# Example of a widget that takes a vi motion # Filter part of buffer corresponding to a vi motion through an external # program. # To enable with vi compatible bindings use: # autoload -Uz vi-pipe # bindkey -a '!' vi-pipe setopt localoptions noksharrays autoload -Uz read-from-minibuffer local _save_cut="$CUTBUFFER" REPLY # force movement to default to line mode zle -U V # Use the standard vi-change to accept a vi motion. zle .vi-change || return read-from-minibuffer "!" zle .vi-cmd-mode local _save_cur=$CURSOR # cut buffer contains the deleted text and can be modified CUTBUFFER=$(eval "$REPLY" <<<"$CUTBUFFER") # put the modified text back in position. if [[ CURSOR -eq 0 || $BUFFER[CURSOR] = $'\n' ]]; then # at the beginning of a line, vi-delete won't have moved the cursor # back to a previous line zle .vi-put-before -n 1 else zle .vi-put-after -n 1 fi # restore cut buffer and cursor to the start of the range CUTBUFFER="$_save_cut" CURSOR="$_save_cur"