#!/bin/zsh # zed # # No other shell could do this. # Edit small files with the command line editor. # Use ^X^W to save (or ZZ in vicmd mode), ^C to abort. # Option -f: edit shell functions. (Also if called as fned.) # Option -h: edit shell history. (Also if called as histed.) setopt localoptions noksharrays local var opts zed_file_name # We do not want timeout while we are editing a file integer TMOUT=0 okargs=1 fun hist bind local -a expand zparseopts -D -A opts f h b x: || return 1 fun=$+opts[-f] hist=$+opts[-h] bind=$+opts[-b] if (( $+opts[-x] )); then if [[ $opts[-x] == <-> ]]; then expand=(-x $opts[-x]) else print -r "Integer expected after -x: $opts[-x]" >&2 return 1 fi fi [[ $0 = fned ]] && fun=1 [[ $0 = histed ]] && hist=1 (( hist && $# <= 2 )) && okargs=$# (( bind )) && okargs=0 if (( $# != okargs || bind + fun + hist > 1 )); then echo 'Usage: zed filename zed -f [ -x N ] function zed -h [ filename [ size ] ] zed -b' >&2 return 1 fi local curcontext=zed::: () { # Matching used in zstyle -m: hide result from caller. # Variables not used directly here. local -a match mbegin mend zstyle -m ":completion:zed:*" insert-tab '*' || zstyle ":completion:zed:*" insert-tab yes } zmodload zsh/terminfo 2>/dev/null __zed_pg_up() { integer count=$(( LINES / 2 - 1 )) while (( count -- )); do zle up-line done } __zed_pg_down() { integer count=$(( LINES / 2 - 1 )) while (( count -- )); do zle down-line done } if ! zle -la __zed_pg_up __zed_pg_down; then zle -N __zed_pg_up zle -N __zed_pg_down fi if (( bind )) || ! bindkey -M zed >&/dev/null; then # Make the zed keymap a copy of the current main. bindkey -N zed main # Save the current main. In zle widgets called from # zed we may want to set this temporally. bindkey -A main zed-normal-keymap # Define a widget to use at startup, undo shouldn't clear initial buffer __zed_init() { UNDO_LIMIT_NO=$UNDO_CHANGE_NO } zle -N __zed_init # Assign some default keys. # Depending on your stty's, you may be able to use ^J as accept-line, else: # The following isn't useful if we are copying viins, but that's # a nicety. bindkey -M zed '^x^w' accept-line bindkey -M zed '^M' self-insert-unmeta [[ ${+terminfo} = 1 ]] && { [[ -n "$terminfo[kpp]" ]] && bindkey -M zed "$terminfo[kpp]" __zed_pg_up [[ -n "$terminfo[knp]" ]] && bindkey -M zed "$terminfo[knp]" __zed_pg_down [[ -n "$terminfo[khome]" ]] && bindkey -M zed "$terminfo[khome]" beginning-of-line [[ -n "$terminfo[kend]" ]] && bindkey -M zed "$terminfo[kend]" end-of-line # Fallback to well known code as terminfo might be wrong (often) sometimes bindkey -M zed "^[[H" beginning-of-line bindkey -M zed "^[[F" end-of-line } # Make zed-set-file-name available. # Assume it's in fpath; there's no error at this point if it isn't autoload -Uz zed-set-file-name zle -N zed-set-file-name fi if (( bind )) || ! bindkey -M zed-vicmd >&/dev/null; then bindkey -N zed-vicmd vicmd bindkey -M zed-vicmd "ZZ" accept-line [[ ${+terminfo} = 1 ]] && { [[ -n "$terminfo[kpp]" ]] && bindkey -M zed-vicmd "$terminfo[kpp]" __zed_pg_up [[ -n "$terminfo[knp]" ]] && bindkey -M zed-vicmd "$terminfo[knp]" __zed_pg_down [[ -n "$terminfo[khome]" ]] && bindkey -M zed-vicmd "$terminfo[khome]" vi-beginning-of-line [[ -n "$terminfo[kend]" ]] && bindkey -M zed-vicmd "$terminfo[kend]" vi-end-of-line # Fallback to well known code as terminfo might be wrong (often) sometimes bindkey -M zed-vicmd "^[[H" vi-beginning-of-line bindkey -M zed-vicmd "^[[F" vi-end-of-line } fi (( bind )) && return 0 # don't mangle !'s setopt localoptions nobanghist if ((fun)) then var="$(functions $expand -- "$1")" # If function is undefined but autoloadable, load it if [[ $var = *\#\ undefined* ]] then var="$(autoload +X "$1"; functions -- "$1")" elif [[ -z $var ]] then var="${(q-)1} () { }" fi vared -M zed -m zed-vicmd -i __zed_init var && eval function "$var" elif ((hist)) then if [[ -n $1 ]]; then { fc -p -a "$1" ${2:-$({ wc -l <"$1" } 2>/dev/null)} || return } let HISTSIZE++ print -s "" # Work around fc -p limitation fi # When editing the current shell history, the "zed -h" command is not # itself included because the current event is not added to the ring # until the next prompt is printed. This means "zed -h" is prepended # to the result of the edit, because of the way "print -s" is defined. var=( "${(@Oav)history}" ) IFS=$'\n' vared -M zed -m zed-vicmd -i __zed_init var if (( ? )); then [[ -n $1 ]] && unset HISTFILE else local HISTSIZE=0 savehist=$#var fc -R /dev/null # Remove entries other than those added here HISTSIZE=$savehist # Resets on function exit because local [[ -n $1 ]] && SAVEHIST=$savehist # Resets via foregoing fc -a for (( hist=1; hist <= savehist; hist++ )) do print -rs -- "$var[hist]" done if [[ -n $zed_file_name ]]; then fc -W "$zed_file_name" [[ -n $1 ]] && unset HISTFILE fi # Note prepend effect when global HISTSIZE greater than $savehist. # This does not affect file editing. fi else zed_file_name="$1" [[ -f $1 ]] && var="$(<"$1")" while vared -M zed -m zed-vicmd -i __zed_init var do { print -r -- "$var" >| "$zed_file_name" } always { (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR = 0 )) } && break echo -n -e '\a' done fi return 0 # End of zed