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path: root/converter/other/fiasco/codec
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authorgiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
committergiraffedata <giraffedata@9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8>2006-08-19 03:12:28 +0000
commit1fd361a1ea06e44286c213ca1f814f49306fdc43 (patch)
tree64c8c96cf54d8718847339a403e5e67b922e8c3f /converter/other/fiasco/codec
Create Subversion repository
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/netpbm/code/trunk@1 9d0c8265-081b-0410-96cb-a4ca84ce46f8
Diffstat (limited to 'converter/other/fiasco/codec')
35 files changed, 11054 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/Makefile b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a9d502a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ifeq ($(SRCDIR)x,x)
+  SRCDIR = $(CURDIR)/../../../..
+FIASCOSUBDIR = converter/other/fiasco
+include $(BUILDDIR)/Makefile.config
+OBJECTS =  approx.o bintree.o coder.o coeff.o \
+           control.o decoder.o dfiasco.o domain-pool.o ip.o motion.o mwfa.o \
+           options.o prediction.o subdivide.o tiling.o wfalib.o
+all: libfiasco_codec.a
+include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.common
+libfiasco_codec.a: $(OBJECTS)
+	$(AR) -rc $@ $(OBJECTS)
+	$(RANLIB) $@
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72e38cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+ *  approx.c:		Approximation of range images with matching pursuit
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "approx.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+			     local variables
+typedef struct mp
+   word_t exclude [MAXEDGES];
+   word_t indices [MAXEDGES + 1];
+   word_t into [MAXEDGES + 1];
+   real_t weight [MAXEDGES];
+   real_t matrix_bits;
+   real_t weights_bits;
+   real_t err;
+   real_t costs;
+} mp_t;
+			     prototypes
+static void
+orthogonalize (unsigned index, unsigned n, unsigned level, real_t min_norm,
+	       const word_t *domain_blocks, const coding_t *c);
+static void 
+matching_pursuit (mp_t *mp, bool_t full_search, real_t price,
+		  unsigned max_edges, int y_state, const range_t *range,
+		  const domain_pool_t *domain_pool, const coeff_t *coeff,
+		  const wfa_t *wfa, const coding_t *c);
+				public code
+approximate_range (real_t max_costs, real_t price, int max_edges,
+		   int y_state, range_t *range, domain_pool_t *domain_pool,
+		   coeff_t *coeff, const wfa_t *wfa, const coding_t *c)
+ *  Approximate image block 'range' by matching pursuit. This functions
+ *  calls the matching pursuit algorithm several times (with different
+ *  parameters) in order to find the best approximation. Refer to function
+ *  'matching_pursuit()' for more details about parameters.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	approximation costs
+ */
+   mp_t	  mp;
+   bool_t success = NO;
+   /*
+    *  First approximation attempt: default matching pursuit algorithm.
+    */
+   mp.exclude [0] = NO_EDGE;
+   matching_pursuit (&mp, c->options.full_search, price, max_edges,
+		     y_state, range, domain_pool, coeff, wfa, c);
+   /*
+    *  Next approximation attempt: remove domain block mp->indices [0]
+    *  from domain pool (vector with smallest costs) and run the
+    *  matching pursuit again.
+    */
+   if (c->options.second_domain_block)
+   {
+      mp_t tmp_mp = mp;
+      tmp_mp.exclude [0] = tmp_mp.indices [0];
+      tmp_mp.exclude [1] = NO_EDGE;
+      matching_pursuit (&tmp_mp, c->options.full_search, price, max_edges,
+			y_state, range, domain_pool, coeff, wfa, c);
+      if (tmp_mp.costs < mp.costs)	/* success */
+      {
+	 success = YES;
+	 mp      = tmp_mp;
+      }
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Next approximation attempt: check whether some coefficients have
+    *  been quantized to zero. Vectors causing the underflow are
+    *  removed from the domain pool and then the matching pursuit
+    *  algorithm is run again (until underflow doesn't occur anymore).
+    */
+   if (c->options.check_for_underflow)
+   {
+      int  iteration = -1;
+      mp_t tmp_mp    = mp;
+      do
+      {
+	 int i;
+	 iteration++;
+	 tmp_mp.exclude [iteration] = NO_EDGE;
+	 for (i = 0; isdomain (tmp_mp.indices [i]); i++)
+	    if (tmp_mp.weight [i] == 0)
+	    {
+	       tmp_mp.exclude [iteration] = tmp_mp.indices [i];
+	       break;
+	    }
+	 if (isdomain (tmp_mp.exclude [iteration])) /* try again */
+	 {
+	    tmp_mp.exclude [iteration + 1] = NO_EDGE;
+	    matching_pursuit (&tmp_mp, c->options.full_search, price,
+			      max_edges, y_state, range, domain_pool,
+			      coeff, wfa, c);
+	    if (tmp_mp.costs < mp.costs)	/* success */
+	    {
+	       success = YES;
+	       mp      = tmp_mp;
+	    }
+	 }
+      } while (isdomain (tmp_mp.exclude [iteration])
+	       && iteration < MAXEDGES - 1);
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Next approximation attempt: check whether some coefficients have
+    *  been quantized to +/- max-value. Vectors causing the overflow are
+    *  removed from the domain pool and then the matching pursuit
+    *  algorithm is run again (until overflow doesn't occur anymore).
+    */
+   if (c->options.check_for_overflow)
+   {
+      int  iteration = -1;
+      mp_t tmp_mp    = mp;
+      do
+      {
+	 int i;
+	 iteration++;
+	 tmp_mp.exclude [iteration] = NO_EDGE;
+	 for (i = 0; isdomain (tmp_mp.indices [i]); i++)
+	 {
+	    rpf_t *rpf = tmp_mp.indices [i] ? coeff->rpf : coeff->dc_rpf;
+	    if (tmp_mp.weight [i] == btor (rtob (200, rpf), rpf)
+		|| tmp_mp.weight [i] == btor (rtob (-200, rpf), rpf))
+	    {
+	       tmp_mp.exclude [iteration] = tmp_mp.indices [i];
+	       break;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 if (isdomain (tmp_mp.exclude [iteration])) /* try again */
+	 {
+	    tmp_mp.exclude [iteration + 1] = NO_EDGE;
+	    matching_pursuit (&tmp_mp, c->options.full_search, price,
+			      max_edges, y_state, range, domain_pool,
+			      coeff, wfa, c);
+	    if (tmp_mp.costs < mp.costs)	/* success */
+	    {
+	       success = YES;
+	       mp      = tmp_mp;
+	    }
+	 }
+      } while (isdomain (tmp_mp.exclude [iteration])
+	       && iteration < MAXEDGES - 1);
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Finally, check whether the best approximation has costs
+    *  smaller than 'max_costs'.
+    */
+   if (mp.costs < max_costs) 
+   {
+      int    edge;
+      bool_t overflow  = NO;
+      bool_t underflow = NO;
+      int    new_index, old_index;
+      new_index = 0;
+      for (old_index = 0; isdomain (mp.indices [old_index]); old_index++)
+	 if (mp.weight [old_index] != 0)
+	 {
+	    rpf_t *rpf = mp.indices [old_index] ? coeff->rpf : coeff->dc_rpf;
+	    if (mp.weight [old_index] == btor (rtob (200, rpf), rpf)
+		|| mp.weight [old_index] == btor (rtob (-200, rpf), rpf))
+	       overflow = YES;
+	    mp.indices [new_index] = mp.indices [old_index];
+	    mp.into [new_index]    = mp.into [old_index];
+	    mp.weight [new_index]  = mp.weight [old_index];
+	    new_index++;
+	 }
+	 else
+	    underflow = YES;
+      mp.indices [new_index] = NO_EDGE;
+      mp.into  [new_index]   = NO_EDGE;
+      /*
+       *  Update of probability models
+       */
+      {
+	 word_t *domain_blocks = domain_pool->generate (range->level, y_state,
+							wfa,
+							domain_pool->model);
+	 domain_pool->update (domain_blocks, mp.indices,
+			      range->level, y_state, wfa, domain_pool->model);
+	 coeff->update (mp.weight, mp.into, range->level, coeff);
+	 Free (domain_blocks);
+      }
+      for (edge = 0; isedge (mp.indices [edge]); edge++)
+      {
+	 range->into [edge]   = mp.into [edge];
+	 range->weight [edge] = mp.weight [edge];
+      }
+      range->into [edge]  = NO_EDGE;
+      range->matrix_bits  = mp.matrix_bits;
+      range->weights_bits = mp.weights_bits;
+      range->err          = mp.err;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      range->into [0] = NO_EDGE;
+      mp.costs	      = MAXCOSTS;
+   }
+   return mp.costs;
+			     local variables
+static real_t norm_ortho_vector [MAXSTATES];     
+ *  Square-norm of the i-th vector of the orthogonal basis (OB)
+ *  ||o_i||^2; i = 0, ... ,n
+ */
+static real_t ip_image_ortho_vector [MAXEDGES];
+ *  Inner product between the i-th vector of the OB and the given range: 
+ *  <b, o_i>; i = 0, ... ,n 
+ */
+static real_t ip_domain_ortho_vector [MAXSTATES][MAXEDGES];
+ *  Inner product between the i-th vector of the OB and the image of domain j: 
+ *  <s_j, o_i>; j = 0, ... , wfa->states; i = 0, ... ,n, 
+ */
+static real_t rem_denominator [MAXSTATES];     
+static real_t rem_numerator [MAXSTATES];
+ *  At step n of the orthogonalization the comparitive value
+ *  (numerator_i / denominator_i):= <b, o_n>^2 / ||o_n|| ,
+ *  is computed for every domain i,
+ *  where o_n := s_i - \sum(k = 0, ... , n-1) {(<s_i, o_k> / ||o_k||^2) o_k}
+ *  To avoid computing the same values over and over again,
+ *  the constant (remaining) parts of every domain are
+ *  stored in 'rem_numerator' and 'rem_denominator' separately
+ */
+static bool_t used [MAXSTATES];    
+ *  Shows whether a domain image was already used in a
+ *  linear combination (YES) or not (NO)
+ */
+				private code
+static void 
+matching_pursuit (mp_t *mp, bool_t full_search, real_t price,
+		  unsigned max_edges, int y_state, const range_t *range,
+		  const domain_pool_t *domain_pool, const coeff_t *coeff,
+		  const wfa_t *wfa, const coding_t *c)
+ *  Find an approximation of the current 'range' with a linear
+ *  combination of vectors of the 'domain_pool'. The linear
+ *  combination is generated step by step with the matching pursuit
+ *  algorithm.  If flag 'full_search' is set then compute complete set
+ *  of linear combinations with n = {0, ..., 'max_edges'} vectors and
+ *  return the best one. Otherwise abort the computation as soon as
+ *  costs (LC (n + 1)) exceed costs ( LC (n)) and return the
+ *  sub-optimal solution.  'price' is the langrange multiplier
+ *  weighting rate and distortion.  'band' is the current color band
+ *  and 'y_state' the corresponding state in the Y component at same
+ *  pixel position.  'domain_pool' gives the set of available vectors,
+ *  and 'coeff' the model for the linear factors. The number of
+ *  elements in the linear combination is limited by 'max_edges'. In
+ *  'mp', vectors may be specified which should be excluded during the
+ *  approximation.
+ *  
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	vectors, factors, rate, distortion and costs are stored in 'mp'
+ */
+   unsigned	 n;			/* current vector of the OB */
+   int		 index;			/* best fitting domain image */
+   unsigned	 domain;		/* counter */
+   real_t	 norm;			/* norm of range image */
+   real_t	 additional_bits;	/* bits for mc, nd, and tree */
+   word_t	*domain_blocks;		/* current set of domain images */
+   const real_t  min_norm = 2e-3;	/* lower bound of norm */
+   unsigned 	 best_n   = 0;
+   unsigned	 size 	  = size_of_level (range->level);
+   /*
+    *  Initialize domain pool and inner product arrays
+    */
+   domain_blocks = domain_pool->generate (range->level, y_state, wfa,
+					  domain_pool->model);
+   for (domain = 0; domain_blocks [domain] >= 0; domain++)
+   {
+      used [domain] = NO;
+      rem_denominator [domain]		/* norm of domain */
+	 = get_ip_state_state (domain_blocks [domain], domain_blocks [domain],
+			       range->level, c);
+      if (rem_denominator [domain] / size < min_norm)
+	 used [domain] = YES;		/* don't use domains with small norm */
+      else
+	 rem_numerator [domain]		/* inner product <s_domain, b> */
+	    = get_ip_image_state (range->image, range->address,
+				  range->level, domain_blocks [domain], c);
+      if (!used [domain] && fabs (rem_numerator [domain]) < min_norm)
+	 used [domain] = YES;
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Exclude all domain blocks given in array 'mp->exclude'
+    */
+   for (n = 0; isdomain (mp->exclude [n]); n++)
+      used [mp->exclude [n]] = YES;
+   /*
+    *  Compute the approximation costs if 'range' is approximated with
+    *  no linear combination, i.e. the error is equal to the square
+    *  of the image norm and the size of the automaton is determined by
+    *  storing only zero elements in the current matrix row
+    */
+   for (norm = 0, n = 0; n < size; n++)
+      norm += square (c->pixels [range->address * size + n]);
+   additional_bits = range->tree_bits + range->mv_tree_bits
+		     + range->mv_coord_bits + range->nd_tree_bits
+		     + range->nd_weights_bits;
+   mp->err          = norm;
+   mp->weights_bits = 0;
+   mp->matrix_bits  = domain_pool->bits (domain_blocks, NULL, range->level,
+					 y_state, wfa, domain_pool->model);
+   mp->costs        = (mp->matrix_bits + mp->weights_bits
+		       + additional_bits) * price + mp->err;
+   n = 0;
+   do 
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Current approximation is: b = d_0 o_0 + ... + d_(n-1) o_(n-1)
+       *  with corresponding costs 'range->err + range->bits * p'.
+       *  For all remaining state images s_i (used[s_i] == NO) set
+       *  o_n :	= s_i - \sum(k = 0, ... , n-1) {(<s_i, o_k> / ||o_k||^2) o_k}
+       *  and try to beat current costs.
+       *  Choose that vector for the next orthogonalization step,
+       *  which has minimal costs: s_index.
+       *  (No progress is indicated by index == -1)
+       */
+      real_t min_matrix_bits  = 0;
+      real_t min_weights_bits = 0;
+      real_t min_error 	      = 0;
+      real_t min_weight [MAXEDGES];
+      real_t min_costs = full_search ? MAXCOSTS : mp->costs;
+      for (index = -1, domain = 0; domain_blocks [domain] >= 0; domain++) 
+	 if (!used [domain]) 
+	 {
+	    real_t    matrix_bits, weights_bits;
+	    /*
+	     *  To speed up the search through the domain images,
+	     *  the costs of using domain image 'domain' as next vector
+	     *  can be approximated in a first step:
+	     *  improvement of image quality
+	     *	  <= square (rem_numerator[domain]) / rem_denominator[domain]
+	     */
+	    {
+		  word_t   vectors [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  word_t   states [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  real_t   weights [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  unsigned i, k;
+		  for (i = 0, k = 0; k < n; k++)
+		     if (mp->weight [k] != 0)
+		     {
+			vectors [i] = mp->indices [k];
+			states [i]  = domain_blocks [vectors [i]];
+			weights [i] = mp->weight [k];
+			i++;
+		     }
+		  vectors [i] 	  = domain;
+		  states [i]  	  = domain_blocks [domain];
+		  weights [i] 	  = 0.5;
+		  vectors [i + 1] = -1;
+		  states [i + 1]  = -1;
+		  weights_bits = coeff->bits (weights, states, range->level,
+					      coeff);
+		  matrix_bits = domain_pool->bits (domain_blocks, vectors,
+						   range->level, y_state,
+						   wfa, domain_pool->model);
+	    }
+	    if (((matrix_bits + weights_bits + additional_bits) * price +
+		 mp->err -
+		 square (rem_numerator [domain]) / rem_denominator [domain])
+		< min_costs)
+	    {
+	       /*
+		*  1.) Compute the weights (linear factors) c_i of the
+		*  linear combination
+		*  b = c_0 v_0 + ... + c_(n-1) v_(n-1) + c_n v_'domain'
+		*  Use backward substitution to obtain c_i from the linear
+		*  factors of the lin. comb. b = d_0 o_0 + ... + d_n o_n
+		*  of the corresponding orthogonal vectors {o_0, ..., o_n}.
+		*  Vector o_n of the orthogonal basis is obtained by using
+		*  vector 'v_domain' in step n of the Gram Schmidt
+		*  orthogonalization (see above for definition of o_n).
+		*  Recursive formula for the coefficients c_i:
+		*  c_n := <b, o_n> / ||o_n||^2
+		*  for i = n - 1, ... , 0:
+		*  c_i := <b, o_i> / ||o_i||^2 +
+		*          \sum (k = i + 1, ... , n){ c_k <v_k, o_i>
+		*					/ ||o_i||^2 }
+		*  2.) Because linear factors are stored with reduced precision
+		*  factor c_i is rounded with the given precision in step i
+		*  of the recursive formula. 
+		*/
+	       unsigned k;		/* counter */
+	       int    	l;		/* counter */
+	       real_t 	m_bits;		/* number of matrix bits to store */
+	       real_t 	w_bits;		/* number of weights bits to store */
+	       real_t 	r [MAXEDGES];	/* rounded linear factors */
+	       real_t 	f [MAXEDGES];	/* linear factors */
+	       int    	v [MAXEDGES];	/* mapping of domains to vectors */
+	       real_t 	costs;		/* current approximation costs */
+	       real_t 	m_err;		/* current approximation error */
+	       f [n] = rem_numerator [domain] / rem_denominator [domain];
+	       v [n] = domain;		/* corresponding mapping */
+	       for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
+	       {
+		  f [k] = ip_image_ortho_vector [k] / norm_ortho_vector [k];
+		  v [k] = mp->indices [k];
+	       }
+	       for (l = n; l >= 0; l--) 
+	       {
+		  rpf_t *rpf = domain_blocks [v [l]]
+			       ? coeff->rpf : coeff->dc_rpf;
+		  r [l] = f [l] = btor (rtob (f [l], rpf), rpf);
+		  for (k = 0; k < (unsigned) l; k++)
+		     f [k] -= f [l] * ip_domain_ortho_vector [v [l]][k]
+			      / norm_ortho_vector [k] ;
+	       } 
+	       /*
+		*  Compute the number of output bits of the linear combination
+		*  and store the weights with reduced precision. The
+		*  resulting linear combination is
+		*  b = r_0 v_0 + ... + r_(n-1) v_(n-1) + r_n v_'domain'
+		*/
+	       {
+		  word_t vectors [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  word_t states [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  real_t weights [MAXEDGES + 1];
+		  int	 i;
+		  for (i = 0, k = 0; k <= n; k++)
+		     if (f [k] != 0)
+		     {
+			vectors [i] = v [k];
+			states [i]  = domain_blocks [v [k]];
+			weights [i] = f [k];
+			i++;
+		     }
+		  vectors [i] = -1;
+		  states [i]  = -1;
+		  w_bits = coeff->bits (weights, states, range->level, coeff);
+		  m_bits = domain_pool->bits (domain_blocks, vectors,
+					      range->level, y_state,
+					      wfa, domain_pool->model);
+	       }
+	       /*
+		*  To compute the approximation error, the corresponding
+		*  linear factors of the linear combination 
+		*  b = r_0 o_0 + ... + r_(n-1) o_(n-1) + r_n o_'domain'
+		*  with orthogonal vectors must be computed with following
+		*  formula:
+		*  r_i := r_i +
+		*          \sum (k = i + 1, ... , n) { r_k <v_k, o_i>
+		*					/ ||o_i||^2 }
+		*/
+	       for (l = 0; (unsigned) l <= n; l++)
+	       {
+		  /*
+		   *  compute <v_n, o_n>
+		   */
+		  real_t a;
+		  a = get_ip_state_state (domain_blocks [v [l]],
+					  domain_blocks [domain],
+					  range->level, c);
+		  for (k = 0; k < n; k++) 
+		     a -= ip_domain_ortho_vector [v [l]][k]
+			  / norm_ortho_vector [k]
+			  * ip_domain_ortho_vector [domain][k];
+		  ip_domain_ortho_vector [v [l]][n] = a;
+	       }
+	       norm_ortho_vector [n]     = rem_denominator [domain];
+	       ip_image_ortho_vector [n] = rem_numerator [domain];
+	       for (k = 0; k <= n; k++)
+		  for (l = k + 1; (unsigned) l <= n; l++)
+		     r [k] += ip_domain_ortho_vector [v [l]][k] * r [l]
+			      / norm_ortho_vector [k];
+	       /*
+		*  Compute approximation error:
+		*  error := ||b||^2 +
+		*  \sum (k = 0, ... , n){r_k^2 ||o_k||^2 - 2 r_k <b, o_k>}
+		*/
+	       m_err = norm;
+	       for (k = 0; k <= n; k++)
+		  m_err += square (r [k]) * norm_ortho_vector [k]
+			 - 2 * r [k] * ip_image_ortho_vector [k];
+	       if (m_err < 0)		/* TODO: return MAXCOSTS */
+		  warning ("Negative image norm: %f"
+			   " (current domain: %d, level = %d)",
+			   (double) m_err, domain, range->level);
+	       costs = (m_bits + w_bits + additional_bits) * price + m_err;
+	       if (costs < min_costs)	/* found a better approximation */
+	       {
+		  index            = domain;
+		  min_costs        = costs;
+		  min_matrix_bits  = m_bits;
+		  min_weights_bits = w_bits;
+		  min_error        = m_err;
+		  for (k = 0; k <= n; k++)
+		     min_weight [k] = f [k];
+	       }
+	    }
+	 }
+      if (index >= 0)			/* found a better approximation */
+      {
+	 if (min_costs < mp->costs)
+	 {
+	    unsigned k;
+	    mp->costs        = min_costs;
+	    mp->err          = min_error;
+	    mp->matrix_bits  = min_matrix_bits;
+	    mp->weights_bits = min_weights_bits;
+	    for (k = 0; k <= n; k++)
+	       mp->weight [k] = min_weight [k];
+	    best_n = n + 1;
+	 }
+	 mp->indices [n] = index;
+	 mp->into [n]    = domain_blocks [index];
+	 used [index] = YES;
+	 /* 
+	  *  Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization step n 
+	  */
+	 orthogonalize (index, n, range->level, min_norm, domain_blocks, c);
+	 n++;
+      }	
+   } 
+   while (n < max_edges && index >= 0);
+   mp->indices [best_n] = NO_EDGE;
+   mp->costs = (mp->matrix_bits + mp->weights_bits + additional_bits) * price
+	       + mp->err;
+   Free (domain_blocks);
+static void
+orthogonalize (unsigned index, unsigned n, unsigned level, real_t min_norm,
+	       const word_t *domain_blocks, const coding_t *c)
+ *  Step 'n' of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure:
+ *  vector 'index' is orthogonalized with respect to the set
+ *  {u_[0], ... , u_['n' - 1]}. The size of the image blocks is given by
+ *  'level'. If the denominator gets smaller than 'min_norm' then
+ *  the corresponding domain is excluded from the list of available
+ *  domain blocks.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The remainder values (numerator and denominator) of
+ *	all 'domain_blocks' are updated. 
+ */
+   unsigned domain;
+   ip_image_ortho_vector [n] = rem_numerator [index];
+   norm_ortho_vector [n]     = rem_denominator [index];
+   /*
+    *  Compute inner products between all domain images and 
+    *  vector n of the orthogonal basis:
+    *  for (i = 0, ... , wfa->states)  
+    *  <s_i, o_n> := <s_i, v_n> -
+    *      \sum (k = 0, ... , n - 1){ <v_n, o_k> <s_i, o_k> / ||o_k||^2}
+    *  Moreover the denominator and numerator parts of the comparitive
+    *  value are updated.
+    */
+   for (domain = 0; domain_blocks [domain] >= 0; domain++) 
+      if (!used [domain]) 
+      {
+	 unsigned k;
+	 real_t   tmp = get_ip_state_state (domain_blocks [index],
+					    domain_blocks [domain], level, c);
+	 for (k = 0; k < n; k++) 
+	    tmp -= ip_domain_ortho_vector [domain][k] / norm_ortho_vector [k]
+		   * ip_domain_ortho_vector [index][k];
+	 ip_domain_ortho_vector [domain][n] = tmp;
+	 rem_denominator [domain] -= square (tmp) / norm_ortho_vector [n];
+	 rem_numerator [domain]   -= ip_image_ortho_vector [n]
+				     / norm_ortho_vector [n]
+				     * ip_domain_ortho_vector [domain][n] ;
+	 /*
+	  *  Exclude vectors with small denominator
+	  */
+	 if (!used [domain]) 
+	    if (rem_denominator [domain] / size_of_level (level) < min_norm) 
+	       used [domain] = YES;
+      }
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c54b78c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/approx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ *  approx.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _APPROX_H
+#define _APPROX_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+approximate_range (real_t max_costs, real_t price, int max_edges,
+		   int y_state, range_t *range, domain_pool_t *domain_pool,
+		   coeff_t *coeff, const wfa_t *wfa, const coding_t *c);
+#endif /* not _APPROX_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddd74e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ *  bintree.c:		Bintree model of WFA tree	
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+				public code
+tree_update (bool_t child, unsigned level, tree_t *model)
+ *  Update tree model of given 'level'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	tree model is changed.
+ */
+   if (!child)
+      model->total [level]++;
+   else
+   {
+      model->counts [level]++;
+      model->total [level]++;
+   }
+tree_bits (bool_t child, unsigned level, const tree_t *model)
+ *  Compute number of bits needed for coding element 'child' of the bintree.
+ *  For each 'level' a different context is used.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	# bits
+ */
+   real_t prob = model->counts [level] / (real_t) model->total [level];
+   return child ? - log2 (prob) : - log2 (1 - prob);
+init_tree_model (tree_t *tree_model)
+ *  Initialize the model for the tree.
+ *  Symbol RANGE is synonymous with the '0' symbol and
+ *  symbol NO_RANGE is synonymous with the '1' symbol of the binary coder.
+ *  The 'count' array counts the number of NO_RANGE symbols.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned level;
+   unsigned counts_0 [MAXLEVEL] = {20, 17, 15, 10, 5,  4,  3,
+				   2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
+				   1,  1,  1,  1 , 1,  1,  1};
+   unsigned counts_1 [MAXLEVEL] = {1 , 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
+				   1,  1,  2,  3,  5,  10, 15, 20,
+				   25, 30, 35, 60, 60, 60, 60};
+   for (level = 0; level < MAXLEVEL ; level++) 
+   {
+      tree_model->counts [level] = counts_1 [level];
+      tree_model->total [level]  = counts_0 [level] + counts_1 [level];
+   }
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdb80c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/bintree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ *  bintree.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _BINTREE_H
+#define _BINTREE_H
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "types.h"
+typedef struct tree
+ *  Used for estimating the number of bits needed for storing the
+ *  tree array. For each level a different context is used.
+ *  The binary alphabet consists of the two symbols NO_RANGE and RANGE,
+ *  which indicate whether there exists a tree edge or not.
+ */
+   unsigned counts [MAXLEVEL];		/* # NO_RANGE symbols at given level */
+   unsigned total [MAXLEVEL];		/* total number of symbols at  ''   */
+} tree_t;
+tree_bits (bool_t child, unsigned level, const tree_t *model);
+init_tree_model (tree_t *tree_model);
+tree_update (bool_t child, unsigned level, tree_t *model);
+#endif /* not _BINTREE_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df878d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+ *  coder.c:		WFA coder toplevel functions
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1   /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "pnm.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nstring.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "fiasco.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "subdivide.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "write.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "mwfa.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+#include "motion.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+#include "coder.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+				global variables
+const real_t MAXCOSTS =	1e20;
+				prototypes
+static coding_t *
+alloc_coder (char const * const *inputname, const c_options_t *options,
+	     wfa_info_t *wi);
+static void
+free_coder (coding_t *c);
+static char *
+get_input_image_name (char const * const *templptr, unsigned ith_image);
+static void
+video_coder (char const * const *image_template, bitfile_t *output,
+	     wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static void 
+frame_coder (wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bitfile_t *output);
+static void
+print_statistics (char c, real_t costs, const wfa_t *wfa, const image_t *image,
+		  const range_t *range);
+static frame_type_e
+pattern2type (unsigned frame, const char *pattern);
+				public code
+fiasco_coder (char const * const *inputname, const char *outputname,
+	      float quality, const fiasco_c_options_t *options)
+ *  FIASCO coder.
+ *  Encode image or video frames given by the array of filenames `inputname'
+ *  and write to the outputfile `outputname'.
+ *  If 'inputname' = NULL or
+ *     'inputname [0]' == NULL or
+ *     'inputname [0]' == "-", read standard input.
+ *  If 'outputname' == NULL or "-", write on standard output.
+ *  'quality' defines the approximation quality and is 1 (worst) to 100 (best).
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   try
+   {
+      char const * const default_input [] = {"-", NULL};
+      fiasco_c_options_t *default_options = NULL;
+      const c_options_t  *cop;
+      char const * const *template;
+      /*
+       *  Check parameters
+       */
+      if (!inputname || !inputname [0] || streq (inputname [0], "-"))
+	 template = default_input;
+      else
+	 template = inputname;
+      if (quality <= 0)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Compression quality has to be positive."));
+	 return 0;
+      }
+      else if (quality >= 100)
+      {
+	 warning (_("Quality typically is 1 (worst) to 100 (best).\n"
+		    "Be prepared for a long running time."));
+      }
+      if (options)
+      {
+	 cop = cast_c_options ((fiasco_c_options_t *) options);
+	 if (!cop)
+	    return 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 default_options = fiasco_c_options_new ();
+	 cop 		 = cast_c_options (default_options);
+      }
+   /*
+    *  Open output stream and initialize WFA
+    */
+      {
+	 bitfile_t *output = open_bitfile (outputname, "FIASCO_DATA",
+					   WRITE_ACCESS);
+	 if (!output)
+	 {
+	    set_error (_("Can't write outputfile `%s'.\n%s"),
+		       outputname ? outputname : "<stdout>",
+		       get_system_error ());
+	    if (default_options)
+	       fiasco_c_options_delete (default_options);
+	    return 0;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    wfa_t    *wfa = alloc_wfa (YES);
+	    coding_t *c   = alloc_coder (template, cop, wfa->wfainfo);
+	    read_basis (cop->basis_name, wfa);
+	    append_basis_states (wfa->basis_states, wfa, c);
+	    c->price = 128 * 64 / quality;
+	    video_coder (template, output, wfa, c);
+	    close_bitfile (output);
+	    free_wfa (wfa);
+	    free_coder (c);
+	    if (default_options)
+	       fiasco_c_options_delete (default_options);
+	 }
+      }
+      return 1;
+   }
+   catch
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+				private code
+static coding_t *
+alloc_coder (char const * const *inputname, const c_options_t *options,
+	     wfa_info_t *wi)
+ *  Coder structure constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder structure and
+ *  fill in default values specified by 'options'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new coder structure or NULL on error
+ */
+   coding_t *c = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Check whether all specified image frames are readable and of same type
+    */
+   {
+      char     *filename;
+      int   	width, w = 0, height, h = 0;
+      bool_t	color, c = NO;
+      unsigned 	n;
+      for (n = 0; (filename = get_input_image_name (inputname, n)); n++)
+      {
+          FILE *file;
+          xelval maxval;
+          int format;
+          if (filename == NULL)
+              file = stdin;
+          else
+              file = pm_openr(filename);
+          pnm_readpnminit(file, &width, &height, &maxval, &format);
+          color = (PNM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PPM_FORMAT) ? TRUE: FALSE;
+          pm_close(file);
+	 if (n)
+	 {
+	    if (w != width || h != height || c != color)
+	    {
+	       set_error (_("Format of image frame `%s' doesn't match."),
+			  filename ? filename : "<stdin>");
+	       return NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    w = width;
+	    h = height;
+	    c = color;
+	 }
+	 Free (filename);
+      }
+      wi->frames = n;
+      wi->width  = w;
+      wi->height = h;
+      wi->color  = c;
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Levels ...
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned lx, ly;
+      lx = (unsigned) (log2 (wi->width - 1) + 1);
+      ly = (unsigned) (log2 (wi->height - 1) + 1);
+      wi->level = max (lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0);
+   }
+   c = Calloc (1, sizeof (coding_t));
+   c->options 	      	   = *options;
+   c->options.lc_min_level = max (options->lc_min_level, 3);
+   c->options.lc_max_level = min (options->lc_max_level, wi->level - 1);
+   c->tiling = alloc_tiling (options->tiling_method,
+			     options->tiling_exponent, wi->level);
+   if (wi->frames > 1 && c->tiling->exponent > 0)
+   {
+      c->tiling->exponent = 0;
+      warning (_("Image tiling valid only with still image compression."));
+   }
+   if (c->options.lc_max_level >= wi->level - c->tiling->exponent)
+   {
+      message ("'max_level' changed from %d to %d due to image tiling level.",
+	       c->options.lc_max_level, wi->level - c->tiling->exponent - 1);
+      c->options.lc_max_level = wi->level - c->tiling->exponent - 1;
+   }
+   if (c->options.lc_min_level > c->options.lc_max_level)
+      c->options.lc_min_level = c->options.lc_max_level;
+   /*
+    *  p_min_level, p_max_level min and max level for ND/MC prediction
+    *  [p_min_level, p_max_level] must be a subset of [min_level, max_level] !
+    */
+   wi->p_min_level = max (options->p_min_level, c->options.lc_min_level);
+   wi->p_max_level = min (options->p_max_level, c->options.lc_max_level);
+   if (wi->p_min_level > wi->p_max_level)
+      wi->p_min_level = wi->p_max_level;
+   c->options.images_level = min (c->options.images_level,
+				  c->options.lc_max_level - 1);
+   c->products_level  = max (0, ((signed int) c->options.lc_max_level
+				 - (signed int) c->options.images_level - 1));
+   c->pixels 	      = Calloc (size_of_level (c->options.lc_max_level),
+				sizeof (real_t));
+   c->images_of_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (real_t *));
+   c->ip_images_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (real_t *));
+   c->ip_states_state = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLEVEL, sizeof (real_t *));
+   debug_message ("Imageslevel :%d, Productslevel :%d",
+		  c->options.images_level, c->products_level);
+   debug_message ("Memory : (%d + %d + %d * 'states') * 'states' + %d",
+		  size_of_tree (c->options.images_level) * 4,
+		  size_of_tree (c->products_level) * 4,
+		  (c->options.lc_max_level - c->options.images_level),
+		  size_of_level (c->options.lc_max_level));
+   /*
+    *  Domain pools ...
+    */
+   c->domain_pool   = NULL;
+   c->d_domain_pool = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Coefficients model ...
+    */
+   c->coeff   = NULL;
+   c->d_coeff = NULL;
+   /*
+    *  Max. number of states and edges
+    */
+   wi->max_states   	   = max (min (options->max_states, MAXSTATES), 1);
+   c->options.max_elements = max (min (options->max_elements, MAXEDGES), 1);
+   /*
+    *  Title and comment strings
+    */
+   wi->title   = strdup (options->title);
+   wi->comment = strdup (options->comment);
+   /*
+    *  Reduced precision format
+    */
+   wi->rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->rpf_mantissa, options->rpf_range);
+   wi->dc_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->dc_rpf_mantissa, options->dc_rpf_range);
+   wi->d_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->d_rpf_mantissa, options->d_rpf_range);
+   wi->d_dc_rpf
+      = alloc_rpf (options->d_dc_rpf_mantissa, options->d_dc_rpf_range);
+   /*
+    *  Color image options ...
+    */
+   wi->chroma_max_states = max (1, options->chroma_max_states);
+   /*
+    *  Set up motion compensation struct.
+    *  p_min_level, p_max_level are also used for ND prediction
+    */
+   wi->search_range   = options->search_range;
+   wi->fps 	      = options->fps;
+   wi->half_pixel     = options->half_pixel_prediction;
+   wi->cross_B_search = options->half_pixel_prediction;
+   wi->B_as_past_ref  = options->B_as_past_ref;
+   wi->smoothing      = options->smoothing;
+   c->mt = alloc_motion (wi);
+   return c;
+static void
+free_coder (coding_t *c)
+ *  Coder struct destructor:
+ *  Free memory of 'coder' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'coder' is discarded.
+ */
+   free_tiling (c->tiling);
+   free_motion (c->mt);
+   Free (c->pixels);
+   Free (c->images_of_state);
+   Free (c->ip_images_state);
+   Free (c->ip_states_state);
+   Free (c);
+static char *
+get_input_image_name (char const * const *templptr, unsigned ith_image)
+ *  Construct the i-th image-name using templates.
+ *  If the template contains a '[' it must be of the form
+ *  "prefix[start-end{+,-}step]suffix"
+ *  where "{+,-}step" is optional.
+ *  Leading zeros of "start" are significant.
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *   "image0[12-01-1].pgm" yields image012.pgm, image011.pgm, ..., image001.pgm
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *      ptr to name of image 'ith_image' or NULL if ith_image is out of range.
+ */
+   while (*templptr)
+   {
+      const char *template = *templptr++;
+      char       *s;
+      if (!(s = strchr (template, '['))) /* no template, just a filename */
+      {
+	 if (ith_image == 0)
+	    return strdup (template);
+	 else
+	    ith_image--;
+      }
+      else				/* template parser */
+      {
+	 unsigned  n_digits;		/* # of digits in image name no. */
+	 char 	  *s2;
+	 char 	  *suffix;		/* characters after template end */
+	 char  	   prefix [MAXSTRLEN];	/* chars up to the template start */
+	 unsigned  first;		/* first image number */
+	 unsigned  last;		/* last image number */
+	 int  	   image_num;		/* current image number */
+	 int   	   increment = 1;
+	 int 	   dummy;
+	 strcpy (prefix, template);
+	 prefix [s - template] = '\0';
+	 for (s2 = ++s, n_digits = 0; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++, n_digits++)
+	    ;
+	 if (sscanf (s, "%d", &dummy) == 0 || dummy < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 first = (unsigned) dummy;
+	 if (*s2++ != '-')
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 for (s = s2; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++)
+	    ;
+	 if (sscanf (s, "%d", &dummy) == 0 || dummy < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 last = (unsigned) dummy;
+	 if (*s2 == '+' || *s2 == '-') 
+	 {
+	    for (s = s2++; ISDIGIT (*s2); s2++)
+	       ;
+	    if (sscanf (s, "%d", &increment) == 0)
+	       error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		      "Check spelling of template.");
+	 } 	 
+	 if (*s2 != ']')
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 suffix = s2 + 1;
+	 image_num = first + increment * ith_image;
+	 if (image_num < 0)
+	    error ("Input name template conversion failure.\n"
+		   "Check spelling of template.");
+	 if ((increment >  0 && (unsigned) image_num > last) || 
+	     (increment <= 0 && (unsigned) image_num < last))
+	 {
+	    /* TODO: check this */
+	    ith_image -= (last - first) / increment + 1;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    char formatstr [MAXSTRLEN]; /* format string for image filename */
+	    char image_name [MAXSTRLEN]; /* image file name to be composed */
+	    strcpy (formatstr, "%s%0?d%s");
+	    formatstr [4] = '0' + (char) n_digits;
+	    sprintf (image_name, formatstr, prefix, image_num, suffix);
+	    return strdup (image_name);
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   return NULL;
+static void
+video_coder (char const * const *image_template, bitfile_t *output,
+	     wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Toplevel function to encode a sequence of video frames specified
+ *  by 'image_template'. The output is written to stream 'output'.
+ *  Coding options are given by 'c'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned  display;			/* picture number in display order */
+   int	     future_display;		/* number of future reference */
+   int	     frame;			/* current frame number */
+   char	    *image_name;		/* image name of current frame */
+   image_t  *reconst 	  = NULL; 	/* decoded reference image */
+   bool_t    future_frame = NO;		/* YES if last frame was in future */
+   debug_message ("Generating %d WFA's ...", wfa->wfainfo->frames);
+   future_display = -1;
+   frame          = -1;
+   display        = 0;
+   while ((image_name = get_input_image_name (image_template, display)))
+   {
+      frame_type_e type;		/* current frame type: I, B, P */
+      /*
+       *  Determine type of next frame.
+       *  Skip already coded frames (future reference!)
+       */
+      if (display == 0 && !c->options.reference_filename)
+	 type = I_FRAME;		/* Force first frame to be intra */
+      else
+	 type = pattern2type (display, c->options.pattern);
+      if (type != I_FRAME && c->options.reference_filename)
+	 /* Load reference from disk */
+      {
+	 debug_message ("Reading reference frame `%s'.",
+			c->options.reference_filename);
+	 reconst 	 = read_image (c->options.reference_filename);
+	 c->options.reference_filename = NULL;
+      }
+      if ((int) display == future_display) /* Skip already coded future ref */
+      {				
+	 display++;
+	 continue;
+      }	  
+      else if (type == B_FRAME && (int) display > future_display) 
+      {
+	 unsigned i = display;
+	 /*
+	  *  Search for future reference
+	  */
+	 while (type == B_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    char *name;			/* image name of future frame */
+	    i++;
+	    name = get_input_image_name (image_template, i);
+	    if (!name)			/* Force last valid frame to be 'P' */
+	    {
+	       future_display = i - 1;
+	       type = P_FRAME;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+	       future_display = i;    
+	       image_name     = name;
+	       type 	      = pattern2type (i, c->options.pattern);
+	    }
+	    frame = future_display;
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 frame = display;
+	 display++;
+      }
+      debug_message ("Coding \'%s\' [%c-frame].", image_name,
+		     type == I_FRAME ? 'I' : (type == P_FRAME ? 'P' : 'B'));
+      /*
+       *  Depending on current frame type update past and future frames
+       *  which are needed as reference frames.
+       */
+      c->mt->frame_type = type;
+      if (type == I_FRAME)
+      {
+	 if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->past);
+	 c->mt->past = NULL;
+	 if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->future);
+	 c->mt->future = NULL;
+	 if (reconst)			/* discard current frame */
+	    free_image (reconst);
+	 reconst = NULL;
+      }
+      else if (type == P_FRAME)
+      {
+	 if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->past);
+	 c->mt->past = reconst;		/* past frame <- current frame */
+	 reconst    = NULL;
+	 if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	    free_image (c->mt->future);
+	 c->mt->future = NULL;
+      }
+      else				/* B_FRAME */
+      {
+	 if (future_frame)		/* last frame was future frame */
+	 {
+	    if (c->mt->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	       free_image (c->mt->future);
+	    c->mt->future = reconst;	/* future frame <- current frame */
+	    reconst      = NULL;
+	 }
+	 else
+	 {
+	    if (wfa->wfainfo->B_as_past_ref == YES)
+	    {
+	       if (c->mt->past)		/* discard past frame */
+		  free_image (c->mt->past);
+	       c->mt->past = reconst;	/* past frame <- current frame */
+	       reconst    = NULL;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+	       if (reconst)		/* discard current frame */
+		  free_image (reconst);
+	       reconst = NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      /*
+       *  Start WFA coding of current frame
+       */
+      future_frame   = frame == future_display;
+      c->mt->number   = frame;
+      c->mt->original = read_image (image_name);
+      if (c->tiling->exponent && type == I_FRAME) 
+	 perform_tiling (c->mt->original, c->tiling);
+      frame_coder (wfa, c, output);
+      /*
+       *  Regenerate image:
+       *  1. Compute approximation of WFA ranges (real image bintree order)
+       *  2. Generate byte image in rasterscan order
+       *  3. Apply motion compensation
+       */
+      reconst = decode_image (wfa->wfainfo->width, wfa->wfainfo->height,
+			      FORMAT_4_4_4, NULL, wfa);
+      if (type != I_FRAME)
+	 restore_mc (0, reconst, c->mt->past, c->mt->future, wfa);
+      if (c->mt->original)
+	 free_image (c->mt->original);
+      c->mt->original = NULL;
+      remove_states (wfa->basis_states, wfa); /* Clear WFA structure */
+   }
+   if (reconst)
+      free_image (reconst);
+   if (c->mt->future)
+      free_image (c->mt->future);
+   if (c->mt->past)
+      free_image (c->mt->past);
+   if (c->mt->original)
+      free_image (c->mt->original);
+static frame_type_e
+pattern2type (unsigned frame, const char *pattern)
+    int tmp = TOUPPER (pattern [frame % strlen (pattern)]);
+    frame_type_e retval;
+    switch (tmp)
+    {
+    case 'I':
+        retval = I_FRAME;
+        break;
+    case 'B':
+        retval = B_FRAME;
+        break;
+    case 'P':
+        retval = P_FRAME;
+        break;
+    default:
+        error ("Frame type %c not valid. Choose one of I,B or P.", tmp);
+    }
+    return retval;
+static void 
+frame_coder (wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bitfile_t *output)
+ * 
+ *  WFA Coding of next frame.  All important coding parameters are
+ *  stored in 'c'.  The generated 'wfa' is written to stream 'output'
+ *  immediately after coding.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned state;
+   range_t  range;			/* first range == the entire image */
+   real_t   costs;			/* total costs (minimized quantity) */
+   unsigned bits;			/* number of bits written on disk */
+   clock_t  ptimer;
+   prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+   bits = bits_processed (output);
+   init_tree_model (&c->tree);
+   init_tree_model (&c->p_tree);
+   c->domain_pool
+      = alloc_domain_pool (c->options.id_domain_pool,
+			   wfa->wfainfo->max_states,
+			   c->options.max_elements, wfa);
+   c->d_domain_pool
+      = alloc_domain_pool ((c->options.prediction
+			    || c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME)
+			   ? c->options.id_d_domain_pool : "constant",
+			   wfa->wfainfo->max_states,
+			   c->options.max_elements, wfa);
+   c->coeff   = alloc_coeff_model (c->options.id_rpf_model,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->rpf,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->dc_rpf,
+				   c->options.lc_min_level,
+				   c->options.lc_max_level);
+   c->d_coeff = alloc_coeff_model (c->options.id_d_rpf_model,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->d_rpf,
+				   wfa->wfainfo->d_dc_rpf,
+				   c->options.lc_min_level,
+				   c->options.lc_max_level);
+   if (!c->mt->original->color)		/* grayscale image */
+   {
+      memset (&range, 0, sizeof (range_t));
+      range.level = wfa->wfainfo->level;
+      costs = subdivide (MAXCOSTS, GRAY, RANGE, &range, wfa, c,
+			 c->options.prediction || c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME,
+			 NO);
+      if (c->options.progress_meter != FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE)
+	 message ("");
+      if (isrange (range.tree))		/* entire image is approx. by lc? */
+	 error ("No root state generated!");
+      else
+	 wfa->root_state = range.tree;
+      print_statistics ('\0', costs, wfa, c->mt->original, &range);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      int     YCb_node = -1;
+      int     tree [3];			/* 3 root states of each color comp. */
+      color_e band;
+      /*
+       *  When compressing color images, the three color components (YCbCr) 
+       *  are copied into a large image:
+       *  [  Y  Cr ]
+       *  [  Cb 0  ]
+       *  I.e. the color components of an image are processed in a row.
+       *  After all components are compressed, virtual states are generated
+       *  to describe the large image.
+       */
+      for (band = first_band (YES); band <= last_band (YES) ; band++)
+      {
+	 debug_message ("Encoding color component %d", band);
+	 tree [band] = RANGE;
+	 if (band == Cb)
+	 {
+	    unsigned min_level;
+	    c->domain_pool->chroma (wfa->wfainfo->chroma_max_states, wfa,
+				    c->domain_pool->model);
+	    /*
+	     *  Don't use a finer partioning for the chrominancy bands than for
+	     *  the luminancy band.
+	     */
+	    for (min_level = MAXLEVEL, state = wfa->basis_states;
+		 state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    {
+	       unsigned lincomb, label;
+	       for (lincomb = 0, label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+		  lincomb += isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]) ? 1 : 0;
+	       if (lincomb)
+		  min_level = min (min_level,
+				   (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state]
+					       - 1));
+	    }
+	    c->options.lc_min_level = min_level;
+	    if (c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME) /* subtract mc of luminance */
+	       subtract_mc (c->mt->original, c->mt->past, c->mt->future, wfa);
+	 }
+	 memset (&range, 0, sizeof (range_t));
+	 range.level = wfa->wfainfo->level;
+	 costs = subdivide (MAXCOSTS, band, tree [Y], &range, wfa, c,
+			    c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME && band == Y, NO);
+	 if (c->options.progress_meter != FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE)
+	    message ("");
+	 {
+	    char colors [] = {'Y', 'B', 'R'};
+	    print_statistics (colors [band], costs, wfa,
+			      c->mt->original, &range);
+	 }
+	 if (isrange (range.tree))	/* whole image is approx. by a l.c. */
+	    error ("No root state generated for color component %d!", band);
+	 else
+	    tree[band] = range.tree;
+	 if (band == Cb)
+	 {
+	    wfa->tree [wfa->states][0] = tree[Y];
+	    wfa->tree [wfa->states][1] = tree[Cb];
+	    YCb_node = wfa->states;
+	    append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+			  wfa->wfainfo->level + 1, wfa, c);
+	 }
+      }
+      /*
+       *  generate two virtual states (*) 
+       *
+       *              *
+       *            /   \
+       *           +     *
+       *          / \   /  
+       *         Y   CbCr 
+       */
+      wfa->tree [wfa->states][0] = tree[Cr];
+      wfa->tree [wfa->states][1] = RANGE;
+      append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+		    wfa->wfainfo->level + 1, wfa, c);
+      wfa->tree[wfa->states][0] = YCb_node;
+      wfa->tree[wfa->states][1] = wfa->states - 1;
+      append_state (YES, compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+		    wfa->wfainfo->level + 2, wfa, c);
+      wfa->root_state = wfa->states - 1;
+   }
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < MAXSTATES; state++)
+   {
+      unsigned level;
+      if (c->images_of_state [state])
+      {
+	 Free (c->images_of_state [state]);
+	 c->images_of_state [state] = NULL;
+      }
+      if (c->ip_images_state [state])
+      {
+	 Free (c->ip_images_state [state]);
+	 c->ip_images_state [state] = NULL;
+      }
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	   level <= c->options.lc_max_level;
+	   level++)
+	 if (c->ip_states_state [state][level])
+	 {
+	    Free (c->ip_states_state [state][level]);
+	    c->ip_states_state [state][level] = NULL;
+	 }
+   }
+   locate_delta_images (wfa);
+   write_next_wfa (wfa, c, output);
+   bits = bits_processed (output) - bits;
+   debug_message ("Total number of bits written: %d (%d bytes, %5.3f bpp)",
+		  bits, bits >> 3,
+		  bits / (double) (c->mt->original->height
+				   * c->mt->original->width));
+   debug_message ("Total encoding time (real): %d sec",
+		  prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP) / 1000);
+   c->domain_pool->free (c->domain_pool);
+   c->d_domain_pool->free (c->d_domain_pool);
+   c->coeff->free (c->coeff);
+   c->d_coeff->free (c->d_coeff);
+static void
+print_statistics (char c, real_t costs, const wfa_t *wfa, const image_t *image,
+		  const range_t *range)
+   unsigned max_level, min_level, state, label, lincomb;
+   for (max_level = 0, min_level = MAXLEVEL, state = wfa->basis_states;
+	state < wfa->states; state++)
+   {
+      for (lincomb = 0, label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 lincomb += isrange(wfa->tree[state][label]) ? 1 : 0;
+      if (lincomb)
+      {
+	 max_level = max (max_level,
+			  (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1));
+	 min_level = min (min_level,
+			  (unsigned) (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1));
+      }
+   }
+   debug_message ("Image partitioning: maximum level %d , minimum level %d",
+		  max_level, min_level);
+   debug_message ("WFA contains %d states (%d basis states).",
+		  wfa->states, wfa->basis_states);
+   debug_message ("Estimated error: %.2f (RMSE: %.2f, PSNR: %.2f dB).",
+		  (double) range->err,
+		  sqrt (range->err / image->width / image->height),
+		  10 * log ( 255.0 * 255.0 /
+			     (range->err / image->width / image->height))
+		  / log (10.0));
+   debug_message ("Estimated filesize: %.0f bits (%.0f bytes).",
+		  (double) (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits
+			    + range->weights_bits
+			    + range->mv_tree_bits + range->mv_coord_bits
+			    + range->nd_tree_bits + range->nd_weights_bits),
+		  (double) (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits
+			    + range->weights_bits + range->mv_tree_bits
+			    + range->mv_coord_bits + range->nd_tree_bits
+			    + range->nd_weights_bits) / 8);
+   if (c)
+      debug_message ("(%cT: %.0f, %cM: %.0f, %cW: %.0f, %cMC: %.0f, "
+		     "%cMV: %.0f, %cNT: %.0f, %cNW: %.0f.)",
+		     c, (double) range->tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->matrix_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->weights_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->mv_tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->mv_coord_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->nd_tree_bits,
+		     c, (double) range->nd_weights_bits);
+   else
+      debug_message ("(T: %.0f, M: %.0f, W: %.0f, MC: %.0f, MV: %.0f, "
+		     "NT: %.0f, NW: %.0f.)",
+		     (double) range->tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->matrix_bits,
+		     (double) range->weights_bits,
+		     (double) range->mv_tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->mv_coord_bits,
+		     (double) range->nd_tree_bits,
+		     (double) range->nd_weights_bits);
+   debug_message ("Total costs : %.2f", (double) costs);
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6f4bb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ *  coder.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _CODER_H
+#define _CODER_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#endif /* not _CODER_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cd64f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ *  coeff.c:		Matching pursuit coefficients probability model
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+ *  Coefficient model interface:
+ *  Implementing the coefficients model interface requires the
+ *  following steps: 
+ *  - Add a constructor that initializes the coeff_t structure
+ *  - Allocate new model with default_alloc() 
+ *  - Fill the c_array_t coeff_models[] array with constructor and name
+ *  - Write code for methods bits() and update()
+ *  - Either use default functions for remaining methods or override them
+ *  The new model is automatically registered at the command line.
+ */
+		  uniform distribution coefficients model
+static coeff_t *
+alloc_uniform_coeff_model (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+			   unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level);
+static void
+uniform_update (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+		unsigned level, coeff_t *coeff);
+static real_t
+uniform_bits (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	      unsigned level, const coeff_t *coeff);
+			  default functions
+static void
+default_model_free (void *model);
+static void *
+default_model_duplicate (const coeff_t *coeff, const void *model);
+static void
+default_free (coeff_t *coeff);
+static coeff_t *
+default_alloc (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+	       unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level);
+		adaptive arithmetic coding model
+static coeff_t *
+alloc_aac_coeff_model (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+		       unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level);
+static void
+aac_model_free (void *model);
+static void *
+aac_model_alloc (const coeff_t *coeff);
+static void *
+aac_model_duplicate (const coeff_t *coeff, const void *model);
+static void
+aac_update (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	    unsigned level, coeff_t *coeff);
+static real_t
+aac_bits (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	  unsigned level, const coeff_t *coeff);
+				public code
+typedef struct c_array
+   const char *identifier;
+   coeff_t    *(*function) (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+			    unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level);
+} c_array_t;
+c_array_t coeff_models[] = {{"adaptive", alloc_aac_coeff_model},
+			    {"uniform",	 alloc_uniform_coeff_model},
+			    {NULL,	 NULL}};
+coeff_t *
+alloc_coeff_model (const char *coeff_model_name, rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+		   unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level)
+ *  Allocate a new coefficients model which is identified by the string
+ *  'coeff_model_name'.  'rpf' and 'dc_rpf' define the reduced
+ *  precision formats the should be used to quantize normal and DC
+ *  components, respectively. 'min_level' and 'max_level' define the
+ *  range of range approximations.
+ * 
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the allocated coefficients model
+ *
+ *  Note:
+ *      Refer to 'coeff.h' for a short description of the member functions.  */
+   unsigned n;
+   for (n = 0; coeff_models [n].identifier; n++) /* step through all id's */
+      if (strcaseeq (coeff_models [n].identifier, coeff_model_name)) 
+	 return coeff_models [n].function (rpf, dc_rpf, min_level, max_level);
+   warning ("Can't initialize coefficients model '%s'. "
+	    "Using default value '%s'.",
+	    coeff_model_name, coeff_models [0].identifier);
+   return coeff_models [0].function (rpf, dc_rpf, min_level, max_level);
+				private code
+		  uniform distribution coefficients model
+static coeff_t *
+alloc_uniform_coeff_model (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+			   unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level)
+ *  Underlying probability model: uniform distribution.
+ *  I.e. each coefficient is written as such with
+ *  (1 + exponent_bits + mantissa_bits) bits.
+ */
+   coeff_t *coeff = default_alloc (rpf, dc_rpf, min_level, max_level);
+   coeff->bits   = uniform_bits;
+   coeff->update = uniform_update;
+   return coeff;
+static real_t
+uniform_bits (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	      unsigned level, const coeff_t *coeff)
+   unsigned edge;
+   real_t   bits = 0;			/* #bits to store coefficients */
+   for (edge = 0; isedge (used_states [edge]); edge++)
+   {
+      rpf_t *rpf = used_states [edge] ? coeff->rpf : coeff->dc_rpf;
+      bits += rpf->mantissa_bits + 1;
+   }
+   return bits;
+static void
+uniform_update (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+		unsigned level, coeff_t *coeff)
+   return;				/* nothing to do */
+		adaptive arithmetic coding  model
+typedef struct aac_model
+   word_t *counts;
+   word_t *totals;
+} aac_model_t;
+static coeff_t *
+alloc_aac_coeff_model (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+		       unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level)
+ *  Underlying probability model: adaptive arithmetic coding using
+ *  the level of a range as context.
+ */
+   coeff_t *coeff = default_alloc (rpf, dc_rpf, min_level, max_level);
+   coeff->bits            = aac_bits;
+   coeff->update          = aac_update;
+   coeff->model_free      = aac_model_free;
+   coeff->model_duplicate = aac_model_duplicate;
+   coeff->model		  = aac_model_alloc (coeff);
+   return coeff;
+static real_t
+aac_bits (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	  unsigned level, const coeff_t *coeff)
+   real_t	bits  = 0;		/* # bits to store coefficients */
+   unsigned	edge;
+   int		state;
+   word_t      *counts;
+   aac_model_t *model = (aac_model_t *) coeff->model;
+   counts = model->counts
+	    + (1 << (1 + coeff->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits))
+	    + ((level - coeff->min_level)
+	       * (1 << (1 + coeff->rpf->mantissa_bits)));
+   for (edge = 0; isedge (state = used_states [edge]); edge++)
+      if (state)
+	 bits -= log2 (counts [rtob (used_coeff [edge], coeff->rpf)]
+		       / (real_t) model->totals [level
+						- coeff->min_level + 1]);
+      else
+	 bits -= log2 (model->counts [rtob (used_coeff [edge], coeff->dc_rpf)]
+		       / (real_t) model->totals [0]);
+   return bits;
+static void
+aac_update (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_states,
+	    unsigned level, coeff_t *coeff)
+   unsigned	edge;
+   int		state;
+   word_t      *counts;
+   aac_model_t *model = (aac_model_t *) coeff->model;
+   counts = model->counts
+	    + (1 << (1 + coeff->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits))
+	    + ((level - coeff->min_level)
+	       * (1 << (1 + coeff->rpf->mantissa_bits)));
+   for (edge = 0; isedge (state = used_states [edge]); edge++)
+      if (state)
+      {
+	 counts [rtob (used_coeff [edge], coeff->rpf)]++;
+	 model->totals [level - coeff->min_level + 1]++;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 model->counts [rtob (used_coeff [edge], coeff->dc_rpf)]++;
+	 model->totals [0]++;
+      }
+static void *
+aac_model_duplicate (const coeff_t *coeff, const void *model)
+   aac_model_t *src = (aac_model_t *) model;
+   aac_model_t *dst = aac_model_alloc (coeff);
+   memcpy (dst->counts, src->counts,
+	   sizeof (word_t) * ((coeff->max_level - coeff->min_level + 1)
+			      * (1 << (1 + coeff->rpf->mantissa_bits))
+			      + (1 << (1 + coeff->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits))));
+   memcpy (dst->totals, src->totals,
+	   sizeof (word_t) * (coeff->max_level - coeff->min_level + 1 + 1));
+   return dst;
+static void *
+aac_model_alloc (const coeff_t *coeff)
+   aac_model_t *model;
+   unsigned	size = (coeff->max_level - coeff->min_level + 1)
+		       * (1 << (1 + coeff->rpf->mantissa_bits))
+		       + (1 << (1 + coeff->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits));
+   model 	 = Calloc (1, sizeof (aac_model_t));
+   model->counts = Calloc (size, sizeof (word_t));
+   model->totals = Calloc (coeff->max_level - coeff->min_level + 1 + 1,
+			   sizeof (word_t));
+   /*
+    *  Initialize model
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned  n;
+      word_t   *ptr = model->counts;
+      for (n = size; n; n--)
+	 *ptr++ = 1;
+      model->totals [0] = 1 << (1 + coeff->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits);
+      for (n = coeff->min_level; n <= coeff->max_level; n++)
+	 model->totals [n - coeff->min_level + 1]
+	    = 1 << (1 + coeff->rpf->mantissa_bits);
+   }
+   return (void *) model;
+static void
+aac_model_free (void *model)
+   aac_model_t	*aac_model = (aac_model_t *) model;
+   if (aac_model)
+   {
+      Free (aac_model->counts);
+      Free (aac_model->totals);
+      Free (aac_model);
+   }
+				default functions
+static coeff_t *
+default_alloc (rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+	       unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level)
+   coeff_t *coeff = Calloc (1, sizeof (coeff_t));
+   coeff->rpf 	      	  = rpf;
+   coeff->dc_rpf       	  = dc_rpf;
+   coeff->min_level	  = min_level;
+   coeff->max_level	  = max_level;
+   coeff->model	      	  = NULL;
+   coeff->bits	      	  = NULL;
+   coeff->update      	  = NULL;
+   coeff->free	      	  = default_free;
+   coeff->model_free  	  = default_model_free;
+   coeff->model_duplicate = default_model_duplicate;
+   return coeff;
+static void
+default_free (coeff_t *coeff)
+   coeff->model_free (coeff->model);
+   Free (coeff);
+static void *
+default_model_duplicate (const coeff_t *coeff, const void *model)
+   return NULL;
+static void
+default_model_free (void *model)
+   if (model)
+      Free (model);
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..118cd0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/coeff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ *  coeff.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _COEFF_H
+#define _COEFF_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+typedef struct coeff
+   rpf_t    *rpf;			/* reduced precision format */
+   rpf_t    *dc_rpf;			/* RPF of DC (state 0) component */
+   unsigned min_level, max_level;	/* allocate memory for [min,..,max] */
+   void	    *model;			/* generic pointer to prob. model */
+   real_t (*bits) (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_domains,
+		   unsigned level, const struct coeff *coeff);
+   /*
+    *  Compute bit-rate of a range approximation with coefficients given by
+    *  -1 terminated list 'used_domains'.
+    */
+   void   (*update) (const real_t *used_coeff, const word_t *used_domains,
+		       unsigned level, struct coeff *coeff);
+   /*
+    *  Update the probability model according to the chosen approximation.
+    *  (given by the -1 terminated list 'used_domains').
+    */
+   void	  (*free) (struct coeff *coeff);
+   /*
+    *  Discard the given coefficients struct.
+    */
+   void   (*model_free) (void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Free given probability model.
+    */
+   void   *(*model_duplicate) (const struct coeff *coeff, const void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Duplicate the given probability model (i.e. alloc and copy).
+    */
+} coeff_t;
+coeff_t *
+alloc_coeff_model (const char *coeff_model_name, rpf_t *rpf, rpf_t *dc_rpf,
+		   unsigned min_level, unsigned max_level);
+#endif /* not _COEFF_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9af9928b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ *  control.c:		Control unit of WFA structure
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "control.h"
+				prototypes
+static void 
+clear_or_alloc (real_t **ptr, size_t size);
+static void 
+compute_images (unsigned from, unsigned to, const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+				public code
+append_state (bool_t auxiliary_state, real_t final, unsigned level_of_state,
+	      wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Append a 'wfa' state. If 'auxiliary_state' == YES then
+ *  allocate memory for inner products and state images.  'final' is
+ *  the final distribution of the new state. 'level_of_state' is the
+ *  level of the subimage which is represented by this state
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The WFA information are updated in structure 'wfa'
+ *	State images are computed and inner products are cleared (in 'c')
+ */
+   wfa->final_distribution [wfa->states] = final;
+   wfa->level_of_state [wfa->states]     = level_of_state;
+   if (!auxiliary_state)
+   {
+      unsigned level;
+      wfa->domain_type [wfa->states] = USE_DOMAIN_MASK;
+      /*
+       *  Allocate memory for inner products and for state images
+       */
+      clear_or_alloc (&c->images_of_state [wfa->states],
+		      size_of_tree (c->options.images_level));
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	   level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
+	 clear_or_alloc (&c->ip_states_state [wfa->states][level],
+			 wfa->states + 1);
+      clear_or_alloc (&c->ip_images_state [wfa->states],
+		      size_of_tree (c->products_level));
+      /*
+       *  Compute the images of the current state at level 0,..,'imageslevel'
+       */
+      c->images_of_state [wfa->states][0] = final;
+      compute_images (wfa->states, wfa->states, wfa, c);  
+      /*
+       *  Compute the inner products between the current state and the
+       *  old states 0,...,'states'-1
+       */ 
+      compute_ip_states_state (wfa->states, wfa->states, wfa, c);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned level;
+      wfa->domain_type [wfa->states] = 0;
+      /*
+       *  Free the allocated memory
+       */
+      if (c->images_of_state [wfa->states] != NULL)
+      {
+	 Free (c->images_of_state [wfa->states]);
+	 c->images_of_state [wfa->states] = NULL;
+      }
+      for (level = 0; level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
+	 if (c->ip_states_state [wfa->states][level])
+	 {
+	    Free (c->ip_states_state [wfa->states][level]);
+	    c->ip_states_state [wfa->states][level] = NULL;
+	 }
+      if (c->ip_images_state [wfa->states])
+      {
+	 Free (c->ip_images_state [wfa->states]);
+	 c->ip_images_state [wfa->states] = NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   wfa->states++;
+   if (wfa->states >= MAXSTATES) 
+      error ("Maximum number of states reached!");
+append_basis_states (unsigned basis_states, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Append the WFA basis states 0, ... , ('basis_states' - 1).
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The WFA information are updated in structure 'wfa'
+ *	State images and inner products are computed (in 'c')
+ */
+   unsigned level, state;
+   /*
+    *  Allocate memory
+    */
+   for (state = 0; state < basis_states; state++)
+   {
+      clear_or_alloc (&c->images_of_state [state],
+		      size_of_tree (c->options.images_level));
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	   level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
+	 clear_or_alloc (&c->ip_states_state [state][level], state + 1);
+      clear_or_alloc (&c->ip_images_state [state],
+		      size_of_tree (c->products_level));
+      c->images_of_state [state][0] = wfa->final_distribution [state];
+      wfa->level_of_state [state]   = -1;
+   }
+   compute_images (0, basis_states - 1, wfa, c);  
+   compute_ip_states_state (0, basis_states - 1, wfa, c);
+   wfa->states = basis_states;
+   if (wfa->states >= MAXSTATES) 
+      error ("Maximum number of states reached!");
+append_transitions (unsigned state, unsigned label, const real_t *weight,
+		    const word_t *into, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Append the 'wfa' transitions (given by the arrays 'weight' and 'into')
+ *  of the range ('state','label').
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	new 'wfa' edges are appended
+ */
+   unsigned edge;
+   wfa->y_column [state][label] = 0;
+   for (edge = 0; isedge (into [edge]); edge++)
+   {
+      append_edge (state, into [edge], weight [edge], label, wfa);
+      if (into [edge] == wfa->y_state [state][label])
+	 wfa->y_column [state][label] = 1;
+   }
+				private code
+static void 
+compute_images (unsigned from, unsigned to, const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Computes the images of the given states 'from', ... , 'to' 
+ *  at level 0,...,'c->imagelevel'.
+ *  Uses the fact that each state image is a linear combination of state
+ *  images, i.e. s_i := c_0 s_0 + ... + c_i s_i.
+ */
+   unsigned label, level, state;
+   /*
+    *  Compute the images Phi(state)
+    *  #		level = 0
+    *  ##		level = 1
+    *  ####		level = 2
+    *  ########    	level = 3
+    *  ...
+    *  ########...##    level = imageslevel
+    */
+   for (level = 1; level <= c->options.images_level; level++)
+      for (state = from; state <= to; state++)
+	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 {
+	    real_t   *dst, *src;
+	    unsigned  edge;
+	    int	      domain;		/* current domain */
+	    if (ischild (domain = wfa->tree[state][label]))
+	    {
+	       dst = c->images_of_state [state] + address_of_level (level) +
+		     label * size_of_level (level - 1);
+	       src = c->images_of_state [domain]
+		     + address_of_level (level - 1);
+	       memcpy (dst, src, size_of_level (level - 1) * sizeof (real_t));
+	    }
+	    for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
+		 edge++)
+	    {
+	       unsigned n;
+	       real_t 	weight = wfa->weight [state][label][edge];
+	       dst = c->images_of_state [state] + address_of_level (level) +
+		     label * size_of_level (level - 1);
+	       src = c->images_of_state [domain]
+		     + address_of_level (level - 1);
+	       for (n = size_of_level (level - 1); n; n--)
+		  *dst++ += *src++ * weight;
+	    }
+	 }
+static void 
+clear_or_alloc (real_t **ptr, size_t size)
+ *  if *ptr == NULL 	allocate memory with Calloc 
+ *  otherwise 		fill the real_t-array ptr[] with 0
+ */
+   if (*ptr == NULL) 
+      *ptr = Calloc (size, sizeof (real_t));
+   else 
+      memset (*ptr, 0, size * sizeof (real_t));
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f601d8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/control.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *  control.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _CONTROL_H
+#define _CONTROL_H
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "types.h"
+append_transitions (unsigned state, unsigned label, const real_t *weight,
+		    const word_t *into, wfa_t *wfa);
+append_basis_states (unsigned basis_states, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+append_state (bool_t auxiliary_state, real_t final, unsigned level_of_state,
+	      wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+#endif /* not _CONTROL_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/cwfa.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/cwfa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c4e7fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/cwfa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ *  cwfa.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/28 17:39:30 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.3 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _CWFA_H
+#define _CWFA_H
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "tiling.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "options.h"
+extern const real_t MAXCOSTS;
+typedef struct motion
+   image_t	 *original;		/* Current image */
+   image_t	 *past;			/* Preceeding image */
+   image_t	 *future;		/* Succeeding image */
+   frame_type_e	  frame_type;		/* frame type: B_, P_ I_FRAME */
+   unsigned	  number;		/* display number of frame */
+   real_t        *xbits;		/* # bits for mv x-component */
+   real_t        *ybits;		/* # bits for mv y-component */
+   real_t       **mc_forward_norms; 	/* norms of mcpe */
+   real_t       **mc_backward_norms; 	/* norms of mcpe */
+} motion_t;
+typedef struct range
+ *  Information about current range in the original image.
+ *  Approximation data (error, encoding bits, approximation type and factors
+ *  of the linear combination) are also saved.
+ */ 
+   unsigned global_address;             /* We need absolute image addresses
+				           for distance calculations. */
+   unsigned x, y;			/* Coordinates of upper left corner */
+   unsigned image;			/* Position in the tree */
+   unsigned address;			/* Address of the pixel data */
+   unsigned level;			/* Level of the range */
+   real_t   weight [MAXEDGES + 1];	/* coeff. of the approximation */
+   word_t   into [MAXEDGES + 1];	/* used domains of the approximation */
+   int	    tree;			/* == domain : range is approximated
+					   with new state 'domain'
+					   == RANGE  :
+					   with a linear comb. */
+   real_t   err;			/* approximation error */
+   real_t   tree_bits;			/* # bits to encode tree */
+   real_t   matrix_bits;		/* # bits to encode matrices */
+   real_t   weights_bits;		/* # bits to encode weights */
+   mv_t	    mv;				/* motion vector */
+   real_t   mv_tree_bits;		/* # bits to encode mv tree */
+   real_t   mv_coord_bits;		/* # bits to encode mv coordinates */
+   real_t   nd_tree_bits;		/* # bits to encode nd tree */
+   real_t   nd_weights_bits;		/* # bits to encode nd factors */
+   bool_t   prediction;			/* range is predicted? */
+} range_t;
+typedef struct coding
+ *  All parameters and variables that must be accessible through the coding
+ *  process.
+ */
+   real_t     	   price;		/* determines quality of approx. */
+   real_t   	 **images_of_state;	/* image of state i at level
+					   0, ... , imageslevel */
+   real_t   *(*ip_states_state)[MAXLEVEL]; /* inner products between state i
+					      and states 0, ... , i
+					      at all image levels */
+   real_t   	 **ip_images_state;	/* inner products between all
+					   ranges and state i */
+   real_t    	  *pixels;		/* current image pixels stored in tree
+					   order (only leaves are stored) */
+   unsigned   	   products_level;	/* inner products are stored up to
+					   this level */
+   tiling_t   	  *tiling;		/* tiling of the entire image */
+   tree_t     	   tree;		/* probability model */
+   tree_t     	   p_tree;		/* prediction probability model */
+   motion_t   	  *mt;			/* motion compensation information */
+   coeff_t   	  *coeff;
+   coeff_t   	  *d_coeff;
+   domain_pool_t  *domain_pool;
+   domain_pool_t  *d_domain_pool;
+   c_options_t     options;		/* global options */
+} coding_t;
+#endif /* not _CWFA_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9474c1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1532 @@
+ *  decode.c:		Decoding of an image represented by a WFA
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *			Michael Unger
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/22 10:44:48 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.3 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "motion.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+				prototypes
+static void
+compute_state_images (unsigned frame_level, word_t **simg,
+		      const u_word_t *offset, const wfa_t *wfa);
+static void
+free_state_images (unsigned max_level, bool_t color, word_t **state_image,
+		   u_word_t *offset, const unsigned *root_state,
+		   unsigned range_state, format_e format, const wfa_t *wfa);
+static void
+alloc_state_images (word_t ***images, u_word_t **offsets, const image_t *frame,
+		    const unsigned *root_state, unsigned range_state,
+		    unsigned max_level, format_e format, const wfa_t *wfa);
+static void
+compute_actual_size (unsigned luminance_root,
+		     unsigned *width, unsigned *height, const wfa_t *wfa);
+static void
+enlarge_image (int enlarge_factor, format_e format, unsigned y_root,
+	       wfa_t *wfa);
+static word_t *
+duplicate_state_image (const word_t *domain, unsigned offset, unsigned level);
+				public code
+video_t *
+alloc_video (bool_t store_wfa)
+ *  Video struct constructor:
+ *  Initialize video structure and allocate memory for current, past
+ *  and future WFA if flag 'store_wfa' is TRUE.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new video structure
+ */
+   video_t *video = Calloc (1, sizeof (video_t));
+   video->future_display = -1;
+   video->display        = 0;
+   video->future = video->sfuture = video->past
+		 = video->frame   = video->sframe = NULL;
+   if (store_wfa)
+   {
+      video->wfa        = alloc_wfa (NO);
+      video->wfa_past   = alloc_wfa (NO);
+      video->wfa_future = alloc_wfa (NO);
+   }
+   else
+      video->wfa = video->wfa_past = video->wfa_future = NULL;
+   return video;
+free_video (video_t *video)
+ *  Video struct destructor:
+ *  Free memory of given 'video' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'video' struct is discarded.
+ */
+   if (video->past)
+      free_image (video->past);
+   if (video->future)
+      free_image (video->future);
+   if (video->sfuture)
+      free_image (video->sfuture);
+   if (video->frame)
+      free_image (video->frame);
+   if (video->sframe)
+      free_image (video->sframe);
+   if (video->wfa)
+      free_wfa (video->wfa);
+   if (video->wfa_past)
+      free_wfa (video->wfa_past);
+   if (video->wfa_future)
+      free_wfa (video->wfa_future);
+   Free (video);
+image_t *
+get_next_frame (bool_t store_wfa, int enlarge_factor,
+		int smoothing, const char *reference_frame,
+		format_e format, video_t *video, dectimer_t *timer,
+		wfa_t *orig_wfa, bitfile_t *input)
+ *  Get next frame of the WFA 'video' from stream 'input'.
+ *  'orig_wfa' is the constant part of the WFA used by all frames.
+ *  Depending on values of 'enlarge_factor' and 'smoothing' enlarge and
+ *  smooth image, respectively. 
+ *  If 'store_wfa' is TRUE, then store WFA structure of reference frames
+ *  (used by analysis tool xwfa).
+ *  If 'reference_frame' is not NULL, then load image 'reference_frame'
+ *  from disk.
+ *  'format' gives the color format to be used (either 4:2:0 or 4:4:4).
+ *  If 'timer' is not NULL, then accumulate running time statistics. 
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to decoded frame
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'video' and 'timer' struct are modified.
+ */
+   image_t *frame 			  = NULL; /* current frame */
+   image_t *sframe 			  = NULL; /* current smoothed frame */
+   bool_t   current_frame_is_future_frame = NO;
+   if (video->future_display == video->display)	 
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Future frame is already computed since it has been used
+       *  as reference frame. So just return the stored frame.
+       */
+      if (video->frame) /* discard current frame */
+	 free_image (video->frame);
+      video->frame  = video->future;
+      video->future = NULL;
+      if (video->sframe) /* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+	 free_image (video->sframe);
+      video->sframe  = video->sfuture;
+      video->sfuture = NULL;
+      if (store_wfa)
+	 copy_wfa (video->wfa, video->wfa_future);
+      video->display++;
+      if (!store_wfa)
+	 video->wfa = NULL;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      do				/* compute next frame(s) */
+      {
+	 unsigned      frame_number;	/* current frame number */
+	 clock_t       ptimer;
+	 unsigned int  stop_timer [3];
+	 wfa_t	      *tmp_wfa = NULL;
+	 if (!store_wfa)
+	    video->wfa = orig_wfa;
+	 else
+	 {
+	    tmp_wfa = alloc_wfa (NO);
+	    copy_wfa (tmp_wfa, video->wfa);
+	    copy_wfa (video->wfa, orig_wfa);
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  First step: read WFA from disk
+	  */
+	 prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+	 frame_number = read_next_wfa (video->wfa, input);
+	 stop_timer [0] = prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+	 if (timer)
+	 {
+	    timer->input [video->wfa->frame_type] += stop_timer [0];
+	    timer->frames [video->wfa->frame_type]++;
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  Read reference frame from disk if required
+	  *  (i.e., 1st frame is of type B or P)
+	  */
+	 if (video->display == 0 && video->wfa->frame_type != I_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    if (!reference_frame)
+	       error ("First frame is %c-frame but no "
+		      "reference frame is given.",
+		      video->wfa->frame_type == B_FRAME ? 'B' : 'P');
+	    video->frame  = read_image (reference_frame);
+	    video->sframe = NULL;
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  Depending on current frame type update past and future frames
+	  */
+	 if (video->wfa->frame_type == I_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    if (video->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	       free_image (video->past);
+	    video->past = NULL;
+	    if (video->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	       free_image (video->future);
+	    video->future = NULL;
+	    if (video->sfuture)		/* discard (smoothed) future frame */
+	       free_image (video->sfuture);
+	    video->sfuture = NULL;
+	    if (video->frame)		/* discard current frame */
+	       free_image (video->frame);
+	    video->frame = NULL;
+	    if (video->sframe)		/* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+	       free_image (video->sframe);
+	    video->sframe = NULL;
+	 }
+	 else if (video->wfa->frame_type == P_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    if (video->past)		/* discard past frame */
+	       free_image (video->past);
+	    video->past = video->frame;	/* past <- current frame */
+	    video->frame = NULL;
+	    if (video->sframe)		/* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+	       free_image (video->sframe);
+	    video->sframe = NULL;
+	    if (store_wfa)
+	       copy_wfa (video->wfa_past, tmp_wfa);
+	    if (video->future)		/* discard future frame */
+	       free_image (video->future);
+	    video->future = NULL;
+	    if (video->sfuture)		/* discard (smoothed) future frame */
+	       free_image (video->sfuture);
+	    video->sfuture = NULL;
+	 }
+	 else				/* B_FRAME */
+	 {
+	    if (current_frame_is_future_frame)
+	    {
+	       if (video->future)	/* discard future frame */
+		  free_image (video->future);
+	       video->future = frame;	/* future <- current frame */
+	       if (video->sfuture)	/* discard (smoothed) future frame */
+		  free_image (video->sfuture);
+	       video->sfuture = sframe;	/* future <- current (smoothed) */
+	       if (store_wfa)
+		  copy_wfa (video->wfa_future, tmp_wfa);
+	       if (video->frame)	/* discard current frame */
+		  free_image (video->frame);
+	       video->frame = NULL;
+	       if (video->sframe)	/* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+		  free_image (video->sframe);
+	       video->sframe = NULL;
+	       frame  = NULL;
+	       sframe = NULL;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+	       if (video->wfa->wfainfo->B_as_past_ref == YES)
+	       {
+		  if (video->past)	/* discard past frame */
+		     free_image (video->past);
+		  video->past  = video->frame; /* past <- current frame */
+		  video->frame = NULL;
+		  if (video->sframe)	/* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+		     free_image (video->sframe);
+		  video->sframe = NULL;
+		  if (store_wfa)
+		     copy_wfa (video->wfa_past, tmp_wfa);
+	       }
+	       else
+	       {
+		  if (video->frame)	/* discard current */
+		     free_image (video->frame);
+		  video->frame = NULL;
+		  if (video->sframe)	/* discard current (smoothed) frame */
+		     free_image (video->sframe);
+		  video->sframe = NULL;
+	       }
+	    }
+	 }
+	 if (tmp_wfa)
+	    free_wfa (tmp_wfa);
+	 current_frame_is_future_frame = NO;
+	 /*
+	  *  Second step: decode image
+	  *  Optionally enlarge image if specified by option 'enlarge_factor'.
+	  */
+	 {
+	    unsigned orig_width, orig_height;
+	    stop_timer [0] = stop_timer [1] = stop_timer [2] = 0;
+	    enlarge_image (enlarge_factor, format,
+			   (video->wfa->wfainfo->color
+			    && format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+			   ? video->wfa->tree [video->wfa->tree [video->wfa->root_state][0]][0] : -1, video->wfa);
+	    if (enlarge_factor > 0)
+	    {
+	       orig_width  = video->wfa->wfainfo->width  << enlarge_factor;
+	       orig_height = video->wfa->wfainfo->height << enlarge_factor; 
+	    }
+	    else
+	    { 
+	       orig_width  = video->wfa->wfainfo->width  >> - enlarge_factor;
+	       orig_height = video->wfa->wfainfo->height >> - enlarge_factor;
+	       if (orig_width & 1)
+		  orig_width++;
+	       if (orig_height & 1)
+		  orig_height++;
+	    }
+	    frame = decode_image (orig_width, orig_height, format,
+				  timer != NULL ? stop_timer : NULL,
+				  video->wfa);
+	    if (timer)
+	    {
+	       timer->preprocessing [video->wfa->frame_type] += stop_timer [0];
+	       timer->decoder [video->wfa->frame_type]       += stop_timer [1];
+	       timer->cleanup [video->wfa->frame_type]       += stop_timer [2];
+	    }
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  Third step: restore motion compensation
+	  */
+	 if (video->wfa->frame_type != I_FRAME)
+	 {
+	    prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+	    restore_mc (enlarge_factor, frame, video->past, video->future,
+			video->wfa);
+	    stop_timer [0] = prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+	    if (timer)
+	       timer->motion [video->wfa->frame_type] += stop_timer [0];
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  Fourth step: smooth image along partitioning borders
+	  */
+	 prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+	 if (smoothing < 0)	/* smoothing not changed by user */
+	    smoothing = video->wfa->wfainfo->smoothing;
+	 if (smoothing > 0 && smoothing <= 100)
+	 {
+	    sframe = clone_image (frame);
+	    smooth_image (smoothing, video->wfa, sframe);
+	 }
+	 else
+	    sframe = NULL;
+	 stop_timer [0] = prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+	 if (timer)
+	    timer->smooth [video->wfa->frame_type] += stop_timer [0];
+	 if (frame_number == video->display)
+	 {
+	    video->display++;
+	    video->frame  = frame;
+	    video->sframe = sframe;
+	    frame         = NULL;
+	    sframe        = NULL;
+	 }
+	 else if (frame_number > video->display)
+	 {
+	    video->future_display 	  = frame_number;
+	    current_frame_is_future_frame = YES;
+	 }
+	 if (!store_wfa)
+	    remove_states (video->wfa->basis_states, video->wfa);
+      } while (!video->frame);
+      if (!store_wfa)
+	 video->wfa = NULL;
+   }
+   return video->sframe ? video->sframe : video->frame;
+image_t *
+decode_image (unsigned orig_width, unsigned orig_height, format_e format,
+	      unsigned *dec_timer, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Compute image which is represented by the given 'wfa'.
+ *  'orig_width'x'orig_height' gives the resolution of the image at
+ *  coding time. Use 4:2:0 subsampling or 4:4:4 'format' for color images.
+ *  If 'dec_timer' is given, accumulate running time statistics. 
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to decoded image
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'*dectimer' is changed if 'dectimer' != NULL.
+ */
+   unsigned   root_state [3];		/* root of bintree for each band */
+   unsigned   width, height;		/* computed image size */
+   image_t   *frame;			/* regenerated frame */
+   word_t   **images;			/* pointer to array of pointers
+					   to state images */
+   u_word_t  *offsets;			/* pointer to array of state image
+					   offsets */
+   unsigned   max_level;		/* max. level of state with approx. */
+   unsigned   state;
+   clock_t    ptimer;
+   prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+   /*
+    *  Compute root of bintree for each color band
+    */
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->color)
+   {
+      root_state [Y]  = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0];
+      root_state [Cb] = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][1];
+      root_state [Cr] = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][1]][0];
+   }
+   else
+      root_state [GRAY] = wfa->root_state;
+   /*
+    *  Compute maximum level of a linear combination
+    */
+   for (max_level = 0, state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      if (isedge (wfa->into [state][0][0]) || isedge (wfa->into [state][1][0]))
+	 max_level = max (max_level, wfa->level_of_state [state]);
+   /*
+    *  Allocate frame buffer for decoded image
+    */
+   compute_actual_size (format == FORMAT_4_2_0 ? root_state [Y] : MAXSTATES,
+			&width, &height, wfa);
+   width  = max (width, orig_width);
+   height = max (height, orig_height);
+   frame = alloc_image (width, height, wfa->wfainfo->color, format);
+   /*
+    *  Allocate buffers for intermediate state images
+    */
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->color)
+   {
+      wfa->level_of_state [wfa->root_state]               = 128;
+      wfa->level_of_state [wfa->tree[wfa->root_state][0]] = 128;
+      wfa->level_of_state [wfa->tree[wfa->root_state][1]] = 128;
+   }
+   alloc_state_images (&images, &offsets, frame, root_state, 0, max_level, 
+		       format, wfa);
+   if (dec_timer)
+      dec_timer [0] += prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+   /*
+    *  Decode all state images, forming the complete image.
+    */
+   prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+   compute_state_images (max_level, images, offsets, wfa);
+   if (dec_timer)
+      dec_timer [1] += prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+   /*
+    *  Cleanup buffers used for intermediate state images
+    */
+   prg_timer (&ptimer, START);
+   free_state_images (max_level, frame->color, images, offsets, root_state, 0,
+		      format, wfa);
+   /*
+    *  Crop decoded image if the image size differs.
+    */
+   if (orig_width != width || orig_height != height)
+   {
+      frame->height = orig_height;	
+      frame->width  = orig_width;	
+      if (orig_width != width)		
+      {
+	 color_e   band;		/* current color band */
+	 word_t	  *src, *dst;		/* source and destination pointers */
+	 unsigned  y;			/* current row */
+	 for (band  = first_band (frame->color);
+	      band <= last_band (frame->color); band++)
+	 {
+	    src = dst = frame->pixels [band];
+	    for (y = orig_height; y; y--)
+	    {
+	       memmove (dst, src, orig_width * sizeof (word_t));
+	       dst += orig_width;
+	       src += width;
+	    }
+	    if (format == FORMAT_4_2_0 && band == Y)
+	    {
+	       orig_width  >>= 1;
+	       orig_height >>= 1;
+	       width       >>= 1;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   if (dec_timer)
+      dec_timer [2] += prg_timer (&ptimer, STOP);
+   return frame;
+image_t *
+decode_state (unsigned state, unsigned level, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Decode 'state' image of 'wfa' at given 'level'.
+ *
+ *  Return value.
+ *	pointer to decoded state image
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'wfa' states > 'state' are removed.  
+ */
+   word_t  *domains [2];
+   image_t *img = Calloc (1, sizeof (image_t));
+   /*
+    *  Generate a new state with a 1.0 transition to 'state'
+    */
+   remove_states (state + 1, wfa);
+   append_edge (state + 1, state, 1.0, 0, wfa);
+   wfa->states = state + 2;
+   img->color  = NO;
+   img->width  = width_of_level (level);
+   img->height = height_of_level (level);
+   img->format = FORMAT_4_4_4;
+   img->pixels [GRAY] = decode_range (state + 1, 0, level, domains, wfa);
+   /*
+    *  Copy decoded range to the frame buffer
+    */
+   {
+      word_t   *src, *dst;
+      unsigned	y;
+      src = domains [0];
+      dst = img->pixels [GRAY];
+      for (y = img->height; y; y--)
+      {
+	 memcpy (dst, src, width_of_level (level) * sizeof (word_t));
+	 src += width_of_level (level);
+	 dst += img->width;
+      }
+      Free (domains [0]);
+   }
+   return img;
+word_t *
+decode_range (unsigned range_state, unsigned range_label, unsigned range_level,
+	      word_t **domain, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Compute 'wfa' image of range (identified by 'state' and 'label')
+ *  at 'range_level (works as function decode_image()).
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the pixels in SHORT format
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	if 'domain' != NULL then also the domain blocks
+ *	of the corresponding range blocks are generated
+ *      and returned in domain[]
+ *	'wfa->level_of_state []' is changed
+ */
+   unsigned   root_state [3];		/* dummy (for alloc_state_images) */
+   image_t   *state_image;		/* regenerated state image */
+   word_t   **images;			/* pointer to array of pointers
+					   to state images */
+   u_word_t  *offsets;			/* pointer to array of state image
+					   offsets */
+   word_t    *range;
+   enlarge_image (range_level - (wfa->level_of_state [range_state] - 1),
+		  FORMAT_4_4_4, -1, wfa);
+   root_state [0] = range_state;
+   state_image    = alloc_image (width_of_level (range_level + 1),
+				 height_of_level (range_level + 1),
+				 NO, FORMAT_4_4_4);
+   alloc_state_images (&images, &offsets, state_image, NULL, range_state,
+		       range_level + 1, NO, wfa);
+   compute_state_images (range_level + 1, images, offsets, wfa);
+   range = Calloc (size_of_level (range_level), sizeof (word_t));
+   if ((range_level & 1) == 0)		/* square image */
+   {
+      memcpy (range,
+	      images [range_state + (range_level + 1) * wfa->states]
+	      + range_label * size_of_level (range_level),
+	      size_of_level (range_level) * sizeof (word_t));
+   }
+   else					/* rectangle */
+   {
+      word_t   *src, *dst;
+      unsigned  y;
+      src = images [range_state + (range_level + 1) * wfa->states]
+	    + range_label * width_of_level (range_level);
+      dst = range;
+      for (y = height_of_level (range_level); y; y--)
+      {
+	 memcpy (dst, src, width_of_level (range_level) * sizeof (word_t));
+	 dst += width_of_level (range_level);
+	 src += width_of_level (range_level + 1);
+      }
+   }
+   if (domain != NULL)			/* copy domain images */
+   {
+      int      s;			/* domain state */
+      unsigned edge;			/* counter */
+      if (ischild (s = wfa->tree [range_state][range_label]))
+	 *domain++ = duplicate_state_image (images [s + (range_level)
+						   * wfa->states],
+					    offsets [s + (range_level)
+						    * wfa->states],
+					    range_level);
+      for (edge = 0; isedge (s = wfa->into[range_state][range_label][edge]);
+	   edge++)
+	 *domain++ = duplicate_state_image (images [s + (range_level)
+						   * wfa->states],
+					    offsets [s + (range_level)
+						    * wfa->states],
+					    range_level);
+      *domain = NULL;
+   }
+   free_state_images (range_level + 1, NO, images, offsets, NULL, range_state,
+		      NO, wfa);
+   free_image (state_image);
+   return range;
+smooth_image (unsigned sf, const wfa_t *wfa, image_t *image)
+ *  Smooth 'image' along the partitioning boundaries of the 'wfa'
+ *  with factor 's'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	pixel values of the 'image' are modified with respect to 's'
+ */
+   int	    is, inegs;			/* integer factors of s and 1 - s*/
+   unsigned state;			
+   unsigned img_width  = image->width;
+   unsigned img_height = image->height;
+   real_t   s 	       = 1.0 - sf / 200.0;
+   if (s < 0.5 || s >= 1)		/* value out of range */
+      return;
+   is 	 = s * 512 + .5;		/* integer representation of s */
+   inegs = (1 - s) * 512 + .5;		/* integer representation of 1 - s */
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states;
+	state < (wfa->wfainfo->color
+		 ? wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]
+		 : wfa->states); state++)
+   {
+      word_t   *bptr   = image->pixels [Y]; /* pointer to right or
+					       lower line */
+      unsigned  level  = wfa->level_of_state[state]; /* level of state image */
+      unsigned  width  = width_of_level (level); /* size of state image */
+      unsigned  height = height_of_level (level); /* size of state image */
+      if (wfa->y [state][1] >= img_height || wfa->x [state][1] >= img_width)
+	 continue;			/* outside visible area */
+      if (level % 2)			/* horizontal smoothing */
+      {
+	 unsigned  i;			/* line counter */
+	 word_t   *img1;		/* pointer to left or upper line */
+	 word_t   *img2;		/* pointer to right or lower line */
+	 img1 = bptr + (wfa->y [state][1] - 1) * img_width
+		+ wfa->x [state][1];
+	 img2 = bptr + wfa->y [state][1] * img_width + wfa->x [state][1];
+	 for (i = min (width, img_width - wfa->x [state][1]); i;
+	      i--, img1++, img2++)
+	 {
+	    int tmp = *img1;
+	    *img1 = (((is * tmp) >> 10) << 1)
+		    + (((inegs * (int) *img2) >> 10) << 1);
+	    *img2 = (((is * (int) *img2) >> 10) << 1)
+		    + (((inegs * tmp) >> 10) << 1);
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *img1 = (((is * tmp) / 1024) * 2)
+		    + (((inegs * (int) *img2) / 1024) * 2);
+	    *img2 = (((is * (int) *img2) / 1024) * 2)
+		    + (((inegs * tmp) / 1024) *2);
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	 }
+      }
+      else				/* vertical smoothing */
+      {
+	 unsigned  i;			/* line counter */
+	 word_t   *img1;		/* pointer to left or upper line */
+	 word_t   *img2;		/* pointer to right or lower line */
+	 img1 = bptr + wfa->y [state][1] * img_width + wfa->x [state][1] - 1;
+	 img2 = bptr + wfa->y [state][1] * img_width + wfa->x [state][1];
+	 for (i = min (height, img_height - wfa->y [state][1]); i;
+	      i--, img1 += img_width, img2 += img_width)
+	 {
+	    int tmp = *img1;
+	    *img1 = (((is * tmp) >> 10) << 1)
+		    + (((inegs * (int) *img2) >> 10) << 1);
+	    *img2 = (((is * (int) *img2) >> 10) << 1)
+		    + (((inegs * tmp) >> 10) << 1);
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	    *img1 = (((is * tmp) / 1024) * 2)
+		    + (((inegs * (int) *img2) / 1024) * 2);
+	    *img2 = (((is * (int) *img2) / 1024) * 2)
+		    + (((inegs * tmp) / 1024) *2);
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+				private code
+static void
+enlarge_image (int enlarge_factor, format_e format, unsigned y_root,
+	       wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Enlarge or reduce size of state images by factor 2^'enlarge_factor'.
+ *  Use 4:2:0 subsampling if specified by 'format', else use 4:4:4 format.
+ *  'wfa' root state of the first chroma band is given by 'y_root' + 1.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	coordinates of ranges and motion blocks in the WFA structure 'wfa'
+ *	are modified.
+ */
+   if (enlarge_factor != 0 || format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      if (enlarge_factor == 0)
+      {
+	 state 		= y_root + 1;
+	 enlarge_factor = -1;
+      }
+      else
+	 state = wfa->basis_states;
+      for (; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      {
+	 unsigned label, n;
+	 wfa->level_of_state [state]
+	    = max (wfa->level_of_state [state] + enlarge_factor * 2, 0);
+	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	    if (enlarge_factor > 0)
+	    {
+	       wfa->x [state][label] <<= enlarge_factor;
+	       wfa->y [state][label] <<= enlarge_factor;
+	       for (n = enlarge_factor; n; n--)
+	       {
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx *= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy *= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx *= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by *= 2;
+	       }
+	    }
+	    else				/* enlarge_factor < 0 */
+	    {
+	       wfa->x [state][label] >>= - enlarge_factor;
+	       wfa->y [state][label] >>= - enlarge_factor;
+	       for (n = - enlarge_factor; n; n--)
+	       {
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx /= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy /= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx /= 2;
+		  wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by /= 2;
+	       }
+	    }
+	 if (format == FORMAT_4_2_0 && state == y_root)
+	    enlarge_factor--;
+      }
+   }
+static void
+compute_actual_size (unsigned luminance_root,
+		     unsigned *width, unsigned *height, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Compute actual size of the frame represented by the given 'wfa'.
+ *  (The reconstructed frame may get larger than the original due
+ *   to the bintree partitioning.)
+ *  If 'luminance_root' < MAXSTATES then the size of chroma ranges (4:2:0).
+ *
+ *  Return values:
+ *	actual 'width' and 'height' of the decoded frame.
+ */
+   unsigned x = 0, y = 0;		/* maximum coordinates */
+   unsigned state;			/* counter */
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      if (isedge (wfa->into [state][0][0]) || isedge (wfa->into [state][1][0]))
+      {
+	 unsigned mult = state > luminance_root ? 2 : 1;
+	 x = max ((wfa->x [state][0]
+		   + width_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state])) * mult, x);
+	 y = max ((wfa->y [state][0]
+		   + height_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state])) * mult, y);
+      }
+   if (x & 1)				/* ensure that image size is even */
+      x++;
+   if (y & 1)
+      y++;
+   *width  = x;
+   *height = y;
+static void
+alloc_state_images (word_t ***images, u_word_t **offsets, const image_t *frame,
+		    const unsigned *root_state, unsigned range_state,
+		    unsigned max_level, format_e format, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Generate list of 'wfa' state images which have to be computed for
+ *  each level to obtain the decoded 'frame'. 'root_state[]' denotes the
+ *  state images of the three color bands.
+ *  'max_level' fives the max. level of a linear combination.
+ *  Memory is allocated for every required state image.
+ *  Use 4:2:0 subsampling or 4:4:4 'format' for color images.
+ *  If 'range_state' > 0 then rather compute image of 'range_state' than 
+ *  image of 'wfa->root_state'.
+ *
+ *  Return values:
+ *	'*images'	Pointer to array of state image pointers
+ *	'*offsets'	Pointer to array of state image offsets.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The arrays given above are filled with useful values.
+ */
+   word_t   **simg;			/* ptr to list of state image ptr's */
+   u_word_t  *offs;			/* ptr to list of offsets */
+   unsigned   level;			/* counter */
+   simg	= Calloc (wfa->states * (max_level + 1), sizeof (word_t *));
+   offs	= Calloc (wfa->states * (max_level + 1), sizeof (u_word_t));
+   /*
+    *  Initialize buffers for those state images which are at 'max_level'.
+    */
+   if (range_state > 0)			/* a range is given */
+   {
+      simg [range_state + max_level * wfa->states] = frame->pixels [GRAY];
+      offs [range_state + max_level * wfa->states] = frame->width;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state <= root_state [Y]; state++)
+	 if (wfa->level_of_state [state] == max_level)
+	 {
+	    simg [state + max_level * wfa->states]
+	       = (frame->pixels [Y] + wfa->y [state][0] * frame->width
+		  + wfa->x [state][0]);
+	    offs [state + max_level * wfa->states] = frame->width;
+	 }
+      if (frame->color)
+      {
+	 unsigned width = format == FORMAT_4_2_0 ?
+			  (frame->width >> 1) : frame->width;
+	 for (; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    if (wfa->level_of_state [state] == max_level)
+	    {
+	       simg [state + max_level * wfa->states]
+		  = (frame->pixels [state > root_state [Cb] ? Cr : Cb]
+		     + wfa->y [state][0] * width + wfa->x [state][0]);
+	       offs [state + max_level * wfa->states] = width;
+	    }
+      }
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Generate list of state images which must be computed at each level
+    */
+   for (level = max_level; level > 0; level--)
+   {
+      int      child, domain;
+      unsigned state, label, edge;
+      /*
+       *  Range approximation with child. 
+       */
+      for (state = 1; state < (range_state > 0 ?
+			       range_state + 1 : wfa->states); state++)
+	 if (simg [state + level * wfa->states])
+	    for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       if (ischild (child = wfa->tree[state][label]))
+	       {
+		  if (isedge (wfa->into[state][label][0]))
+		  {
+		     /*
+		      *  Allocate new image block.
+		      */
+		     simg [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= Calloc (size_of_level (level - 1), sizeof (word_t));
+		     offs [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= width_of_level (level - 1);
+		  }
+		  else
+		  {
+		     /*
+		      *  Use image block and offset of parent.
+		      */
+		     if (level & 1)	/* split vertically */
+		     {
+			simg [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			   = (simg [state + level * wfa->states]
+			      + label * (height_of_level (level - 1)
+					 * offs [state
+						+ level * wfa->states]));
+		     }
+		     else		/* split horizontally */
+		     {
+			simg [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			   = (simg [state + level * wfa->states]
+			      + label * width_of_level (level - 1));
+		     }
+		     offs [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= offs [state + level * wfa->states];
+		  }
+	       }
+      /*
+       *  Range approximation with linear combination 
+       */
+      for (state = 1; state < (range_state > 0 ?
+			       range_state + 1 : wfa->states); state++)
+	 if (simg [state + level * wfa->states])
+	    for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
+		    edge++)
+	       {
+		  if (domain > 0	/* don't allocate memory for state 0 */
+		      && !simg [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states])
+		  {
+		     simg [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= Calloc (size_of_level (level - 1), sizeof (word_t));
+		     offs [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= width_of_level (level - 1);
+		  }
+	       }
+   }
+   *images  = simg;
+   *offsets = offs;
+static void
+free_state_images (unsigned max_level, bool_t color, word_t **state_image,
+		   u_word_t *offset, const unsigned *root_state,
+		   unsigned range_state, format_e format, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Free memory of state images.
+ *  For more details refer to the inverse function 'alloc_state_images()'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	arrays 'state_image' and 'offset' are discarded.
+ */
+   word_t   marker;			/* ptr is required as a marker */
+   unsigned level;
+   if (range_state > 0)
+   {
+      state_image [range_state + max_level * wfa->states] = &marker;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned state;
+      /*
+       *  Initialize state image array with states at 'max_level'
+       */
+      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state <= root_state [Y]; state++)
+	 if (wfa->level_of_state [state] == max_level)
+	    state_image [state + max_level * wfa->states] = &marker;
+      if (color)
+      {
+	 if (format == FORMAT_4_2_0)
+	    level = max_level - 2;
+	 else
+	    level = max_level;
+	 for (; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    if (wfa->level_of_state [state] == level)
+	       state_image [state + level * wfa->states] = &marker;
+      }
+   }
+   for (level = max_level; level > 0; level--)
+   {
+      int      domain, child;
+      unsigned state, label, edge;
+      /*
+       *  Range approximation with child. 
+       */
+      for (state = 1; state < (range_state > 0 ?
+			       range_state + 1 : wfa->states); state++)
+	 if (state_image [state + level * wfa->states])
+	    for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       if (ischild (child = wfa->tree[state][label]))
+	       {
+		  if (isedge (wfa->into[state][label][0])
+		      && (state_image [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			  != &marker))
+		     Free (state_image [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states]);
+		  state_image [child + (level - 1) * wfa->states] = &marker;
+	       }
+      /*
+       *  Range approximation with linear combination 
+       */
+      for (state = 1; state < (range_state > 0 ?
+			       range_state + 1 : wfa->states);
+	   state++)
+	 if (state_image [state + level * wfa->states])
+	    for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
+		    edge++)
+		  if (domain > 0	
+		      && (state_image [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			  != NULL)
+		      && (state_image [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			  != &marker))
+		  {
+		     Free (state_image [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]);
+		     state_image [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states]
+			= &marker;
+		  }
+   }
+   Free (state_image);
+   Free (offset);
+static void
+compute_state_images (unsigned max_level, word_t **simg,
+		      const u_word_t *offset, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Compute all state images of the 'wfa' at level {1, ... , 'max_level'}
+ *  which are marked in the array 'simg' (offsets of state images
+ *  are given by 'offset').
+ *
+ *  Warning: Several optimizations are used in this function making 
+ *  it difficult to understand.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	state images (given by pointers in the array 'state_image')
+ *	are computed.
+ */
+   unsigned level, state;
+   /*
+    *  Copy one-pixel images in case state_image pointer != &final distr.
+    */
+   for (state = 1; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      if (simg [state] != NULL)		/* compute image at level 0 */
+	 *simg [state] = (int) (wfa->final_distribution[state] * 8 + .5) * 2;
+   /*
+    *  Compute images of states
+    *  Integer arithmetics are used rather than floating point operations.
+    *  'weight' gives the weight in integer notation
+    *  'src', 'dst', and 'idst' are pointers to the source and
+    *  destination pixels (short or integer format), respectively.
+    *  Short format : one operation per register (16 bit mode). 
+    *  Integer format : two operations per register (32 bit mode). 
+    *  'src_offset', 'dst_offset', and 'dst_offset' give the number of
+    *  pixels which have to be omitted when jumping to the next image row.
+    */
+   for (level = 1; level <= max_level; level++) 
+   {
+      unsigned label;
+      unsigned width  = width_of_level (level - 1);
+      unsigned height = height_of_level (level - 1);
+      for (state = 1; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	 if (simg [state + level * wfa->states] != NULL)
+	    for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       if (isedge (wfa->into [state][label][0]))
+	       {
+		  unsigned  edge;
+		  int       domain;
+		  word_t   *range;	/* address of current range */
+		  bool_t    prediction_used; /* ND prediction found ? */
+		  /*
+		   *  Compute address of range image
+		   */
+		  if (level & 1)	/* split vertically */
+		  {
+		     range = simg [state + level * wfa->states]
+			     + label * (height_of_level (level - 1)
+					* offset [state
+						 + level * wfa->states]);
+		  }
+		  else			/* split horizontally */
+		  {
+		     range = simg [state + level * wfa->states]
+			     + label * width_of_level (level - 1);
+		  }
+		  /*
+		   *  Generate the state images by adding the corresponding 
+		   *  weighted state images:
+		   *  subimage [label] =
+		   *       weight_1 * image_1 + ... + weight_n * image_n
+		   */
+		  if (!ischild (domain = wfa->tree[state][label]))
+		     prediction_used = NO;
+		  else
+		  {
+		     unsigned  y;
+		     word_t   *src;
+		     word_t   *dst;
+		     unsigned  src_offset;
+		     unsigned  dst_offset;
+		     prediction_used = YES;
+		     /*
+		      *  Copy child image
+		      */
+		     src        = simg [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states];
+		     src_offset = offset [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states] ;
+		     dst        = range;
+		     dst_offset	= offset [state + level * wfa->states];
+		     for (y = height; y; y--)
+		     {
+			memcpy (dst, src, width * sizeof (word_t));
+			src += src_offset;
+			dst += dst_offset;
+		     }
+		  }
+		  if (!prediction_used
+		      && isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][0]))
+		  {
+		     /*
+		      *  If prediction is not used then the range is
+		      *  filled with the first domain. No addition is needed.
+		      */
+		     edge = 0;
+		     if (domain != 0)
+		     {
+			int	  weight;
+			word_t 	 *src;
+			unsigned  src_offset;
+			src        = simg [domain + ((level - 1)
+						     * wfa->states)];
+			src_offset = offset [domain + ((level - 1)
+						       * wfa->states)] - width;
+			weight     = wfa->int_weight [state][label][edge];
+			if (width == 1)	/* can't add two-pixels in a row */
+			{
+			   word_t   *dst;
+			   unsigned  dst_offset;
+			   dst        = range;
+			   dst_offset = offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					- width;
+			   *dst++ = ((weight * (int) *src++) >> 10) << 1;
+#else 					/* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   *dst++ = ((weight * (int) *src++) / 1024) * 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   if (height == 2) 
+			   {
+			      src += src_offset;
+			      dst += dst_offset;
+			      *dst++ = ((weight * (int) *src++) >> 10) << 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			      *dst++ = ((weight * (int) *src++) / 1024) * 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   }
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			   unsigned  y;
+			   int 	    *idst;
+			   unsigned  idst_offset;
+			   idst        = (int *) range;
+			   idst_offset = (offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					  - width) / 2;
+			   for (y = height; y; y--)
+			   {
+			      int *comp_dst = idst + (width >> 1);
+			      for (; idst != comp_dst; )
+ 			      {
+				 int tmp; /* temp. value of adjacent pixels */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [1]) >> 10) << 17)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [0]) >> 9)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [0]) >> 10) << 17)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [1]) >> 9)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	endif /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [1]) / 1024)
+					* 131072)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [0])/ 512)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [0]) / 1024)
+					* 131072)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [1]) / 512)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	endif /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+				 src    +=  2;
+				 *idst++ = tmp & 0xfffefffe;
+			      }
+			      src  += src_offset;
+			      idst += idst_offset;
+			   }
+			}
+		     }
+		     else
+		     {
+			int weight = (int) (wfa->weight[state][label][edge]
+					    * wfa->final_distribution[0]
+					    * 8 + .5) * 2;
+			/*
+			 *  Range needs domain 0
+			 *  (the constant function f(x, y) = 1),
+			 *  hence a faster algorithm is used.
+			 */
+			if (width == 1)	/* can't add two-pixels in a row */
+			{
+			   word_t   *dst;
+			   unsigned  dst_offset;
+			   dst        = range;
+			   dst_offset = offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					- width;
+			   *dst++ = weight;
+			   if (height == 2)
+			   {
+			      dst += dst_offset;
+			      *dst++ = weight;
+			   }
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			   unsigned  x, y;
+			   int 	    *idst;
+			   unsigned  idst_offset;
+			   weight      = (weight * 65536) | (weight & 0xffff);
+			   idst	       = (int *) range;
+			   idst_offset = offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					 / 2;
+			   for (x = width >> 1; x; x--)
+			      *idst++ = weight & 0xfffefffe;
+			   idst += (offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+				    - width) / 2;
+			   for (y = height - 1; y; y--)
+			   {
+			      memcpy (idst, idst - idst_offset,
+				      width * sizeof (word_t));
+			      idst += idst_offset;
+			   }
+			}
+		     }
+		     edge = 1;
+		  }
+		  else
+		     edge = 0;
+		  /*
+		   *  Add remaining weighted domain images to current range
+		   */
+		  for (; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
+		       edge++)
+		  {
+		     if (domain != 0)
+		     {
+			word_t 	 *src;
+			unsigned  src_offset;
+			int	  weight;
+			src        = simg [domain + (level - 1) * wfa->states];
+			src_offset = offset [domain + ((level - 1)
+						       * wfa->states)] - width;
+			weight     = wfa->int_weight [state][label][edge];
+			if (width == 1)	/* can't add two-pixels in a row */
+			{
+			   word_t   *dst;
+			   unsigned  dst_offset;
+			   dst        = range;
+			   dst_offset = offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					- width;
+			   *dst++ += ((weight * (int) *src++) >> 10) << 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   *dst++ += ((weight * (int) *src++) / 1024) * 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   if (height == 2) 
+			   {
+			      src += src_offset;
+			      dst += dst_offset;
+			      *dst++ += ((weight * (int) *src++) >> 10) << 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			      *dst++ += ((weight * (int) *src++) / 1024) * 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   }
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			   int 	    *idst;
+			   unsigned  idst_offset;
+			   unsigned  y;
+			   idst        = (int *) range;
+			   idst_offset = (offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					  - width) / 2;
+			   for (y = height; y; y--)
+			   {
+			      int *comp_dst = idst + (width >> 1);
+			      for (; idst != comp_dst;)
+ 			      {
+				 int tmp; /* temp. value of adjacent pixels */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [1]) >> 10) << 17)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [0]) >> 9)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int)src [0]) >> 10) << 17)
+				       | (((weight * (int)src [1]) >> 9)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	endif /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [1]) / 1024)
+					* 131072)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [0])/ 512)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	else /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+                                 tmp = (((weight * (int) src [0]) / 1024)
+					* 131072)
+				       | (((weight * (int) src [1])/ 512)
+					  & 0xfffe);
+#	endif /* not WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+				 src +=  2;
+				 *idst = (*idst + tmp) & 0xfffefffe;
+				 idst++;
+			      }
+			      src  += src_offset;
+			      idst += idst_offset;
+			   }
+			}
+		     }
+		     else
+		     {
+			int weight = (int) (wfa->weight[state][label][edge]
+					    * wfa->final_distribution[0]
+					    * 8 + .5) * 2;
+			/*
+			 *  Range needs domain 0
+			 *  (the constant function f(x, y) = 1),
+			 *  hence a faster algorithm is used.
+			 */
+			if (width == 1)	/* can't add two-pixels in a row */
+			{
+			   word_t   *dst;
+			   unsigned  dst_offset;
+			   dst        = range;
+			   dst_offset = offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					- width;
+			   *dst++ += weight;
+			   if (height == 2)
+			   {
+			      dst    += dst_offset;
+			      *dst++ += weight;
+			   }
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			   int 	    *idst;
+			   unsigned  idst_offset;
+			   unsigned  y;
+			   weight      = (weight * 65536) | (weight & 0xffff);
+			   idst	       = (int *) range;
+			   idst_offset = (offset [state + level * wfa->states]
+					  - width) /2;
+			   for (y = height; y; y--)
+			   {
+			      int *comp_dst = idst + (width >> 1);
+			      for (; idst != comp_dst; )
+			      {
+				 *idst = (*idst + weight) & 0xfffefffe;
+                                 idst++;
+			      }
+			      idst += idst_offset;
+			   }
+			}
+		     }
+		  }
+	       } 
+   }
+static word_t *
+duplicate_state_image (const word_t *domain, unsigned offset, unsigned level)
+ *  Allocate new memory block 'pixels' and copy pixel values of 'domain' 
+ *  (size and pixel offset are given by 'level' and 'offset')
+ *  to the lock 'pixels'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new domain block
+ */
+   word_t *dst, *pixels;
+   int	   y, n;
+   dst = pixels = Calloc (size_of_level (level), sizeof (word_t));
+   if (domain)
+      for (y = height_of_level (level); y; y--)
+      {
+	 memcpy (dst, domain, width_of_level (level) * sizeof (word_t));
+	 dst    += width_of_level (level);
+	 domain += offset;
+      }
+   else					/* state 0 */
+      for (n = size_of_level (level); n; n--)
+	 *dst++ = (int) (128 * 8 + .5) * 2;
+   return pixels;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cd211e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/decoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ *  decode.h
+ *		
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/22 10:44:48 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.3 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _DECODE_H
+#define _DECODE_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+typedef struct video
+   unsigned  future_display;		/* number of a future frame */
+   unsigned  display;			/* current display number */
+   image_t  *frame;			/* current frame */
+   image_t  *sframe;			/* current smoothed frame */
+   image_t  *future;			/* future reference */
+   image_t  *sfuture;			/* future (smmothed) reference */
+   image_t  *past ;			/* past reference */
+   wfa_t    *wfa;			/* current wfa */
+   wfa_t    *wfa_future;		/* future wfa */
+   wfa_t    *wfa_past;			/* past wfa */
+} video_t;
+typedef struct dectimer
+   unsigned int	input [3];
+   unsigned int	preprocessing [3];
+   unsigned int	decoder [3];
+   unsigned int	cleanup [3];
+   unsigned int	motion [3];
+   unsigned int	smooth [3];
+   unsigned int	display [3];
+   unsigned int	frames [3];
+} dectimer_t;
+image_t *
+get_next_frame (bool_t store_wfa, int enlarge_factor,
+		int smoothing, const char *reference_frame,
+		format_e format, video_t *video, dectimer_t *timer,
+		wfa_t *orig_wfa, bitfile_t *input);
+image_t *
+decode_image (unsigned orig_width, unsigned orig_height, format_e format,
+	      unsigned *dec_timer, const wfa_t *wfa);
+word_t *
+decode_range (unsigned range_state, unsigned range_label, unsigned range_level,
+	      word_t **domain, wfa_t *wfa);
+image_t *
+decode_state (unsigned state, unsigned level, wfa_t *wfa);
+smooth_image (unsigned sf, const wfa_t *wfa, image_t *image);
+video_t *
+alloc_video (bool_t store_wfa);
+free_video (video_t *video);
+#endif /* not _DECODE_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cdfc672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.c
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ *  dfiasco.c:		Decoder public interface
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/28 17:39:30 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.7 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "dfiasco.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "bit-io.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+				prototypes
+static dfiasco_t *
+cast_dfiasco (fiasco_decoder_t *dfiasco);
+static void
+free_dfiasco (dfiasco_t *dfiasco);
+static dfiasco_t *
+alloc_dfiasco (wfa_t *wfa, video_t *video, bitfile_t *input,
+	       int enlarge_factor, int smoothing, format_e image_format);
+				public code
+fiasco_decoder_t *
+fiasco_decoder_new (const char *filename, const fiasco_d_options_t *options)
+   try
+   {
+      bitfile_t        	 *input;	/* pointer to WFA FIASCO stream */
+      wfa_t            	 *wfa;		/* wfa structure */
+      video_t          	 *video;	/* information about decoder state */
+      const d_options_t  *dop;		/* decoder additional options */
+      dfiasco_t	       	 *dfiasco;	/* decoder internal state */
+      fiasco_decoder_t 	 *decoder;	/* public interface to decoder */
+      fiasco_d_options_t *default_options = NULL;
+      if (options)
+      {
+	 dop = cast_d_options ((fiasco_d_options_t *) options);
+	 if (!dop)
+	    return NULL;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 default_options = fiasco_d_options_new ();
+	 dop 		 = cast_d_options (default_options);
+      }
+      wfa   = alloc_wfa (NO);
+      video = alloc_video (NO);
+      input = open_wfa (filename, wfa->wfainfo);
+      read_basis (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name, wfa);
+      decoder 	       	   = Calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_decoder_t));
+      decoder->delete  	   = fiasco_decoder_delete;
+      decoder->write_frame = fiasco_decoder_write_frame;
+      decoder->get_frame   = fiasco_decoder_get_frame;
+      decoder->get_length  = fiasco_decoder_get_length;
+      decoder->get_rate    = fiasco_decoder_get_rate;
+      decoder->get_width   = fiasco_decoder_get_width;
+      decoder->get_height  = fiasco_decoder_get_height;
+      decoder->get_title   = fiasco_decoder_get_title;
+      decoder->get_comment = fiasco_decoder_get_comment;
+      decoder->is_color    = fiasco_decoder_is_color;
+      decoder->private = dfiasco
+		       = alloc_dfiasco (wfa, video, input,
+					dop->magnification,
+					dop->smoothing,
+					dop->image_format);
+      if (default_options)
+	 fiasco_d_options_delete (default_options);
+      if (dfiasco->enlarge_factor >= 0)
+      {
+	 int 	       n;
+	 unsigned long pixels = wfa->wfainfo->width * wfa->wfainfo->height;
+	 for (n = 1; n <= (int) dfiasco->enlarge_factor; n++)
+	 {
+	    if (pixels << (n << 1) > 2048 * 2048)
+	    {
+	       set_error (_("Magnifaction factor `%d' is too large. "
+			    "Maximium value is %d."),
+			  dfiasco->enlarge_factor, max (0, n - 1));
+	       fiasco_decoder_delete (decoder);
+	       return NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 int n;
+	 for (n = 0; n <= (int) - dfiasco->enlarge_factor; n++)
+	 {
+	    if (wfa->wfainfo->width >> n < 32
+		|| wfa->wfainfo->height >> n < 32)
+	    {
+	       set_error (_("Magnifaction factor `%d' is too small. "
+			    "Minimum value is %d."),
+			  dfiasco->enlarge_factor, - max (0, n - 1));
+	       fiasco_decoder_delete (decoder);
+	       return NULL;
+	    }
+	 }
+      }
+      return (fiasco_decoder_t *) decoder;
+   }
+   catch
+   {
+      return NULL;
+   }
+fiasco_decoder_write_frame (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder,
+			    const char *filename)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+   {
+      try
+      {
+	 image_t *frame = get_next_frame (NO, dfiasco->enlarge_factor,
+					  dfiasco->smoothing, NULL,
+					  FORMAT_4_4_4, dfiasco->video, NULL,
+					  dfiasco->wfa, dfiasco->input);
+	 write_image (filename, frame);
+      }
+      catch
+      {
+	 return 0;
+      }
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_image_t *
+fiasco_decoder_get_frame (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return NULL;
+   else
+   {
+      try
+      {
+	 fiasco_image_t *image = Calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_image_t));
+	 image_t 	*frame = get_next_frame (NO, dfiasco->enlarge_factor,
+						 dfiasco->smoothing, NULL,
+						 dfiasco->image_format,
+						 dfiasco->video, NULL,
+						 dfiasco->wfa, dfiasco->input);
+	 frame->reference_count++;	/* for motion compensation */
+	 image->private    = frame;
+	 image->delete     = fiasco_image_delete;
+	 image->get_width  = fiasco_image_get_width;
+	 image->get_height = fiasco_image_get_height;
+	 image->is_color   = fiasco_image_is_color;
+	 return image;
+      }
+      catch
+      {
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+   }
+fiasco_decoder_get_length (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+      return dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->frames;
+fiasco_decoder_get_rate (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+      return dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->fps;
+fiasco_decoder_get_width (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned width;
+      if (dfiasco->enlarge_factor >= 0)
+	 width = dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->width << dfiasco->enlarge_factor;
+      else
+	 width = dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->width >> - dfiasco->enlarge_factor;
+      return width & 1 ? width + 1 : width;
+   }
+fiasco_decoder_get_height (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+   {
+      unsigned height;
+      if (dfiasco->enlarge_factor >= 0)
+	 height = dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->height << dfiasco->enlarge_factor;
+      else
+	 height = dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->height >> - dfiasco->enlarge_factor;
+      return height & 1 ? height + 1 : height;
+   }
+const char *
+fiasco_decoder_get_title (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return NULL;
+   else
+      return dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->title;
+const char *
+fiasco_decoder_get_comment (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return NULL;
+   else
+      return dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->comment;
+fiasco_decoder_is_color (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 0;
+   else
+      return dfiasco->wfa->wfainfo->color;
+fiasco_decoder_delete (fiasco_decoder_t *decoder)
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = cast_dfiasco (decoder);
+   if (!dfiasco)
+      return 1;
+   try
+   {
+      free_wfa (dfiasco->wfa);
+      free_video (dfiasco->video);
+      close_bitfile (dfiasco->input);
+      strcpy (dfiasco->id, " ");
+      free_dfiasco(dfiasco);
+      Free (decoder);
+   }
+   catch
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   return 1;
+				private code
+static dfiasco_t *
+alloc_dfiasco (wfa_t *wfa, video_t *video, bitfile_t *input,
+	       int enlarge_factor, int smoothing, format_e image_format)
+ *  FIASCO decoder constructor:
+ *  Initialize decoder structure.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new decoder structure
+ */
+   dfiasco_t *dfiasco = Calloc (1, sizeof (dfiasco_t));
+   strcpy (dfiasco->id, "DFIASCO");
+   dfiasco->wfa 	   = wfa;
+   dfiasco->video 	   = video;
+   dfiasco->input 	   = input;
+   dfiasco->enlarge_factor = enlarge_factor;
+   dfiasco->smoothing  	   = smoothing;
+   dfiasco->image_format   = image_format;
+   return dfiasco;
+static void
+free_dfiasco (dfiasco_t *dfiasco)
+ *  FIASCO decoder destructor:
+ *  Free memory of given 'decoder' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'video' struct is discarded.
+ */
+   Free (dfiasco);
+static dfiasco_t *
+cast_dfiasco (fiasco_decoder_t *dfiasco)
+ *  Cast pointer `dfiasco' to type dfiasco_t.
+ *  Check whether `dfiasco' is a valid object of type dfiasco_t.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to dfiasco_t struct on success
+ *      NULL otherwise
+ */
+   dfiasco_t *this = (dfiasco_t *) dfiasco->private;
+   if (this)
+   {
+      if (!streq (this->id, "DFIASCO"))
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Parameter `dfiasco' doesn't match required type."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "dfiasco");
+   }
+   return this;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcc3c7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/dfiasco.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ *  dfiasco.h
+ *		
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/07/15 18:00:53 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.2 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _DFIASCO_H
+#define _DFIASCO_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "bit-io.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+typedef struct dfiasco
+   char       id [8];
+   wfa_t     *wfa;
+   video_t   *video;
+   bitfile_t *input;
+   int	      enlarge_factor;
+   int        smoothing;
+   format_e   image_format;
+} dfiasco_t;
+#endif /* not _DFIASCO_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09f854a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+ *  domain-pool.c:  Domain pool management (probability model)
+ *
+ *  Written by:     Ullrich Hafner
+ *      
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#   include <stdlib.h>
+#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
+#   include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#   include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+ *  Domain pool model interface:
+ *  Implementing the domain pool model interface requires the
+ *  following steps: 
+ *  - Add a constructor that initializes the domain_pool_t structure
+ *  - Allocate new model with default_alloc() 
+ *  - Fill the dp_array_t domain_pools array with constructor and name
+ *  - Write code for methods bits() and generate()
+ *  - Either use default functions for remaining methods or override them
+ *  The new model is automatically registered at the command line.
+ */
+                  local variables
+static real_t *matrix_0 = NULL;
+static real_t *matrix_1 = NULL;
+                        non-adaptive domain pool
+static void
+qac_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static bool_t
+qac_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static void
+qac_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static real_t
+qac_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+          unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model);
+static word_t *
+qac_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+              const void *model);
+static void *
+qac_model_duplicate (const void *src);
+static void
+qac_model_free (void *model);
+static void *
+qac_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains);
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_qac_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                       const wfa_t *wfa);
+              run length encoding pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_rle_no_chroma_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                                 const wfa_t *wfa);
+static void
+rle_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static bool_t
+rle_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static void
+rle_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static real_t
+rle_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+          unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model);
+static word_t *
+rle_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+              const void *model);
+static void *
+rle_model_duplicate (const void *src);
+static void
+rle_model_free (void *model);
+static void *
+rle_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains);
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_rle_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                       const wfa_t *wfa);
+              const domain pool
+static real_t
+const_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model);
+static word_t *
+const_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+                const void *model);
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_const_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                         const wfa_t *wfa);
+              basis domain pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_basis_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                         const wfa_t *wfa);
+              uniform distribution pool
+static real_t
+uniform_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+              unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+              const void *model);
+static word_t *
+uniform_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+                  const void *model);
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_uniform_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                           const wfa_t *wfa);
+              default functions
+static void
+init_matrix_probabilities (void);
+static void
+default_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static bool_t
+default_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level,
+                const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static void
+default_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+                unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+static void
+default_free (domain_pool_t *pool);
+static void
+default_model_free (void *model);
+static void *
+default_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains);
+static void *
+default_model_duplicate (const void *src);
+static domain_pool_t *
+default_alloc (void);
+                public code
+typedef struct dp_array
+    const char       *identifier;
+    domain_pool_t *(*function) (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                                const wfa_t *wfa);
+} dp_array_t;
+dp_array_t const domain_pools[] = {{"adaptive", alloc_qac_domain_pool},
+                                   {"constant",   alloc_const_domain_pool}, 
+                                   {"basis",      alloc_basis_domain_pool},
+                                   {"uniform",    alloc_uniform_domain_pool},
+                                   {"rle",        alloc_rle_domain_pool},
+                                   {"rle-no-chroma",  alloc_rle_no_chroma_domain_pool},
+                                   {NULL,     NULL}};
+domain_pool_t *
+alloc_domain_pool (const char *domain_pool_name, unsigned max_domains,
+                   unsigned max_edges, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Allocate a new domain pool identified by the string
+ *  'domain_pool_name'.  Maximum number of domain images (each one
+ *  represented by one state of the given 'wfa') is specified by
+ *  'max_domains'. 
+ * 
+ *  Return value:
+ *  pointer to the allocated domain pool
+ *
+ *  Note:
+ *      refer to 'domain-pool.h' for a short description of the member functions.
+ */
+    unsigned n;
+    if (!max_domains)
+    {
+        warning ("Can't generate empty domain pool. "
+                 "Using at least DC component.");
+        max_domains = 1;
+    }
+    for (n = 0; domain_pools [n].identifier; n++) /* step through all id's */
+        if (strcaseeq (domain_pools [n].identifier, domain_pool_name)) 
+            return domain_pools [n].function (max_domains, max_edges, wfa);
+    warning ("Can't initialize domain pool '%s'. Using default value '%s'.",
+             domain_pool_name, domain_pools [0].identifier);
+    return domain_pools [0].function (max_domains, max_edges, wfa);
+                private code
+              adaptive domain pool
+typedef struct qac_model
+    word_t   *index;         /* probability of domains */
+    word_t   *states;            /* mapping states -> domains */
+    u_word_t  y_index;           /* pointer to prob of Y domain */
+    u_word_t  n;             /* number of domains in the pool */
+    u_word_t  max_domains;       /* max. number of domains */
+} qac_model_t;
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_qac_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                       const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state images {0, ..., 'max_domains').
+ *  Underlying probability model: quasi arithmetic coding of columns.
+ */
+    domain_pool_t *pool;
+    unsigned   state;
+    pool                  = default_alloc ();
+    pool->model           = qac_model_alloc (max_domains);
+    pool->generate        = qac_generate;
+    pool->bits            = qac_bits;
+    pool->update          = qac_update;
+    pool->append          = qac_append;
+    pool->chroma      = qac_chroma;
+    pool->model_free      = qac_model_free;
+    pool->model_duplicate = qac_model_duplicate;
+    for (state = 0; state < wfa->basis_states; state++)
+        if (usedomain (state, wfa))
+            qac_append (state, -1, wfa, pool->model);
+    return pool;
+static void *
+qac_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains)
+    qac_model_t *model;
+    init_matrix_probabilities ();
+    model          = Calloc (1, sizeof (qac_model_t));
+    model->index       = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+    model->states      = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+    model->y_index     = 0;
+    model->n       = 0;
+    model->max_domains = max_domains;
+    return model;
+static void
+qac_model_free (void *model)
+    Free (((qac_model_t *) model)->index);
+    Free (((qac_model_t *) model)->states);
+    Free (model);
+static void *
+qac_model_duplicate (const void *src)
+    qac_model_t       *qdst;
+    const qac_model_t *qsrc = (qac_model_t *) src;
+    qdst      = qac_model_alloc (qsrc->max_domains);
+    qdst->y_index = qsrc->y_index;
+    qdst->n       = qsrc->n;
+    memcpy (qdst->index, qsrc->index, qsrc->n * sizeof (word_t));
+    memcpy (qdst->states, qsrc->states, qsrc->n * sizeof (word_t));
+    return qdst;
+static word_t *
+qac_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    word_t      *domains;
+    unsigned n;
+    qac_model_t *qac_model     = (qac_model_t *) model;
+    bool_t   y_state_is_domain = NO;
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    domains = Calloc (qac_model->n + 2, sizeof (word_t));
+    memcpy (domains, qac_model->states, qac_model->n * sizeof (word_t));
+    for (n = 0; n < qac_model->n; n++)
+        if (domains [n] == y_state)   /* match */
+            y_state_is_domain = YES;       
+    if (y_state_is_domain)
+        domains [qac_model->n] = -1;  /* end marker */
+    else
+    {
+        domains [qac_model->n]     = y_state; /* additional y-state */
+        domains [qac_model->n + 1] = -1;  /* end marker */
+    }
+    return domains;
+static real_t
+qac_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+          unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    int      domain;         /* counter */
+    real_t   bits      = 0;      /* bit rate R */
+    qac_model_t *qac_model = (qac_model_t *) model; /* probability model */
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    for (domain = 0; domain < qac_model->n; domain++)
+        if (qac_model->states [domain] != y_state)
+            bits += matrix_0 [qac_model->index [domain]];
+    if (y_state >= 0)
+        bits += matrix_0 [qac_model->y_index];
+    if (used_domains != NULL)
+    {
+        unsigned edge;
+        for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = used_domains [edge]); edge++)
+            if (domains [domain] == y_state)
+            {
+                bits -= matrix_0 [qac_model->y_index];
+                bits += matrix_1 [qac_model->y_index];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                bits -= matrix_0 [qac_model->index [domain]];
+                bits += matrix_1 [qac_model->index [domain]];
+            }
+    } 
+    return bits;
+static void
+qac_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    int      domain;
+    unsigned edge;
+    bool_t   used_y_state      = NO;
+    qac_model_t *qac_model     = (qac_model_t *) model;
+    bool_t   y_state_is_domain = NO;
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    for (domain = 0; domain < qac_model->n; domain++)
+    {
+        qac_model->index [domain]++;  /* mark domains unused. */
+        if (qac_model->states [domain] == y_state) /* match */
+            y_state_is_domain = YES;       
+    }
+    for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = used_domains [edge]); edge++)
+        if (domains [domain] == y_state) /* chroma coding */
+        {
+            if (y_state_is_domain)
+                qac_model->index [domain]--; /* undo */
+            qac_model->y_index >>= 1;
+            used_y_state = YES;
+        }
+        else              /* luminance coding */
+        {
+            qac_model->index [used_domains [edge]]--; /* undo */
+            qac_model->index [used_domains [edge]] >>= 1;      
+        }
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !used_y_state)
+        qac_model->y_index++;     /* update y-state model */
+    for (domain = 0; domain < qac_model->n; domain++)
+        if (qac_model->index [domain] > 1020) /* check for overflow */
+            qac_model->index [domain] = 1020; 
+    if (qac_model->y_index > 1020)   /* check for overflow */
+        qac_model->y_index = 1020; 
+static bool_t
+qac_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    qac_model_t  *qac_model = (qac_model_t *) model; /* probability model */
+    if (qac_model->n >= qac_model->max_domains)
+        return NO;            /* don't use state in domain pool */
+    else
+    {
+        qac_model->index [qac_model->n]
+            = qac_model->n > 0 ? qac_model->index [qac_model->n - 1] : 0;
+        qac_model->states [qac_model->n] = new_state;
+        qac_model->n++;
+        return YES;           /* state will be used in domain pool */
+    }
+static void
+qac_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    qac_model_t *qac_model = (qac_model_t *) model; /* probability model */
+    if (max_domains < qac_model->n)  /* choose most probable domains */
+    {
+        word_t   *domains;
+        unsigned  n, new, old;
+        word_t   *states = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+        word_t   *index  = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+        domains = compute_hits (wfa->basis_states, wfa->states - 1,
+                                max_domains, wfa);
+        for (n = 0; n < max_domains && domains [n] >= 0; n++)
+            states [n] = domains [n];
+        max_domains = min (max_domains, n);
+        Free (domains);
+        for (old = 0, new = 0; new < max_domains && old < qac_model->n; old++)
+            if (qac_model->states [old] == states [new])
+                index [new++] = qac_model->index [old];
+        Free (qac_model->states);
+        Free (qac_model->index);
+        qac_model->states      = states;
+        qac_model->index       = index;
+        qac_model->n           = max_domains;
+        qac_model->max_domains = max_domains;
+    }
+    qac_model->y_index     = 0;
+    qac_model->max_domains = qac_model->n;
+              const domain pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_const_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                         const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state image 0 (constant function f(x, y) = 1).
+ *  No probability model is used.
+ */
+    domain_pool_t *pool;
+    pool           = default_alloc ();   
+    pool->generate = const_generate;
+    pool->bits     = const_bits;
+    return pool;
+static word_t *
+const_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+                const void *model)
+    word_t *domains = Calloc (2, sizeof (word_t));
+    domains [0] = 0;
+    domains [1] = -1;
+    return domains;
+static real_t
+const_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    return 0;                /* 0 bits,
+                                either we have a lc or not */
+                basis domain pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_basis_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                         const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state images {0, ..., 'basis_states' - 1).
+ *  Underlying probability model: quasi arithmetic coding of columns.
+ *  I.e. domain pool = qac_domainpool ('max_domains' == wfa->basis_states)
+ */
+    return alloc_qac_domain_pool (wfa->basis_states, max_edges, wfa);
+              uniform-distribution pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_uniform_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                           const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state images {0, ..., 'max_domains').
+ *  Underlying probability model: uniform distribution.
+ */
+    domain_pool_t *pool;
+    pool           = default_alloc ();   
+    pool->generate = uniform_generate;
+    pool->bits     = uniform_bits;
+    return pool;
+static word_t *
+uniform_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+                  const void *model)
+    unsigned  state, n;
+    word_t   *domains = Calloc (wfa->states + 1, sizeof (word_t));
+    for (state = 0, n = 0; state < wfa->states; state++)
+        if (usedomain (state, wfa))
+            domains [n++] = state;
+    domains [n] = -1;
+    return domains;
+static real_t
+uniform_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+              unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    unsigned state, n;
+    real_t   bits = 0;
+    for (state = 0, n = 0; state < wfa->states; state++)
+        if (usedomain (state, wfa))
+            n++;
+    bits = - n * log2 ((n - 1) / (real_t) n);
+    if (used_domains != NULL)
+    {
+        int edge;
+        for (edge = 0; isedge (used_domains [edge]); edge++)
+            bits -= log2 (1.0 / n);
+    }
+    return bits;
+              run length encoding pool
+typedef struct rle_model
+    word_t   count [MAXEDGES + 1];
+    u_word_t total;
+    u_word_t n;
+    u_word_t max_domains;
+    u_word_t y_index;        /* pointer to prob of Y domain */
+    word_t      *states;         /* mapping states -> domains */
+    qac_model_t *domain_0;
+} rle_model_t;
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_rle_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                       const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state images {0, ..., 'max_domains').
+ *  Underlying probability model: rle 
+ */
+    domain_pool_t *pool;
+    unsigned   state;
+    pool                  = default_alloc ();    
+    pool->model           = rle_model_alloc (max_domains);
+    pool->model_free      = rle_model_free;
+    pool->model_duplicate = rle_model_duplicate;
+    pool->generate        = rle_generate;
+    pool->update          = rle_update;
+    pool->bits            = rle_bits;
+    pool->append          = rle_append;
+    pool->chroma          = rle_chroma;
+    for (state = 0; state < wfa->basis_states; state++)
+        if (usedomain (state, wfa))
+            rle_append (state, -1, wfa, pool->model);
+    return pool;
+static void *
+rle_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains)
+    unsigned m;
+    rle_model_t *model = Calloc (1, sizeof (rle_model_t));
+    for (m = model->total = 0; m < MAXEDGES + 1; m++, model->total++)
+        model->count [m] = 1;
+    model->domain_0    = qac_model_alloc (1);
+    model->states      = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+    model->n       = 0;
+    model->y_index     = 0;
+    model->max_domains = max_domains;
+    return model;
+static void
+rle_model_free (void *model)
+    qac_model_free (((rle_model_t *) model)->domain_0);
+    Free (((rle_model_t *) model)->states);
+    Free (model);
+static void *
+rle_model_duplicate (const void *src)
+    const rle_model_t *rle_src = (rle_model_t *) src;
+    rle_model_t       *model   = Calloc (1, sizeof (rle_model_t));
+    model->domain_0    = qac_model_duplicate (rle_src->domain_0);
+    model->n       = rle_src->n;
+    model->max_domains = rle_src->max_domains;
+    model->states      = Calloc (model->max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+    model->total       = rle_src->total;
+    model->y_index     = rle_src->y_index;
+    memcpy (model->states, rle_src->states,
+            model->max_domains * sizeof (word_t));
+    memcpy (model->count, rle_src->count,
+            (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (word_t));
+    return model;
+static word_t *
+rle_generate (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    word_t      *domains;
+    unsigned n;
+    rle_model_t *rle_model     = (rle_model_t *) model;
+    bool_t   y_state_is_domain = NO;
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    domains = Calloc (rle_model->n + 2, sizeof (word_t));
+    memcpy (domains, rle_model->states, rle_model->n * sizeof (word_t));
+    for (n = 0; n < rle_model->n; n++)
+        if (domains [n] == y_state)   /* match */
+            y_state_is_domain = YES;       
+    if (y_state_is_domain)
+        domains [rle_model->n] = -1;  /* end marker */
+    else
+    {
+        domains [rle_model->n]     = y_state; /* additional y-state */
+        domains [rle_model->n + 1] = -1;  /* end marker */
+    }
+    return domains;
+static real_t
+rle_bits (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+          unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, const void *model)
+    unsigned edge;
+    unsigned n     = 0;
+    real_t   bits      = 0;
+    word_t   sorted [MAXEDGES + 1];
+    rle_model_t *rle_model = (rle_model_t *) model;
+    unsigned last;
+    int      into;
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    if (used_domains)
+    {
+        word_t domain;
+        if (y_state >= 0)
+            bits += matrix_0 [rle_model->y_index];
+        for (edge = n = 0; isedge (domain = used_domains [edge]); edge++)
+            if (domains [domain] != y_state)
+                sorted [n++] = used_domains [edge];
+            else
+            {
+                bits -= matrix_0 [rle_model->y_index];
+                bits += matrix_1 [rle_model->y_index];
+            }
+        if (n > 1)
+            qsort (sorted, n, sizeof (word_t), sort_asc_word);
+    }
+    bits = - log2 (rle_model->count [n] / (real_t) rle_model->total);
+    if (used_domains && n && sorted [0] == 0)
+    {
+        word_t array0 [2] = {0, NO_EDGE};
+        bits += qac_bits (array0, array0, level, y_state, wfa, rle_model->domain_0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        word_t array0 [2] = {NO_EDGE};
+        bits += qac_bits (array0, array0, level, y_state, wfa, rle_model->domain_0);
+    }
+    last = 1;
+    for (edge = 0; edge < n; edge++)
+        if ((into = sorted [edge]) && rle_model->n - 1 - last)
+        {
+            bits += bits_bin_code (into - last, rle_model->n - 1 - last);
+            last  = into + 1;
+        }
+    return bits;
+static void
+rle_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+            unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    rle_model_t *rle_model  = (rle_model_t *) model;
+    bool_t   state_0    = NO, state_y = NO;
+    word_t   array0 [2] = {0, NO_EDGE};
+    unsigned     edge = 0;
+    if (y_state >= 0 && !usedomain (y_state, wfa)) /* don't use y-state */
+        y_state = -1;
+    if (used_domains)
+    {
+        word_t   domain;
+        for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = used_domains [edge]); edge++)
+            if (domains [domain] == 0)
+                state_0 = YES;
+            else if (domains [domain] == y_state)
+                state_y = YES;
+    }
+    rle_model->count [edge]++;
+    rle_model->total++;
+    qac_update (array0, array0 + (state_0 ? 0 : 1), level, y_state, wfa,
+                rle_model->domain_0);
+    if (state_y)
+        rle_model->y_index >>= 1;
+    else
+        rle_model->y_index++;
+    if (rle_model->y_index > 1020)   /* check for overflow */
+        rle_model->y_index = 1020; 
+static bool_t
+rle_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    rle_model_t *rle_model = (rle_model_t *) model; /* probability model */
+    if (rle_model->n >= rle_model->max_domains)
+        return NO;            /* don't use state in domain pool */
+    else
+    {
+        rle_model->states [rle_model->n] = new_state;
+        rle_model->n++;
+        if (new_state == 0)
+        {
+            assert (rle_model->n == 1);
+            qac_append (0, -1, wfa, rle_model->domain_0);
+        }
+        return YES;           /* state will be used in domain pool */
+    }
+static void
+rle_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    rle_model_t *rle_model = (rle_model_t *) model; /* probability model */
+    if (max_domains < rle_model->n)  /* choose most probable domains */
+    {
+        unsigned  n;
+        word_t   *states  = Calloc (max_domains, sizeof (word_t));
+        word_t   *domains = compute_hits (wfa->basis_states, wfa->states - 1,
+                                          max_domains, wfa);
+        for (n = 0; n < max_domains && domains [n] >= 0; n++)
+            states [n] = domains [n];
+        assert (states [0] == 0);
+        max_domains = min (max_domains, n);
+        Free (domains);
+        Free (rle_model->states);
+        rle_model->states = states;
+        rle_model->n      = max_domains;
+    }
+    rle_model->y_index     = 0;
+    rle_model->max_domains = rle_model->n;
+         run length encoding pool no special chroma pool
+static domain_pool_t *
+alloc_rle_no_chroma_domain_pool (unsigned max_domains, unsigned max_edges,
+                                 const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Domain pool with state images {0, ..., 'max_domains').
+ *  Underlying probability model: rle 
+ *  Domain pool is not changed for chroma bands
+ */
+    domain_pool_t *pool = alloc_rle_domain_pool (max_domains, max_edges, wfa);
+    pool->chroma = default_chroma;
+    return pool;
+              default functions (see domain-pool.h)
+static domain_pool_t *
+default_alloc (void)
+    domain_pool_t *pool;
+    pool                  = Calloc (1, sizeof (domain_pool_t));
+    pool->model           = default_model_alloc(0);
+    pool->generate        = NULL;
+    pool->bits            = NULL;
+    pool->update          = default_update;
+    pool->append          = default_append;
+    pool->chroma          = default_chroma;
+    pool->free            = default_free;
+    pool->model_free      = default_model_free;
+    pool->model_duplicate = default_model_duplicate;
+    return pool;
+static void *
+default_model_duplicate (const void *src)
+    return NULL;
+static void *
+default_model_alloc (unsigned max_domains)
+    return NULL;
+static void
+default_model_free (void *model)
+    if (model)
+        Free (model);
+static void
+default_free (domain_pool_t *pool)
+    pool->model_free (pool->model);
+    Free (pool);
+static void
+default_update (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+                unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    return;              /* nothing to do */
+static bool_t
+default_append (unsigned new_state, unsigned level,
+                const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    return YES;              /* use every state in lin comb */
+static void
+default_chroma (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model)
+    return;              /* don't alter domain pool */
+static void
+init_matrix_probabilities (void)
+ *  Compute the information contents of matrix element '0' and '1' for
+ *  each possible probability index 0, ... ,  1023. These values are
+ *  obtained from the probability model in the quasi arithmetic
+ *  coding module.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *  local arrays matrix_0 and matrix_1 are initialized if not already done.
+ */
+    if (matrix_0 == NULL || matrix_1 == NULL)
+    {
+        unsigned index;           
+        unsigned n, exp;
+        matrix_0 = Calloc (1 << (MAX_PROB + 1), sizeof (real_t));
+        matrix_1 = Calloc (1 << (MAX_PROB + 1), sizeof (real_t));
+        for (index = 0, n = MIN_PROB; n <= MAX_PROB; n++)
+            for (exp = 0; exp < (unsigned) 1 << n; exp++, index++)
+            {
+                matrix_1 [index] = -log2 (1 / (real_t) (1 << n));
+                matrix_0 [index] = -log2 (1 - 1 / (real_t) (1 << n));
+            }
+    }
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1488779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/domain-pool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ *  domain-pool.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _DOMAIN_POOL_H
+#define _DOMAIN_POOL_H
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "types.h"
+typedef struct domain_pool
+   void	  *model;			/* probability model */
+   word_t *(*generate) (unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+			const void  *model);
+   /*
+    *  Generate set of domain images which may be used for an approximation.
+    *  Use parameters 'level', 'y_state' and 'wfa' to make the decision.
+    */
+   real_t (*bits) (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+		   unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+		   const void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Compute bit-rate of a range approximation with domains given by
+    *  the -1 terminated list 'used_domains'.
+    */
+   void	  (*update) (const word_t *domains, const word_t *used_domains,
+		     unsigned level, int y_state, const wfa_t *wfa,
+		     void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Update the probability model according to the chosen approximation.
+    *  (given by the -1 terminated list 'used_domains').
+    */
+   bool_t (*append) (unsigned state, unsigned level, const wfa_t *wfa,
+		     void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Try to append a new state to the domain pool.
+    */
+   void	  (*chroma) (unsigned max_domains, const wfa_t *wfa, void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Derive a new domain pool that will be used for chroma channel
+    *  coding 
+    */
+   void   (*free) (struct domain_pool *pool);
+   /*
+    *  Discard the given domain pool struct.
+    */
+   void   (*model_free)	(void *model);
+   /*
+    *  Free given probability model.
+    */
+   void   *(*model_duplicate) (const void *src);
+   /*
+    *  Duplicate the given probability model (i.e. alloc and copy).
+    */
+} domain_pool_t;
+domain_pool_t *
+alloc_domain_pool (const char *domain_pool_name, unsigned max_domains,
+		   unsigned max_edges, const wfa_t *wfa);
+#endif /* not _DOMAIN_POOL_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..caa97baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ *  ip.c:		Computation of inner products
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+				prototypes
+static real_t 
+standard_ip_image_state (unsigned address, unsigned level, unsigned domain,
+			 const coding_t *c);
+static real_t 
+standard_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
+			 const coding_t *c);
+				public code
+get_ip_image_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
+		    unsigned domain, const coding_t *c)
+ *  Return value:
+ *	Inner product between 'image' ('address') and
+ *      'domain' at given 'level' 
+ */
+   if (level <= c->options.images_level)
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Compute the inner product in the standard way by multiplying 
+       *  the pixel-values of the given domain and range image.
+       */ 
+      return standard_ip_image_state (address, level, domain, c);
+   }
+   else 
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Use the already computed inner products stored in 'ip_images_states'
+       */
+      return c->ip_images_state [domain][image];
+   }
+compute_ip_images_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
+			 unsigned n, unsigned from,
+			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Compute the inner products between all states
+ *  'from', ... , 'wfa->max_states' and the range images 'image'
+ *  (and childs) up to given level.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	inner product tables 'c->ip_images_states' are updated
+ */ 
+   if (level > c->options.images_level) 
+   {
+      unsigned state, label;
+      if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)	/* recursive computation */
+	 compute_ip_images_state (MAXLABELS * image + 1, address * MAXLABELS,
+				  level - 1, MAXLABELS * n, from, wfa, c);
+      /*
+       *  Compute inner product <f, Phi_i>
+       */
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 for (state = from; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	    {
+	       unsigned  edge, count;
+	       int     	 domain;
+	       real_t 	*dst, *src;
+	       if (ischild (domain = wfa->tree [state][label]))
+	       {
+		  if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)
+		  {
+		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
+		     src = c->ip_images_state [domain]
+			   + image * MAXLABELS + label + 1;
+		     for (count = n; count; count--, src += MAXLABELS)
+			*dst++ += *src;
+		  }
+		  else
+		  {
+		     unsigned newadr = address * MAXLABELS + label;
+		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
+		     for (count = n; count; count--, newadr += MAXLABELS)
+			*dst++ += standard_ip_image_state (newadr, level - 1,
+							   domain, c);
+		  }
+	       }
+	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into [state][label][edge]);
+		    edge++)
+	       {
+		  real_t weight = wfa->weight [state][label][edge];
+		  if (level > c->options.images_level + 1)
+		  {
+		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
+		     src = c->ip_images_state [domain]
+			   + image * MAXLABELS + label + 1;
+		     for (count = n; count; count--, src += MAXLABELS)
+			*dst++ += *src * weight;
+		  }
+		  else
+		  {
+		     unsigned newadr = address * MAXLABELS + label;
+		     dst = c->ip_images_state [state] + image;
+		     for (count = n; count; count--, newadr += MAXLABELS)
+			*dst++ += weight *
+				  standard_ip_image_state (newadr, level - 1,
+							   domain, c);
+		  }
+	       }
+	    }
+   }
+get_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
+		    const coding_t *c)
+ *  Return value:
+ *	Inner product between 'domain1' and 'domain2' at given 'level'.
+ */
+   if (level <= c->options.images_level)
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Compute the inner product in the standard way by multiplying 
+       *  the pixel-values of both state-images
+       */ 
+      return standard_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2, level, c);
+   }
+   else 
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Use already computed inner products stored in 'ip_images_states'
+       */
+      if (domain2 < domain1)
+	 return c->ip_states_state [domain1][level][domain2];
+      else
+	 return c->ip_states_state [domain2][level][domain1];
+   }
+compute_ip_states_state (unsigned from, unsigned to,
+			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Computes the inner products between the current state 'state1' and the
+ *  old states 0,...,'state1'-1
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	inner product tables 'c->ip_states_state' are computed.
+ */ 
+   unsigned level;
+   unsigned state1, state2;
+   /*
+    *  Compute inner product <Phi_state1, Phi_state2>
+    */
+   for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
+      for (state1 = from; state1 <= to; state1++)
+	 for (state2 = 0; state2 <= state1; state2++) 
+	    if (need_image (state2, wfa))
+	    {
+	       unsigned	label;
+	       real_t	ip = 0;
+	       for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	       {
+		  int	   domain1, domain2;
+		  unsigned edge1, edge2;
+		  real_t   sum, weight2;
+		  if (ischild (domain1 = wfa->tree [state1][label]))
+		  {
+		     sum = 0;
+		     if (ischild (domain2 = wfa->tree [state2][label]))
+			sum = get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
+						  level - 1, c);
+		     for (edge2 = 0;
+			  isedge (domain2 = wfa->into [state2][label][edge2]);
+			  edge2++)
+		     {
+			weight2 = wfa->weight [state2][label][edge2];
+			sum += weight2 * get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
+							     level - 1, c);
+		     }
+		     ip += sum;
+		  }
+		  for (edge1 = 0;
+		       isedge (domain1 = wfa->into [state1][label][edge1]);
+		       edge1++)
+		  {
+		     real_t weight1 = wfa->weight [state1][label][edge1];
+		     sum = 0;
+		     if (ischild (domain2 = wfa->tree [state2][label]))
+			sum = get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
+						  level - 1, c);
+		     for (edge2 = 0;
+			  isedge (domain2 = wfa->into [state2][label][edge2]);
+			  edge2++)
+		     {
+			weight2 = wfa->weight [state2][label][edge2];
+			sum += weight2 * get_ip_state_state (domain1, domain2,
+							     level - 1, c);
+		     }
+		     ip += weight1 * sum;
+		  }
+	       }
+	       c->ip_states_state [state1][level][state2] = ip;
+	    }
+				private code
+static real_t 
+standard_ip_image_state (unsigned address, unsigned level, unsigned domain,
+			 const coding_t *c)
+ *  Returns the inner product between the subimage 'address' and the
+ *  state image 'domain' at given 'level'.  The stored state images
+ *  and the image tree are used to compute the inner product in the
+ *  standard way by multiplying the corresponding pixel values.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	computed inner product
+ */
+   unsigned i;
+   real_t   ip = 0, *imageptr, *stateptr;
+   if (level > c->options.images_level)
+      error ("Level %d not supported.", level);
+   imageptr = &c->pixels [address * size_of_level (level)];
+   stateptr = c->images_of_state [domain] + address_of_level (level);
+   for (i = size_of_level (level); i; i--)
+      ip += *imageptr++ * *stateptr++;
+   return ip;
+static real_t 
+standard_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
+			 const coding_t *c)
+ *  Returns the inner product between the subimage 'address' and the
+ *  state image 'state' at given 'level'.  The stored state images are
+ *  used to compute the inner product in the standard way by
+ *  multiplying the corresponding pixel values.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	computed inner product
+ */
+   unsigned i;
+   real_t   ip = 0, *state1ptr, *state2ptr;
+   if (level > c->options.images_level)
+      error ("Level %d not supported.", level);
+   state1ptr = c->images_of_state [domain1] + address_of_level (level);
+   state2ptr = c->images_of_state [domain2] + address_of_level (level);
+   for (i = size_of_level (level); i; i--)
+      ip += *state1ptr++ * *state2ptr++;
+   return ip;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5e4dd65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/ip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ *  ip.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _IP_H
+#define _IP_H
+#include "cwfa.h"
+compute_ip_states_state (unsigned from, unsigned to,
+			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+get_ip_state_state (unsigned domain1, unsigned domain2, unsigned level,
+		    const coding_t *c);
+compute_ip_images_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
+			 unsigned n, unsigned from,
+			 const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+get_ip_image_state (unsigned image, unsigned address, unsigned level,
+		    unsigned domain, const coding_t *c);
+#endif /* not _IP_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92951281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.c
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+ *  motion.c:		Motion compensation code	
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *			Michael Unger
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "motion.h"
+				public code
+restore_mc (int enlarge_factor, image_t *image, const image_t *past,
+	    const image_t *future, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Restore motion compensated prediction of 'image' represented by 'wfa'.
+ *  If 'enlarge_factor' != 0 then enlarge image by given amount.
+ *  Reference frames are given by 'past' and 'future'.
+ *
+ *  No return values.
+ */
+   unsigned  state, label;
+   unsigned  root_state;
+   word_t   *mcblock1, *mcblock2;	/* MC blocks */
+#define FX(v) ((image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0) && band != Y ? ((v) / 2) : v)
+   mcblock1 = Calloc (size_of_level (max ((int) wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level
+					  + 2 * enlarge_factor, 0)),
+		      sizeof (word_t));
+   mcblock2 = Calloc (size_of_level (max ((int) wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level
+					  + 2 * enlarge_factor, 0)),
+		      sizeof (word_t));
+   if (!image->color)
+      root_state = wfa->root_state;
+   else
+      root_state  = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0];
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state <= root_state; state++)
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 if (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].type != NONE)
+	 {
+	    color_e band;
+	    unsigned level  = wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1;
+	    unsigned width  = width_of_level (level);
+	    unsigned height = height_of_level (level);
+	    unsigned offset = image->width - width;
+	    switch (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type)
+	    {
+	       case FORWARD:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color);
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height),
+				       past->pixels [band], FX (past->width),
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       FX (wfa->x [state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->y [state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy));
+		     {
+			word_t   *mc1;	/* current pixel in MC block */
+			word_t 	 *orig;	/* current pixel in original image */
+			unsigned  x, y;	/* pixel coordinates */
+			mc1  = mcblock1;
+			orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band]
+			       + FX (wfa->x[state][label])
+			       + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width);
+			for (y = FX (height); y; y--)
+			{
+			   for (x = FX (width); x; x--)
+			      *orig++ += *mc1++;
+			   orig += FX (offset);
+			}
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       case BACKWARD:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color);
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height),
+				       future->pixels [band],
+				       FX (future->width),
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       FX (wfa->x [state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->y [state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by));
+		     {
+			word_t   *mc1;	/* current pixel in MC block 1 */
+			word_t   *orig;	/* current pixel in original image */
+			unsigned  x, y;	/* pixel coordinates */
+			mc1  = mcblock1;
+			orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band]
+			       + FX (wfa->x[state][label])
+			       + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width);
+			for (y = FX (height); y; y--)
+			{
+			   for (x = FX (width); x; x--)
+			      *orig++ += *mc1++;
+			   orig += FX (offset);
+			}
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       case INTERPOLATED:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color);
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height),
+				       past->pixels [band], FX (past->width),
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       FX (wfa->x[state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->y[state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fx),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fy));
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock2, FX (width), FX (height),
+				       future->pixels [band],
+				       FX (future->width),
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       FX (wfa->x[state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->y[state][label]),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].bx),
+				       FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].by));
+		     {
+			word_t   *mc1;	/* current pixel in MC block 1 */
+			word_t   *mc2;	/* current pixel in MC block 1 */
+			word_t   *orig;	/* current pixel in original image */
+			unsigned  x, y;	/* pixel coordinates */
+			mc1  = mcblock1;
+			mc2  = mcblock2;
+			orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band]
+			       + FX (wfa->x[state][label])
+			       + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width);
+			for (y = FX (height); y; y--)
+			{
+			   for (x = FX (width); x; x--)
+			      *orig++ += (*mc1++ + *mc2++) >> 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   *orig++ += (*mc1++ + *mc2++) / 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+			   orig += FX (offset);
+			}
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       default:
+		  break;
+	    }
+	 }
+   if (image->color)
+   {
+      unsigned	  n;
+      word_t	 *ptr;
+      static int *clipping = NULL;
+      unsigned	  shift    = image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0 ? 2 : 0;
+      if (!clipping)			/* initialize clipping table */
+      {
+	 int i;
+	 clipping = Calloc (256 * 3, sizeof (int));
+	 for (i = -128; i < 128; i++)
+	    clipping [256 + i + 128] = i;
+	 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+	    clipping [i] = clipping [256];
+	 for (i = 512; i < 512 + 256; i++)
+	    clipping [i] = clipping [511];
+	 clipping += 256 + 128;
+      }
+      ptr = image->pixels [Cb];
+      for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> shift; n; n--, ptr++)
+	 *ptr = clipping [*ptr >> 4] << 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	 *ptr = clipping [*ptr / 16] * 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+      ptr = image->pixels [Cr];
+      for (n = (image->width * image->height) >> shift; n; n--, ptr++)
+	*ptr = clipping [*ptr >> 4] << 4;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+        *ptr = clipping [*ptr / 16] * 16;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+   }
+   Free (mcblock1);
+   Free (mcblock2);
+extract_mc_block (word_t *mcblock, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		  const word_t *reference, unsigned ref_width,
+		  bool_t half_pixel, unsigned xo, unsigned yo,
+		  unsigned mx, unsigned my)
+ *  Extract motion compensation image 'mcblock' of size 'width'x'height'
+ *  from 'reference' image (width is given by 'ref_width').
+ *  Coordinates of reference block are given by ('xo' + 'mx', 'yo' + 'my').
+ *  Use 'half_pixel' precision if specified.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'mcblock[]'	MCPE block is filled with reference pixels 
+ */
+   if (!half_pixel)			/* Fullpixel precision */
+   {
+      const word_t *rblock;		/* pointer to reference image */
+      unsigned	    y;			/* current row */
+      rblock  = reference + (yo + my) * ref_width + (xo + mx);
+      for (y = height; y; y--) 
+      {
+	 memcpy (mcblock, rblock, width * sizeof (word_t));
+	 mcblock += width;
+	 rblock  += ref_width;
+      }
+   }
+   else					/* Halfpixel precision */
+   {
+      unsigned	    x, y;		/* current coordinates */
+      unsigned	    offset;		/* remaining pixels in row */
+      const word_t *rblock;		/* pointer to reference image */
+      const word_t *ryblock;		/* pointer to next line */
+      const word_t *rxblock;		/* pointer to next column */
+      const word_t *rxyblock;		/* pointer to next column & row */
+      rblock   = reference + (yo + my / 2) * ref_width + (xo + mx / 2);
+      ryblock  = rblock + ref_width;	/* pixel in next row */
+      rxblock  = rblock + 1;		/* pixel in next column */
+      rxyblock = ryblock + 1;		/* pixel in next row & column */
+      offset   = ref_width - width;
+      if ((mx & 1) == 0)
+      {
+	 if ((my & 1) == 0)		/* Don't use halfpixel refinement */
+	    for (y = height; y; y--) 
+	    {
+	       memcpy (mcblock, rblock, width * sizeof (word_t));
+	       mcblock += width;
+	       rblock  += ref_width;
+	    }
+	 else				/* Halfpixel in y direction */
+	    for (y = height; y; y--) 
+	    {
+	       for (x = width; x; x--)
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *ryblock++) >> 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *ryblock++) / 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       rblock  += offset;
+	       ryblock += offset;
+	    }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 if ((my & 1) == 0)		/* Halfpixel in x direction */
+	    for (y = height; y; y--) 
+	    {
+	       for (x = width; x; x--)
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *rxblock++) >> 1;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *rxblock++) / 2;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       rblock  += offset;
+	       rxblock += offset;
+	    }
+	 else				/* Halfpixel in xy direction */
+	    for (y = height; y; y--) 
+	    {
+	       for (x = width; x; x--)
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *rxblock++
+				+ *ryblock++ + *rxyblock++) >> 2;
+#else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+		  *mcblock++ = (*rblock++ + *rxblock++
+				+ *ryblock++ + *rxyblock++) / 4;
+#endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */
+	       rblock   += offset;
+	       ryblock  += offset;
+	       rxblock  += offset;
+	       rxyblock += offset;
+	    }
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ea382f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/motion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ *  motion.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *			Michael Unger
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _MOTION_H
+#define _MOTION_H
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "image.h"
+restore_mc (int enlarge_factor, image_t *image, const image_t *past,
+	    const image_t *future, const wfa_t *wfa);
+extract_mc_block (word_t *mcblock, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		  const word_t *reference, unsigned ref_width,
+		  bool_t half_pixel, unsigned xo, unsigned yo,
+		  unsigned mx, unsigned my);
+#endif /* not _MOTION_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f0af8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+ *  mwfa.c:		Initialization of MWFA coder
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Michael Unger
+ *			Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "mvcode.h"
+#include "motion.h"
+#include "mwfa.h"
+static const unsigned local_range = 6;
+				prototypes
+static void
+get_mcpe (word_t *mcpe, const image_t *original,
+	  unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+	  const word_t *mcblock1, const word_t *mcblock2);
+static real_t
+mcpe_norm (const image_t *original, unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width,
+	   unsigned height, const word_t *mcblock1, const word_t *mcblock2);
+static real_t 
+find_best_mv (real_t price, const image_t *original, const image_t *reference,
+	      unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+	      real_t *bits, int *mx, int *my, const real_t *mc_norms,
+	      const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt);
+static real_t
+find_second_mv (real_t price, const image_t *original,
+		const image_t *reference, const word_t *mcblock1,
+		unsigned xr, unsigned yr, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		real_t *bits, int *mx, int *my, const wfa_info_t *wi,
+		const motion_t *mt);
+				public code
+motion_t *
+alloc_motion (const wfa_info_t *wi)
+ *  Motion structure constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the motion structure and
+ *  fill in default values specified by 'wi'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new option structure or NULL on error
+ */
+   int	     dx;			/* motion vector coordinate */
+   unsigned  level;
+   unsigned range_size = wi->half_pixel
+			 ? square (wi->search_range)
+			 : square (2 * wi->search_range);
+   motion_t *mt        = Calloc (1, sizeof (motion_t));
+   mt->original = NULL;
+   mt->past     = NULL;
+   mt->future   = NULL;
+   mt->xbits 	= Calloc (2 * wi->search_range, sizeof (real_t));
+   mt->ybits 	= Calloc (2 * wi->search_range, sizeof (real_t));
+   for (dx = -wi->search_range; dx < (int) wi->search_range; dx++)
+   {
+      mt->xbits [dx + wi->search_range]
+	 = mt->ybits [dx + wi->search_range]
+	 = mv_code_table [dx + wi->search_range][1];
+   }
+   mt->mc_forward_norms = Calloc (MAXLEVEL, sizeof (real_t *));
+   mt->mc_backward_norms = Calloc (MAXLEVEL, sizeof (real_t *));
+   for (level = wi->p_min_level; level <= wi->p_max_level; level++)
+   {
+      mt->mc_forward_norms  [level] = Calloc (range_size, sizeof (real_t));
+      mt->mc_backward_norms [level] = Calloc (range_size, sizeof (real_t));
+   }
+   return mt;
+free_motion (motion_t *mt)
+ *  Motion struct destructor:
+ *  Free memory of 'motion' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'motion' is discarded.
+ */
+   unsigned level;
+   Free (mt->xbits);
+   Free (mt->ybits);
+   for (level = 0; level < MAXLEVEL; level++)
+   {
+      if (mt->mc_forward_norms [level])
+	 Free (mt->mc_forward_norms [level]);
+      if (mt->mc_backward_norms [level])
+	 Free (mt->mc_backward_norms [level]);
+   }
+   Free (mt->mc_forward_norms);
+   Free (mt->mc_backward_norms);
+   Free (mt);
+subtract_mc (image_t *image, const image_t *past, const image_t *future,
+	     const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Subtract motion compensation from chrom channels of 'image'.
+ *  Reference frames are given by 'past' and 'future'.
+ *
+ *  No return values.
+ */
+   unsigned  state, label;
+   word_t   *mcblock1 = Calloc (size_of_level (wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level),
+				sizeof (word_t));
+   word_t   *mcblock2 = Calloc (size_of_level (wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level),
+				sizeof (word_t));
+   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 if (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type != NONE)
+	 {
+	    color_e  band;		/* current color band */
+	    unsigned width, height;	/* size of mcblock */
+	    unsigned offset;		/* remaining pixels in original */
+	    width  = width_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
+	    height = height_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
+	    offset = image->width - width;
+	    switch (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type)
+	    {
+	       case FORWARD:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color) + 1;
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     unsigned  y;	/* row of block */
+		     word_t   *mc1;	/* pixel in MC block 1 */
+		     word_t   *orig;	/* pixel in original image */
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height,
+				       past->pixels [band], past->width,
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       wfa->x [state][label],
+				       wfa->y [state][label],
+				       (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx / 2)
+				       * 2,
+				       (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy / 2)
+				       * 2);
+		     mc1  = mcblock1;
+		     orig = image->pixels [band] + wfa->x [state][label]
+			    + wfa->y [state][label] * image->width;
+ 		     for (y = height; y; y--)
+		     {
+			unsigned x;	/* column of block */
+			for (x = width; x; x--)
+			   *orig++ -= *mc1++;
+			orig += offset;
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       case BACKWARD:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color) + 1;
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     unsigned  y;	/* row of block */
+		     word_t   *mc1;	/* pixel in MC block 1 */
+		     word_t   *orig;	/* pixel in original image */
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height,
+				       future->pixels [band], future->width,
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       wfa->x [state][label],
+				       wfa->y [state][label],
+				       (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx / 2)
+				       * 2,
+				       (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by / 2)
+				       * 2);
+		     mc1  = mcblock1;
+		     orig = image->pixels [band] + wfa->x [state][label]
+			    + wfa->y [state][label] * image->width;
+		     for (y = height; y; y--)
+		     {
+			unsigned x;	/* column of block */
+			for (x = width; x; x--)
+			   *orig++ -= *mc1++;
+			orig += offset;
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       case INTERPOLATED:
+		  for (band  = first_band (image->color) + 1;
+		       band <= last_band (image->color); band++)
+		  {
+		     unsigned  y;	/* row of block */
+		     word_t   *mc1;	/* pixel in MC block 1 */
+		     word_t   *mc2;	/* pixel in MC block 2 */
+		     word_t   *orig;	/* pixel in original image */
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height,
+				       past->pixels [band], past->width,
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       wfa->x [state][label],
+				       wfa->y [state][label],
+				       (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fx / 2)
+				       * 2,
+				       (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fy / 2)
+				       * 2);
+		     extract_mc_block (mcblock2, width, height,
+				       future->pixels [band], future->width,
+				       wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel,
+				       wfa->x [state][label],
+				       wfa->y [state][label],
+				       (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].bx / 2)
+				       * 2,
+				       (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].by / 2)
+				       * 2);
+		     mc1  = mcblock1;
+		     mc2  = mcblock2;
+		     orig = image->pixels [band] + wfa->x [state][label]
+			    + wfa->y [state][label] * image->width;
+		     for (y = height; y; y--)
+		     {
+			unsigned x;	/* column of block */
+			for (x = width; x; x--)
+			   *orig++ -= (*mc1++ + *mc2++) / 2;
+			orig += offset;
+		     }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	       default:
+		  break;
+	    }
+	 }
+   Free (mcblock1);
+   Free (mcblock2);
+find_P_frame_mc (word_t *mcpe, real_t price, range_t *range,
+		 const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt)
+ *  Determine best motion vector for P-frame.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *            range->mvt_bits  (# of mv-tree bits)
+ *            range->mvxybits  (# of bits for vector components)
+ *            mt->mcpe         (MCPE in scan-order)
+ */
+   unsigned  width   = width_of_level (range->level);
+   unsigned  height  = height_of_level (range->level);
+   word_t   *mcblock = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   range->mv_tree_bits = 1;
+   range->mv.type      = FORWARD;
+   /*
+    *  Find best matching forward prediction
+    */
+   find_best_mv (price, mt->original, mt->past, range->x, range->y,
+		 width, height, &range->mv_coord_bits, &range->mv.fx,
+		 &range->mv.fy, mt->mc_forward_norms [range->level], wi, mt);
+   /*
+    *  Compute MCPE
+    */
+   extract_mc_block (mcblock, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+		     mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel, range->x, range->y,
+		     range->mv.fx, range->mv.fy);
+   get_mcpe (mcpe, mt->original, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+	     mcblock, NULL);
+   Free (mcblock);
+find_B_frame_mc (word_t *mcpe, real_t price, range_t *range,
+		 const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt)
+ *  Determines best motion compensation for B-frame.
+ *  Steps:
+ *         1)  find best forward motion vector
+ *         2)  find best backward motion vector
+ *         3)  try both motion vectors together (interpolation)
+ *         4)  choose best mode (FORWARD, BACKWARD or INTERPOLATED)
+ *  Bitcodes:
+ *    FORWARD      000
+ *    BACKWARD     001
+ *  
+ *  Return values:
+ *            range->mvt_bits  (# of mv-tree bits)
+ *            range->mvxybits  (# of bits for vector components)
+ *            mt->mcpe         (MCPE in scan-order)
+ */
+   mc_type_e  mctype;			/* type of motion compensation */
+   real_t     forward_costs;		/* costs of FORWARD mc */
+   real_t     backward_costs;		/* costs of BACKWARD mc */
+   real_t     interp_costs;		/* costs of INTERPOLATED mc */
+   real_t     forward_bits;		/* bits for FORWARD mc */
+   real_t     backward_bits;		/* bits for BACKWARD mc */
+   real_t     interp_bits;		/* bits for INTERPOLATED mc */
+   int	      fx,  fy;			/* coordinates FORWARD mc */
+   int	      bx,  by;			/* coordinates BACKWARD mc */
+   int	      ifx, ify;			/* coordinates forw. INTERPOLATED mc */
+   int	      ibx, iby;			/* coordinates back. INTERPOLATED mc */
+   unsigned   width    = width_of_level (range->level);
+   unsigned   height   = height_of_level (range->level);
+   word_t    *mcblock1 = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   word_t    *mcblock2 = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   /*
+    *  Forward interpolation: use past frame as reference
+    */
+   forward_costs = find_best_mv (price, mt->original, mt->past,
+				 range->x, range->y, width, height,
+				 &forward_bits, &fx, &fy,
+				 mt->mc_forward_norms [range->level], wi, mt)
+		   + 3 * price; /* code 000 */
+   /*
+    *  Backward interpolation: use future frame as reference
+    */
+   backward_costs = find_best_mv (price, mt->original, mt->future,
+				  range->x, range->y, width, height,
+				  &backward_bits, &bx, &by,
+				  mt->mc_backward_norms [range->level], wi, mt)
+		    + 3 * price; /* code 001 */
+   /*
+    *  Bidirectional interpolation: use both past and future frame as reference
+    */
+   if (wi->cross_B_search) 
+   {
+      real_t icosts1;			/* costs interpolation alternative 1 */
+      real_t icosts2;			/* costs interpolation alternative 2 */
+      real_t ibackward_bits;		/* additional bits alternative 1 */
+      real_t iforward_bits;		/* additional bits alternative 1 */
+      /*
+       *  Alternative 1: keep forward mv and vary backward mv locally
+       */
+      extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+			mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			range->x, range->y, fx, fy);
+      ibx = bx;				/* start with backward coordinates */
+      iby = by;
+      icosts1 = find_second_mv (price, mt->original, mt->future,
+				mcblock1, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+				&ibackward_bits, &ibx, &iby, wi, mt)
+		+ (forward_bits + 2) * price; /* code 01 */
+      /*
+       *  Alternative 2: Keep backward mv and vary forward mv locally
+       */
+      extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->future->pixels [GRAY],
+			mt->future->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			range->x, range->y, bx, by);
+      ifx = fx;
+      ify = fy;
+      icosts2 = find_second_mv (price, mt->original, mt->past,
+				mcblock1, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+				&iforward_bits, &ifx, &ify, wi, mt)
+		+ (backward_bits + 2) * price; /* code 01 */
+      /*
+       *  Choose best alternative
+       */
+      if (icosts1 < icosts2)
+      {
+	 ifx 	      = fx;
+	 ify 	      = fy;
+	 interp_bits  = forward_bits + ibackward_bits;
+	 interp_costs = icosts1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 ibx 	      = bx;
+	 iby 	      = by;
+	 interp_bits  = iforward_bits + backward_bits;
+	 interp_costs = icosts2;
+      }
+   }
+   else					/* local exhaustive search */
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Keep forward and backward mv due to time constraints
+       */
+      ifx = fx;
+      ify = fy;
+      ibx = bx;
+      iby = by;
+      interp_bits = forward_bits + backward_bits;
+      extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+			mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			range->x, range->y, fx, fy);
+      extract_mc_block (mcblock2, width, height, mt->future->pixels [GRAY],
+			mt->future->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			range->x, range->y, bx, by);
+      interp_costs = mcpe_norm (mt->original, range->x, range->y,
+				width, height, mcblock1, mcblock2)
+		     + (interp_bits + 2) * price; /* code 01 */
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Choose alternative with smallest costs
+    */
+   if (forward_costs <= interp_costs)
+   {
+      if (forward_costs <= backward_costs)
+	 mctype = FORWARD;
+      else
+	 mctype = BACKWARD;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if (backward_costs <= interp_costs)
+	 mctype = BACKWARD;
+      else
+	 mctype = INTERPOLATED;
+   }
+   switch (mctype)
+   {
+      case FORWARD:
+	 range->mv_tree_bits  = 3;
+	 range->mv_coord_bits = forward_bits;
+	 range->mv.type       = FORWARD;
+	 range->mv.fx         = fx;
+	 range->mv.fy         = fy;
+	 extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+			   mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			   range->x, range->y, range->mv.fx, range->mv.fy);
+	 get_mcpe (mcpe, mt->original, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+		   mcblock1, NULL);
+	 break;
+      case BACKWARD:
+	 range->mv_tree_bits  = 3;
+	 range->mv_coord_bits = backward_bits;
+	 range->mv.type       = BACKWARD;
+	 range->mv.bx         = bx;
+	 range->mv.by         = by;
+	 extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->future->pixels [GRAY],
+			   mt->future->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			   range->x, range->y, range->mv.bx, range->mv.by);
+	 get_mcpe (mcpe, mt->original, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+		   mcblock1, NULL);
+	 break;
+      case INTERPOLATED:
+	 range->mv_tree_bits  = 2;
+	 range->mv_coord_bits = interp_bits;
+	 range->mv.type       = INTERPOLATED;
+	 range->mv.fx         = ifx;
+	 range->mv.fy         = ify;
+	 range->mv.bx         = ibx;
+	 range->mv.by         = iby;
+	 extract_mc_block (mcblock1, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+			   mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			   range->x, range->y, range->mv.fx, range->mv.fy);
+	 extract_mc_block (mcblock2, width, height, mt->future->pixels [GRAY],
+			   mt->future->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			   range->x, range->y, range->mv.bx, range->mv.by);
+	 get_mcpe (mcpe, mt->original, range->x, range->y, width, height,
+		   mcblock1, mcblock2);
+	 break;
+      default:
+	 break;
+   }
+   Free (mcblock1);
+   Free (mcblock2);
+fill_norms_table (unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned level,
+		  const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt)
+ *  Compute norms of difference images for all possible displacements
+ *  in 'mc_forward_norm' and 'mc_backward_norm'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'mt->mc_backward_norms' are computed
+ *	'mt->mc_forward_norms' are computed 
+ */
+   int	     mx, my;			/* coordinates of motion vector */
+   unsigned  sr;			/* mv search range +-'sr' pixels */
+   unsigned  index   = 0;		/* index of motion vector */
+   unsigned  width   = width_of_level (level);
+   unsigned  height  = height_of_level (level);
+   word_t   *mcblock = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   sr = wi->half_pixel ? wi->search_range / 2 :  wi->search_range;
+   for (my = -sr; my < (int) sr; my++)
+      for (mx = -sr; mx < (int) sr; mx++, index++)
+      {
+	  if ((int) x0 + mx < 0 ||	/* block outside visible area */
+	      x0 + mx + width > mt->original->width || 
+	      (int) y0 + my < 0 ||
+	      y0 + my + height > mt->original->height)
+	  {
+	     mt->mc_forward_norms [level][index]  = 0.0;
+	     mt->mc_backward_norms [level][index] = 0.0;
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+	     extract_mc_block (mcblock, width, height, mt->past->pixels [GRAY],
+			       mt->past->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			       x0, y0, mx, my);
+	     mt->mc_forward_norms [level][index]
+		= mcpe_norm (mt->original, x0, y0, width, height,
+			     mcblock, NULL);
+	     if (mt->frame_type == B_FRAME)
+	     {
+		extract_mc_block (mcblock, width, height,
+				  mt->future->pixels [GRAY],
+				  mt->future->width, wi->half_pixel,
+				  x0, y0, mx, my);
+		mt->mc_backward_norms[level][index]
+		   = mcpe_norm (mt->original, x0, y0, width, height,
+				mcblock, NULL); 
+	     }
+	  }
+       }
+   Free (mcblock);
+				private code
+static void
+get_mcpe (word_t *mcpe, const image_t *original, unsigned x0, unsigned y0,
+	  unsigned width, unsigned height, const word_t *mcblock1,
+	  const word_t *mcblock2)
+ *  Compute MCPE image 'original' - reference. The reference is either
+ *  composed of 'mcblock1' or of ('mcblock1' + 'mcblock2') / 2 (if
+ *  'mcblock2' != NULL).  Coordinates of original block are given by
+ *  'x0', 'y0', 'width', and 'height'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'mcpe []' is filled with the delta image
+ */
+   const word_t	*oblock;		/* pointer to original image */
+   assert (mcpe);
+   oblock = original->pixels [GRAY] + y0 * original->width + x0;
+   if (mcblock2 != NULL)		/* interpolated prediction */
+   {
+      unsigned x, y;			/* current coordinates */
+      for (y = height; y; y--) 
+      {
+	 for (x = width; x; x--)
+	    *mcpe++ = *oblock++ - (*mcblock1++ + *mcblock2++) / 2;
+	 oblock += original->width - width;
+      }
+   }
+   else					/* forward or backward prediction */
+   {
+      unsigned x, y;			/* current coordinates */
+      for (y = height; y; y--) 
+      {
+	 for (x = width; x; x--)
+	    *mcpe++ = *oblock++ - *mcblock1++;
+	 oblock += original->width - width;
+      }
+   }
+static real_t
+mcpe_norm (const image_t *original, unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width,
+	   unsigned height, const word_t *mcblock1, const word_t *mcblock2)
+ *  Compute norm of motion compensation prediction error.
+ *  Coordinates of 'original' block are given by ('x0', 'y0')
+ *  and 'width', 'height'.
+ *  Reference blocks are stored in 'mcimage1' and 'mcimage2'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	square of norm of difference image
+ */
+   unsigned  n;
+   real_t    norm = 0;
+   word_t   *mcpe = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   word_t   *ptr  = mcpe;
+   get_mcpe (mcpe, original, x0, y0, width, height, mcblock1, mcblock2);
+   for (n = height * width; n; n--, ptr++) 
+      norm += square (*ptr / 16);
+   Free (mcpe);
+   return norm;
+static real_t 
+find_best_mv (real_t price, const image_t *original, const image_t *reference,
+	      unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+	      real_t *bits, int *mx, int *my, const real_t *mc_norms,
+	      const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt)
+ *  Find best matching motion vector in image 'reference' to predict
+ *  the block ('x0', 'y0') of size 'width'x'height in image 'original'.
+ *
+ *  Return values:
+ *	prediction costs
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'mx', 'my'		coordinates of motion vector
+ *	'bits'			number of bits to encode mv
+ */
+   unsigned sr;				/* mv search range +/- 'sr' pixels */
+   unsigned index;			/* index of motion vector */
+   int 	    x, y;			/* coordinates of motion vector */
+   real_t   costs;			/* costs arising if mv is chosen */
+   real_t   mincosts = MAXCOSTS;	/* best costs so far  */
+   unsigned bitshift;			/* half_pixel coordinates multiplier */
+   *mx = *my = 0;
+   /*
+    *  Find best fitting motion vector:
+    *  Use exhaustive search in the interval x,y +- sr (no halfpixel accuracy)
+    *					  or x,y +- sr/2  (halfpixel accuracy)
+    */
+   sr 	    = wi->half_pixel ? wi->search_range / 2 :  wi->search_range;
+   bitshift = (wi->half_pixel ? 2 : 1);	/* bit0 reserved for halfpixel pred. */
+   for (index = 0, y = -sr; y < (int) sr; y++)
+      for (x = -sr; x < (int) sr; x++, index++)
+	 if ((int) x0 + x >= 0 && (int) y0 + y >= 0 &&	
+	     x0 + x + width  <= original->width && 
+	     y0 + y + height <= original->height)
+	 {
+	    /*
+	     *  Block is inside visible area.
+	     *  Compare current costs with 'mincosts'
+	     */
+	    costs = mc_norms [index]
+		    + (mt->xbits [(x + sr) * bitshift]
+		       + mt->ybits [(y + sr) * bitshift]) * price;
+	     if (costs < mincosts)
+	     {
+		mincosts = costs;
+		*mx      = x * bitshift;
+		*my      = y * bitshift;
+	     }
+	 }
+   /*
+    *  Halfpixel prediction:
+    *  Compare all nine combinations (-1, y), (0, y), (+1, y) for y = -1,0,+1
+    */
+   if (wi->half_pixel)
+   {
+      int	rx, ry;			/* halfpixel refinement */
+      unsigned	bestrx, bestry;		/* coordinates of best mv */
+      word_t   *mcblock = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+      bestrx = bestry = 0;
+      for (rx = -1; rx <= 1; rx++)
+	 for (ry = -1; ry <= 1; ry++)
+	 {
+	    /*
+	     *  Check if the new motion vector is in allowed area
+	     */
+	    if (rx == 0 && ry == 0)	/* already tested */
+	       continue;
+	    if ((int) x0 + (*mx / 2) + rx < 0 || /* outside visible area */
+		x0 + (*mx / 2) + rx + width > original->width ||
+		(int) y0 + (*my / 2) + ry < 0 || 
+		y0 + (*my / 2) + ry + height > original->height)
+	       continue;
+	    if (*mx + rx < (int) -sr || *mx + rx >= (int) sr ||
+		*my + ry < (int) -sr || *my + ry >= (int) sr) 
+	       continue;		/* out of bounds */
+	    /*
+	     *  Compute costs of new motion compensation
+	     */
+	    extract_mc_block (mcblock, width, height,
+			      reference->pixels [GRAY],
+			      reference->width, wi->half_pixel,
+			      x0, y0, *mx + rx, *my + ry);
+	    costs = mcpe_norm (mt->original, x0, y0, width, height, mcblock,
+			       NULL)
+		    + (mt->xbits [*mx + rx + sr * bitshift]
+		       + mt->ybits [*my + ry + sr * bitshift]) * price;
+	    if (costs < mincosts)
+	    {
+	       bestrx   = rx;
+	       bestry   = ry;
+	       mincosts = costs;
+	    }
+	 }
+      *mx += bestrx;
+      *my += bestry;
+      Free (mcblock);
+   } /* halfpixel */
+   *bits = mt->xbits [*mx + sr * bitshift] + mt->ybits [*my + sr * bitshift];
+   return mincosts;
+static real_t
+find_second_mv (real_t price, const image_t *original,
+		const image_t *reference, const word_t *mcblock1,
+		unsigned xr, unsigned yr, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		real_t *bits, int *mx, int *my, const wfa_info_t *wi,
+		const motion_t *mt)
+ *  Search local area (*mx,*my) for best additional mv.
+ *  Overwrite mt->tmpblock.
+ *  TODO check sr = search_range
+ *
+ *  Return values:
+ *	prediction costs
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'mx','my'	coordinates of mv
+ *      'bits'		number of bits to encode mv
+ */
+   real_t    mincosts = MAXCOSTS;	/* best costs so far  */
+   unsigned  sr;			/* MV search range +/- 'sr' pixels */
+   int       x, y;			/* coordinates of motion vector */
+   int       y0, y1, x0, x1;		/* start/end coord. of search range */
+   unsigned  bitshift;			/* half_pixel coordinates multiplier */
+   word_t   *mcblock2 = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   sr = wi->search_range;
+   y0 = max ((int) -sr, *my - (int) local_range);
+   y1 = min ((int) sr, *my + (int) local_range);
+   x0 = max ((int) -sr, *mx - (int) local_range);
+   x1 = min ((int) sr, *mx + (int) local_range);
+   *mx = *my = 0;
+   bitshift = (wi->half_pixel ? 2 : 1);	/* bit0 reserved for halfpixel pred. */
+   for (y = y0; y < y1; y++)
+      for (x = x0; x < x1; x++)
+      {
+	 real_t costs;			/* costs arising if mv is chosen */
+	 /*
+	  *  Test each mv ('x', 'y') in the given search range:
+	  *  Get the new motion compensation image from 'reference' and compute
+	  *  the norm of the motion compensation prediction error
+	  *  'original' - 0.5 * ('firstmc' + 'reference')
+	  */
+	 if ((int) (xr * bitshift) + x < 0 ||	/* outside visible area */
+	     xr * bitshift + x > (original->width - width) * bitshift ||
+	     (int) (yr * bitshift) + y < 0 ||
+	     yr * bitshift + y > (original->height - height) * bitshift)
+	    continue;
+	 extract_mc_block (mcblock2, width, height,
+			   reference->pixels [GRAY], reference->width,
+			   wi->half_pixel, x0, y0, x, y);
+	 costs  = mcpe_norm (mt->original, x0, y0, width, height,
+			     mcblock1, mcblock2)
+		  + (mt->xbits [x + sr] + mt->ybits [y + sr]) * price;
+	 if (costs < mincosts)
+	 {
+	    mincosts = costs;
+	    *mx      = x;
+	    *my      = y;
+	 }
+      }
+   *bits = mt->xbits [*mx + sr] + mt->ybits [*my + sr];
+   Free (mcblock2);
+   return mincosts;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52f41866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/mwfa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *  mwfa.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Michael Unger
+ *			Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _MWFA_H
+#define _MWFA_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+fill_norms_table (unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned level,
+		  const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt);
+find_B_frame_mc (word_t *mcpe, real_t price, range_t *range,
+		 const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt);
+find_P_frame_mc (word_t *mcpe, real_t price, range_t *range,
+		 const wfa_info_t *wi, const motion_t *mt);
+subtract_mc (image_t *image, const image_t *past, const image_t *future,
+	     const wfa_t *wfa);
+free_motion (motion_t *mt);
+motion_t *
+alloc_motion (const wfa_info_t *wi);
+#endif /* not _MWFA_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77dbaf00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+ *  options.c:		FIASCO options handling
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/28 17:39:31 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.5 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1   /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#	include <stdlib.h>
+#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "bit-io.h"
+#include "fiasco.h"
+#include "options.h"
+fiasco_c_options_t *
+fiasco_c_options_new (void)
+ *  FIASCO options constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder options structure and
+ *  fill in default values.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new option structure
+ */
+   c_options_t 	      *options = calloc (1, sizeof (c_options_t));
+   fiasco_c_options_t *public  = calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_c_options_t));
+   if (!options || !public)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Out of memory."));
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   public->private 	      = options;
+   public->delete 	      = fiasco_c_options_delete;
+   public->set_tiling 	      = fiasco_c_options_set_tiling;
+   public->set_frame_pattern  = fiasco_c_options_set_frame_pattern;
+   public->set_basisfile      = fiasco_c_options_set_basisfile;
+   public->set_chroma_quality = fiasco_c_options_set_chroma_quality;
+   public->set_optimizations  = fiasco_c_options_set_optimizations;
+   public->set_video_param    = fiasco_c_options_set_video_param;
+   public->set_quantization   = fiasco_c_options_set_quantization;
+   public->set_progress_meter = fiasco_c_options_set_progress_meter;
+   public->set_smoothing      = fiasco_c_options_set_smoothing;
+   public->set_title   	      = fiasco_c_options_set_title;
+   public->set_comment        = fiasco_c_options_set_comment;
+   strcpy (options->id, "COFIASCO");
+   /*
+    *  Set default value of fiasco options
+    */
+   options->basis_name 		  = strdup ("small.fco");
+   options->lc_min_level 	  = 4;
+   options->lc_max_level 	  = 12;
+   options->p_min_level 	  = 8;
+   options->p_max_level 	  = 10;
+   options->images_level 	  = 5;
+   options->max_states 		  = MAXSTATES;
+   options->chroma_max_states 	  = 40;
+   options->max_elements 	  = MAXEDGES;
+   options->tiling_exponent 	  = 4;
+   options->tiling_method 	  = FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC;
+   options->id_domain_pool 	  = strdup ("rle");
+   options->id_d_domain_pool 	  = strdup ("rle");
+   options->id_rpf_model 	  = strdup ("adaptive");
+   options->id_d_rpf_model 	  = strdup ("adaptive");
+   options->rpf_mantissa 	  = 3;
+   options->rpf_range 		  = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50;
+   options->dc_rpf_mantissa 	  = 5;
+   options->dc_rpf_range 	  = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00;
+   options->d_rpf_mantissa 	  = 3;
+   options->d_rpf_range 	  = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50;
+   options->d_dc_rpf_mantissa 	  = 5;
+   options->d_dc_rpf_range 	  = FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00;
+   options->chroma_decrease 	  = 2.0;
+   options->prediction 		  = NO;
+   options->delta_domains 	  = YES;
+   options->normal_domains 	  = YES;
+   options->search_range 	  = 16;
+   options->fps 		  = 25;
+   options->pattern 		  = strdup ("IPPPPPPPPP");
+   options->reference_filename 	  = NULL;
+   options->half_pixel_prediction = NO;
+   options->cross_B_search 	  = YES;
+   options->B_as_past_ref 	  = YES;
+   options->check_for_underflow   = NO;
+   options->check_for_overflow 	  = NO;
+   options->second_domain_block   = NO;
+   options->full_search 	  = NO;
+   options->progress_meter 	  = FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE;
+   options->smoothing 	 	  = 70;
+   options->comment 		  = strdup ("");
+   options->title 		  = strdup ("");
+   return public;
+fiasco_c_options_delete (fiasco_c_options_t *options)
+ *  FIASCO options destructor.
+ *  Free memory of FIASCO options struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'options' is discarded.
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+      return;
+   Free (this->id_domain_pool);
+   Free (this->id_d_domain_pool);
+   Free (this->id_rpf_model);
+   Free (this->id_d_rpf_model);
+   Free (this->pattern);
+   Free (this->comment);
+   Free (this->title);
+   Free (this);
+   return;
+fiasco_c_options_set_tiling (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+			     fiasco_tiling_e method, unsigned exponent)
+ *  Set tiling `method' and `exponent'.
+ *  See type `fiasco_tiling_e' for a list of valid  tiling `methods'.
+ *  The image is subdivied into 2^`exponent' tiles
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   switch (method)
+   {
+	 this->tiling_method = method;
+	 break;
+      default:
+	 set_error (_("Invalid tiling method `%d' specified "
+		      "(valid methods are 0, 1, 2, or 3)."), method);
+	 return 0;
+   }
+   this->tiling_exponent = exponent;
+   return 1;
+fiasco_c_options_set_frame_pattern (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				    const char *pattern)
+ *  Set `pattern' of input frames.
+ *  `pattern' has to be a sequence of the following
+ *  characters (case insensitive):
+ *  'i' intra frame
+ *  'p' predicted frame
+ *  'b' bidirectional predicted frame
+ *  E.g. pattern = 'IBBPBBPBB'
+ *
+ *  When coding video frames the prediction type of input frame N is determined
+ *  by reading `pattern' [N] (`pattern' is periodically extended).
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!pattern)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "pattern");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (strlen (pattern) < 1)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Frame type pattern doesn't contain any character."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      const char *str;
+      bool_t 	  parse_error = NO;
+      int	  c 	      = 0;
+      for (str = pattern; *str && !parse_error; str++)
+	 switch (*str)
+	 {
+	    case 'i':
+	    case 'I':
+	    case 'b':
+	    case 'B':
+	    case 'p':
+	    case 'P':
+	       break;
+	    default:
+	       c = *str;
+	       parse_error = YES;
+	 }
+      if (parse_error)
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Frame type pattern contains invalid character `%c' "
+		      "(choose I, B or P)."), c);
+	 return 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 Free (this->pattern);
+	 this->pattern = strdup (pattern);
+	 return 1;
+      }
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_basisfile (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				const char *filename)
+ *  Set `filename' of FIASCO initial basis.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success (if the file is readable)
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!filename)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "filename");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+       /* Skip this because basis file may be linked with program, not
+          in a separate file.  See get_linked_basis().  NETPBM
+      FILE *file = open_file (filename, "FIASCO_DATA", READ_ACCESS);
+      if (file)
+      {
+	 fclose (file);
+	 return 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Can't read basis file `%s'.\n%s."), filename,
+		    get_system_error ());
+	 return 0;
+      }
+      */ return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_chroma_quality (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				     float quality_factor,
+				     unsigned dictionary_size)
+ *  Set color compression parameters.
+ *  When coding chroma channels (Cb and Cr)
+ *  - approximation quality is given by `quality_factor' * `Y quality' and
+ *  - `dictionary_size' gives the number of dictionary elements.
+ *  
+ *  If 'quality' <= 0 then the luminancy coding quality is also during
+ *  chroma channel coding.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!dictionary_size)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Size of chroma compression dictionary has to be "
+		   "a positive number."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (quality_factor <= 0)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Quality of chroma channel compression has to be "
+		   "positive value."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->chroma_decrease   = quality_factor;
+      this->chroma_max_states = dictionary_size;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_optimizations (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				    unsigned min_block_level,
+				    unsigned max_block_level,
+				    unsigned max_elements,
+				    unsigned dictionary_size,
+				    unsigned optimization_level)
+ *  Set various optimization parameters.
+ *  - During compression only image blocks of size
+ *    {`min_block_level', ... ,`max_block_level'} are considered.
+ *    The smaller this set of blocks is the faster the coder runs
+ *    and the worse the image quality will be.  
+ *  - An individual approximation may use at most `max_elements'
+ *    elements of the dictionary which itself contains at most
+ *    `dictionary_size' elements. The smaller these values are
+ *    the faster the coder runs and the worse the image quality will be. 
+ *  - `optimization_level' enables some additional low level optimizations.
+ *    0: standard approximation method
+ *    1: significantly increases the approximation quality,
+ *       running time is twice as high as with the standard method
+ *    2: hardly increases the approximation quality of method 1, 
+ *       running time is twice as high as with method 1
+ *       (this method just remains for completeness)
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!dictionary_size)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Size of dictionary has to be a positive number."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!max_elements)
+   {
+      set_error (_("At least one dictionary element has to be used "
+		   "in an approximation."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (max_block_level < 4)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Maximum image block size has to be at least level 4."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (min_block_level < 4)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Minimum image block size has to be at least level 4."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (max_block_level < min_block_level)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Maximum block size has to be larger or "
+		   "equal minimum block size."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->lc_min_level 	= min_block_level;
+      this->lc_max_level 	= max_block_level;
+      this->max_states 	 	= dictionary_size;
+      this->max_elements 	= max_elements;
+      this->second_domain_block = optimization_level > 0 ? YES : NO;
+      this->check_for_overflow  = optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO;
+      this->check_for_underflow = optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO;
+      this->full_search 	= optimization_level > 1 ? YES : NO;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_prediction (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				 int intra_prediction,
+				 unsigned min_block_level,
+				 unsigned max_block_level)
+ *  Set minimum and maximum size of image block prediction to
+ *  `min_block_level' and `max_block_level'.
+ *  (For either motion compensated prediction of inter frames
+ *   or DC based prediction of intra frames)
+ *  Prediction of intra frames is only used if `intra_prediction' != 0.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (max_block_level < 6)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Maximum prediction block size has to be "
+		   "at least level 6"));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (min_block_level < 6)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Minimum prediction block size has to be "
+		   "at least level 6"));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (max_block_level < min_block_level)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Maximum prediction block size has to be larger or "
+		   "equal minimum block size."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->p_min_level = min_block_level;
+      this->p_max_level = max_block_level;
+      this->prediction  = intra_prediction;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_video_param (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				  unsigned frames_per_second,
+				  int half_pixel_prediction,
+				  int cross_B_search,
+				  int B_as_past_ref)
+ *  Set various parameters used for video compensation.
+ *  'frames_per_second' defines the frame rate which should be
+ *  used when the video is decoded. This value has no effect during coding,
+ *  it is just passed to the FIASCO output file.
+ *  If 'half_pixel_prediction' is not 0 then half pixel precise
+ *  motion compensated prediction is used.
+ *  If 'cross_B_search' is not 0 then the fast Cross-B-Search algorithm is
+ *  used to determine the motion vectors of interpolated prediction. Otherwise
+ *  exhaustive search (in the given search range) is used.
+ *  If 'B_as_past_ref' is not 0 then B frames are allowed to be used
+ *  for B frame predicion.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->fps 	  	  = frames_per_second;
+      this->half_pixel_prediction = half_pixel_prediction;
+      this->cross_B_search 	  = cross_B_search;
+      this->B_as_past_ref 	  = B_as_past_ref;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_quantization (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				   unsigned mantissa,
+				   fiasco_rpf_range_e range,
+				   unsigned dc_mantissa,
+				   fiasco_rpf_range_e dc_range)
+ *  Set accuracy of coefficients quantization.
+ *  DC coefficients (of the constant dictionary vector f(x,y) = 1)
+ *  are quantized to values of the interval [-`dc_range', `dc_range'] using
+ *  #`dc_mantissa' bits. All other quantized coefficients are quantized in
+ *  an analogous way using the parameters `range' and `mantissa'.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (mantissa < 2 || mantissa > 8 || dc_mantissa < 2 || dc_mantissa > 8)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Number of RPF mantissa bits `%d', `%d' have to be in "
+		   "the interval [2,8]."), mantissa, dc_mantissa);
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if ((range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_0_75
+	  || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00
+	  || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50
+	   || range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_2_00)
+	  &&
+	  (dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_0_75
+	   || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_00
+	   || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_1_50
+	   || dc_range == FIASCO_RPF_RANGE_2_00))
+      {
+	 this->rpf_range       = range;
+	 this->dc_rpf_range    = dc_range;
+	 this->rpf_mantissa    = mantissa;
+	 this->dc_rpf_mantissa = dc_mantissa;
+	 return 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Invalid RPF ranges `%d', `%d' specified."),
+		    range, dc_range);
+	 return 0;
+      }
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_progress_meter (fiasco_c_options_t *options,
+				     fiasco_progress_e type)
+ *  Set type of progress meter.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   switch (type)
+   {
+	 this->progress_meter = type;
+	 break;
+      default:
+	 set_error (_("Invalid progress meter `%d' specified "
+		      "(valid values are 0, 1, or 2)."), type);
+	 return 0;
+   }
+   return 1;
+fiasco_c_options_set_smoothing (fiasco_c_options_t *options, int smoothing)
+ *  Define `smoothing'-percentage along partitioning borders.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (smoothing < -1 || smoothing > 100)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Smoothing percentage must be in the range [-1, 100]."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->smoothing = smoothing;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_comment (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *comment)
+ *  Define `comment' of FIASCO stream.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!comment)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "title");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->comment = strdup (comment);
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_c_options_set_title (fiasco_c_options_t *options, const char *title)
+ *  Define `title' of FIASCO stream.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) cast_c_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (!title)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "title");
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->title = strdup (title);
+      return 1;
+   }
+c_options_t *
+cast_c_options (fiasco_c_options_t *options)
+ *  Cast generic pointer `options' to type c_options_t.
+ *  Check whether `options' is a valid object of type c_options_t.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to options struct on success
+ *      NULL otherwise
+ */
+   c_options_t *this = (c_options_t *) options->private;
+   if (this)
+   {
+      if (!streq (this->id, "COFIASCO"))
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Parameter `options' doesn't match required type."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "options");
+   }
+   return this;
+			       DECODER
+fiasco_d_options_t *
+fiasco_d_options_new (void)
+ *  FIASCO options constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the FIASCO coder options structure and
+ *  fill in default values.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new option structure
+ */
+   d_options_t 	      *options = calloc (1, sizeof (d_options_t));
+   fiasco_d_options_t *public  = calloc (1, sizeof (fiasco_d_options_t));
+   if (!options || !public)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Out of memory."));
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   public->private 	      = options;
+   public->delete 	      = fiasco_d_options_delete;
+   public->set_smoothing      = fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing;
+   public->set_magnification  = fiasco_d_options_set_magnification;
+   public->set_4_2_0_format   = fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format;
+   strcpy (options->id, "DOFIASCO");
+   /*
+    *  Set default value of fiasco decoder options
+    */
+   options->smoothing 	  = 70;
+   options->magnification = 0;
+   options->image_format  = FORMAT_4_4_4;
+   return public;
+fiasco_d_options_delete (fiasco_d_options_t *options)
+ *  FIASCO options destructor.
+ *  Free memory of FIASCO options struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'options' is discarded.
+ */
+   d_options_t *this = cast_d_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+      return;
+   Free (this);
+   return;
+fiasco_d_options_set_smoothing (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int smoothing)
+ *  Define `smoothing'-percentage along partitioning borders.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else if (smoothing < -1 || smoothing > 100)
+   {
+      set_error (_("Smoothing percentage must be in the range [-1, 100]."));
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->smoothing = smoothing;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_d_options_set_magnification (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int level)
+ *  Set magnification-'level' of decoded image.
+ *  0: width x height of original image
+ *  1: (2 * width) x (2 * height) of original image
+ *  -1: (width / 2 ) x (height / 2) of original image
+ *  etc.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->magnification = level;
+      return 1;
+   }
+fiasco_d_options_set_4_2_0_format (fiasco_d_options_t *options, int format)
+ *  Set image format to 4:2:0 or 4:4:4.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	1 on success
+ *	0 otherwise
+ */
+   d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) cast_d_options (options);
+   if (!this)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      this->image_format = format ? FORMAT_4_2_0 : FORMAT_4_4_4;
+      return 1;
+   }
+d_options_t *
+cast_d_options (fiasco_d_options_t *options)
+ *  Cast generic pointer `options' to type d_options_t.
+ *  Check whether `options' is a valid object of type d_options_t.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to options struct on success
+ *      NULL otherwise
+ */
+   d_options_t *this = (d_options_t *) options->private;
+   if (this)
+   {
+      if (!streq (this->id, "DOFIASCO"))
+      {
+	 set_error (_("Parameter `options' doesn't match required type."));
+	 return NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      set_error (_("Parameter `%s' not defined (NULL)."), "options");
+   }
+   return this;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3af6be01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/options.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *  options.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/10/28 17:39:31 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.4 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _OPTIONS_H
+#define _OPTIONS_H
+typedef struct c_options
+   char      	       id [9];
+   char  	      *basis_name;
+   unsigned  	       lc_min_level;
+   unsigned  	       lc_max_level;
+   unsigned  	       p_min_level;
+   unsigned  	       p_max_level;
+   unsigned  	       images_level;
+   unsigned  	       max_states;
+   unsigned  	       chroma_max_states;
+   unsigned  	       max_elements;
+   unsigned  	       tiling_exponent;
+   fiasco_tiling_e     tiling_method;
+   char        	      *id_domain_pool;
+   char        	      *id_d_domain_pool;
+   char        	      *id_rpf_model;
+   char        	      *id_d_rpf_model;
+   unsigned  	       rpf_mantissa;
+   real_t    	       rpf_range;
+   unsigned  	       dc_rpf_mantissa;
+   fiasco_rpf_range_e  dc_rpf_range;
+   unsigned  	       d_rpf_mantissa;
+   fiasco_rpf_range_e  d_rpf_range;
+   unsigned  	       d_dc_rpf_mantissa;
+   fiasco_rpf_range_e  d_dc_rpf_range;
+   real_t    	       chroma_decrease;
+   bool_t    	       prediction;
+   bool_t    	       delta_domains;
+   bool_t    	       normal_domains;
+   unsigned  	       search_range;
+   unsigned  	       fps;
+   char        	      *pattern;
+   char        	      *reference_filename;
+   bool_t    	       half_pixel_prediction;
+   bool_t    	       cross_B_search;
+   bool_t    	       B_as_past_ref;
+   bool_t    	       check_for_underflow;
+   bool_t    	       check_for_overflow;
+   bool_t    	       second_domain_block;
+   bool_t    	       full_search;
+   fiasco_progress_e   progress_meter;
+   char 	      *title;
+   char 	      *comment;
+   unsigned    	       smoothing;
+} c_options_t;
+typedef struct d_options
+   char     id [9];
+   unsigned smoothing;
+   unsigned magnification;
+   format_e image_format;
+} d_options_t;
+c_options_t *
+cast_c_options (fiasco_c_options_t *options);
+d_options_t *
+cast_d_options (fiasco_d_options_t *options);
+#endif /* not _OPTIONS_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..351ba9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.c
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+ *  prediction.c:	Range image prediction with MC or ND	
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *			Michael Unger
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "subdivide.h"
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "approx.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "mwfa.h"
+#include "prediction.h"
+#include "decoder.h"
+			     local variables
+typedef struct state_data
+   real_t final_distribution;
+   byte_t level_of_state;
+   byte_t domain_type;
+   real_t *images_of_state;
+   real_t *inner_products;
+   real_t *ip_states_state [MAXLEVEL];
+   word_t tree [MAXLABELS];
+   mv_t	  mv_tree [MAXLABELS];
+   word_t y_state [MAXLABELS];
+   byte_t y_column [MAXLABELS];
+   byte_t prediction [MAXLABELS];
+   u_word_t x [MAXLABELS];
+   u_word_t y [MAXLABELS];
+   real_t weight [MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1];
+   word_t int_weight [MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1];
+   word_t into [MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1];
+} state_data_t;
+				prototypes
+static real_t
+nd_prediction (real_t max_costs, real_t price, unsigned band, int y_state,
+	       range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static real_t
+mc_prediction (real_t max_costs, real_t price, unsigned band, int y_state,
+	       range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static state_data_t *
+store_state_data (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned max_level,
+		  wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static void
+restore_state_data (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned max_level,
+		    state_data_t *data, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+				public code
+predict_range (real_t max_costs, real_t price, range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa,
+	       coding_t *c, unsigned band, int y_state, unsigned states,
+	       const tree_t *tree_model, const tree_t *p_tree_model,
+	       const void *domain_model, const void *d_domain_model,
+	       const void *coeff_model, const void *d_coeff_model)
+   unsigned	 state;		     	/* counter */
+   void		*rec_domain_model;   	/* domain model after recursion */
+   void		*rec_d_domain_model; 	/* p domain model after recursion */
+   void		*rec_coeff_model;    	/* coeff model after recursion */
+   void		*rec_d_coeff_model;  	/* d coeff model after recursion */
+   tree_t	 rec_tree_model;	/* tree_model after '' */
+   tree_t	 rec_p_tree_model;    	/* p_tree_model after '' */
+   unsigned	 rec_states;	     	/* wfa->states after '' */
+   real_t	*rec_pixels;	     	/* c->pixels after '' */
+   state_data_t	*rec_state_data;     	/* state_data struct after '' */
+   real_t	 costs;		     	/* current approximation costs */
+   unsigned	 level;		     	/* counter */
+   state_data_t	*sd;		     	/* pointer to state_data field */
+   /*
+    *  Store WFA data from state 'lc_states' to 'wfa->states' - 1 and
+    *  current state of probability models.
+    */
+   rec_domain_model   = c->domain_pool->model;
+   rec_d_domain_model = c->d_domain_pool->model;
+   rec_coeff_model    = c->coeff->model;
+   rec_d_coeff_model  = c->d_coeff->model;
+   rec_tree_model     = c->tree;
+   rec_p_tree_model   = c->p_tree;
+   rec_states         = wfa->states;	
+   rec_pixels         = c->pixels;
+   rec_state_data     = store_state_data (states, rec_states - 1,
+					  c->options.lc_max_level, wfa, c);
+   /*
+    *  Restore probability models to the state before the recursive subdivision
+    *  has been started.
+    */
+   wfa->states             = states;
+   c->tree                 = *tree_model;
+   c->p_tree               = *p_tree_model;
+   c->domain_pool->model   = c->domain_pool->model_duplicate (domain_model);
+   c->d_domain_pool->model = c->d_domain_pool->model_duplicate (d_domain_model);
+   c->coeff->model   	   = c->coeff->model_duplicate (c->coeff, coeff_model);
+   c->d_coeff->model   	   = c->d_coeff->model_duplicate (c->d_coeff,
+							  d_coeff_model);
+   if (c->mt->frame_type == I_FRAME)
+      costs = nd_prediction (max_costs, price, band, y_state, range, wfa, c); 
+   else
+      costs = mc_prediction (max_costs, price, band, y_state, range, wfa, c);
+   c->pixels = rec_pixels;
+   if (costs < MAXCOSTS)
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Free the memory used by the state_data struct
+       */
+      for (state = states; state < rec_states; state++)
+      {
+	 sd = &rec_state_data [state - states];
+	 for (level = c->options.images_level + 1;
+	      level <= c->options.lc_max_level; level++)
+	    if (sd->ip_states_state [level] != NULL)
+	       Free (sd->ip_states_state [level]);
+	 if (sd->images_of_state != NULL)
+	    Free (sd->images_of_state);
+	 if (sd->inner_products != NULL)
+	    Free (sd->inner_products);
+      }
+      if (states < rec_states)
+	 Free (rec_state_data);
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (rec_domain_model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (rec_d_domain_model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (rec_coeff_model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (rec_d_coeff_model);
+      costs = (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits + range->weights_bits
+	       + range->mv_tree_bits + range->mv_coord_bits
+	       + range->nd_tree_bits + range->nd_weights_bits) * price
+	      + range->err;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Restore WFA to state before function was called
+       */
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (c->domain_pool->model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (c->d_domain_pool->model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (c->coeff->model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (c->d_coeff->model);
+      c->domain_pool->model   = rec_domain_model;
+      c->d_domain_pool->model = rec_d_domain_model;
+      c->coeff->model         = rec_coeff_model;
+      c->d_coeff->model       = rec_d_coeff_model;
+      c->tree                 = rec_tree_model;
+      c->p_tree               = rec_p_tree_model;
+      range->prediction = NO;
+      if (wfa->states != states)
+	 remove_states (states, wfa);
+      restore_state_data (states, rec_states - 1, c->options.lc_max_level,
+			  rec_state_data, wfa, c);
+      costs = MAXCOSTS;
+   }
+   return costs;
+clear_norms_table (unsigned level, const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt)
+ *  Clear norms arrays.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned  range_size = wi->half_pixel
+			  ? square (wi->search_range)
+			  : square (2 * wi->search_range);
+   if (level > wi->p_min_level)
+   {
+      memset (mt->mc_forward_norms [level], 0, range_size * sizeof(real_t));
+      memset (mt->mc_backward_norms [level], 0, range_size * sizeof(real_t));
+   }
+update_norms_table (unsigned level, const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt)
+ *  Norms table of levels larger than the bottom level are computed
+ *  by summing up previously calculated displacement costs of lower levels.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned  range_size = wi->half_pixel
+			  ? square (wi->search_range)
+			  : square (2 * wi->search_range);
+   if (level > wi->p_min_level)
+   {
+      unsigned index;			/* index of motion vector */
+      for (index = 0; index < range_size; index++)
+	 mt->mc_forward_norms [level][index]
+	    += mt->mc_forward_norms [level - 1][index];
+      if (mt->frame_type == B_FRAME)
+	 for (index = 0; index < range_size; index++)
+	    mt->mc_backward_norms [level][index]
+	       += mt->mc_backward_norms [level - 1][index];
+   }
+				private code
+static real_t
+mc_prediction (real_t max_costs, real_t price, unsigned band, int y_state,
+	       range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+   real_t    costs;		   	/* current approximation costs */
+   range_t   prange = *range;
+   unsigned  width  = width_of_level (range->level);
+   unsigned  height = height_of_level (range->level);
+   word_t   *mcpe   = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (word_t));
+   /*
+    *  If we are at the bottom level of the mc tree:
+    *  Fill in the norms table
+    */
+   if (prange.level == wfa->wfainfo->p_min_level) 
+      fill_norms_table (prange.x, prange.y, prange.level, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+   /*
+    *  Predict 'range' with motion compensation according to frame type.
+    *  MCPE is returned in 'c->mcpe'
+    */
+   if (c->mt->frame_type == P_FRAME)
+      find_P_frame_mc (mcpe, price, &prange, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+   else
+      find_B_frame_mc (mcpe, price, &prange, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+   costs = (prange.mv_tree_bits + prange.mv_coord_bits) * price;
+   if (costs < max_costs)		/* motion vector not too expensive */
+   {
+      unsigned  last_state;		/* last WFA state before recursion */
+      real_t   *ipi [MAXSTATES];	/* inner products pointers */
+      unsigned  state;
+      real_t  	mvt, mvc;
+      c->pixels = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (real_t));
+      cut_to_bintree (c->pixels, mcpe, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
+      /*
+       *  Approximate MCPE recursively.
+       */
+      last_state = wfa->states - 1;
+      for (state = 0; state <= last_state; state++)
+	 if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	 {
+	    ipi [state] = c->ip_images_state[state];
+	    c->ip_images_state[state]
+	       = Calloc (size_of_tree (c->products_level), sizeof (real_t));
+	 }
+      mvc = prange.mv_coord_bits;
+      mvt = prange.mv_tree_bits;
+      prange.image           = 0;
+      prange.address         = 0;
+      prange.tree_bits       = 0;
+      prange.matrix_bits     = 0;
+      prange.weights_bits    = 0;
+      prange.mv_coord_bits   = 0;
+      prange.mv_tree_bits    = 0;
+      prange.nd_weights_bits = 0;
+      prange.nd_tree_bits    = 0;
+      compute_ip_images_state (prange.image, prange.address, prange.level,
+			       1, 0, wfa, c);
+      costs += subdivide (max_costs - costs, band, y_state, &prange,
+			  wfa, c, NO, YES);
+      if (costs < max_costs)		/* use motion compensation */
+      {
+	 unsigned img, adr;		/* temp. values */
+	 img                  = range->image;
+	 adr                  = range->address;
+	 *range               = prange;
+	 range->image         = img;
+	 range->address       = adr;
+	 range->mv_coord_bits = mvc;
+	 range->mv_tree_bits  = mvt;
+	 range->prediction    = YES;
+	 for (state = last_state + 1; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	       memset (c->ip_images_state [state], 0,
+		       size_of_tree (c->products_level) * sizeof (real_t));
+	 costs = (range->tree_bits + range->matrix_bits + range->weights_bits
+		  + range->mv_tree_bits + range->mv_coord_bits
+		  + range->nd_tree_bits + range->nd_weights_bits) * price
+		 + range->err;
+      }
+      else
+	 costs = MAXCOSTS;
+      for (state = 0; state <= last_state; state++)
+	 if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	 {
+	    Free (c->ip_images_state[state]);
+	    c->ip_images_state[state] = ipi [state];
+	 }
+      Free (c->pixels);
+   }
+   else
+      costs = MAXCOSTS;
+   Free (mcpe);
+   return costs;
+static real_t
+nd_prediction (real_t max_costs, real_t price, unsigned band, int y_state,
+	       range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+   real_t  costs;			/* current approximation costs */
+   range_t lrange = *range;
+   /*
+    *  Predict 'range' with DC component approximation
+    */
+   {
+      real_t x = get_ip_image_state (range->image, range->address,
+				     range->level, 0, c);
+      real_t y = get_ip_state_state (0, 0, range->level, c);
+      real_t w = btor (rtob (x / y, c->coeff->dc_rpf), c->coeff->dc_rpf);
+      word_t s [2] = {0, -1};
+      lrange.into [0] 	     = 0;
+      lrange.into [1] 	     = NO_EDGE;
+      lrange.weight [0]      = w;
+      lrange.mv_coord_bits   = 0;
+      lrange.mv_tree_bits    = 0;
+      lrange.nd_tree_bits    = tree_bits (LEAF, lrange.level, &c->p_tree);
+      lrange.nd_weights_bits = 0;
+      lrange.tree_bits       = 0;
+      lrange.matrix_bits     = 0;
+      lrange.weights_bits    = c->coeff->bits (&w, s, range->level, c->coeff);
+   }
+   costs = price * (lrange.weights_bits + lrange.nd_tree_bits);
+   /*
+    *  Recursive aproximation of difference image
+    */
+   if (costs < max_costs)		
+   {
+      unsigned  state;
+      range_t  	rrange;			/* range: recursive subdivision */
+      unsigned  last_state;		/* last WFA state before recursion */
+      real_t   *ipi [MAXSTATES];	/* inner products pointers */
+      unsigned 	width  = width_of_level (range->level);
+      unsigned  height = height_of_level (range->level);
+      real_t   *pixels;
+      /*
+       *  Generate difference image original - approximation
+       */
+      {
+	 unsigned  n;
+	 real_t *src, *dst;		/* pointers to image data */
+	 real_t w = - lrange.weight [0] * c->images_of_state [0][0];
+	 src = c->pixels + range->address * size_of_level (range->level); 
+	 dst = c->pixels = pixels = Calloc (width * height, sizeof (real_t));
+	 for (n = width * height; n; n--)
+	    *dst++ = *src++ + w;
+      }
+      /*
+       *  Approximate difference recursively.
+       */
+      rrange                 = *range;
+      rrange.tree_bits       = 0;
+      rrange.matrix_bits     = 0;
+      rrange.weights_bits    = 0;
+      rrange.mv_coord_bits   = 0;
+      rrange.mv_tree_bits    = 0;
+      rrange.nd_tree_bits    = 0;
+      rrange.nd_weights_bits = 0;
+      rrange.image           = 0;
+      rrange.address         = 0;
+      last_state = wfa->states - 1;
+      for (state = 0; state <= last_state; state++)
+	 if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	 {
+	    ipi [state] = c->ip_images_state[state];
+	    c->ip_images_state[state]
+	       = Calloc (size_of_tree (c->products_level), sizeof (real_t));
+	 }
+      compute_ip_images_state (rrange.image, rrange.address, rrange.level,
+			       1, 0, wfa, c);
+      costs += subdivide (max_costs - costs, band, y_state, &rrange, wfa, c,
+			  NO, YES);
+      Free (pixels);
+      if (costs < max_costs && ischild (rrange.tree)) /* use prediction */
+      {
+	 unsigned img, adr;
+	 unsigned edge;
+	 img                     = range->image;
+	 adr                     = range->address;
+	 *range                  = rrange;
+	 range->image            = img;
+	 range->address          = adr;
+	 range->nd_tree_bits    += lrange.nd_tree_bits;
+	 range->nd_weights_bits += lrange.weights_bits;
+	 for (edge = 0; isedge (lrange.into [edge]); edge++)
+	 {
+	    range->into [edge]   = lrange.into [edge];
+	    range->weight [edge] = lrange.weight [edge];
+	 }
+	 range->into [edge] = NO_EDGE;
+	 range->prediction  = edge;
+	 for (state = last_state + 1; state < wfa->states; state++)
+	    if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	       memset (c->ip_images_state [state], 0,
+		       size_of_tree (c->products_level) * sizeof (real_t));
+      }
+      else
+	 costs = MAXCOSTS;
+      for (state = 0; state <= last_state; state++)
+	 if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	 {
+	    Free (c->ip_images_state [state]);
+	    c->ip_images_state [state] = ipi [state];
+	 }
+   }
+   else
+      costs = MAXCOSTS;
+   return costs;
+static state_data_t *
+store_state_data (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned max_level,
+		  wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Save and remove all states starting from state 'from'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to array of state_data structs
+ */
+   state_data_t *data;			/* array of savestates */
+   state_data_t *sd;			/* pointer to current savestates */
+   unsigned	 state, label, level;
+   if (to < from)
+      return NULL;			/* nothing to do */
+   data = Calloc (to - from + 1, sizeof (state_data_t));
+   for (state = from; state <= to; state++)
+   {
+      sd = &data [state - from];
+      sd->final_distribution = wfa->final_distribution [state];
+      sd->level_of_state     = wfa->level_of_state [state];
+      sd->domain_type        = wfa->domain_type [state];
+      sd->images_of_state    = c->images_of_state [state];
+      sd->inner_products     = c->ip_images_state [state];
+      wfa->domain_type [state]   = 0;
+      c->images_of_state [state] = NULL;
+      c->ip_images_state [state] = NULL;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++) 
+      {
+	 sd->tree [label]     	= wfa->tree [state][label];
+	 sd->y_state [label]  	= wfa->y_state [state][label];
+	 sd->y_column [label] 	= wfa->y_column [state][label];
+	 sd->mv_tree [label]  	= wfa->mv_tree [state][label];
+	 sd->x [label]        	= wfa->x [state][label];
+	 sd->y [label]        	= wfa->y [state][label];
+	 sd->prediction [label] = wfa->prediction [state][label];
+	 memcpy (sd->weight [label], wfa->weight [state][label], 
+		 sizeof (real_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+	 memcpy (sd->int_weight [label], wfa->int_weight [state][label], 
+		 sizeof (word_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+	 memcpy (sd->into [label], wfa->into [state][label], 
+		 sizeof (word_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+	 wfa->into [state][label][0] = NO_EDGE;
+	 wfa->tree [state][label]    = RANGE;
+	 wfa->y_state [state][label] = RANGE;
+      }
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1; level <= max_level;
+	   level++)
+      {
+	 sd->ip_states_state [level]       = c->ip_states_state [state][level];
+	 c->ip_states_state [state][level] = NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   return data;
+static void
+restore_state_data (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned max_level,
+		    state_data_t *data, wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Restore all state data starting from state 'from'.
+ *  
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   state_data_t *sd;			/* pointer to state_data item */
+   unsigned	 state, label, level;
+   if (to < from)
+      return;				/* nothing to do */
+   for (state = from; state <= to; state++)
+   {
+      sd = &data [state - from];
+      wfa->final_distribution [state] = sd->final_distribution;
+      wfa->level_of_state [state]     = sd->level_of_state;
+      wfa->domain_type [state]        = sd->domain_type;
+      if (c->images_of_state [state] != NULL)
+	 Free (c->images_of_state [state]);
+      c->images_of_state [state] = sd->images_of_state;
+      if (c->ip_images_state [state] != NULL)
+	 Free (c->ip_images_state [state]);
+      c->ip_images_state [state] = sd->inner_products;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+      {
+	 wfa->tree [state][label]     	= sd->tree [label];
+	 wfa->y_state [state][label]  	= sd->y_state [label];
+	 wfa->y_column [state][label] 	= sd->y_column [label];
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label]  	= sd->mv_tree [label];
+	 wfa->x [state][label]        	= sd->x [label];
+	 wfa->y [state][label]        	= sd->y [label];
+	 wfa->prediction [state][label] = sd->prediction [label];
+	 memcpy (wfa->weight [state][label], sd->weight [label], 
+		 sizeof(real_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+	 memcpy (wfa->int_weight [state][label], sd->int_weight [label], 
+		 sizeof(word_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+	 memcpy (wfa->into [state][label], sd->into [label],  
+		 sizeof(word_t) * (MAXEDGES + 1));
+      }	 
+      for (level = c->options.images_level + 1; level <= max_level;
+	   level++)
+      {
+	 if (c->ip_states_state [state][level] != NULL)
+	    Free (c->ip_states_state [state][level]);
+	 c->ip_states_state [state][level] = sd->ip_states_state [level];
+      }
+   }
+   Free (data);
+   wfa->states = to + 1;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1068501a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/prediction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ *  prediction.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *			Michael Unger
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _PREDICTION_H
+#define _PREDICTION_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+predict_range (real_t max_costs, real_t price, range_t *range, wfa_t *wfa,
+	       coding_t *c, unsigned band, int y_state, unsigned states,
+	       const tree_t *tree_model, const tree_t *p_tree_model,
+	       const void *domain_model, const void *d_domain_model,
+	       const void *coeff_model, const void *d_coeff_model);
+update_norms_table (unsigned level, const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt);
+clear_norms_table (unsigned level, const wfa_info_t *wi, motion_t *mt);
+#endif /* not _PREDICTION_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7982716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.c
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+ *  subdivide.c:	Recursive subdivision of range images
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/07/15 17:59:31 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.4 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <string.h>
+#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#	include <strings.h>
+#endif /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+#include "approx.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "bintree.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "prediction.h"
+#include "domain-pool.h"
+#include "mwfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "subdivide.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "coeff.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+				prototypes
+static void
+init_new_state (bool_t auxiliary_state, bool_t delta, range_t *range,
+		const range_t *child, const int *y_state,
+		wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+static void
+init_range (range_t *range, const image_t *image, unsigned band,
+	    const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c);
+				public code
+subdivide (real_t max_costs, unsigned band, int y_state, range_t *range,
+	   wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bool_t prediction, bool_t delta)
+ *  Subdivide the current 'range' recursively and decide whether
+ *  a linear combination, a recursive subdivision, or a prediction is
+ *  the best choice of approximation.
+ *  'band' is the current color band, 'y_state' is the corresponding
+ *  state of the Y color component (color image compression only).
+ *  If 'prediction' is TRUE then also test motion compensation or
+ *  nondeterministic approximation.
+ *  If 'delta' is TRUE then current range is already predicted.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	costs of the best approximation or MAXCOSTS if costs exceed 'max_costs'
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'range'	factors and costs of linear combination are modified
+ *      'wfa'	new transitions and prediction coefficients are added
+ *	'c'	pixels and inner products are updated
+ */
+   real_t    subdivide_costs;        /* Costs arising from approx. the current
+				       range with two childs */
+   real_t    lincomb_costs;          /* Costs arising from approx. the current
+				       range with a linear combination */
+   int	     new_y_state [MAXLABELS];	/* Corresponding state of Y */
+   real_t    price;			/* Approximation costs multiplier */
+   bool_t    try_mc;			/* YES: try MC prediction */
+   bool_t    try_nd;			/* YES: try ND prediction */
+   unsigned  states;			/* Number of states before the
+					   recursive subdivision starts */
+   void     *domain_model;		/* copy of domain pool model */      
+   void     *d_domain_model;		/* copy of delta domain pool model */
+   void     *lc_domain_model;		/* copy of domain pool model */
+   void     *lc_d_domain_model;		/* copy of delta domain pool model */
+   void	    *coeff_model;	        /* copy of coefficients model */
+   void	    *d_coeff_model;		/* copy of delta coefficients model */
+   void	    *lc_coeff_model;	        /* copy of coefficients model */
+   void	    *lc_d_coeff_model;		/* copy of delta coefficients model */
+   tree_t    tree_model;		/* copy of tree model */
+   tree_t    p_tree_model;		/* copy of pred. tree model */
+   range_t   lrange;			/* range of lin. comb. approx. */
+   range_t   rrange;			/* range of recursive approx. */
+   range_t   child [MAXLABELS];		/* new childs of the current range */
+   static unsigned percent = 0;		/* status of progress meter */
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->level == range->level)
+      percent = 0;
+   range->into [0] = NO_EDGE;		/* default approximation: empty */
+   range->tree     = RANGE;
+   if (range->level < 3)		/* Don't process small ranges */
+      return MAXCOSTS;	
+   /*
+    *  If image permutation (tiling) is performed and the tiling level
+    *  is reached then get coordinates of the new block.
+    */
+   if (c->tiling->exponent
+       && range->level == wfa->wfainfo->level - c->tiling->exponent)
+   {
+      unsigned width, height;		/* size of range (dummies)*/
+      if (c->tiling->vorder [range->global_address] < 0)
+	 return 0;			/* nothing to do */
+      else
+	 locate_subimage (wfa->wfainfo->level, range->level,
+			  c->tiling->vorder [range->global_address],
+			  &range->x, &range->y, &width, &height);
+   }
+   if (range->x >= c->mt->original->width ||
+       range->y >= c->mt->original->height)
+      return 0;				/* range is not visible */
+   /*
+    *  Check whether prediction is allowed or not
+    *  mc == motion compensation, nd == nondeterminism
+    */
+   try_mc = (prediction && c->mt->frame_type != I_FRAME			
+	     && range->level >= wfa->wfainfo->p_min_level
+	     && range->level <= wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level
+	     && (range->x + width_of_level (range->level)
+		 <= c->mt->original->width)
+	     && (range->y + height_of_level (range->level)
+		 <= c->mt->original->height));
+   try_nd = (prediction && c->mt->frame_type == I_FRAME
+	     && range->level >= wfa->wfainfo->p_min_level
+	     && range->level <= wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level);
+   if (try_mc)
+      clear_norms_table (range->level, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+   /*
+    *  Check if current range must be initialized. I.e. range pixels must
+    *  be copied from entire image to bintree pixel buffer. Moreover,
+    *  all inner products tables must be initialized.
+    */
+   if (range->level == c->options.lc_max_level)	
+      init_range (range, c->mt->original, band, wfa, c);
+   price = c->price;
+   if (band != Y)			
+      price *= c->options.chroma_decrease; /* less quality for chroma bands */
+   /*
+    *  Compute childs of corresponding state in Y band
+    */
+   if (band != Y)			/* Cb and Cr bands only */
+   {
+      unsigned label;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 if (ischild (y_state))
+	    new_y_state [label] = wfa->tree [y_state][label];
+	 else
+	    new_y_state [label] = RANGE;
+   }
+   else
+      new_y_state [0] = new_y_state [1] = RANGE;
+   /*
+    *  Store contents of all models that may get modified during recursion
+    */
+   domain_model   = c->domain_pool->model_duplicate (c->domain_pool->model);
+   d_domain_model = c->d_domain_pool->model_duplicate (c->d_domain_pool->model);
+   coeff_model    = c->coeff->model_duplicate (c->coeff, c->coeff->model);
+   d_coeff_model  = c->d_coeff->model_duplicate (c->d_coeff, c->d_coeff->model);
+   tree_model     = c->tree;
+   p_tree_model   = c->p_tree;
+   states         = wfa->states;	
+   /*
+    *  First alternative of range approximation:
+    *  Compute costs of linear combination.
+    */
+   if (range->level <= c->options.lc_max_level) /* range is small enough */
+   {
+      lrange                 = *range;
+      lrange.tree            = RANGE;
+      lrange.tree_bits       = tree_bits (LEAF, lrange.level, &c->tree);
+      lrange.matrix_bits     = 0;
+      lrange.weights_bits    = 0;
+      lrange.mv_tree_bits    = try_mc ? 1 : 0; /* mc allowed but not used */
+      lrange.mv_coord_bits   = 0;
+      lrange.nd_tree_bits    = 0;	
+      lrange.nd_weights_bits = 0;	
+      lrange.prediction	     = NO;
+      lincomb_costs
+	 = approximate_range (max_costs, price, c->options.max_elements,
+			      y_state, &lrange,
+			      (delta ? c->d_domain_pool : c->domain_pool),
+			      (delta ? c->d_coeff : c->coeff), wfa, c);
+   }
+   else
+      lincomb_costs = MAXCOSTS;		
+   /*
+    *  Store contents of models that have been modified
+    *  by approximate_range () above ...
+    */
+   lc_domain_model   = c->domain_pool->model;
+   lc_d_domain_model = c->d_domain_pool->model;
+   lc_coeff_model    = c->coeff->model;
+   lc_d_coeff_model  = c->d_coeff->model;
+   /*
+    *  ... and restore them with values before lc
+    */
+   c->domain_pool->model   = c->domain_pool->model_duplicate (domain_model);
+   c->d_domain_pool->model = c->d_domain_pool->model_duplicate (d_domain_model);
+   c->coeff->model         = c->coeff->model_duplicate (c->coeff, coeff_model);
+   c->d_coeff->model       = c->d_coeff->model_duplicate (c->d_coeff,
+							  d_coeff_model);
+   /*
+    *  Second alternative of range approximation:
+    *  Compute costs of recursive subdivision.
+    */
+   if (range->level > c->options.lc_min_level) /* range is large enough */
+   {
+      unsigned label;
+      memset (&child [0], 0, 2 * sizeof (range_t)); /* initialize childs */
+      /*
+       *  Initialize a new range for recursive approximation
+       */
+      rrange                 = *range;
+      rrange.tree_bits       = tree_bits (CHILD, rrange.level, &c->tree);
+      rrange.matrix_bits     = 0;
+      rrange.weights_bits    = 0;
+      rrange.err             = 0;
+      rrange.mv_tree_bits    = try_mc ? 1 : 0;	/* mc allowed but not used */
+      rrange.mv_coord_bits   = 0;
+      rrange.nd_tree_bits    = try_nd ?
+			       tree_bits (CHILD, lrange.level, &c->p_tree): 0;
+      rrange.nd_weights_bits = 0;	
+      rrange.prediction	     = NO;
+      /*
+       *  Initialize the cost function and subdivide the current range.
+       *  Every child is approximated by a recursive call of subdivide()
+       */
+      subdivide_costs = (rrange.tree_bits + rrange.weights_bits
+			 + rrange.matrix_bits + rrange.mv_tree_bits
+			 + rrange.mv_coord_bits + rrange.nd_tree_bits
+			 + rrange.nd_weights_bits) * price;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++) 
+      {
+	 real_t remaining_costs;	/* upper limit for next recursion */
+	 child[label].image          = rrange.image * MAXLABELS + label + 1;
+	 child[label].address        = rrange.address * MAXLABELS + label;
+	 child[label].global_address = rrange.global_address * MAXLABELS
+				       + label;
+	 child[label].level          = rrange.level - 1;
+	 child[label].x	= rrange.level & 1
+			  ? rrange.x
+			  : (rrange.x
+			     + label * width_of_level (rrange.level - 1));
+	 child[label].y = rrange.level & 1
+			  ? (rrange.y
+			     + label * height_of_level (rrange.level - 1))
+			  : rrange.y;
+	 /* 
+	  *  If neccessary compute the inner products of the new states
+	  *  (generated during the recursive approximation of child [0])
+	  */
+	 if (label && rrange.level <= c->options.lc_max_level)
+	    compute_ip_images_state (child[label].image, child[label].address,
+				     child[label].level, 1, states, wfa, c);
+	 /*
+	  *  Call subdivide() for both childs. 
+	  *  Abort the recursion if 'subdivide_costs' exceed 'lincomb_costs'
+	  *  or 'max_costs'.
+	  */
+	 remaining_costs = min (lincomb_costs, max_costs) - subdivide_costs;
+	 if (remaining_costs > 0)	/* still a way for improvement */
+	 {
+	    subdivide_costs += subdivide (remaining_costs, band,
+					  new_y_state [label], &child [label],
+					  wfa, c, prediction, delta);
+	 }
+	 else if (try_mc && child[label].level >= wfa->wfainfo->p_min_level)
+	 {
+	    fill_norms_table (child[label].x, child[label].y,
+			      child[label].level, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+	 }
+	 if (try_mc)
+	    update_norms_table (rrange.level, wfa->wfainfo, c->mt);
+	 /*
+	  *  Update of progress meter
+	  */
+	 if (c->options.progress_meter != FIASCO_PROGRESS_NONE)
+	 {
+	    if (c->options.progress_meter == FIASCO_PROGRESS_PERCENT)
+	    {
+	       unsigned	new_percent; 	/* new status of progress meter */
+	       new_percent = (child[label].global_address + 1) * 100.0
+			     / (1 << (wfa->wfainfo->level - child[label].level));
+	       if (new_percent > percent)
+	       {
+		  percent = new_percent;
+		  info ("%3d%%  \r", percent);
+	       }
+	    }
+	    else if (c->options.progress_meter == FIASCO_PROGRESS_BAR)
+	    {
+	       unsigned	new_percent;	/* new status of progress meter */
+	       new_percent = (child[label].global_address + 1) * 50.0
+			     / (1 << (wfa->wfainfo->level
+				      - child[label].level));
+	       for (; new_percent > percent; percent++)
+	       {
+		  info ("#");
+	       }
+	    }
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  If costs of subdivision exceed costs of linear combination 
+	  *  then abort recursion.
+	  */
+	 if (subdivide_costs >= min (lincomb_costs, max_costs)) 
+	 {
+	    subdivide_costs = MAXCOSTS;
+	    break; 
+	 }
+	 rrange.err             += child [label].err;
+	 rrange.tree_bits       += child [label].tree_bits;
+	 rrange.matrix_bits     += child [label].matrix_bits;
+	 rrange.weights_bits    += child [label].weights_bits;
+	 rrange.mv_tree_bits    += child [label].mv_tree_bits;
+	 rrange.mv_coord_bits   += child [label].mv_coord_bits;
+	 rrange.nd_weights_bits += child [label].nd_weights_bits;
+	 rrange.nd_tree_bits    += child [label].nd_tree_bits;
+	 tree_update (ischild (child [label].tree) ? CHILD : LEAF,
+		      child [label].level, &c->tree);
+	 tree_update (child [label].prediction ? LEAF : CHILD,
+		      child [label].level, &c->p_tree);
+      }
+   }
+   else
+      subdivide_costs = MAXCOSTS;
+   /*
+    *  Third alternative of range approximation:
+    *  Predict range via motion compensation or nondeterminism and 
+    *  approximate delta image. 
+    */
+   if (try_mc || try_nd)		/* try prediction */
+   {
+      real_t prediction_costs;	/* Costs arising from approx. the current
+				   range with prediction */
+      prediction_costs
+	 = predict_range (min (min (lincomb_costs, subdivide_costs),
+			       max_costs),
+			  price, range, wfa, c, band, y_state, states,
+			  &tree_model, &p_tree_model, domain_model,
+			  d_domain_model, coeff_model, d_coeff_model);
+      if (prediction_costs < MAXCOSTS)	/* prediction has smallest costs */
+      {
+	 c->domain_pool->model_free (domain_model);
+	 c->d_domain_pool->model_free (d_domain_model);
+	 c->domain_pool->model_free (lc_domain_model);
+	 c->d_domain_pool->model_free (lc_d_domain_model);
+	 c->coeff->model_free (coeff_model);
+	 c->d_coeff->model_free (d_coeff_model);
+	 c->coeff->model_free (lc_coeff_model);
+	 c->d_coeff->model_free (lc_d_coeff_model);
+	 return prediction_costs;
+      }
+   }
+   if (lincomb_costs >= MAXCOSTS && subdivide_costs >= MAXCOSTS)
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Return MAXCOSTS if neither a linear combination nor a recursive
+       *  subdivision yield costs less than 'max_costs'
+       */
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (c->domain_pool->model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (c->d_domain_pool->model);
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (lc_domain_model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (lc_d_domain_model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (c->coeff->model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (c->d_coeff->model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (lc_coeff_model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (lc_d_coeff_model);
+      c->domain_pool->model   = domain_model;
+      c->d_domain_pool->model = d_domain_model;
+      c->coeff->model	      = coeff_model;
+      c->d_coeff->model	      = d_coeff_model;
+      c->tree                 = tree_model;
+      c->p_tree               = p_tree_model;
+      if (wfa->states != states)
+	 remove_states (states, wfa);
+      return MAXCOSTS;
+   }
+   else if (lincomb_costs < subdivide_costs) 
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Use the linear combination: The factors of the linear combination
+       *  are stored already in 'range', so revert the probability models
+       *  only. 
+       */
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (c->domain_pool->model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (c->d_domain_pool->model);
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (domain_model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (d_domain_model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (c->coeff->model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (c->d_coeff->model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (coeff_model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (d_coeff_model);
+      c->domain_pool->model   = lc_domain_model;
+      c->d_domain_pool->model = lc_d_domain_model;
+      c->coeff->model	      = lc_coeff_model;
+      c->d_coeff->model	      = lc_d_coeff_model;
+      c->tree                 = tree_model;
+      c->p_tree               = p_tree_model;
+      *range = lrange;
+      if (wfa->states != states)
+	 remove_states (states, wfa);
+      return lincomb_costs;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      /*
+       *  Use the recursive subdivision: Generate a new state with transitions
+       *  given in child[].
+       *  Don't use state in linear combinations in any of the following cases:
+       *  - if color component is Cb or Cr
+       *  - if level of state > tiling level 
+       *  - if state is (partially) outside image geometry 
+       */
+      if (band > Y
+	  || (c->tiling->exponent
+	      && rrange.level > wfa->wfainfo->level - c->tiling->exponent)
+	  || (range->x + width_of_level (range->level)
+	      > c->mt->original->width)
+	  || (range->y + height_of_level (range->level)
+	      > c->mt->original->height))
+	 init_new_state (YES, delta, &rrange, child, new_y_state, wfa, c);
+      else
+	 init_new_state (NO, delta, &rrange, child, new_y_state, wfa, c);
+      *range = rrange;
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (domain_model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (d_domain_model);
+      c->domain_pool->model_free (lc_domain_model);
+      c->d_domain_pool->model_free (lc_d_domain_model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (coeff_model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (d_coeff_model);
+      c->coeff->model_free (lc_coeff_model);
+      c->d_coeff->model_free (lc_d_coeff_model);
+      return subdivide_costs;
+   }
+cut_to_bintree (real_t *dst, const word_t *src,
+		unsigned src_width, unsigned src_height,
+		unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width, unsigned height)
+ *  Cut region ('x0', 'y0', 'width', 'height') of the pixel array 'src'.
+ *  Size of image is given by 'src_width' x 'src_height'.
+ *  'dst' pixels are converted to bintree order and real format.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'dst []' is filled with corresponding region.
+ */
+   const unsigned mask01      = 0x555555; /* binary ...010101010101 */
+   const unsigned mask10      = 0xaaaaaa; /* binary ...101010101010 */
+   const unsigned mask01plus1 = mask01 + 1; /* binary ...010101010110 */
+   const unsigned mask10plus1 = mask10 + 1; /* binary ...101010101011 */
+   unsigned  	  x, y;			/* pixel coordinates */
+   unsigned  	  xmask, ymask;		/* address conversion */
+   if (width != height && width != (height >> 1))
+      error ("Bintree cutting requires special type of images.");
+   ymask = 0;
+   for (y = y0; y < y0 + height; y++, ymask = (ymask + mask10plus1) & mask01)
+   {
+      xmask = 0;
+      for (x = x0; x < x0 + width; x++, xmask = (xmask + mask01plus1) & mask10)
+      {
+	 if (y >= src_height || x >= src_width)
+	    dst [xmask | ymask] = 0;
+	 else
+	    dst [xmask | ymask] = src [y * src_width + x] / 16;
+      }
+   }
+				private code
+static void
+init_new_state (bool_t auxiliary_state, bool_t delta, range_t *range,
+		const range_t *child, const int *y_state,
+		wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Initializes a new state with all parameters needed for the encoding step.
+ *  If flag 'auxiliary_state' is set then don't insert state into domain pools.
+ *  If flag 'delta' is set then state represents a delta image (prediction via
+ *  nondeterminism or motion compensation).
+ *  'range' the current range image,
+ *   'child []' the left and right childs of 'range'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	New state is appended to 'wfa' (and also its inner products and images
+ *      are computed and stored in 'c')
+ */
+   unsigned label;
+   bool_t   state_is_domain = NO;
+   if (!auxiliary_state)
+   {
+      if (!delta || c->options.delta_domains)
+	 state_is_domain = c->domain_pool->append (wfa->states, range->level,
+						   wfa, c->domain_pool->model);
+      if (delta || c->options.normal_domains)
+	 state_is_domain = c->d_domain_pool->append (wfa->states, range->level,
+						     wfa,
+						     c->d_domain_pool->model)
+			   || state_is_domain;
+   }
+   else
+      state_is_domain = NO;
+   range->into [0] = NO_EDGE;
+   range->tree     = wfa->states;
+   for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++) 
+   {
+      wfa->tree [wfa->states][label]       = child [label].tree;
+      wfa->y_state [wfa->states][label]    = y_state [label];
+      wfa->mv_tree [wfa->states][label]    = child [label].mv;
+      wfa->x [wfa->states][label]          = child [label].x;
+      wfa->y [wfa->states][label]          = child [label].y;
+      wfa->prediction [wfa->states][label] = child [label].prediction;
+      append_transitions (wfa->states, label, child [label].weight,
+			  child [label].into, wfa);
+   }
+   wfa->delta_state [wfa->states] = delta;
+   if (range->err < 0)
+      warning ("Negative image norm: %f, %f", child [0].err, child [1].err);
+/*    state_is_domain = YES; */
+   append_state (!state_is_domain,
+		 compute_final_distribution (wfa->states, wfa),
+		 range->level, wfa, c);
+static void
+init_range (range_t *range, const image_t *image, unsigned band,
+	    const wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c)
+ *  Read a new 'range' of the image 'image_name' (current color component
+ *  is 'band') and compute the new inner product arrays.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'c->pixels' are filled with pixel values of image block 
+ *	'c->ip_images_state' are computed with respect to new image block 
+ *	'range->address' and 'range->image' are initialized with zero
+ */
+   unsigned state;
+   /*
+    *  Clear already computed products
+    */
+   for (state = 0; state < wfa->states; state++)
+      if (need_image (state, wfa))
+	 memset (c->ip_images_state[state], 0,
+		 size_of_tree (c->products_level) * sizeof(real_t));
+   cut_to_bintree (c->pixels, image->pixels [band],
+		   image->width, image->height,
+		   range->x, range->y, width_of_level (range->level),
+		   height_of_level (range->level));
+   range->address = range->image = 0;
+   compute_ip_images_state (0, 0, range->level, 1, 0, wfa, c);
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6840e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/subdivide.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *  subdivide.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _SUBDIVIDE_H
+#define _SUBDIVIDE_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "cwfa.h"
+subdivide (real_t max_costs, unsigned band, int y_state, range_t *range,
+	   wfa_t *wfa, coding_t *c, bool_t prediction, bool_t delta);
+cut_to_bintree (real_t *dst, const word_t *src,
+		unsigned src_width, unsigned src_height,
+		unsigned x0, unsigned y0, unsigned width, unsigned height);
+#endif /* not _SUBDIVIDE_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e820f7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.c
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ *  tiling.c:		Subimage permutation
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <stdlib.h>
+#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+#include "tiling.h"
+				prototypes
+static int
+cmpdecvar (const void *value1, const void *value2);
+static int
+cmpincvar (const void *value1, const void *value2);
+				public code
+typedef struct var_list
+   int	  address;			/* bintree address */
+   real_t variance;			/* variance of tile */
+} var_list_t;
+tiling_t *
+alloc_tiling (fiasco_tiling_e method, unsigned tiling_exponent,
+	      unsigned image_level)
+ *  Image tiling constructor.
+ *  Allocate memory for the tiling_t structure.
+ *  `method' defines the tiling method (spiral or variance,
+ *  ascending or descending).
+ *  In case of invalid parameters, a structure with tiling.exponent == 0 is
+ *  returned. 
+ *
+ *  Return value
+ *	pointer to the new tiling structure on success
+ */
+   tiling_t *tiling = Calloc (1, sizeof (tiling_t));
+   if ((int) image_level - (int) tiling_exponent < 6)
+   {
+      tiling_exponent = 6;
+      warning (_("Image tiles must be at least 8x8 pixels large.\n"
+		 "Setting tiling size to 8x8 pixels."));
+   }
+   switch (method)
+   {
+	 tiling_exponent = tiling_exponent;
+	 break;
+      default:
+	 warning (_("Invalid tiling method specified. Disabling tiling."));
+	 tiling_exponent = 0;
+	 break;
+   }
+   return tiling;
+free_tiling (tiling_t *tiling)
+ *  Tiling struct destructor:
+ *  Free memory of 'tiling' struct.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	structure 'tiling' is discarded.
+ */
+   if (tiling->vorder)
+      Free (tiling->vorder);
+   Free (tiling);
+perform_tiling (const image_t *image, tiling_t *tiling)
+ *  Compute image tiling permutation.
+ *  The image is split into 2**'tiling->exponent' tiles.
+ *  Depending on 'tiling->method', the following algorithms are used:
+ *  "VARIANCE_ASC" :  Tiles are sorted by variance.
+ *                    The first tile has the lowest variance
+ *  "VARIANCE_DSC" :  Tiles are sorted by variance.
+ *                    The first tile has the largest variance
+ *  "SPIRAL_ASC" :    Tiles are sorted like a spiral starting
+ *                    in the middle of the image.
+ *  "SPIRAL_DSC" :    Tiles are sorted like a spiral starting
+ *                    in the upper left corner.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	The tiling permutation is stored in 'tiling->vorder'.
+ */
+   if (tiling->exponent)
+   {
+      unsigned 	tiles = 1 << tiling->exponent; /* number of image tiles */
+      bool_t   *tile_valid;		/* tile i is in valid range ? */
+      tiling->vorder = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (int));
+      tile_valid     = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (bool_t));
+      if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_ASC
+	  || tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC)
+      {
+	 unsigned    address;		/* bintree address of tile */
+	 unsigned    number;		/* number of image tiles */
+	 unsigned    lx       = log2 (image->width - 1) + 1; /* x level */
+	 unsigned    ly       = log2 (image->height - 1) + 1; /* y level */
+	 unsigned    level    = max (lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0);
+	 var_list_t *var_list = Calloc (tiles, sizeof (var_list_t));
+	 /*
+	  *  Compute variances of image tiles
+	  */
+	 for (number = 0, address = 0; address < tiles; address++)
+	 {
+	    unsigned width, height;	/* size of image tile */
+	    unsigned x0, y0;		/* NW corner of image tile */
+	    locate_subimage (level, level - tiling->exponent, address,
+			     &x0, &y0, &width, &height);
+	    if (x0 < image->width && y0 < image->height) /* valid range */
+	    {
+	       if (x0 + width > image->width)	/* outside image area */
+		  width = image->width - x0;
+	       if (y0 + height > image->height) /* outside image area */
+		  height = image->height - y0;
+	       var_list [number].variance
+		  = variance (image->pixels [GRAY], x0, y0,
+			      width, height, image->width);
+	       var_list [number].address  = address;
+	       number++;
+	       tile_valid [address] = YES;
+	    }
+	    else
+	       tile_valid [address] = NO;
+	 }
+	 /*
+	  *  Sort image tiles according to sign of 'tiling->exp'
+	  */
+	 if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_VARIANCE_DSC)
+	    qsort (var_list, number, sizeof (var_list_t), cmpdecvar);
+	 else
+	    qsort (var_list, number, sizeof (var_list_t), cmpincvar);
+	 for (number = 0, address = 0; address < tiles; address++)
+	    if (tile_valid [address])
+	    {
+	       tiling->vorder [address] = var_list [number].address;
+	       number++;
+	       debug_message ("tile number %d has original address %d",
+			      number, tiling->vorder [address]);
+	    }
+	    else
+	       tiling->vorder [address] = -1;
+	 Free (var_list);
+      }
+      else if (tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_DSC
+	       || tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC)
+      {
+	 compute_spiral (tiling->vorder, image->width, image->height,
+			 tiling->exponent,
+			 tiling->method == FIASCO_TILING_SPIRAL_ASC);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 warning ("Unsupported image tiling method.\n"
+		  "Skipping image tiling step.");
+	 tiling->exponent = 0;
+      }
+   }
+				private code
+static int
+cmpincvar (const void *value1, const void *value2)
+ *  Sorts by increasing variances (quicksort sorting function).
+ */
+  return ((var_list_t *) value1)->variance - ((var_list_t *) value2)->variance;
+static int
+cmpdecvar (const void *value1, const void *value2)
+ *  Sorts by decreasing variances (quicksort sorting function).
+ */
+  return ((var_list_t *) value2)->variance - ((var_list_t *) value1)->variance;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eb04fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/tiling.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ *  tiling.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _TILING_H
+#define _TILING_H
+#include "image.h"
+#include "fiasco.h"
+typedef struct tiling
+   unsigned    	    exponent;		/* Image is split in 2^exp tiles */
+   fiasco_tiling_e  method;		/* Method of Image tiling */
+   int	      	   *vorder;		/* Block permutation (size = 2^exp)
+					   -1 indicates empty block */
+} tiling_t;
+perform_tiling (const image_t *image, tiling_t *tiling);
+tiling_t *
+alloc_tiling (fiasco_tiling_e method, unsigned tiling_exponent,
+	      unsigned image_level);
+free_tiling (tiling_t *tiling);
+#endif /* not _TILING_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfa.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b9793f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ *  wfa.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/07/18 15:44:57 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.3 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _WFA_H
+#define _WFA_H
+#define MAXEDGES  5
+#define MAXSTATES 6000
+#define MAXLABELS 2			/* only bintree supported anymore */
+#define MAXLEVEL  22 
+#define FIASCO_MAGIC	         "FIASCO" /* FIASCO magic number */
+#define FIASCO_BASIS_MAGIC       "Fiasco" /* FIASCO initial basis */
+#define NO_EDGE		-1
+#define RANGE		-1
+#define NO_RANGE	 0
+#define CHILD		 1
+#define LEAF		 0
+#define MAX_PROB	 9
+#define MIN_PROB	 1
+ *  WFA state types:
+ *	0:		 state is not allowed to be used in an
+ *			 approximation and it's image is not needed
+ *			 for ip computations.
+ *	AUXILIARY_MASK:  state is required for computation of ip's but is not
+ *			 allowed to be used in an approximation.
+ *	USE_DOMAIN_MASK: state is allowed to be used in an approximation.
+ */
+enum state_types {AUXILIARY_MASK = 1 << 0, USE_DOMAIN_MASK = 1 << 1};
+#define isedge(x)	   ((x) != NO_EDGE)
+#define isdomain(x)	   ((x) != NO_EDGE)
+#define isrange(x)	   ((x) == RANGE)
+#define ischild(x)	   ((x) != RANGE)
+#define isauxiliary(d,wfa) ((wfa)->domain_type[d] & AUXILIARY_MASK)
+#define usedomain(d, wfa)  ((wfa)->domain_type[d] & USE_DOMAIN_MASK)
+#define need_image(d,wfa)  (isauxiliary ((d), (wfa)) || usedomain ((d), (wfa)))
+typedef enum mc_type {NONE, FORWARD, BACKWARD, INTERPOLATED} mc_type_e;
+typedef enum frame_type {I_FRAME, P_FRAME, B_FRAME} frame_type_e;
+typedef enum header {HEADER_END, HEADER_TITLE, HEADER_COMMENT} header_type_e;
+typedef struct mv
+ *  Motion vector components
+ */
+   mc_type_e type;			/* motion compensation type */
+   int       fx, fy;			/* forward vector coordinates */
+   int       bx, by;			/* backward vector coordinates */
+} mv_t;
+typedef struct range_info
+   unsigned x, y;			/* coordinates of upper left corner */
+   unsigned level;			/* bintree level of range */
+} range_info_t;
+#include "image.h"
+#include "rpf.h"
+#include "bit-io.h"
+typedef struct wfa_info
+   char	    *wfa_name;			/* filename of the WFA */
+   char	    *basis_name;		/* filename of the initial basis */
+   char     *title;			/* title of FIASCO stream */
+   char     *comment;			/* comment for FIASCO stream */
+   unsigned  max_states;		/* max. cardinality of domain pool */
+   unsigned  chroma_max_states;		/* max. cardinality of domain pool for
+					   chroma band coding */
+   bool_t    color;			/* color image */
+   unsigned  width;			/* image width */
+   unsigned  height;			/* image height */
+   unsigned  level;			/* image level */
+   rpf_t    *rpf;			/* Standard reduced precision format */
+   rpf_t    *dc_rpf;			/* DC reduced precision format */
+   rpf_t    *d_rpf;			/* Delta reduced precision format */
+   rpf_t    *d_dc_rpf;			/* Delta DC reduced precision format */
+   unsigned  frames;			/* number of frames in the video */
+   unsigned  fps;			/* number of frames per second */
+   unsigned  p_min_level;		/* min. level of prediction */
+   unsigned  p_max_level;		/* max. level of prediction */
+   unsigned  search_range;		/* motion vector interval */
+   bool_t    half_pixel;		/* usage of half pixel precision */
+   bool_t    cross_B_search;		/* usage of Cross-B-Search */
+   bool_t    B_as_past_ref;		/* usage of B frames as ref's */
+   unsigned  smoothing;			/* smoothing of image along borders */
+   unsigned  release;			/* FIASCO file format release */
+} wfa_info_t;
+typedef struct wfa
+ *  Used to store all informations and data structures of a WFA
+ */
+   wfa_info_t	*wfainfo;		/* misc. information about the WFA */
+   frame_type_e frame_type;		/* intra, predicted, bi-directional */
+   unsigned	states;			/* number of states */
+   unsigned	basis_states;		/* number of states in the basis */
+   unsigned	root_state;		/* root of the tree */
+   real_t	*final_distribution;    /* one pixel images */
+   byte_t	*level_of_state;	/* level of the image part which is
+					   represented by the current state */
+   byte_t	*domain_type;		/* Bit_0==1: auxilliary state
+					   Bit_1==1: used for Y compr */
+   mv_t		(*mv_tree)[MAXLABELS];	/* motion vectors */
+   word_t	(*tree)[MAXLABELS];	/* bintree partitioning */
+   u_word_t	(*x)[MAXLABELS];	/* range coordinate */
+   u_word_t	(*y)[MAXLABELS];	/* range coordinate */
+   word_t	(*into)[MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1];   /* domain references */
+   real_t	(*weight)[MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1]; /* lin.comb. coefficients */
+   word_t	(*int_weight)[MAXLABELS][MAXEDGES + 1]; /* bin. representation */
+   word_t	(*y_state)[MAXLABELS];	/* bintree of Y component */
+   byte_t	(*y_column)[MAXLABELS];	/* array for Y component references */
+   byte_t	(*prediction)[MAXLABELS]; /* DC prediction */
+   bool_t	(*delta_state);		/* delta state */
+} wfa_t;
+#endif /* not _WFA_H */
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.c b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3acb975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ *  wfalib.c:		Library functions both for encoding and decoding
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/07/18 15:57:28 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.5 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1   /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500  /* Make sure strdup() is in string.h */
+#include "config.h"
+#	include <stdlib.h>
+#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "wfalib.h"
+				prototypes
+static unsigned
+xy_to_address (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned level, unsigned n);
+				public code
+wfa_t *
+alloc_wfa (bool_t coding)
+ *  WFA constructor:
+ *  Initialize the WFA structure 'wfa' and allocate memory.
+ *  Flag 'coding' indicates whether WFA is used for coding or decoding.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to the new WFA structure
+ */
+   wfa_t *wfa = Calloc (1, sizeof (wfa_t));
+   /*
+    *  Allocate memory
+    */
+   wfa->final_distribution = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (real_t));
+   wfa->level_of_state     = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (byte_t));
+   wfa->domain_type        = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (byte_t));
+   wfa->delta_state        = Calloc (MAXSTATES, sizeof (bool_t));
+   wfa->tree               = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->x                  = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->y                  = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->mv_tree            = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (mv_t));
+   wfa->y_state            = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->into               = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1),
+				     sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->weight             = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1),
+				     sizeof (real_t));
+   wfa->int_weight         = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1),
+				     sizeof (word_t));
+   wfa->wfainfo            = Calloc (1, sizeof (wfa_info_t));;
+   wfa->prediction         = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (byte_t));
+   wfa->wfainfo->wfa_name   = NULL;
+   wfa->wfainfo->basis_name = NULL;
+   wfa->wfainfo->title 	    = strdup ("");
+   wfa->wfainfo->comment    = strdup ("");
+   /*
+    *  Initialize structure
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned  state, label;
+      wfa->states       = 0;
+      wfa->basis_states = 0;
+      wfa->root_state   = 0;
+      for (state = 0; state < MAXSTATES; state++) 
+      {
+	 wfa->final_distribution [state] = 0;
+	 wfa->domain_type [state]        = 0;
+	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 {
+	    wfa->into [state][label][0] = NO_EDGE;
+	    wfa->tree [state][label]    = RANGE;
+	    wfa->y_state [state][label] = RANGE;
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+   if (coding)				/* initialize additional variables */
+      wfa->y_column = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (byte_t));
+   else
+      wfa->y_column = NULL;
+   return wfa;
+free_wfa (wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  WFA destructor:
+ *  Free memory of given 'wfa'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'wfa' struct is discarded.
+ */
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->wfa_name)
+      Free (wfa->wfainfo->wfa_name);
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name)
+      Free (wfa->wfainfo->basis_name);
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->title)
+      Free (wfa->wfainfo->title);
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->comment)
+      Free (wfa->wfainfo->comment);
+   Free (wfa->final_distribution);
+   Free (wfa->level_of_state);
+   Free (wfa->domain_type);
+   Free (wfa->tree);
+   Free (wfa->x);
+   Free (wfa->y);
+   Free (wfa->mv_tree);
+   Free (wfa->y_state);
+   Free (wfa->into);
+   Free (wfa->weight);
+   Free (wfa->int_weight);
+   Free (wfa->wfainfo);
+   Free (wfa->prediction);
+   Free (wfa->delta_state);
+   if (wfa->y_column)
+      Free (wfa->y_column);
+   Free (wfa);
+compute_final_distribution (unsigned state, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Compute the final distribution of the given 'state'.
+ *  Uses the fact that the generated 'wfa' is average preserving.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	final distribution
+ */
+   unsigned label;
+   real_t   final = 0;
+   for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+   {
+      unsigned edge;
+      int      domain;
+      if (ischild (domain = wfa->tree [state][label]))
+	 final += wfa->final_distribution [domain];
+      for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into [state][label][edge]); edge++)
+	 final += wfa->weight [state][label][edge]
+		  * wfa->final_distribution [domain];
+   }
+   return final / MAXLABELS;
+word_t *
+compute_hits (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned n, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Selects the 'n' most popular domain images of the given 'wfa'.
+ *  Consider only linear combinations of state images
+ *  {i | 'from' <= i <= 'to'}. I.e. domains are in {i | from <= i < 'to'}
+ *  Always ensure that state 0 is among selected states even though from
+ *  may be > 0.
+ *  
+ *  Return value:
+ *	pointer to array of the most popular state images
+ *	sorted by increasing state numbers and terminated by -1
+ */
+   word_t   *domains;
+   unsigned  state, label, edge;
+   int       domain;
+   pair_t   *hits = Calloc (to, sizeof (pair_t));
+   for (domain = 0; domain < (int) to; domain++)
+   {
+      hits [domain].value = domain;
+      hits [domain].key   = 0;
+   }
+   for (state = from; state <= to; state++)
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into [state][label][edge]);
+	      edge++)
+	    hits [domain].key++;
+   qsort (hits + 1, to - 1, sizeof (pair_t), sort_desc_pair);
+   n       = min (to, n);
+   domains = Calloc (n + 1, sizeof (word_t));
+   for (domain = 0; domain < (int) n && (!domain || hits [domain].key);
+	domain++)
+      domains [domain] = hits [domain].value;
+   if (n != domain)
+      debug_message ("Only %d domains have been used in the luminance.",
+		     domain);
+   n = domain;
+   qsort (domains, n, sizeof (word_t), sort_asc_word);
+   domains [n] = -1;
+   Free (hits);
+   return domains;
+append_edge (unsigned from, unsigned into, real_t weight,
+	     unsigned label, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Append an edge from state 'from' to state 'into' with
+ *  the given 'label' and 'weight' to the 'wfa'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'wfa' structure is changed.
+ */
+   unsigned new;			/* position of the new edge */
+   unsigned edge;
+   /*
+    *  First look where to insert the new edge:
+    *  edges are sorted by increasing 'into' values
+    */
+   for (new = 0; (isedge (wfa->into [from][label][new])
+		  && wfa->into [from][label][new] < (int) into); new++)
+      ;
+   /*
+    *  Move the edges 'n' to position 'n+1', for n = max, ..., 'new'
+    */
+   for (edge = new; isedge (wfa->into [from][label][edge]); edge++)
+      ;
+   for (edge++; edge != new; edge--)
+   {
+      wfa->into [from][label][edge]    = wfa->into [from][label][edge - 1];
+      wfa->weight [from][label][edge]  = wfa->weight [from][label][edge - 1];
+      wfa->int_weight [from][label][edge]
+	 = wfa->int_weight [from][label][edge - 1];
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Insert the new edge
+    */
+   wfa->into [from][label][edge]       = into;
+   wfa->weight [from][label][edge]     = weight;
+   wfa->int_weight [from][label][edge] = weight * 512 + 0.5;
+remove_states (unsigned from, wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Remove 'wfa' states 'wfa->basis_states',...,'wfa->states' - 1.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'wfa' structure is cleared for the given states.
+ */
+   unsigned state;
+   for (state = from; state < wfa->states; state++)
+   {
+      unsigned label;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++) 
+      {
+	 wfa->into [state][label][0]      = NO_EDGE;
+	 wfa->tree [state][label]         = RANGE;
+	 wfa->prediction [state][label]   = FALSE;
+	 wfa->y_state [state][label]      = RANGE;
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type = NONE;
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx   = 0;
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy   = 0;
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx   = 0;
+	 wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by   = 0;
+      }
+      wfa->domain_type [state] = 0;
+      wfa->delta_state [state] = FALSE;
+   }
+   wfa->states = from;
+copy_wfa (wfa_t *dst, const wfa_t *src)
+ *  Copy WFA struct 'src' to WFA struct 'dst'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'dst' is filled with same data as 'src'
+ *
+ *  NOTE: size of WFA 'dst' must be at least size of WFA 'src'
+ */
+   unsigned state;
+   memset (dst->final_distribution, 0, MAXSTATES * sizeof (real_t));
+   memset (dst->level_of_state, 0, MAXSTATES * sizeof (byte_t));
+   memset (dst->domain_type, 0, MAXSTATES * sizeof (byte_t));
+   memset (dst->mv_tree, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (mv_t));
+   memset (dst->tree, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->x, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->y, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->y_state, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->into, NO_EDGE,
+	   MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->weight, 0,
+	   MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (real_t));
+   memset (dst->int_weight, 0,
+	   MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (word_t));
+   memset (dst->prediction, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (byte_t));
+   memset (dst->delta_state, 0, MAXSTATES * sizeof (bool_t));
+   if (dst->y_column)
+      memset (dst->y_column, 0, MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS * sizeof (byte_t));
+   for (state = 0; state < MAXSTATES; state++) /* clear WFA struct */
+   {
+      unsigned label;
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+      {
+	 dst->into [state][label][0]      = NO_EDGE;
+	 dst->tree [state][label]         = RANGE;
+	 dst->mv_tree [state][label].type = NONE;
+	 dst->y_state[state][label]       = RANGE;
+      }
+      dst->delta_state [state] = NO;
+      dst->domain_type [state] = 0;
+   }
+   dst->frame_type   = src->frame_type;
+   dst->states 	     = src->states;
+   dst->basis_states = src->basis_states;
+   dst->root_state   = src->root_state;
+   memcpy (dst->wfainfo, src->wfainfo, sizeof (wfa_info_t));
+   if (dst->states == 0)		/* nothing to do */
+      return;
+   memcpy (dst->final_distribution, src->final_distribution,
+	   src->states * sizeof (real_t));
+   memcpy (dst->level_of_state, src->level_of_state,
+	   src->states * sizeof (byte_t));
+   memcpy (dst->domain_type, src->domain_type,
+	   src->states * sizeof (byte_t));
+   memcpy (dst->delta_state, src->delta_state,
+	   src->states * sizeof (bool_t));
+   memcpy (dst->mv_tree, src->mv_tree,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (mv_t));
+   memcpy (dst->tree, src->tree,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->x, src->x,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->y, src->y,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->y_state, src->y_state,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->into, src->into,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->weight, src->weight,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (real_t));
+   memcpy (dst->int_weight, src->int_weight,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * (MAXEDGES + 1) * sizeof (word_t));
+   memcpy (dst->prediction, src->prediction,
+	   src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (byte_t));
+   if (dst->y_column)
+      memcpy (dst->y_column, src->y_column,
+	      src->states * MAXLABELS * sizeof (byte_t));
+locate_subimage (unsigned orig_level, unsigned level, unsigned bintree,
+		 unsigned *x, unsigned *y, unsigned *width, unsigned *height)
+ *  Compute pixel coordinates of the subimage which 'bintree' address is given.
+ *  The level of the original image is 'orig_level' and the level of the
+ *  subimage is 'level'.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'*x', '*y'		coordinates of the upper left corner
+ *      '*width', '*height'	size of image
+ */
+   /*
+    *  Compute coordinates of the subimage
+    */
+   *x = *y = 0;				/* start at NW corner */
+   *width  = width_of_level (level);
+   *height = height_of_level (level);
+   if (level > orig_level)
+   {
+      error ("size of tile must be less or equal than image size.");
+      return;
+   }
+   else if (bintree >= (unsigned) (1 << (orig_level - level)))
+   {
+      error ("address out of bounds.");
+      return;
+   }
+   else if (level < orig_level)
+   {
+      unsigned mask;			/* mask for bintree -> xy conversion */
+      bool_t   hor;			/* 1 next subdivision is horizontal
+					   0 next subdivision is vertical */
+      unsigned l = orig_level - 1;	/* current level */
+      hor = orig_level % 2;		/* start with vertival subdivision
+					   for square image and vice versa */
+      for (mask = 1 << (orig_level - level - 1); mask; mask >>= 1, hor = !hor)
+      {
+	 if (bintree & mask)		/* change coordinates */
+	 {
+	    if (hor)			/* horizontal subdivision */
+	       *y += height_of_level (l);
+	    else			/* vertical subdivision */
+	       *x += width_of_level (l);
+	 }
+	 l--;
+      }
+   }
+compute_spiral (int *vorder, unsigned image_width, unsigned image_height,
+		unsigned tiling_exp, bool_t inc_spiral)
+ *  Compute image tiling with spiral order.
+ *  'inc_spiral' specifies whether the spiral starts in the middle
+ *  of the image (TRUE) or at the border (FALSE).
+ *  'image_width'x'image_height' define the size of the image.
+ *  The image is split into 'tiling->exp' tiles.
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	vorder[] is filled with tiling permutation
+ */
+   unsigned x, y;			/* current position */
+   unsigned xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;	/* boundaries for current line */
+   unsigned width, height;		/* offset for each tile */
+   unsigned lx, ly, level;		/* level x and y */
+   unsigned tiles;			/* total number of tiles */
+   unsigned address;			/* bintree address */
+   lx     = log2 (image_width - 1) + 1;
+   ly     = log2 (image_height - 1) + 1;
+   level  = max (lx, ly) * 2 - ((ly == lx + 1) ? 1 : 0);
+   tiles  = 1 << tiling_exp;		/* Number of image tiles */
+   width  = width_of_level (level - tiling_exp);
+   height = height_of_level (level - tiling_exp);
+   for (address = 0; address < tiles; address++)
+   {
+      unsigned x0, y0, width, height;
+      locate_subimage (level, level - tiling_exp, address,
+		       &x0, &y0, &width, &height);
+      vorder [address] = (x0 < image_width && y0 < image_height) ? 0 : -1;
+   }
+   xmin    = 0;
+   xmax    = width_of_level (level);
+   ymin    = 0;
+   ymax    = height_of_level (level);
+   address = 0;
+   /*
+    *  1234
+    *  CDE5  Traverse image in spiral order 
+    *  BGF6  starting at the top left corner
+    *  A987
+    */
+   while (TRUE)
+   {
+      for (x = xmin, y = ymin; x < xmax; x += width) /* W>E */
+      {
+	 while (vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+	 if (x < image_width && y < image_height) /* valid range */
+	    vorder [address++] = xy_to_address (x, y, level, tiling_exp);
+	 while (address < tiles && vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+      }
+      ymin += height;
+      if (address >= tiles)
+	 break;
+      for (x = xmax - width, y = ymin; y < ymax; y += height) /* N>S  */
+      {
+	 while (vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+	 if (x <= image_width && y <= image_height) /* valid range */
+	    vorder [address++] = xy_to_address (x, y, level, tiling_exp);
+	 while (address < tiles && vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+      }
+      xmax -= width;
+      if (address >= tiles)
+	 break;
+      for (x = xmax - width, y = ymax - width; x >= xmin; x -= width) /* E<W */
+      {
+	 while (vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+	 if (x <= image_width && y <= image_height) /* valid range */
+	    vorder [address++] = xy_to_address (x, y, level, tiling_exp);
+	 while (address < tiles && vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+      }
+      ymax -= height;
+      if (address >= tiles)
+	 break;
+      for (x = xmin, y = ymax - height; y >= ymin; y -= height)	/* S>N */
+      {
+	 while (vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+	 if (x <= image_width && y <= image_height) /* valid range */
+	    vorder [address++] = xy_to_address (x, y, level, tiling_exp);
+	 while (address < tiles && vorder [address] == -1)
+	    address++;
+      }
+      xmin += width;
+      if (address >= tiles)
+	 break;
+   }
+   if (inc_spiral)
+   {
+      int i = 0, j = tiles - 1;
+      while (i < j)
+      {
+	 int tmp;
+	 while (vorder [i] == -1)
+	    i++;
+	 while (vorder [j] == -1)
+	    j--;
+	 tmp 	       = vorder [i];
+	 vorder [i] = vorder [j];
+	 vorder [j] = tmp;
+	 i++;
+	 j--;
+      }
+   }
+   /*
+    *  Print tiling info
+    */
+   {
+      unsigned number;
+      for (number = 0, address = 0; address < tiles; address++)
+	 if (vorder [address] != -1)
+	    debug_message ("number %d: address %d",
+			   number++, vorder [address]);
+   }
+find_range (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned band,
+	    const wfa_t *wfa, unsigned *range_state, unsigned *range_label)
+ *  Find a range ('*range_state', '*range_label') that contains
+ *  pixel ('x', 'y') in the iven color 'band'.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	TRUE on success, or FALSE if there is no such range
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'*range_state' and '*range_label' are modified on success.
+ */
+   unsigned state, label;
+   unsigned first_state, last_state;
+   bool_t   success = NO;
+   first_state = wfa->basis_states;
+   last_state  = wfa->states;
+   if (wfa->wfainfo->color)
+      switch (band)
+      {
+	 case Y:
+	    first_state = wfa->basis_states;
+	    last_state  = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0];
+	    break;
+	 case Cb:
+	    first_state = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0] + 1;
+	    last_state  = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][1];
+	    break;
+	 case Cr:
+	    first_state = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][1] + 1;
+	    last_state  = wfa->states;
+	    break;
+	 default:
+	    error ("unknown color component.");
+      }
+   for (state = first_state; state < last_state; state++)
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 if (isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]))
+	    if (x >= wfa->x [state][label] && y >= wfa->y [state][label]
+		&& x < (unsigned) (wfa->x [state][label]
+			+ width_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1))
+		&& y < (unsigned) (wfa->y [state][label]
+			+ height_of_level (wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1))) 
+	    {
+	       success      = YES;
+	       *range_state = state;
+	       *range_label = label;
+	       return success;
+	    }
+   return success;
+sort_ranges (unsigned state, unsigned *domain,
+	     range_sort_t *rs, const wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Generate list of ranges in coder order.
+ *  'state' is the current state of the call tree while 'domain' is the
+ *  index of the last added WFA state.
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'domain' is incremented after recursion returns
+ *	'rs'	 is filled accordingly
+ *
+ *  No return value.
+ */
+   unsigned label;
+   for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+   {
+      if (isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]))
+	 rs->range_subdivided [rs->range_no] = NO;
+      else
+      {
+	 sort_ranges (wfa->tree [state][label], domain, rs, wfa);
+	 rs->range_subdivided [rs->range_no] = YES;
+      }
+      rs->range_state [rs->range_no]      = state;
+      rs->range_label [rs->range_no]      = label;
+      rs->range_max_domain [rs->range_no] = *domain;
+      while (!usedomain (rs->range_max_domain [rs->range_no], wfa))
+	 rs->range_max_domain [rs->range_no]--;
+      if (label == 1 || !rs->range_subdivided [rs->range_no])
+	 rs->range_no++;
+   }
+   (*domain)++;
+locate_delta_images (wfa_t *wfa)
+ *  Locate all WFA states that are part of a delta approximation.
+ *  I.e., these states are assigned to ranges that have been predicted
+ *  via MC or ND.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	TRUE	at least one state is part of a delta approximation
+ *	FALSE	no delta approximations in this WFA
+ *
+ *  Side effects:
+ *	'wfa->delta [state][label]' is set accordingly.
+ */
+   unsigned state, label;
+   bool_t   delta = NO;
+   for (state = wfa->root_state; state >= wfa->basis_states; state--)
+      wfa->delta_state [state] = NO;
+   for (state = wfa->root_state; state >= wfa->basis_states; state--)
+      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
+	 if (ischild (wfa->tree [state][label]))
+	    if (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type != NONE
+		|| isedge (wfa->into [state][label][0])
+		|| wfa->delta_state [state])
+	    {
+	       delta = YES;
+	       wfa->delta_state [wfa->tree [state][label]] = YES;
+	    }
+   return delta;
+				private code
+static unsigned
+xy_to_address (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned level, unsigned n)
+ *  Compute bintree address of subimage at coordinates ('x', 'y').
+ *  Size of original image is determined by 'level'.
+ *  'n' specifies number of iterations.
+ *
+ *  Return value:
+ *	address of subimage
+ */ 
+   unsigned address = 0;
+   while (n--)
+   {
+      address <<= 1;
+      if (--level % 2) 
+      {
+	 if (x & width_of_level (level))
+	    address++;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	 if (y & height_of_level (level))
+	    address++;
+      }
+   }
+   return address;
diff --git a/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.h b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4622fcd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/converter/other/fiasco/codec/wfalib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ *  wfalib.h
+ *
+ *  Written by:		Ullrich Hafner
+ *		
+ *  This file is part of FIASCO («F»ractal «I»mage «A»nd «S»equence «CO»dec)
+ *  Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>
+ */
+ *  $Date: 2000/06/14 20:50:51 $
+ *  $Author: hafner $
+ *  $Revision: 5.1 $
+ *  $State: Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef _WFALIB_H
+#define _WFALIB_H
+#include "types.h"
+#include "wfa.h"
+#include "list.h"
+typedef struct range_sort
+   u_word_t *range_state;
+   byte_t   *range_label;
+   u_word_t *range_max_domain;
+   bool_t   *range_subdivided;
+   unsigned  range_no;
+} range_sort_t;
+locate_delta_images (wfa_t *wfa);
+sort_ranges (unsigned state, unsigned *domain,
+	     range_sort_t *rs, const wfa_t *wfa);
+find_range (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned band,
+	    const wfa_t *wfa, unsigned *range_state, unsigned *range_label);
+compute_spiral (int *vorder, unsigned image_width, unsigned image_height,
+		unsigned tiling_exp, bool_t inc_spiral);
+locate_subimage (unsigned orig_level, unsigned level, unsigned bintree,
+		 unsigned *x, unsigned *y, unsigned *width, unsigned *height);
+copy_wfa (wfa_t *dst, const wfa_t *src);
+remove_states (unsigned from, wfa_t *wfa);
+append_edge (unsigned from, unsigned into, real_t weight,
+	     unsigned label, wfa_t *wfa);
+word_t *
+compute_hits (unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned n, const wfa_t *wfa);
+compute_final_distribution (unsigned state, const wfa_t *wfa);
+wfa_t *
+alloc_wfa (bool_t coding);
+free_wfa (wfa_t *wfa);
+locate_delta_images (wfa_t *wfa);
+#endif /* not _WFALIB_H */