WFA files
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *  
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/07/18 15:44:58 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.4 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1   /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "bit-io.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "matrices.h"
+#include "weights.h"
+#include "nd.h"
+#include "mc.h"
+#include "basis.h"
+#include "read.h"
+				prototypes
+static void
+read_tiling (tiling_t *tiling, unsigned image_width, unsigned image_height,
+	     unsigned image_level, bitfile_t *input);
+				public code
+bitfile_t *
+open_wfa (const char *filename, wfa_info_t *wi)
+ *  Open WFA file 'filename' and read header information.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	Pointer to input stream (fileposition: first WFA frame)
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The values of the header of 'filename' are copied to 'wfainfo'. 
+ *
+ */
+   bitfile_t *input;			/* pointer to WFA bitfile */
+   assert (filename && wi);
+   wi->wfa_name = strdup (filename);
+   /*
+    *  Check whether 'filename' is a regular WFA file
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned 	n;
+      const char     *str;
+      if (!(input = open_bitfile (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS)))
+          file_error (filename);
+      for (str = FIASCO_MAGIC, n = strlen (FIASCO_MAGIC); n; n--)
+          if (get_bits (input, 8) != (unsigned) *str++)
+              error ("Input file %s is not a valid FIASCO file!", filename);
+      get_bits (input, 8);		/* fetch newline */
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Read WFA header information
+    */
+   {
+      char	      basis_name [MAXSTRLEN]; /* temp. buffer */
+      const unsigned  rice_k = 8; 	/* parameter of Rice Code */
+      char     	     *str    = basis_name;
+      while ((*str++ = get_bits (input, 8)) != 0
+	     && str < basis_name + MAXSTRLEN)
+	 ;
+      if (str == basis_name + MAXSTRLEN)
+	 error ("Input file %s is not a valid FIASCO file!", filename);
+      {
+	 wi->release = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+	 if (wi->release > FIASCO_BINFILE_RELEASE)
+	    error ("Can't decode FIASCO files of file format release `%d'."
+		   "\nCurrent file format release is `%d'.", wi->release,
+      }
+      if (wi->release > 1)
+      {
+	 header_type_e type;
+	 while ((type = read_rice_code (rice_k, input)) != HEADER_END)
+	 {
+	    char     buffer [MAXSTRLEN];
+	    unsigned n = 0;
+	    switch (type)
+	    {
+	       case HEADER_TITLE:
+		  while ((buffer [n++] = get_bits (input, 8)))
+		     ;
+		  wi->title = strdup (buffer);
+		  break;
+	       case HEADER_COMMENT:
+		  while ((buffer [n++] = get_bits (input, 8)))
+		     ;
+		  wi->comment = strdup (buffer);
+		  break;
+	       default:			/* should not happen */
+		  break;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      wi->basis_name = strdup (basis_name);
+      wi->max_states = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wi->color      = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO;
+      wi->width      = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wi->height     = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      /*
+       *  Compute bintree level
+       */
+      {
+	 unsigned lx = log2 (wi->width - 1) + 1;
+	 unsigned ly = log2 (wi->height - 1) + 1;
+	 wi->level = max (lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0);
+      }
+      wi->chroma_max_states = wi->color ? read_rice_code (rice_k, input) : -1;
+      wi->p_min_level       = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wi->p_max_level       = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wi->frames            = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wi->smoothing	    = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      /*
+       *  Read RPF models from disk
+       */
+      {
+	 unsigned 	    mantissa;
+	 fiasco_rpf_range_e range;
+	 mantissa = get_bits (input, 3) + 2;
+	 range    = get_bits (input, 2);
+	 wi->rpf  = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range);
+	 if (get_bit (input))		/* different DC model */
+	 {
+	    mantissa   = get_bits (input, 3) + 2;
+	    range      = get_bits (input, 2);
+	    wi->dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range);
+	 }
+	 else				/* use same model for DC coefficents */
+	    wi->dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->rpf->mantissa_bits,
+				    wi->rpf->range_e);
+	 if (get_bit (input))		/* different delta model */
+	 {
+	    mantissa  = get_bits (input, 3) + 2;
+	    range     = get_bits (input, 2);
+	    wi->d_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range);
+	 }
+	 else
+	    wi->d_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->rpf->mantissa_bits,
+				   wi->rpf->range_e);
+	 if (get_bit (input))		/* different DC delta model */
+	 {
+	    mantissa  	 = get_bits (input, 3) + 2;
+	    range     	 = get_bits (input, 2);
+	    wi->d_dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (mantissa, range);
+	 }
+	 else
+	    wi->d_dc_rpf = alloc_rpf (wi->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits,
+				      wi->dc_rpf->range_e);
+      }
+      if (wi->frames > 1)		/* motion compensation stuff */
+      {
+	 wi->fps           = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+	 wi->search_range  = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+	 wi->half_pixel    = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO;
+	 wi->B_as_past_ref = get_bit (input) ? YES : NO;
+      }
+   }
+   INPUT_BYTE_ALIGN (input);
+   return input;
+read_basis (const char *filename, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Read WFA initial basis 'filename' and fill 'wfa' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	wfa->into, wfa->weights, wfa->final_distribution, wfa->basis_states
+ *	wfa->domain_type wfa->wfainfo->basis_name, are filled with the
+ *	values of the WFA basis.
+ */
+   FILE	*input;				/* ASCII WFA initial basis file */
+   assert (filename && wfa);
+   if (!wfa->wfainfo->basis_name ||
+       !streq (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name, filename))
+   {
+      if (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name)
+	 Free (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name);
+      wfa->wfainfo->basis_name = strdup (filename);
+   }
+   if (get_linked_basis (filename, wfa))
+      return;				/* basis is linked with excecutable */
+   /*
+    *  Check whether 'wfa_name' is a regular ASCII WFA initial basis file
+    */
+   {
+      char magic [MAXSTRLEN];		/* WFA magic number */
+      if (!(input = open_file (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS)))
+	 file_error(filename);
+      if (fscanf (input, MAXSTRLEN_SCANF, magic) != 1)
+	 error ("Format error: ASCII FIASCO initial basis file %s", filename);
+      else if (strneq (FIASCO_BASIS_MAGIC, magic))
+	 error ("Input file %s is not an ASCII FIASCO initial basis!",
+		filename);
+   }
+   /*
+    *  WFA ASCII format:
+    *
+    *  Note: State 0 is assumed to be the constant function f(x, y) = 128.
+    *        Don't define any transitions of state 0 in an initial basis. 
+    *
+    *  Header:
+    *   type		|description
+    *	----------------+-----------
+    *   string		|MAGIC Number "Wfa"
+    *	int		|Number of basis states 'N'
+    *	bool_t-array[N]	|use vector in linear combinations,
+    *			|0: don't use vector (auxilliary state)
+    *			|1: use vector in linear combinations
+    *	float-array[N]	|final distribution of every state
+    *
+    *  Transitions:
+    *
+    *      <state 1>			current state
+    *      <label> <into> <weight>	transition 1 of current state
+    *      <label> <into> <weight>	transition 2 of current state
+    *      ...
+    *      <-1>				last transition marker
+    *      <state 2>
+    *      ...
+    *      <-1>				last transition marker
+    *      <state N>
+    *      ...
+    *
+    *      <-1>				last transition marker
+    *      <-1>				last state marker
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      if (fscanf (input ,"%u", &wfa->basis_states) != 1)
+	 error ("Format error: ASCII FIASCO initial basis file %s", filename);
+      /*
+       *  State 0 is assumed to be the constant function f(x, y) = 128.
+       */
+      wfa->domain_type [0]        = USE_DOMAIN_MASK; 
+      wfa->final_distribution [0] = 128;
+      wfa->states 		  = wfa->basis_states;
+      wfa->basis_states++;
+      append_edge (0, 0, 1.0, 0, wfa);
+      append_edge (0, 0, 1.0, 1, wfa);
+      for (state = 1; state < wfa->basis_states; state++)
+	 wfa->domain_type [state]
+	    = read_int (input) ? USE_DOMAIN_MASK : AUXILIARY_MASK;
+      for (state = 1; state < wfa->basis_states; state++)
+	 wfa->final_distribution[state] = read_real (input);
+      /*
+       *  Read transitions
+       */
+      for (state = 1; state < wfa->basis_states; state++)
+      {
+	 unsigned domain;
+	 int      label;
+	 real_t   weight;
+	 if (read_int (input) != (int) state)
+	    error ("Format error: ASCII FIASCO initial basis file %s",
+		   filename);
+	 while((label = read_int (input)) != -1)
+	 {
+	    domain = read_int (input);
+	    weight = read_real (input);
+	    append_edge (state, domain, weight, label, wfa);
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   fclose (input);
+read_next_wfa (wfa_t *wfa, bitfile_t *input)
+ *  Read next WFA frame of the WFA stream 'input'.
+ *  WFA header information has to be already present in the 'wfainfo' struct.
+ *  (i.e. open_wfa must be called first!)
+ *  
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	wfa->into, wfa->weights, wfa->final_distribution, wfa->states
+ *	wfa->x, wfa->y, wfa->level_of_state, wfa->domain_type
+ *      mt->type, mt->number are filled with the values of the WFA file.
+ */
+   tiling_t tiling;			/* tiling information */
+   unsigned frame_number;		/* current frame number */
+   assert (wfa && input);
+   /*
+    *  Frame header information
+    */
+   {
+      const unsigned rice_k = 8;	/* parameter of Rice Code */
+      wfa->states     = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      wfa->frame_type = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+      frame_number    = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+   }
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->release > 1)	/* no alignment in version 1 */
+   {
+      INPUT_BYTE_ALIGN (input);
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Read image tiling info 
+    */
+   if (get_bit (input))			/* tiling performed ? */
+      read_tiling (&tiling, wfa->wfainfo->width, wfa->wfainfo->height,
+		   wfa->wfainfo->level, input);
+   else
+      tiling.exponent = 0;
+   INPUT_BYTE_ALIGN (input);
+   read_tree (wfa, &tiling, input);
+   /*
+    *  Compute domain pool.
+    *  Large images have not been used due to image tiling.
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	 if ((!wfa->wfainfo->color
+	      || (int) state <= wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0])
+	     &&
+	     (!tiling.exponent ||
+	      wfa->level_of_state [state] <= (wfa->wfainfo->level
+					      - tiling.exponent))
+	     && ((wfa->x [state][0]
+		 + width_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state]))
+		 <= wfa->wfainfo->width)
+	     && ((wfa->y [state][0]
+		 + height_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state]))
+		 <= wfa->wfainfo->height))
+	    wfa->domain_type [state] = USE_DOMAIN_MASK;
+	 else
+	    wfa->domain_type [state] = 0;
+   }
+   if (tiling.exponent)
+      Free (tiling.vorder);
+   if (get_bit (input))			/* nondeterministic prediction used */
+      read_nd (wfa, input);
+   if (wfa->frame_type != I_FRAME)	/* motion compensation used */
+      read_mc (wfa->frame_type, wfa, input);
+   locate_delta_images (wfa);
+   /*
+    *  Read linear combinations (coefficients and indices)
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned edges = read_matrices (wfa, input); 
+      if (edges)
+	 read_weights (edges, wfa, input);
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Compute final distribution of all states
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state <= wfa->states; state++)
+	 wfa->final_distribution[state]
+	    = compute_final_distribution (state, wfa);
+   }
+   return frame_number;
+				private code
+static void
+read_tiling (tiling_t *tiling, unsigned image_width, unsigned image_height,
+	     unsigned image_level, bitfile_t *input)
+ *  Read image tiling information from the given file 'input'
+ *  and store parameters in struct 'tiling'.
+ *  
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   const unsigned rice_k = 8;		/* parameter of Rice Code */
+   tiling->exponent = read_rice_code (rice_k, input);
+   if (get_bit (input))			/* variance order */
+   {
+      unsigned tile;			/* current image tile */
+      unsigned x0, y0;			/* NW corner of image tile */
+      unsigned width, height;		/* size of image tile */
+      tiling->vorder = Calloc (1 << tiling->exponent, sizeof (int));
+      for (tile = 0; tile <  1U << tiling->exponent; tile++)
+      {
+	 locate_subimage (image_level, image_level - tiling->exponent, tile,
+			  &x0, &y0, &width, &height);
+	 if (x0 < image_width && y0 < image_height) 
+	    tiling->vorder [tile] = get_bits (input, tiling->exponent);
+	 else
+	    tiling->vorder [tile] = -1;
+      }
+   }
+   else					/* spiral order */
+   {
+      tiling->vorder = Calloc (1 << tiling->exponent, sizeof (int));
+      compute_spiral (tiling->vorder, image_width, image_height,
+		      tiling->exponent, get_bit (input) ? YES : NO);
+   }