%prep # Do some tests on handling of features. # This also does some slightly more sophisticated loading and # unloading tests than we did in V01zmodload.ztst. # # We use zsh/datetime because it has a list of features that is short # but contains two types. if ! (zmodload zsh/datetime >/dev/null 2>/dev/null); then ZTST_unimplemented="can't load the zsh/datetime module for testing" fi %test zmodload -F zsh/datetime zmodload -lF zsh/datetime 0:Loading modules with no features >-b:strftime >-p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -F zsh/datetime b:strftime zmodload -lF zsh/datetime 0:Enabling features >+b:strftime >-p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -F zsh/datetime +p:EPOCHSECONDS -b:strftime zmodload -lF zsh/datetime 0:Disabling features >-b:strftime >+p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime p:EPOCHSECONDS b:strftime 0:Testing existing features zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime +p:EPOCHSECONDS 0:Testing features are in given state (on feature is on) zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime -p:EPOCHSECONDS 1:Testing features are in given state (on feature is not off zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime +p:strftime 1:Testing features are in given state (off feature is not on) zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime -b:strftime 0:Testing features are in given state (off feature is off zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime p:EPOCHSECONDS b:strftime b:mktimebetter 1:Testing non-existent features zmodload -FlP dtf zsh/datetime for feature in b:strftime p:EPOCHSECONDS; do if [[ ${${dtf[(R)?$feature]}[1]} = + ]]; then print $feature is enabled else print $feature is disabled fi done 0:Testing features via array parameter >b:strftime is disabled >p:EPOCHSECONDS is enabled fn() { local EPOCHSECONDS=scruts print $EPOCHSECONDS print ${(t)EPOCHSECONDS} } fn if [[ $EPOCHSECONDS = <-> ]]; then print EPOCHSECONDS is a number else print EPOCHSECONDS is some random piece of junk fi print ${(t)EPOCHSECONDS} 0:Module special parameter is hidden by a local parameter >scruts >scalar-local >EPOCHSECONDS is a number >integer-readonly-hide-hideval-special typeset +h EPOCHSECONDS fn() { local EPOCHSECONDS=scruts print Didn\'t get here >&2 } fn 1:Unhidden readonly special can't be assigned to when made local ?fn:1: read-only variable: EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -u zsh/datetime 0:Module unloaded zmodload -e zsh/datetime 1:Module doesn't exist when unloaded zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime p:EPOCHSECONDS 1:Module doesn't have features when unloaded fn() { local EPOCHSECONDS=scrimf zmodload zsh/datetime } fn # status is zero because load succeded although features not all enabled 2:Failed to add parameter if local parameter present ?fn:2: Can't add module parameter `EPOCHSECONDS': local parameter exists ?fn:zsh/datetime:2: error when adding parameter `EPOCHSECONDS' zmodload -lF zsh/datetime 0:Feature state with loading after error enabling >+b:strftime >-p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -F zsh/datetime p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime +p:EPOCHSECONDS 0:Successfully added feature parameter that previously failed fn() { local EPOCHSECONDS=scrooble zmodload -u zsh/datetime print $EPOCHSECONDS } fn print ${+EPOCHSECONDS} 0:Successfully unloaded a module despite a parameter being hidden >scrooble >0 EPOCHSECONDS=(any old parameter) print -l $EPOCHSECONDS 0:Using parameter as normal after unloading is OK >any >old >parameter print strftime is ${builtins[strftime]:-undefined} zmodload -F zsh/datetime b:strftime print strftime is ${builtins[strftime]:-undefined} zmodload -F zsh/datetime -b:strftime print strftime is ${builtins[strftime]:-undefined} 0:Enabling and disabling of builtins as features >strftime is undefined >strftime is defined >strftime is undefined zmodload -u zsh/datetime zmodload zsh/datetime 2:Loading won't override global parameter ?(eval):2: Can't add module parameter `EPOCHSECONDS': parameter already exists ?(eval):zsh/datetime:2: error when adding parameter `EPOCHSECONDS' unset EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -F zsh/datetime p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload -Fe zsh/datetime +p:EPOCHSECONDS 0:unsetting a global parameter allows feature parameter to be enabled zmodload -F zsh/datetime -b:strftime -p:EPOCHSECONDS zmodload zsh/datetime zmodload -lF zsh/datetime 0:zmodload with no -F enables all features >+b:strftime >+p:EPOCHSECONDS