# Created by KrON from windowmaker on IRC # Changed by Spidey 08/06 # Converted to zsh prompt theme by prompt_elite_help () { cat < []] The default colors are red and blue respectively. This theme is intended for use with a black background. Recommended fonts for this theme: nexus or vga or similar. If you don't have any of these, the 8-bit characters will probably look stupid. EOH } prompt_elite_setup () { local text=${1:-'red'} local punctuation=${2:-'blue'} for code in 332 304 371 372 300; do local char_$code=$(echo -n "\\0$code") done PS1="%{$fg[$text]%}$char_332$char_304%{$fg[$punctuation]%}(%{$fg[$text]%}%n%{$fg[$punctuation]%}@%{$fg[$text]%}%m%{$fg[$punctuation]%})%{$fg[$text]%}-%{$fg[$punctuation]%}(%{$fg[$text]%}%D{%I:%M%P}%{$fg[$punctuation]%}-:-%{$fg[$text]%}%D{%m}%{$fg[$punctuation]$fg[$text]%}/%D{%d}%{$fg[$punctuation]%})%{$fg[$text]%}$char_304-%{$fg[$punctuation]]%}$char_371%{$fg[$text]%}-$char_371$char_371%{$fg[$punctuation]%}$char_372$prompt_newline%{$fg[$text]%}$char_300$char_304%{$fg[$punctuation]%}(%{$fg[$text]%}%1~%{$fg[$punctuation]%})%{$fg[$text]%}$char_304$char_371%{$fg[$punctuation]%}$char_372%{$reset_color%}" PS2="> " precmd () { setopt promptsubst } preexec () { } } prompt_elite_preview () { if (( ! $#* )); then prompt_preview_theme elite print prompt_preview_theme elite green yellow else prompt_preview_theme elite "$@" fi } prompt_elite_setup "$@"