emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob autoload read-from-minibuffer local p1="Replace: " p2=" with: " local src rep REPLY MATCH MBEGIN MEND curwidget=$WIDGET local -a match mbegin mend read-from-minibuffer $p1 || return 1 src=$REPLY read-from-minibuffer "$p1$src$p2" || return 1 rep=$REPLY if [[ $curwidget = *pattern* ]]; then local rep2 # The following horror is so that an & preceded by an even # number of backslashes is active, without stripping backslashes, # while preceded by an odd number of backslashes is inactive, # with one backslash being stripped. A similar logic applies # to \digit. while [[ $rep = (#b)([^\\]#)(\\\\)#(\\|)(\&|\\<->|\\\{<->\})(*) ]]; do if [[ -n $match[3] ]]; then # Expression is quoted, strip quotes rep2="${match[1]}${match[2]}${match[4]}" else rep2+="${match[1]}${match[2]}" if [[ $match[4] = \& ]]; then rep2+='${MATCH}' elif [[ $match[4] = \\\{* ]]; then rep2+='${match['${match[4][3,-2]}']}' else rep2+='${match['${match[4][2,-1]}']}' fi fi rep=${match[5]} done rep2+=$rep LBUFFER=${LBUFFER//(#bm)$~src/${(e)rep2}} RBUFFER=${RBUFFER//(#bm)$~src/${(e)rep2}} else LBUFFER=${LBUFFER//$src/$rep} RBUFFER=${RBUFFER//$src/$rep} fi