# Tests for BANG_HIST replacements %prep if [[ -t 0 ]]; then print -u $ZTST_fd History tests write to /dev/tty; fi %test $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fis <<<' print one two three four five six seven eight nine ten print !:$ !:10 !:9 !:1 !:0 print one two three four five six seven eight nine ten print !:0-$ !:1-2 ' 2>/dev/null 0:History word references >one two three four five six seven eight nine ten >ten ten nine one print >one two three four five six seven eight nine ten >print one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fis <<<' print line one of an arbitrary series print issue two for some mystery sequence print !-1:5-$ print !1:2 print !2:2 print !-3:1-$ ' 2>/dev/null 0:History line numbering >line one of an arbitrary series >issue two for some mystery sequence >mystery sequence >one >two >mystery sequence $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fis <<<' print All metaphor, Malachi, stilts and all print !1:2:s/,/\\\\?/ !1:2:s/m/shm/:s/,/\!/ print !1:2:& print -l !1:2-3:gs/a/o/ ' 2>/dev/null 0:History substitution >All metaphor, Malachi, stilts and all >metaphor? shmetaphor! >metaphor! >metophor, >Molochi, $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fis <<<' echo foo bar echo $(!!) again echo more $( !! )' 2>/dev/null 0:Regression test for history references in command substitution >foo bar >foo bar again >more foo bar again *?* F:Check that a history bug introduced by workers/34160 is working again. # Discarded line of error output consumes prompts printed by "zsh -i". $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fis <<<' echo /my/path/for/testing echo !1:1:h10 echo !1:1:h3 echo !1:1:h2 echo !1:1:h1 echo !1:1:t10 echo !1:1:t3 echo !1:1:t2 echo !1:1:t1 echo !1:1:t3:h2' 2>/dev/null 0:Modifiers :h and :t with arguments >/my/path/for/testing >/my/path/for/testing >/my/path >/my >/ >/my/path/for/testing >path/for/testing >for/testing >testing >path/for