# Created by icetrey # Added by Spidey 08/06 # Converted to zsh prompt theme by prompt_elite2_help () { cat < []] The default colors are both cyan. This theme works best with a dark background. Recommended fonts for this theme: either UTF-8, or nexus or vga or similar. If you don't have any of these, the 8-bit characters will probably look stupid. EOH } prompt_elite2_setup () { local text_col=${1:-'cyan'} local parens_col=${2:-$text_col} local char_333 char_262 char_261 char_260 autoload -U prompt_special_chars prompt_special_chars local text="%{$fg_no_bold[$text_col]%}" local parens="%{$fg_bold[$parens_col]%}" local punct="%{$fg_bold[grey]%}" local reset="%{$reset_color%}" local lpar="$parens($text" local rpar="$parens)$text" PS1="$punct$char_332$text$char_304$lpar%n$punct@$text%m$rpar$char_304$lpar%!$punct/$text%y$rpar$char_304$lpar%D{%I:%M%P}$punct:$text%D{%m/%d/%y}$rpar$char_304$punct-$reset$prompt_newline$punct$char_300$text$char_304$lpar%#$punct:$text%~$rpar$char_304$punct-$reset " PS2="$parens$char_304$text$char_304$punct-$reset " precmd () { setopt promptsubst } preexec () { } } prompt_elite2_preview () { local color colors colors=(red yellow green blue magenta) if (( ! $#* )); then for (( i = 1; i <= $#colors; i++ )); do color=$colors[$i] prompt_preview_theme elite2 $color (( i < $#colors )) && print done else prompt_preview_theme elite2 "$@" fi } prompt_elite2_setup "$@"