/* * zle_utils.c - miscellaneous line editor utilities * * This file is part of zsh, the Z shell. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any * purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable * to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential * damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, * even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of * the possibility of such damage. * * Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the * Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance, * support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. * */ #include "zle.mdh" #include "zle_utils.pro" /* Primary cut buffer */ /**/ struct cutbuffer cutbuf; /* Emacs-style kill buffer ring */ /**/ struct cutbuffer *kring; /**/ int kringsize, kringnum; /* Vi named cut buffers. 0-25 are the named buffers "a to "z, and * * 26-34 are the numbered buffer stack "1 to "9. */ /**/ struct cutbuffer vibuf[35]; /* the line before last mod (for undo purposes) */ /**/ ZLE_STRING_T lastline; /**/ int lastlinesz, lastll, lastcs; /* size of line buffer */ /**/ int linesz; /* make sure that the line buffer has at least sz chars */ /**/ void sizeline(int sz) { while (sz > linesz) { if (linesz < 256) linesz = 256; else linesz *= 4; zleline = (ZLE_STRING_T)realloc(zleline, (linesz + 2) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); } } /* * Insert a character, called from main shell. */ /**/ mod_export void zleaddtoline(ZLE_CHAR_T chr) { spaceinline(1); zleline[zlecs++] = chr; } /* * Input a line in internal zle format, possibly using wide characters, * possibly not, together with its length and the cursor position. * Output an ordinary string, using multibyte characters instead of wide * characters where appropriate and with the contents metafied. * * If outll is non-NULL, assign the new length. If outcs is non-NULL, * assign the new character position. * * If useheap is 1, memory is returned from the heap, else is allocated * for later freeing. */ /**/ mod_export unsigned char * zlelineasstring(ZLE_STRING_T instr, int inll, int incs, int *outll, int *outcs, int useheap) { #ifdef ZLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT char *s; char *mb_cursor; int i, j; size_t mb_len = 0; mb_cursor = s = zalloc(inll * MB_CUR_MAX); for(i=0;i<=inll;i++) { if (outcs != NULL && i == incs) *outcs = mb_len; j = wctomb(mb_cursor, instr[i]); if (j == -1) { /* invalid char; what to do? */ } else { mb_len += j; } } if (outll != NULL) *outll = mb_len; if (useheap) { unsigned char *ret = (unsigned char *) metafy((char *) s, mb_len, META_HEAPDUP); zfree((char *)s, inll * MB_CUR_MAX); return ret; } else { return (unsigned char *) metafy((char *) s, mb_len, META_REALLOC); } #else if (outll != NULL) *outll = inll; if (outcs != NULL) *outcs = incs; return (unsigned char *) metafy((char *) instr, inll, useheap ? META_HEAPDUP : META_DUP); #endif } /* * Input a NULL-terminated metafied string instr. * Output a line in internal zle format, together with its length * in the appropriate character units. Note that outll may not be NULL. * * If outsz is non-NULL, the number of allocated characters in the * string is written there. For compatibility with use of the linesz * variable (allocate size of zleline), at least two characters are * allocated more than needed for immediate use. (The extra characters * may take a newline and a null at a later stage.) These are not * included in *outsz. * * Note that instr is modified in place, hence should be copied * first if necessary; * * Memory for the returned string is permanently allocated. *outsz may * be longer than the *outll returned. Hence it should be freed with * zfree(outstr, *outsz) or free(outstr), not zfree(outstr, *outll). */ /**/ mod_export ZLE_STRING_T stringaszleline(unsigned char *instr, int *outll, int *outsz) { ZLE_STRING_T outstr; int ll, sz; #ifdef ZLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT int cll; mbstate_t ps; #endif unmetafy(instr, &ll); /* * ll is the maximum number of characters there can be in * the output string; the closer to ASCII the string, the * better the guess. For the 2 see above. */ sz = (ll + 2) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE; if (outsz) *outsz = ll; outstr = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(sz); #ifdef ZLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT if (ll) { /* reset shift state by converting null. */ char cnull = '\0'; char *inptr = (char *)instr; wchar_t *outptr = outstr; mbrtowc(outstr, &cnull, 1, &ps); while (ll) { size_t ret = mbrtowc(outptr, inptr, ll, &ps); /* * At this point we don't handle either incomplete (-2) or * invalid (-1) multibyte sequences. Use the current length * and return. */ if (ret == (size_t)-1 || ret == (size_t)-2) break; /* * Careful: converting a wide NUL returns zero, but we * want to treat NULs as regular characters. * The NUL does get converted, however, so test that. * Assume it was represented by a single ASCII NUL; * certainly true for Unicode and unlikely to be false * in any non-pathological multibyte representation. */ if (*outptr == L'\0' && ret == 0) ret = 1; inptr += ret; outptr++; ll -= ret; } *outll = outptr - outstr; } else *outll = 0; #else memcpy((char *)outstr, (char *)instr, ll); *outll = ll; #endif return outstr; } /**/ mod_export unsigned char * zlegetline(int *ll, int *cs) { return zlelineasstring(zleline, zlell, zlecs, ll, cs, 0); } /* insert space for ct chars at cursor position */ /**/ mod_export void spaceinline(int ct) { int i; sizeline(ct + zlell); for (i = zlell; --i >= zlecs;) zleline[i + ct] = zleline[i]; zlell += ct; zleline[zlell] = ZLENUL; if (mark > zlecs) mark += ct; } /**/ static void shiftchars(int to, int cnt) { if (mark >= to + cnt) mark -= cnt; else if (mark > to) mark = to; while (to + cnt < zlell) { zleline[to] = zleline[to + cnt]; to++; } zleline[zlell = to] = ZLENUL; } /**/ mod_export void backkill(int ct, int dir) { int i = (zlecs -= ct); cut(i, ct, dir); shiftchars(i, ct); } /**/ mod_export void forekill(int ct, int dir) { int i = zlecs; cut(i, ct, dir); shiftchars(i, ct); } /**/ void cut(int i, int ct, int dir) { if (!ct) return; if (zmod.flags & MOD_VIBUF) { struct cutbuffer *b = &vibuf[zmod.vibuf]; if (!(zmod.flags & MOD_VIAPP) || !b->buf) { free(b->buf); b->buf = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)b->buf, (char *)(zleline + i), ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); b->len = ct; b->flags = vilinerange ? CUTBUFFER_LINE : 0; } else { int len = b->len; if(vilinerange) b->flags |= CUTBUFFER_LINE; b->buf = (ZLE_STRING_T) realloc((char *)b->buf, (ct + len + !!(b->flags & CUTBUFFER_LINE)) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); if (b->flags & CUTBUFFER_LINE) b->buf[len++] = ZLENL; memcpy((char *)(b->buf + len), (char *)(zleline + i), ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); b->len = len + ct; } return; } else { /* Save in "1, shifting "1-"8 along to "2-"9 */ int n; free(vibuf[34].buf); for(n=34; n>26; n--) vibuf[n] = vibuf[n-1]; vibuf[26].buf = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)vibuf[26].buf, (char *)(zleline + i), ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); vibuf[26].len = ct; vibuf[26].flags = vilinerange ? CUTBUFFER_LINE : 0; } if (!cutbuf.buf) { cutbuf.buf = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); cutbuf.buf[0] = ZLENUL; cutbuf.len = cutbuf.flags = 0; } else if (!(lastcmd & ZLE_KILL)) { Cutbuffer kptr; if (!kring) { kringsize = KRINGCTDEF; kring = (Cutbuffer)zshcalloc(kringsize * sizeof(struct cutbuffer)); } else kringnum = (kringnum + 1) % kringsize; kptr = kring + kringnum; if (kptr->buf) free(kptr->buf); *kptr = cutbuf; cutbuf.buf = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); cutbuf.buf[0] = ZLENUL; cutbuf.len = cutbuf.flags = 0; } if (dir) { ZLE_STRING_T s = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc((cutbuf.len + ct)*ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy(s, (char *) (zleline + i), ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)(s + ct), (char *)cutbuf.buf, cutbuf.len * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); free(cutbuf.buf); cutbuf.buf = s; cutbuf.len += ct; } else { cutbuf.buf = realloc((char *)cutbuf.buf, (cutbuf.len + ct) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)(cutbuf.buf + cutbuf.len), (char *) (zleline + i), ct * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); cutbuf.len += ct; } if(vilinerange) cutbuf.flags |= CUTBUFFER_LINE; else cutbuf.flags &= ~CUTBUFFER_LINE; } /**/ mod_export void backdel(int ct) { shiftchars(zlecs -= ct, ct); } /**/ mod_export void foredel(int ct) { shiftchars(zlecs, ct); } /**/ void setline(char const *s) { char *scp = ztrdup(s); /* * TBD: we could make this more efficient by passing the existing * allocated line to stringaszleline. */ free(zleline); zleline = stringaszleline(scp, &zlell, &linesz); if ((zlecs = zlell) && invicmdmode()) zlecs--; free(scp); } /**/ int findbol(void) { int x = zlecs; while (x > 0 && zleline[x - 1] != ZLENL) x--; return x; } /**/ int findeol(void) { int x = zlecs; while (x != zlell && zleline[x] != ZLENL) x++; return x; } /**/ void findline(int *a, int *b) { *a = findbol(); *b = findeol(); } /* Search for needle in haystack. Haystack is a metafied string while * * needle is unmetafied and len-long. Start the search at position * * pos. Search forward if dir > 0 otherwise search backward. */ /**/ char * hstrnstr(char *haystack, int pos, char *needle, int len, int dir, int sens) { char *s = haystack + pos; if (dir > 0) { while (*s) { if (metadiffer(s, needle, len) < sens) return s; s += 1 + (*s == Meta); } } else { for (;;) { if (metadiffer(s, needle, len) < sens) return s; if (s == haystack) break; s -= 1 + (s != haystack+1 && s[-2] == Meta); } } return NULL; } /* * Query the user, and return a single character response. The question * is assumed to have been printed already, and the cursor is left * immediately after the response echoed. (Might cause a problem if * this takes it onto the next line.) If yesno is non-zero: is * interpreted as 'y'; any other control character is interpreted as * 'n'. If there are any characters in the buffer, this is taken as a * negative response, and no characters are read. Case is folded. * * TBD: this may need extending to return a wchar_t or possibly * a wint_t. */ /**/ mod_export int getzlequery(int yesno) { int c; #ifdef FIONREAD int val; if (yesno) { /* check for typeahead, which is treated as a negative response */ ioctl(SHTTY, FIONREAD, (char *)&val); if (val) { putc('n', shout); return 'n'; } } #endif /* get a character from the tty and interpret it */ c = getkey(0); if (yesno) { if (c == '\t') c = 'y'; else if (icntrl(c) || c == EOF) c = 'n'; else c = tulower(c); } /* echo response and return */ if (c != '\n') putc(c, shout); return c; } /* Format a string, keybinding style. */ /**/ char * bindztrdup(char *str) { int c, len = 1; char *buf, *ptr, *ret; for(ptr = str; *ptr; ptr++) { c = *ptr == Meta ? STOUC(*++ptr) ^ 32 : STOUC(*ptr); if(c & 0x80) { len += 3; c &= 0x7f; } if(c < 32 || c == 0x7f) { len++; c ^= 64; } len += c == '\\' || c == '^'; len++; } ptr = buf = zalloc(len); for(; *str; str++) { c = *str == Meta ? STOUC(*++str) ^ 32 : STOUC(*str); if(c & 0x80) { *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = 'M'; *ptr++ = '-'; c &= 0x7f; } if(c < 32 || c == 0x7f) { *ptr++ = '^'; c ^= 64; } if(c == '\\' || c == '^') *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = c; } *ptr = 0; ret = dquotedztrdup(buf); zsfree(buf); return ret; } /* Display a metafied string, keybinding-style. */ /**/ int printbind(char *str, FILE *stream) { char *b = bindztrdup(str); int ret = zputs(b, stream); zsfree(b); return ret; } /* Display a message where the completion list normally goes. * * The message must be metafied. */ /**/ mod_export void showmsg(char const *msg) { char const *p; int up = 0, cc = 0, c; trashzle(); clearflag = isset(USEZLE) && !termflags && isset(ALWAYSLASTPROMPT); for(p = msg; (c = *p); p++) { if(c == Meta) c = *++p ^ 32; if(c == '\n') { putc('\n', shout); up += 1 + cc / columns; cc = 0; } else { char const *n = nicechar(c); fputs(n, shout); cc += strlen(n); } } up += cc / columns; if (clearflag) { putc('\r', shout); tcmultout(TCUP, TCMULTUP, up + nlnct); } else putc('\n', shout); showinglist = 0; } /* handle the error flag */ /**/ int handlefeep(UNUSED(char **args)) { zbeep(); return 0; } /***************/ /* undo system */ /***************/ /* head of the undo list, and the current position */ static struct change *changes, *curchange; /* list of pending changes, not yet in the undo system */ static struct change *nextchanges, *endnextchanges; /**/ void initundo(void) { nextchanges = NULL; changes = curchange = zalloc(sizeof(*curchange)); curchange->prev = curchange->next = NULL; curchange->del = curchange->ins = NULL; curchange->dell = curchange->insl = 0; lastline = zalloc((lastlinesz = linesz) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy(lastline, zleline, (lastll = zlell) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); lastcs = zlecs; } /**/ void freeundo(void) { freechanges(changes); freechanges(nextchanges); zfree(lastline, lastlinesz); } /**/ static void freechanges(struct change *p) { struct change *n; for(; p; p = n) { n = p->next; free(p->del); free(p->ins); zfree(p, sizeof(*p)); } } /* register pending changes in the undo system */ /**/ mod_export void handleundo(void) { mkundoent(); if(!nextchanges) return; setlastline(); if(curchange->next) { freechanges(curchange->next); curchange->next = NULL; free(curchange->del); free(curchange->ins); curchange->del = curchange->ins = NULL; curchange->dell = curchange->insl = 0; } nextchanges->prev = curchange->prev; if(curchange->prev) curchange->prev->next = nextchanges; else changes = nextchanges; curchange->prev = endnextchanges; endnextchanges->next = curchange; nextchanges = endnextchanges = NULL; } /* add an entry to the undo system, if anything has changed */ /**/ void mkundoent(void) { int pre, suf; int sh = zlell < lastll ? zlell : lastll; struct change *ch; if(lastll == zlell && !memcmp(lastline, zleline, zlell * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE)) return; for(pre = 0; pre < sh && zleline[pre] == lastline[pre]; ) pre++; for(suf = 0; suf < sh - pre && zleline[zlell - 1 - suf] == lastline[lastll - 1 - suf]; ) suf++; ch = zalloc(sizeof(*ch)); ch->next = NULL; ch->hist = histline; ch->off = pre; ch->old_cs = lastcs; ch->new_cs = zlecs; if(suf + pre == lastll) { ch->del = NULL; ch->dell = 0; } else { ch->dell = lastll - pre - suf; ch->del = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ch->dell * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)ch->del, (char *)(lastline + pre), ch->dell * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); } if(suf + pre == zlell) { ch->ins = NULL; ch->insl = 0; } else { ch->insl = zlell - pre - suf; ch->ins = (ZLE_STRING_T)zalloc(ch->insl * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy((char *)ch->ins, (char *)(zleline + pre), ch->insl * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); } if(nextchanges) { ch->flags = CH_PREV; ch->prev = endnextchanges; endnextchanges->flags |= CH_NEXT; endnextchanges->next = ch; } else { nextchanges = ch; ch->flags = 0; ch->prev = NULL; } endnextchanges = ch; } /* set lastline to match line */ /**/ void setlastline(void) { if(lastlinesz != linesz) lastline = realloc(lastline, (lastlinesz = linesz) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); memcpy(lastline, zleline, (lastll = zlell) * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); lastcs = zlecs; } /* move backwards through the change list */ /**/ int undo(UNUSED(char **args)) { handleundo(); do { if(!curchange->prev) return 1; if (unapplychange(curchange->prev)) curchange = curchange->prev; else break; } while(curchange->flags & CH_PREV); setlastline(); return 0; } /**/ static int unapplychange(struct change *ch) { if(ch->hist != histline) { zle_setline(quietgethist(ch->hist)); zlecs = ch->new_cs; return 0; } zlecs = ch->off; if(ch->ins) foredel(ch->insl); if(ch->del) { spaceinline(ch->dell); memcpy((char *)(zleline + zlecs), (char *)ch->del, ch->dell * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); zlecs += ch->dell; } zlecs = ch->old_cs; return 1; } /* move forwards through the change list */ /**/ int redo(UNUSED(char **args)) { handleundo(); do { if(!curchange->next) return 1; if (applychange(curchange)) curchange = curchange->next; else break; } while(curchange->prev->flags & CH_NEXT); setlastline(); return 0; } /**/ static int applychange(struct change *ch) { if(ch->hist != histline) { zle_setline(quietgethist(ch->hist)); zlecs = ch->old_cs; return 0; } zlecs = ch->off; if(ch->del) foredel(ch->dell); if(ch->ins) { spaceinline(ch->insl); memcpy((char *)(zleline + zlecs), (char *)ch->ins, ch->insl * ZLE_CHAR_SIZE); zlecs += ch->insl; } zlecs = ch->new_cs; return 1; } /* vi undo: toggle between the end of the undo list and the preceding point */ /**/ int viundochange(char **args) { handleundo(); if(curchange->next) { do { applychange(curchange); curchange = curchange->next; } while(curchange->next); setlastline(); return 0; } else return undo(args); }