#!/bin/zsh -f # Tmux has lots of options and sub-commands. It's very tedious to manually # check if the actual command's idea of all this matches the completion # function. So this is a helper script that automates checking the state of # _tmux. # # You need to call it like this, with a running tmux server: # # zsh -f check-tmux-state # # The script will tell you the differences in available and supported # sub-commands, command aliases, server options, session options and # window-options. # # It also checks if options have moved from one scope to another. If this # happens, then the option in question also appears in the "new/old" listings # of the involved scopes. First fix the scope changes, then the "new/old" lists # are accurate. emulate zsh setopt extended_glob null_glob no_octal_zeroes if (( $#argv != 2 )); then printf 'usage: zsh -f check-tmux-state <_tmux-function>\n' exit 1 fi printf ' -!- Checking status of _tmux completion function definition -!-\n' autoload -Uz colors colors tmux=$1 func=$2 differences=none # We'll source the _tmux file and call a bunch of its functions to gather # information. For that, we need to put a few stubs into place so sourcing the # file doesn't blow up in our face. function _arguments () { } function _describe () { } function local () { } typeset -A rev source $func __tmux-server-options __tmux-session-options __tmux-window-options # Subcommand helper functions are defined like "function _tmux-foo() {" # in the _tmux function definition file. typeset -a supported_commands supported_commands=( $( grep 'function *\<_tmux-' $func | sed -e 's,^.*\<_tmux-,,' -e 's,(.*$,,' ) ) # Ask tmux for available commands: typeset -a available_commands available_commands=( $( $tmux list-commands | cut -f1 -d' ' ) ) # Ask tmux for available aliases: typeset -A available_aliases available_aliases=( $( $tmux list-commands | grep '^[a-z-]* *(' | sed -e 's,^\([a-z-]*\) *(\([a-z-]*\))\(.*\)$,\2 \1,' ) ) # Gather information about options: typeset -a supported_session_options supported_session_options=( ${"${tmux_session_options[@]}"%%:*} ) typeset -a available_session_options available_session_options=( $( $tmux show-options -g | cut -f1 -d' ' ) ) typeset -a available_server_options supported_server_options=( ${"${tmux_server_options[@]}"%%:*} ) typeset -a supported_server_options available_server_options=( $( $tmux show-options -s -g | cut -f1 -d' ' ) ) typeset -a supported_window_options supported_window_options=( ${"${tmux_window_options[@]}"%%:*} ) typeset -a available_window_options available_window_options=( $( $tmux show-options -w -g | cut -f1 -d' ' ) ) typeset -a supported available function find_new () { local i new=() for i in "${available[@]}"; do [[ -z ${supported[(r)$i]} ]] && new+=( $i ) done } function find_old () { local i old=() for i in "${supported[@]}"; do [[ -z ${available[(r)$i]} ]] && old+=( $i ) done } function compare_sets() { name=$1 local -a old new new=() old=() find_old find_new if (( $#old > 0 )) || (( $#new > 0 )); then printf '\n%sDifferences with %s:%s\n' ${fg[yellow]} $name $reset_color differences=some if (( $#new > 0 )); then printf '%sNew:%s' ${fg[green]} $reset_color printf ' %s' "${new[@]}" printf '\n' fi if (( $#old > 0 )); then printf '%sOld:%s' ${fg[red]} $reset_color printf ' %s' "${old[@]}" printf '\n' fi fi } function find_changed_scope() { name=$1 local -a changes local i av changes=() for i in "${supported[@]}"; do av=${available[(r)$i]} [[ -n $av ]] && changes+=( $av ) done if (( $#changes > 0 )); then differences=some printf '\n%sDifferences with scope %s:%s\n' \ ${fg[yellow]} $name $reset_color printf '%sChanged:%s' ${fg[green]} $reset_color printf ' %s' "${changes[@]}" printf '\n' fi } supported=( "${supported_session_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_server_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'session=>server' supported=( "${supported_server_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_session_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'server=>session' supported=( "${supported_window_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_session_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'window=>session' supported=( "${supported_session_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_window_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'session=>window' supported=( "${supported_window_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_server_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'window=>server' supported=( "${supported_server_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_window_options[@]}" ) find_changed_scope 'server=>window' supported=( "${supported_commands[@]}" ) available=( "${available_commands[@]}" ) compare_sets commands supported=( "${supported_session_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_session_options[@]}" ) compare_sets session_options supported=( "${supported_server_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_server_options[@]}" ) compare_sets server_options supported=( "${supported_window_options[@]}" ) available=( "${available_window_options[@]}" ) compare_sets window_options typeset -a alias_messages for i in "${(k)_tmux_aliasmap[@]}"; do su=${_tmux_aliasmap[$i]} av=${available_aliases[$i]} if [[ -z $av ]]; then alias_messages+=( "${fg[red]}Old alias${reset_color}: $i ($su)" ) elif [[ $av != $su ]]; then alias_messages+=( "Changed alias $i: is ($av) was ($su)" ) fi done for i in "${(k)available_aliases[@]}"; do su=${_tmux_aliasmap[$i]} av=${available_aliases[$i]} if [[ -z $su ]]; then alias_messages+=( "${fg[green]}New alias${reset_color}: $i ($av)" ) fi done if (( $#alias_messages > 0 )); then differences=some printf '\n%sDifferences with %s:%s\n' ${fg[yellow]} "aliases" $reset_color for i in "${alias_messages[@]}"; do printf '%s\n' $i done fi if [[ $differences == none ]]; then printf '\n... _tmux seems to be up to date!\n' else printf '\n' fi exit 0