## vim:ft=zsh ## mercurial support by: Frank Terbeck ## with large contributions by Seth House ## Distributed under the same BSD-ish license as zsh itself. setopt localoptions extendedglob NO_shwordsplit local hgbase bmfile branchfile rebasefile dirstatefile mqseriesfile \ mqstatusfile mqguardsfile patchdir mergedir \ r_csetid r_lrev r_branch i_bmhash i_bmname \ revformat branchformat hgactionstring hgchanges \ hgbmstring hgmqstring applied_string unapplied_string guards_string local -a hgid_args defrevformat defbranchformat \ hgbmarks mqpatches mqseries mqguards mqunapplied hgmisc \ i_patchguards i_negguards i_posguards local -xA hook_com hgbase=${vcs_comm[basedir]} rrn=${hgbase:t} r_csetid='' # changeset id (long hash) r_lrev='' # local revision patchdir="${hgbase}/.hg/patches" mergedir="${hgbase}/.hg/merge/" bmfile="${hgbase}/.hg/bookmarks" branchfile="${hgbase}/.hg/branch" rebasefile="${hgbase}/.hg/rebasestate" dirstatefile="${hgbase}/.hg/dirstate" mqstatusfile="${patchdir}/status" # currently applied patches mqseriesfile="${patchdir}/series" # all patches mqguardsfile="${patchdir}/guards" # Look for any --flavours VCS_INFO_adjust # Calling the 'hg' program is quite a bit too slow for prompts. # Disabled by default anyway, so no harm done. if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" get-revision ; then # Calling hexdump is (much) faster than hg but doesn't get the local rev if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" use-simple \ && ( VCS_INFO_check_com hexdump ) && [[ -r ${dirstatefile} ]] ; then r_csetid=$(hexdump -n 20 -e '1/1 "%02x"' ${dirstatefile}) else hgid_args=( --debug id -i -n -b ) # Looking for changes is a tad bit slower since the dirstate cache must # first be refreshed before being read zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" \ "check-for-changes" || hgid_args+=( -r. ) local HGRCPATH HGRCPATH="/dev/null" ${vcs_comm[cmd]} ${(z)hgid_args} \ | read -r r_csetid r_lrev r_branch fi fi # If the user doesn't opt to invoke hg we can still get the current branch if [[ -z ${r_branch} && -r ${branchfile} ]] ; then r_branch=$(< ${branchfile}) else r_branch="default" fi # The working dir has uncommitted-changes if the revision ends with a + if [[ $r_lrev[-1] == + ]] ; then hgchanges=1 r_lrev=${r_lrev%+} r_csetid=${r_csetid%+} fi # This directory only exists during a merge [[ -d $mergedir ]] && hgactionstring="merging" # This file only exists during a rebase [[ -e $rebasefile ]] && hgactionstring="rebasing" ### Build the current revision display [[ -n ${r_csetid} ]] && defrevformat+=( "%h" ) [[ -n ${r_lrev} ]] && defrevformat+=( "%r" ) zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" \ "hgrevformat" revformat || revformat=${(j/:/)defrevformat} hook_com=( localrev "${r_lrev}" "hash" "${r_csetid}" ) if VCS_INFO_hook 'set-hgrev-format' "${revformat}"; then zformat -f r_lrev "${revformat}" \ "r:${hook_com[localrev]}" "h:${hook_com[hash]}" else r_lrev=${hook_com[rev-replace]} fi hook_com=() ### Build the branch display [[ -n ${r_branch} ]] && defbranchformat+=( "%b" ) [[ -n ${r_lrev} ]] && defbranchformat+=( "%r" ) zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" \ branchformat branchformat || branchformat=${(j/:/)defbranchformat} hook_com=( branch "${r_branch}" revision "${r_lrev}" ) if VCS_INFO_hook 'set-branch-format' "${branchformat}"; then zformat -f branchformat "${branchformat}" \ "b:${hook_com[branch]}" "r:${hook_com[revision]}" else branchformat=${hook_com[branch-replace]} fi hook_com=() ### Look for current Bookmarks (this requires knowing the changeset id) if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" get-bookmarks \ && [[ -r "${bmfile}" ]] && [[ -n "$r_csetid" ]] ; then while read -r i_bmhash i_bmname ; do # Compare hash in bookmarks file with changeset id [[ $r_csetid == $i_bmhash ]] && hgbmarks+=( $i_bmname ) done < ${bmfile} if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-hg-bookmark-string' "${hgbmarks[@]}"; then hgbmstring=${(j:, :)hgbmarks} else hgbmstring=${hook_com[hg-bookmark-string]} fi hook_com=() fi ### Look for any applied Mercurial Queue patches if zstyle -T ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" get-mq \ && [[ -d $patchdir ]] ; then if [[ -e $mqstatusfile ]]; then mqpatches=( ${${(f)"$(< "${patchdir}/status")"}/(#s)[a-f0-9]##:/} ) mqpatches=( ${(Oa)mqpatches} ) fi if zstyle -t ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" get-unapplied \ && [[ -r ${mqseriesfile} ]]; then # Okay, here's a little something that assembles a list of unapplied # patches that takes into account if mq-guards are active or not. # Collect active guards if [[ -r ${mqguardsfile} ]]; then mqguards=( ${(f)"$(< "${mqguardsfile}")"} ) mqguards=( ${(oa)mqguards} ) fi while read -r i_patch i_patchguards ; do # Skip commented lines [[ ${i_patch} == [[:space:]]#"#"* ]] && continue # Keep list of all patches mqseries+=( $i_patch ) # Separate negative and positive guards to more easily find the # intersection of active guards with patch guards i_patchguards=( ${(s: :)i_patchguards} ) i_negguards=( ${${(M)i_patchguards:#*"#-"*}/(#s)\#-/} ) i_posguards=( ${${(M)i_patchguards:#*"#+"*}/(#s)\#+/} ) # Patch with any negative guards is never pushed if guard is active if [[ ${#i_negguards} -gt 0 && ${#${(@M)mqguards:#${(~j,|,)i_negguards}}} -gt 0 ]] ; then continue fi # Patch with positive guards is only pushed if guard is active if [[ ${#i_posguards} -gt 0 ]] ; then if [[ ${#${(@M)mqguards:#${(~j,|,)i_posguards}}} -gt 0 ]] ; then mqunapplied+=( $i_patch ) fi continue fi # If we made it this far the patch isn't guarded and should be pushed mqunapplied+=( $i_patch ) done < ${mqseriesfile} fi if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-applied-string' "${mqpatches[@]}"; then (( ${#mqpatches} )) && applied_string=${mqpatches[1]} else applied_string=${hook_com[applied-string]} fi hook_com=() if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-unapplied-string' "${mqunapplied[@]}"; then unapplied_string=${#mqunapplied} else unapplied_string=${hook_com[unapplied-string]} fi hook_com=() if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-mqguards-string' "${mqguards[@]}"; then guards_string=${(j:,:)mqguards} else guards_string=${hook_com[guards-string]} fi if (( ${#mqpatches} )); then zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" patch-format \ hgmqstring || hgmqstring="%p (%n applied)" else zstyle -s ":vcs_info:${vcs}:${usercontext}:${rrn}" nopatch-format \ hgmqstring || hgmqstring="no patch applied" fi hook_com=( applied "${applied_string}" unapplied "${unapplied_string}" applied-n ${#mqpatches} unapplied-n ${#mqunapplied} guards "${guards_string}" guards-n ${#mqguards} ) if VCS_INFO_hook 'set-patch-format' ${qstring}; then zformat -f hgmqstring "${hgmqstring}" \ "p:${hook_com[applied]}" "u:${hook_com[unapplied]}" \ "n:${#mqpatches}" "c:${#mqunapplied}" \ "g:${hook_com[guards]}" "G:${#mqguards}" else hgmqstring=${hook_com[patch-replace]} fi hook_com=() fi ### Build the misc string hgmisc+=( ${hgmqstring} ) hgmisc+=( ${hgbmstring} ) backend_misc[patches]="${hgmqstring}" backend_misc[bookmarks]="${hgbmstring}" VCS_INFO_formats "${hgactionstring}" "${branchformat}" "${hgbase}" '' "${hgchanges}" "${r_lrev}" "${(j:;:)hgmisc}" return 0