zmodload -i zsh/parameter || return 1 prompt_bart_help () { setopt localoptions nocshnullcmd noshnullcmd [[ $ZSH_VERSION < 3.1.6-dev-20 ]] && print 'Requires 3.1.6-dev-19 plus zsh-workers/10168.'$'\n' <<-\EOF This prompt gives the effect of left and right prompts on the upper line of a two-line prompt. It also illustrates including history text in the prompt. The lower line is initialized from the last (or only) line of whatever prompt was previously in effect. prompt bart [on|off] [color...] You may provide up to five colors, though only three colors (red, blue, and the default foreground) are used if no arguments are given. The defaults look best on a light background. The "off" token temporarily disables the theme; "on" restores it. EOF [[ $(read -Ek 1 "?${(%):-%S[press return]%s}") == [Qq] ]] && print -nP '\r%E' && return <<-\EOF The "upper left prompt" looks like: machine [last command] /current/working/dir The first three color arguments apply to these components. The last command is shown in standout mode if the exit status was nonzero, or underlined if the job was stopped. The "upper right prompt" looks like: date time The fourth color is used for the date, and the first again for the time. As with RPS1, first the date and then the time disappear as the upper left prompt grows too wide. The clock is not live; it changes only after each command, as does the rest of the prompt. EOF [[ $(read -Ek 1 "?${(%):-%S[press return]%s}") == [Qq] ]] && print -nP '\r%E' && return <<-\EOF When RPS1 (RPROMPT) is set before this prompt is selected and a fifth color is specified, that color is turned on before RPS1 is displayed and reset after it. Other color changes within RPS1, if any, remain in effect. This prompt hijacks psvar[8] and psvar[9] to avoid having to reset the entire PS1 string on every command. It uses TRAPWINCH to set the position of the upper right prompt on a window resize, so the prompt may not match the window width until the next command. No background colors or hardwired cursor motion escapes are used, and it is not necessary to setopt promptsubst. EOF } prompt_bart_precmd () { setopt localoptions noxtrace extendedglob noksharrays # Using psvar here protects against unwanted promptsubst expansions. psvar[8]="$history[$[${(%):-%h}-1]]" # Use history text, not just number psvar[9]='' # Padding before upper right prompt repeat $[COLUMNS-${#${(%%f)${PS1//[%]\{[^%]#%\}/}}[1]}-1] do psvar[9]="$psvar[9] " done } prompt_bart_ps1 () { local -ah ps1 local -h host hist dir space date time rs="%{$reset_color%}" local -h eon="%(?.[.%20(?.[%U.%S[))" eoff="%(?.].%20(?.%u].]%s))" # Set up the components of the upper line host="%{$fg[%m]%}%m$rs" hist="%{$fg[%h]%}$eon%8v$eoff$rs" dir="%{$fg[%~]%}%~$rs" space=%9v date="%{$fg[%D]%}%D$rs" # Prefer "%{$fg[%D]%}%W$rs" in the USA? time="%{$fg[%@]%}%@$rs" # This is just a tad silly ... [[ $prompt_theme[1] = oliver ]] && PS1='[%h%0(?..:%?)]%# ' || PS1=${PS1//$prompt_newline/$'\n'} # Assemble the new prompt ps1=( ${(f)PS1} ) # Split the existing prompt at newlines ps1=( "%$[COLUMNS-3]>..>" # Begin truncation (upper left prompt) "$host" " $hist " # I prefer spaces around this; do you? "$dir" "%<<" # End truncation (end upper left prompt) "$space" # Pad line to upper right position "%$[COLUMNS-16](l. . $date)" "%$[COLUMNS-6](l.. $time)" $'\n' $ps1[-1] ) # Keep last line of the existing prompt PS1="${(j::)ps1}" } prompt_bart_winch () { # Delete ourself from TRAPWINCH if not using our precmd insert. [[ $functions[precmd] = *prompt_bart_precmd* ]] && prompt_bart_ps1 || functions[TRAPWINCH]="${functions[TRAPWINCH]//prompt_bart_winch}" } prompt_bart_setup () { # A few extra niceties ... repeat 1 case "$1:l" in (off|disable) functions[precmd]="${functions[precmd]//prompt_bart_precmd}" functions[TRAPWINCH]="${functions[TRAPWINCH]//prompt_bart_winch}" [[ $prompt_theme[1] = bart ]] && PS1=${${(f)PS1}[-1]} return 1 ;; (on|enable) shift [[ $prompt_theme[1] = bart ]] && break ;& (*) # Abuse the fg assoc to hold our selected colors ... fg[%m]=$fg[${1:-red}] fg[%h]=$fg[${2:-blue}] fg[%~]=$fg[${3:-none}] fg[%D]=$fg[${4:-none}] fg[%@]=$fg[${1:-red}] ;; esac prompt_bart_ps1 # No RPS1 by default because prompt_off_setup doesn't fix it. (($#RPS1 && $# > 4)) && RPS1="%{$fg[$5]%}$RPS1%{$reset_color%}" # Paste our special commands into precmd and TRAPWINCH functions[precmd]="${functions[precmd]//prompt_*_precmd} prompt_bart_precmd" functions[TRAPWINCH]="${functions[TRAPWINCH]//prompt_bart_winch} prompt_bart_winch" return 0 } [[ -o kshautoload ]] || prompt_bart_setup "$@"