# oliver prompt theme prompt_oliver_help() { cat <<'ENDHELP' With this prompt theme, the prompt contains the current directory, history number and the previous command's exit code (if non-zero) and a final character which depends on priviledges. The colour of the prompt depends on two associative arrays - $pcolour and $tcolour. Each array is indexed by the name of the local host. Alternatively, the colour can be set with parameters to prompt. The hostname and username are also included unless they are in the $normal_hosts or $normal_users array. ENDHELP } prompt_oliver_setup() { prompt_opts=( percent ) [[ "${(t)pcolour}" != assoc* ]] && typeset -Ag pcolour [[ "${(t)tcolour}" != assoc* ]] && typeset -Ag tcolour local pcol=$'\e['${1:-${pcolour[${HOST:=`hostname`}]:-33}}m local tcol=$'\e['${2:-${tcolour[$HOST]:-37}}m local a host="%M:" user="%n " for a in $normal_hosts; do [[ $HOST == $a ]] && host="" done for a in root $normal_users; do [[ ${USER:-`whoami`} == $a ]] && user="" done PS1="%{$pcol%}$user$host%~ [%h%0(?..:%?)]%# %{$tcol%}" } prompt_oliver_setup "$@"