#!/bin/zsh -f # The line above is just for convenience. Normally tests will be run using # a specified version of zsh. With dynamic loading, any required libraries # must already have been installed in that case. # # Takes one argument: the name of the test file. Currently only one such # file will be processed each time ztst.zsh is run. This is slower, but # much safer in terms of preserving the correct status. # To avoid namespace pollution, all functions and parameters used # only by the script begin with ZTST_. # # Options (without arguments) may precede the test file argument; these # are interpreted as shell options to set. -x is probably the most useful. # Produce verbose messages if non-zero. # If 1, produce reports of tests executed; if 2, also report on progress. # Defined in such a way that any value from the environment is used. : ${ZTST_verbose:=0} # We require all options to be reset, not just emulation options. # Unfortunately, due to the crud which may be in /etc/zshenv this might # still not be good enough. Maybe we should trick it somehow. emulate -R zsh # Ensure the locale does not screw up sorting. Don't supply a locale # unless there's one set, to minimise problems. [[ -n $LC_ALL ]] && LC_ALL=C [[ -n $LC_COLLATE ]] && LC_COLLATE=C [[ -n $LC_NUMERIC ]] && LC_NUMERIC=C [[ -n $LC_MESSAGES ]] && LC_MESSAGES=C [[ -n $LANG ]] && LANG=C # Don't propagate variables that are set by default in the shell. typeset +x WORDCHARS # Set the module load path to correspond to this build of zsh. # This Modules directory should have been created by "make check". [[ -d Modules/zsh ]] && module_path=( $PWD/Modules ) # Allow this to be passed down. export MODULE_PATH # We need to be able to save and restore the options used in the test. # We use the $options variable of the parameter module for this. zmodload zsh/parameter # Note that both the following are regular arrays, since we only use them # in whole array assignments to/from $options. # Options set in test code (i.e. by default all standard options) ZTST_testopts=(${(kv)options}) setopt extendedglob nonomatch while [[ $1 = [-+]* ]]; do set $1 shift done # Options set in main script ZTST_mainopts=(${(kv)options}) # We run in the current directory, so remember it. ZTST_testdir=$PWD ZTST_testname=$1 integer ZTST_testfailed # This is POSIX nonsense. Because of the vague feeling someone, somewhere # may one day need to examine the arguments of "tail" using a standard # option parser, every Unix user in the world is expected to switch # to using "tail -n NUM" instead of "tail -NUM". Older versions of # tail don't support this. tail() { emulate -L zsh if [[ -z $TAIL_SUPPORTS_MINUS_N ]]; then local test test=$(echo "foo\nbar" | command tail -n 1 2>/dev/null) if [[ $test = bar ]]; then TAIL_SUPPORTS_MINUS_N=1 else TAIL_SUPPORTS_MINUS_N=0 fi fi integer argi=${argv[(i)-<->]} if [[ $argi -le $# && $TAIL_SUPPORTS_MINUS_N = 1 ]]; then argv[$argi]=(-n ${argv[$argi][2,-1]}) fi command tail "$argv[@]" } # The source directory is not necessarily the current directory, # but if $0 doesn't contain a `/' assume it is. if [[ $0 = */* ]]; then ZTST_srcdir=${0%/*} else ZTST_srcdir=$PWD fi [[ $ZTST_srcdir = /* ]] || ZTST_srcdir="$ZTST_testdir/$ZTST_srcdir" # Set the function autoload paths to correspond to this build of zsh. fpath=( $ZTST_srcdir/../Functions/*~*/CVS(/) $ZTST_srcdir/../Completion $ZTST_srcdir/../Completion/*/*~*/CVS(/) ) : ${TMPPREFIX:=/tmp/zsh} ZTST_tmp=${TMPPREFIX}.ztst.$$ if ! rm -f $ZTST_tmp || ! mkdir -p $ZTST_tmp || ! chmod go-w $ZTST_tmp; then print "Can't create $ZTST_tmp for exclusive use." >&2 exit 1 fi # Temporary files for redirection inside tests. ZTST_in=${ZTST_tmp}/ztst.in # hold the expected output ZTST_out=${ZTST_tmp}/ztst.out ZTST_err=${ZTST_tmp}/ztst.err # hold the actual output from the test ZTST_tout=${ZTST_tmp}/ztst.tout ZTST_terr=${ZTST_tmp}/ztst.terr ZTST_cleanup() { cd $ZTST_testdir rm -rf $ZTST_testdir/dummy.tmp $ZTST_testdir/*.tmp(N) ${ZTST_tmp} } # This cleanup always gets performed, even if we abort. Later, # we should try and arrange that any test-specific cleanup # always gets called as well. ##trap 'print cleaning up... ##ZTST_cleanup' INT QUIT TERM # Make sure it's clean now. rm -rf dummy.tmp *.tmp # Report failure. Note that all output regarding the tests goes to stdout. # That saves an unpleasant mixture of stdout and stderr to sort out. ZTST_testfailed() { print -r "Test $ZTST_testname failed: $1" if [[ -n $ZTST_message ]]; then print -r "Was testing: $ZTST_message" fi print -r "$ZTST_testname: test failed." if [[ -n $ZTST_failmsg ]]; then print -r "The following may (or may not) help identifying the cause: $ZTST_failmsg" fi ZTST_testfailed=1 return 1 } # Print messages if $ZTST_verbose is non-empty ZTST_verbose() { local lev=$1 shift if [[ -n $ZTST_verbose && $ZTST_verbose -ge $lev ]]; then print -r -u $ZTST_fd -- $* fi } ZTST_hashmark() { if [[ ZTST_verbose -le 0 && -t $ZTST_fd ]]; then print -n -u$ZTST_fd -- ${(pl:SECONDS::\#::\#\r:)} fi (( SECONDS > COLUMNS+1 && (SECONDS -= COLUMNS) )) } if [[ ! -r $ZTST_testname ]]; then ZTST_testfailed "can't read test file." exit 1 fi exec {ZTST_fd}>&1 exec {ZTST_input}<$ZTST_testname # The current line read from the test file. ZTST_curline='' # The current section being run ZTST_cursect='' # Get a new input line. Don't mangle spaces; set IFS locally to empty. # We shall skip comments at this level. ZTST_getline() { local IFS= while true; do read -u $ZTST_input -r ZTST_curline || return 1 [[ $ZTST_curline == \#* ]] || return 0 done } # Get the name of the section. It may already have been read into # $curline, or we may have to skip some initial comments to find it. # If argument present, it's OK to skip the reset of the current section, # so no error if we find garbage. ZTST_getsect() { local match mbegin mend while [[ $ZTST_curline != '%'(#b)([[:alnum:]]##)* ]]; do ZTST_getline || return 1 [[ $ZTST_curline = [[:blank:]]# ]] && continue if [[ $# -eq 0 && $ZTST_curline != '%'[[:alnum:]]##* ]]; then ZTST_testfailed "bad line found before or after section: $ZTST_curline" exit 1 fi done # have the next line ready waiting ZTST_getline ZTST_cursect=${match[1]} ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_getsect: read section name: $ZTST_cursect" return 0 } # Read in an indented code chunk for execution ZTST_getchunk() { # Code chunks are always separated by blank lines or the # end of a section, so if we already have a piece of code, # we keep it. Currently that shouldn't actually happen. ZTST_code='' # First find the chunk. while [[ $ZTST_curline = [[:blank:]]# ]]; do ZTST_getline || break done while [[ $ZTST_curline = [[:blank:]]##[^[:blank:]]* ]]; do ZTST_code="${ZTST_code:+${ZTST_code} }${ZTST_curline}" ZTST_getline || break done ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_getchunk: read code chunk: $ZTST_code" [[ -n $ZTST_code ]] } # Read in a piece for redirection. ZTST_getredir() { local char=${ZTST_curline[1]} fn ZTST_redir=${ZTST_curline[2,-1]} while ZTST_getline; do [[ $ZTST_curline[1] = $char ]] || break ZTST_redir="${ZTST_redir} ${ZTST_curline[2,-1]}" done ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_getredir: read redir for '$char': $ZTST_redir" case $char in ('<') fn=$ZTST_in ;; ('>') fn=$ZTST_out ;; ('?') fn=$ZTST_err ;; (*) ZTST_testfailed "bad redir operator: $char" return 1 ;; esac if [[ $ZTST_flags = *q* && $char = '<' ]]; then # delay substituting output until variables are set print -r -- "${(e)ZTST_redir}" >>$fn else print -r -- "$ZTST_redir" >>$fn fi return 0 } # Execute an indented chunk. Redirections will already have # been set up, but we need to handle the options. ZTST_execchunk() { setopt localloops # don't let continue & break propagate out options=($ZTST_testopts) () { unsetopt localloops eval "$ZTST_code" } ZTST_status=$? # careful... ksh_arrays may be in effect. ZTST_testopts=(${(kv)options[*]}) options=(${ZTST_mainopts[*]}) ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_execchunk: status $ZTST_status" return $ZTST_status } # Functions for preparation and cleaning. # When cleaning up (non-zero string argument), we ignore status. ZTST_prepclean() { # Execute indented code chunks. while ZTST_getchunk; do ZTST_execchunk >/dev/null || [[ -n $1 ]] || { [[ -n "$ZTST_unimplemented" ]] || ZTST_testfailed "non-zero status from preparation code: $ZTST_code" && return 0 } done } # diff wrapper ZTST_diff() { emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local diff_out integer diff_pat diff_ret case $1 in (p) diff_pat=1 ;; (d) ;; (*) print "Bad ZTST_diff code: d for diff, p for pattern match" ;; esac shift if (( diff_pat )); then local -a diff_lines1 diff_lines2 integer failed i l n local p diff_lines1=("${(f)$(<$argv[-2])}") diff_lines2=("${(f)$(<$argv[-1])}") if (( ${#diff_lines1} != ${#diff_lines2} )); then failed=1 else for (( i = 1; i <= ${#diff_lines1}; i++ )); do if [[ ${diff_lines2[i]} != ${~diff_lines1[i]} ]]; then failed=1 break fi done fi if (( failed )); then print -r "Pattern match failed, line $i:" n=${#diff_lines1} (( ${#diff_lines2} > $n )) && n=${#diff_lines2} for (( l = 1; l <= n; ++l )); do if (( l == i )); then p="-" else p=" " fi print -r -- "$p<${diff_lines1[l]}" done for (( l = 1; l <= n; ++l )); do if (( l == i )); then p="+" else p=" " fi print -r -- "$p>${diff_lines2[l]}" done diff_ret=1 fi else diff_out=$(diff -a "$@") diff_ret="$?" if [[ "$diff_ret" != "0" ]]; then print -r -- "$diff_out" fi fi return "$diff_ret" } ZTST_test() { local last match mbegin mend found substlines local diff_out diff_err local ZTST_skip while true; do rm -f $ZTST_in $ZTST_out $ZTST_err touch $ZTST_in $ZTST_out $ZTST_err ZTST_message='' ZTST_failmsg='' found=0 diff_out=d diff_err=d ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: looking for new test" while true; do ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: examining line: $ZTST_curline" case $ZTST_curline in (%*) if [[ $found = 0 ]]; then break 2 else last=1 break fi ;; ([[:space:]]#) if [[ $found = 0 ]]; then ZTST_getline || break 2 continue else break fi ;; ([[:space:]]##[^[:space:]]*) ZTST_getchunk if [[ $ZTST_curline == (#b)([-0-9]##)([[:alpha:]]#)(:*)# ]]; then ZTST_xstatus=$match[1] ZTST_flags=$match[2] ZTST_message=${match[3]:+${match[3][2,-1]}} else ZTST_testfailed "expecting test status at: $ZTST_curline" return 1 fi ZTST_getline found=1 ;; ('<'*) ZTST_getredir || return 1 found=1 ;; ('*>'*) ZTST_curline=${ZTST_curline[2,-1]} diff_out=p ;& ('>'*) ZTST_getredir || return 1 found=1 ;; ('*?'*) ZTST_curline=${ZTST_curline[2,-1]} diff_err=p ;& ('?'*) ZTST_getredir || return 1 found=1 ;; ('F:'*) ZTST_failmsg="${ZTST_failmsg:+${ZTST_failmsg} } ${ZTST_curline[3,-1]}" ZTST_getline found=1 ;; (*) ZTST_testfailed "bad line in test block: $ZTST_curline" return 1 ;; esac done # If we found some code to execute... if [[ -n $ZTST_code ]]; then ZTST_hashmark ZTST_verbose 1 "Running test: $ZTST_message" ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: expecting status: $ZTST_xstatus" ZTST_verbose 2 "Input: $ZTST_in, output: $ZTST_out, error: $ZTST_terr" ZTST_execchunk <$ZTST_in >$ZTST_tout 2>$ZTST_terr if [[ -n $ZTST_skip ]]; then ZTST_verbose 0 "Test case skipped: $ZTST_skip" ZTST_skip= if [[ -n $last ]]; then break else continue fi fi # First check we got the right status, if specified. if [[ $ZTST_xstatus != - && $ZTST_xstatus != $ZTST_status ]]; then ZTST_testfailed "bad status $ZTST_status, expected $ZTST_xstatus from: $ZTST_code${$(<$ZTST_terr):+ Error output: $(<$ZTST_terr)}" return 1 fi ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: test produced standard output: $(<$ZTST_tout) ZTST_test: and standard error: $(<$ZTST_terr)" # Now check output and error. if [[ $ZTST_flags = *q* && -s $ZTST_out ]]; then substlines="$(<$ZTST_out)" rm -rf $ZTST_out print -r -- "${(e)substlines}" >$ZTST_out fi if [[ $ZTST_flags != *d* ]] && ! ZTST_diff $diff_out -u $ZTST_out $ZTST_tout; then ZTST_testfailed "output differs from expected as shown above for: $ZTST_code${$(<$ZTST_terr):+ Error output: $(<$ZTST_terr)}" return 1 fi if [[ $ZTST_flags = *q* && -s $ZTST_err ]]; then substlines="$(<$ZTST_err)" rm -rf $ZTST_err print -r -- "${(e)substlines}" >$ZTST_err fi if [[ $ZTST_flags != *D* ]] && ! ZTST_diff $diff_err -u $ZTST_err $ZTST_terr; then ZTST_testfailed "error output differs from expected as shown above for: $ZTST_code" return 1 fi fi ZTST_verbose 1 "Test successful." [[ -n $last ]] && break done ZTST_verbose 2 "ZTST_test: all tests successful" # reset message to keep ZTST_testfailed output correct ZTST_message='' } # Remember which sections we've done. typeset -A ZTST_sects ZTST_sects=(prep 0 test 0 clean 0) print "$ZTST_testname: starting." # Now go through all the different sections until the end. # prep section may set ZTST_unimplemented, in this case the actual # tests will be skipped ZTST_skipok= ZTST_unimplemented= while [[ -z "$ZTST_unimplemented" ]] && ZTST_getsect $ZTST_skipok; do case $ZTST_cursect in (prep) if (( ${ZTST_sects[prep]} + ${ZTST_sects[test]} + \ ${ZTST_sects[clean]} )); then ZTST_testfailed "\`prep' section must come first" exit 1 fi ZTST_prepclean ZTST_sects[prep]=1 ;; (test) if (( ${ZTST_sects[test]} + ${ZTST_sects[clean]} )); then ZTST_testfailed "bad placement of \`test' section" exit 1 fi # careful here: we can't execute ZTST_test before || or && # because that affects the behaviour of traps in the tests. ZTST_test (( $? )) && ZTST_skipok=1 ZTST_sects[test]=1 ;; (clean) if (( ${ZTST_sects[test]} == 0 || ${ZTST_sects[clean]} )); then ZTST_testfailed "bad use of \`clean' section" else ZTST_prepclean 1 ZTST_sects[clean]=1 fi ZTST_skipok= ;; *) ZTST_testfailed "bad section name: $ZTST_cursect" ;; esac done if [[ -n "$ZTST_unimplemented" ]]; then print "$ZTST_testname: skipped ($ZTST_unimplemented)" ZTST_testfailed=2 elif (( ! $ZTST_testfailed )); then print "$ZTST_testname: all tests successful." fi ZTST_cleanup exit $(( ZTST_testfailed ))