"" A Vim syntax highlighting file for Doc/Zsh/*.yo " To try this, run: " cd Doc/Zsh && vim --cmd "source ./.vimrc" zle.yo " (This sources the file .) " " To install this permanently: " 1. Copy this file to ~/.vim/syntax/zyodl.vim " 2. Create ~/.vim/filetype.vim as explained in ":help new-filetype" case C. " 3. Add the following command to ~/.vim/filetype.vim: " autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile **/Doc/Zsh/*.yo setfiletype zyodl "" Test case: " texinode()()()() " chapter(foo) " vindex(foo) " foo tt(foo) var(foo) bf(foo) em(foo) foo " xitem(foo) " item(foo)(foo) " sitem(foo)(foo foo) " example(print *.c+LPAR()#q:s/#%+LPAR()#b+RPAR()s+LPAR()*+RPAR().c/'S${match[1]}.C'/+RPAR()) " ifzman(zmanref(zshmisc))ifnzman(noderef(Redirection)) " LPAR()foo 42 foo+RPAR() " " chapter(foo (foo) foo) # nested parentheses " sitem(foo)(foo tt(foo) foo) # nested underline if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif "" Syntax groups: syn clear syn cluster zyodlInline contains=zyodlTt,zyodlVar,zyodlBold,zyodlEmph,zyodlCond syn region zyodlTt start="\