[[ $1 = -n ]] || zmodload -ia zftp alias zfcd='noglob zfcd' alias zfget='noglob zfget' alias zfls='noglob zfls' alias zfdir='noglob zfdir' alias zfuget='noglob zfuget' # only way of getting that noglob out of the way: this is unnecessary with # widget-based completion and can be commented out. setopt completealiases # # zftp completions: only use these if new-style completion is not # active. # if [[ ${#patcomps} -eq 0 || ${patcomps[(i)zf*]} -gt ${#patcomps} ]]; then compctl -f -x 'p[1]' \ -k '(open params user login type ascii binary mode put putat get getat append appendat ls dir local remote mkdir rmdir delete close quit)' - \ 'w[1,cd][1,ls][1,dir][1,rmdir]' -K zfcd_match -S/ -q - \ 'W[1,get*]' -K zfget_match - 'w[1,delete][1,remote]' -K zfget_match - \ 'w[1,open][1,params]' -k hosts -- zftp compctl -K zfcd_match -S/ -q zfcd zfdir zfls compctl -K zfget_match zfget zfgcp zfuget zfcget compctl -k hosts zfanon zfopen zfparams fi