local line name=${tcp_by_fd[$1]} local TCP_HANDLER_ACTIVE=1 if [[ -n $name ]] then local TCP_INVALIDATE_ZLE if (( $# > 2 )); then zle -I ## debugging only # print "Flags on the play:" ${argv[3,-1]} else TCP_INVALIDATE_ZLE=1 fi if ! tcp_read -d -u $1; then [[ -n $TCP_INVALIDATE_ZLE ]] && zle -I print "[TCP fd $1 (session $name) gone awol; removing from poll list]" >& 2 zle -F $1 return 1 fi return 0 else zle -I # Handle fds not in the TCP set similarly. # This does the drain thing, to try and get as much data out as possible. if ! read -u $1 line; then print "[Reading on $1 failed; removing from poll list]" >& 2 zle -F $1 return 1 fi line="fd$1:$line" local newline while read -u $1 -t newline; do line="${line} fd$1:$newline" done fi print -r - $line