# Tests for brace expansion %prep foo=(a b c) arr=(foo bar baz) %test print X{1,2,{3..6},7,8}Y 0:Basic brace expansion >X1Y X2Y X3Y X4Y X5Y X6Y X7Y X8Y print ${foo}{one,two,three}$arr 0:Brace expansion with arrays, no RC_EXPAND_PARAM >a b conefoo ctwofoo cthreefoo bar baz print ${^foo}{one,two,three}$arr 0:Brace expansion with arrays, with RC_EXPAND_PARAM (1) >aonefoo atwofoo athreefoo bonefoo btwofoo bthreefoo conefoo ctwofoo cthreefoo bar baz print ${foo}{one,two,three}$^arr 0:Brace expansion with arrays, with RC_EXPAND_PARAM (2) >a b conefoo ctwofoo cthreefoo conebar ctwobar cthreebar conebaz ctwobaz cthreebaz print ${^foo}{one,two,three}$^arr 0:Brace expansion with arrays, with RC_EXPAND_PARAM (3) >aonefoo atwofoo athreefoo aonebar atwobar athreebar aonebaz atwobaz athreebaz bonefoo btwofoo bthreefoo bonebar btwobar bthreebar bonebaz btwobaz bthreebaz conefoo ctwofoo cthreefoo conebar ctwobar cthreebar conebaz ctwobaz cthreebaz print X{01..4}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, padding (1) >X01Y X02Y X03Y X04Y print X{1..04}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, padding (2) >X01Y X02Y X03Y X04Y print X{7..12}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, padding (or not) (3) >X7Y X8Y X9Y X10Y X11Y X12Y print X{07..12}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, padding (4) >X07Y X08Y X09Y X10Y X11Y X12Y print X{7..012}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, padding (5) >X007Y X008Y X009Y X010Y X011Y X012Y print X{4..1}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, decreasing >X4Y X3Y X2Y X1Y print X{1..4}{1..4}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, combined braces >X11Y X12Y X13Y X14Y X21Y X22Y X23Y X24Y X31Y X32Y X33Y X34Y X41Y X42Y X43Y X44Y print X{-4..4}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, negative numbers (1) >X-4Y X-3Y X-2Y X-1Y X0Y X1Y X2Y X3Y X4Y print X{4..-4}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, negative numbers (2) >X4Y X3Y X2Y X1Y X0Y X-1Y X-2Y X-3Y X-4Y print X{004..-4..2}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, stepping and padding (1) >X004Y X002Y X000Y X-02Y X-04Y print X{4..-4..02}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, stepping and padding (1) >X04Y X02Y X00Y X-2Y X-4Y print X{1..32..3}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, step alignment (1) >X1Y X4Y X7Y X10Y X13Y X16Y X19Y X22Y X25Y X28Y X31Y print X{1..32..-3}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, step alignment (2) >X31Y X28Y X25Y X22Y X19Y X16Y X13Y X10Y X7Y X4Y X1Y print X{32..1..3}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, step alignment (3) >X32Y X29Y X26Y X23Y X20Y X17Y X14Y X11Y X8Y X5Y X2Y print X{32..1..-3}Y 0:Numeric range expansion, step alignment (4) >X2Y X5Y X8Y X11Y X14Y X17Y X20Y X23Y X26Y X29Y X32Y setopt brace_ccl print X{za-q521}Y unsetopt brace_ccl 0:BRACE_CCL on >X1Y X2Y X5Y XaY XbY XcY XdY XeY XfY XgY XhY XiY XjY XkY XlY XmY XnY XoY XpY XqY XzY print X{za-q521}Y 0:BRACE_CCL off >X{za-q521}Y print -r hey{a..j}there 0:{char..char} ranges, simple case >heyathere heybthere heycthere heydthere heyethere heyfthere heygthere heyhthere heyithere heyjthere print -r gosh{1,{Z..a},2}cripes 0:{char..char} ranges, ASCII ordering >gosh1cripes goshZcripes gosh[cripes gosh\cripes gosh]cripes gosh^cripes gosh_cripes gosh`cripes goshacripes gosh2cripes print -r crumbs{y..p}ooh 0:{char..char} ranges, reverse >crumbsyooh crumbsxooh crumbswooh crumbsvooh crumbsuooh crumbstooh crumbssooh crumbsrooh crumbsqooh crumbspooh print -r left{[..]}right 0:{char..char} ranges with tokenized characters >left[right left\right left]right print -r {1..10}{.. 0:Unmatched braces after matched braces are left alone. >1{.. 2{.. 3{.. 4{.. 5{.. 6{.. 7{.. 8{.. 9{.. 10{.. () { setopt localoptions no_multibyte echo -E {$'\x80'..$'\x81'} } 0:range of 8bit chars, multibyte option unset >\M-^@ \M-^A