%prep setopt chaselinks cd . unsetopt chaselinks mydir=$PWD %test print 'print In sourced file print $LINENO + $functrace + ${funcsourcetrace} ' >sourcedfile print -r -- 'print Started functrace.zsh module_path=(./Modules) print $LINENO + $functrace + ${funcsourcetrace} : fn() { print Inside function $0 print $LINENO + $functrace + ${funcsourcetrace} } : fn : fpath=(. $fpath) : echo '\''print Inside $0 print $LINENO + $functrace + ${funcsourcetrace} '\'' >autofn : autoload autofn : autofn autofn . ./sourcedfile' >functrace.zsh $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh +Z -f ./functrace.zsh 0q:Function tracing >Started functrace.zsh >3 + + >Inside function fn >2 + ./functrace.zsh:10 + ./functrace.zsh:5 >Inside autofn >2 + ./functrace.zsh:20 + $mydir/autofn:0 >Inside autofn >2 + ./functrace.zsh:21 + $mydir/autofn:0 >In sourced file >2 + ./functrace.zsh:22 + ./sourcedfile:0 print -r -- 'module_path=(./Modules) debug_hook() { print $funcfiletrace[1] $functrace[1]; } set -o DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD trap "debug_hook" DEBUG fn() { a=1 eval "b=2" c=3 } fn w=5 eval "x=6 y=7" z=8' >rocky3.zsh $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh +Z -f ./rocky3.zsh 0:Eval tracing >./rocky3.zsh:5 ./rocky3.zsh:5 >./rocky3.zsh:10 ./rocky3.zsh:10 >./rocky3.zsh:6 fn:1 >./rocky3.zsh:7 fn:2 >./rocky3.zsh:7 (eval):1 >./rocky3.zsh:8 fn:3 >./rocky3.zsh:11 ./rocky3.zsh:11 >./rocky3.zsh:12 ./rocky3.zsh:12 >./rocky3.zsh:12 (eval):1 >./rocky3.zsh:13 (eval):2 >./rocky3.zsh:14 ./rocky3.zsh:14 ( fpath=($PWD) print "print I have been autoloaded" >myfunc autoload $PWD/myfunc print ${functions_source[myfunc]} myfunc print ${functions_source[myfunc]} ) 0q: $functions_source >$mydir/myfunc >I have been autoloaded >$mydir/myfunc %clean rm -f autofn functrace.zsh rocky3.zsh sourcedfile myfunc