# Accented characters. Inputs two keys: first the code for the accent, then # the base character being accented. Note that all input characters are # ASCII. For best results zsh should have been built with support for # multibyte characters (--enable-multibyte). # # Outputs the character converted from Unicode into the local representation. # (The conversion is done within the shell, using whatever facilities # the C library provides.) # # When used as a zle widget, the character is inserted at the cursor # position. With a numeric argument, preview in status line; outside zle, # print character (and newline) to standard output. # # The set of accented characters is reasonably complete up to U+0180, the # set of special characters less so. However, it mostly gives up at that # point. Adding new Unicode characters is easy, however. Please send any # additions to zsh-workers@sunsite.dk . # # Some of the accent codes are a little more obscure than others. # Only the base character changes for upper case: A with circle is "o A". # ` Grave # ' Acute # d Double acute # ^ Circumflex # ~ Tilde # " Diaeresis (Umlaut) # o Circle # e Ligatures ending in e or E: e A gives AE, e o gives oe, etc. # j Ligatures ending in j or J: ij or IJ # c Cedilla # / Stroke through character # - Macron. (A horizonal bar over the letter.) # u Breve. (A shallow dish shape over the letter.) # . Dot above # : Middle dot # g Ogonek. (A little forward facing hook at the bottom right # of the character. The "g" stands for "Ogonek" but another # mnemonic is that g has a squiggle below the line.) # v Caron. (A little v over the letter.) # s s s = Eszett (lower case only) # h Icelandic (or Runic) edh (h d) or thorn (h t) # m Mathematical: not (m \), multiply (m *), divide (m /), degree (m o), # +/- (m +), superscripts 1, 2, 3 (m 1 etc.), micro (m u), quarter (m q), # half (m h), three quarters (m t) # p Punctuation (and currency etc.): soft space (p _), inverted ! (p !), # cent (p C), pound sign (p l) (think lira, librum), currency (p $), # yen (p y), broken bar (p |), section (p s), lonely diaeresis (p "), # copyright (p C), Spanish feminine marker (p f), left guillemet (p # <), soft hyphen (p h), registered trade mark (p R), lonely macron (p # -), lonely acute (p '), Pilcrow (paragraph) (p p), middle dot (p :), # lonely cedilla (p c), Spanish masculine marker (p m), right # guillemet (p >), inverted ? (p ?), Euro sign (p e). # emulate -LR zsh setopt cbases extendedglob printeightbit local accent basechar ochar error if [[ -n $WIDGET ]]; then error=(zle -M) else error=print fi if (( ${+zsh_accented_chars} == 0 )); then # The associative array zsh_accent_chars is indexed by the # accent. The values are sets of character / Unicode pairs for # the character with the given accent. The Unicode value is # a hex index with no base discriminator; essentially a UCS-4 index # with the leading zeroes suppressed. typeset -gA zsh_accented_chars # grave accent=\` zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C0 E C8 I CC O D2 U D9 a E0 e E8 i EC o F2 u F9 N 1F8 n 1F9 \ " # acute accent=\' zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C1 E C9 I CD O D3 U DA Y DD a E1 e E9 i EC o F3 u FA y FD C 106 c 107 \ L 139 l 13A N 143 n 144 R 154 r 155 S 15A s 15B Z 179 z 17A \ " # double acute accent=d zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ O 150 o 151 U 170 u 171\ " # circumflex accent=\^ zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C2 E CA I CE O D4 U DB a E2 e EA i EE o F4 u FB C 108 c 109 G 11C g 11d \ H 124 h 125 J 134 j 135 S 15C s 15D W 174 w 175 Y 176 y 177 \ " # tilde accent=\~ zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C3 E CB N D1 O D5 a E3 n F1 o F5 I 128 i 129 U 168 u 169 \ " # diaeresis / Umlaut accent=\" zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C4 I CF O D6 U DC a E4 e EB i EF o F6 u FC y FF Y 178 \ " # ring above accent=o zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C5 a E5 U 16E u 16F \ " # ligature with e or E accent=e zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A C6 a E6 O 152 o 153 \ " # ligature with j or J accent=j zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ I 132 i 133\ " # cedilla accent=c zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ C C7 c E7 G 122 g 123 K 136 k 137 L 13B l 13C N 145 n 146 R 156 r 157 \ S 15E s 15F T 162 t 163 \ " # stroke through accent=/ zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ O D8 o F8 D 110 d 111 H 126 h 127 L 141 l 142 T 166 t 167 b 180 \ " # macron accent=- zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A 100 a 101 E 112 e 113 I 12a i 12b O 14C o 14D U 16A u 16B \ " # breve accent=u zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A 102 a 103 E 114 e 115 G 11E g 11F I 12C i 12D O 14E o 14F U 16C u 16D \ " # dot above accent=. zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ C 10A c 10b E 116 e 117 G 120 g 121 I 130 i 131 Z 17B z 17C \ " # middle dot accent=: zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ L 13F l 140 \ " # ogonek accent=g zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ A 104 a 105 E 118 e 119 I 12E i 12F U 172 u 173 \ " # caron accent=v zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ C 10C c 10D D 10E d 10F E 11A e 11B L 13D l 13E N 147 n 148 R 158 r 159 \ S 160 s 161 T 164 t 165 Z 17D z 17E \ " # eszett accent=s zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ s DF \ " # edh or thorn accent=h zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ D D0 d F0 t FE \ " # mathematical accent=m zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ \\ AC o B0 * D7 / F7 + B1 2 B2 3 B3 u B5 1 B9 q BC h BD t BE\ " # punctuation and currency accent=p zsh_accented_chars[$accent]="\ _ A0 ! A1 C A2 l A3 $ A4 y A5 | A6 s A7 \" A8 C A9 f AA < AB \ h AD R AE - AF ' B4 p B6 : B7 c B8 m BA > BB ? BF e 20AC \ " fi read -k accent || return 1 if [[ -z $zsh_accented_chars[$accent] ]]; then $error "No accented characters with accent: $accent" return 1 fi local -A charmap charmap=(${=zsh_accented_chars[$accent]}) read -k basechar if [[ -z $charmap[$basechar] ]]; then $error "Accent $accent not available with character $basechar" return 1 fi if [[ -z $WIDGET ]]; then [[ -t 1 ]] && print print "\U${(l.8..0.)charmap[$basechar]}" else ochar="$(print -n "\U${(l.8..0.)charmap[$basechar]}")" if (( ${+NUMERIC} )); then $error "Character ${(l.8..0.)charmap[$basechar]}: $ochar" else LBUFFER+=$ochar fi fi