# I noticed we don't ship any contrib and/or example scripts using the # zcurses module, and also that the builtin tetris is sort of boring, so # I figured I'd port it to curses. It works pretty well, but I noticed # two problems with the zcurses module in the process: # # 1. the HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS define seems to never be defined? # # 2a. resizing the window causes 'zcurses input' to wait forever for a # key, even with a timeout defined. # # Bart says: # >This probably has something to do with the special-casing around wgetch() # >for signals handled by the "trap" command. See the big comment in # >Src/Modules/curses.c lines 1073-1103. # # >It may be problematic to mix curses with the generic signal handling in # >the main shell. We may need to swap in a SIGWINCH handler wrapper while # >the curses UI is active, and restore the main handler when leaving it. # # 2b. resizing the window doesn't cause an event while running the # program, but if i resize before starting(?) i get an event RESIZE on # my first input call. # # Bart says: # >There's probably some state that needs to be cleared on entry to # >zccmd_input() so that curses doesn't see something left over from the # >previous signal. Unfortunately I don't know what that would be. if (( $LINES < 22 || $COLUMNS < 46 )); then echo >&2 'terminal needs to be at least 22 lines and 46 columns' return fi emulate -L zsh typeset -a tetris_shapes tetris_shapes=( 0x0f00 0x4444 0x0f00 0x4444 0x4e00 0x4c40 0x0e40 0x4640 0x6600 0x6600 0x6600 0x6600 0x4620 0x6c00 0x4620 0x6c00 0x2640 0x6300 0x2640 0x6300 0x6440 0x8e00 0x44c0 0x0e20 0xc440 0x0e80 0x4460 0x2e00 ) typeset -A tetris_rotations tetris_rotations=( 0x0f00 0x4444 0x4444 0x0f00 0x4e00 0x4c40 0x4c40 0x0e40 0x0e40 0x4640 0x4640 0x4e00 0x6600 0x6600 0x4620 0x6c00 0x6c00 0x4620 0x2640 0x6300 0x6300 0x2640 0x6440 0x8e00 0x8e00 0x44c0 0x44c0 0x0e20 0x0e20 0x6440 0xc440 0x0e80 0x0e80 0x4460 0x4460 0x2e00 0x2e00 0xc440 ) local tetris_vsz=20 tetris_hsz=11 local tetris_blankline=${(l:11:: :)} local tetris_blankboard=${(j::):-${(l:11:: :)}${(s: :)^${(l:20:: :)}}} local tetris_board=$tetris_blankboard local tetris_score=0 local tetris_lines=0 local tetris_{block{,_next,_x,_y},i} function __tetris-next-block { tetris_block_next=$tetris_shapes[1+RANDOM%$#tetris_shapes] } function __tetris-new-block { tetris_block=$tetris_block_next __tetris-next-block __tetris-draw-next-block tetris_block_y=0 tetris_block_x=4 if ! __tetris-block-fits; then __tetris-game-over fi __tetris-place-block "*" } function __tetris-left { __tetris-place-block " " (( tetris_block_x-- )) __tetris-block-fits || (( tetris_block_x++ )) __tetris-place-block "*" } function __tetris-right { __tetris-place-block " " (( tetris_block_x++ )) __tetris-block-fits || (( tetris_block_x-- )) __tetris-place-block "*" } function __tetris-rotate { __tetris-place-block " " local save_block=$tetris_block tetris_block=$tetris_rotations[$tetris_block] __tetris-block-fits || tetris_block=$save_block __tetris-place-block "*" } function __tetris-drop { __tetris-place-block " " ((tetris_block_y++)) while __tetris-block-fits; do ((tetris_block_y++)) ((tetris_score+=2)) done ((tetris_block_y--)) __tetris-block-dropped } function __tetris-timeout { __tetris-place-block " " ((tetris_block_y++)) if __tetris-block-fits; then __tetris-place-block "*" return fi ((tetris_block_y--)) __tetris-block-dropped } function __tetris-block-dropped { integer bonus=1 __tetris-place-block "O" local fl=${tetris_blankline// /O} i=$((tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz)) repeat 4; do if [[ $tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz] == $fl ]]; then if (( fancygraphics )); then for char in {7..1}; do tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz]=${tetris_blankline// /$char} __tetris-render-screen zcurses timeout score 50 zcurses input score done; fi tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz]= tetris_board=$tetris_blankline$tetris_board ((tetris_score+=100*(bonus++*(tetris_lines/10+10)))) ((tetris_lines+=1)) if ((tetris_lines % 10 == 0)); then ((timestep = timestep * 0.80)) fi fi ((i += tetris_hsz)) done __tetris-new-block } function __tetris-block-fits { local y x i=$((1+tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz+tetris_block_x)) b=0x8000 for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do if ((tetris_block&b)); then ((x+tetris_block_x >= 0)) || return 1 ((x+tetris_block_x < tetris_hsz)) || return 1 ((y+tetris_block_y >= 0)) || return 1 ((y+tetris_block_y < tetris_vsz)) || return 1 [[ $tetris_board[i] == " " ]] || return 1 fi ((b >>= 1)) ((i++)) done ((i+=tetris_hsz-4)) done return 0 } function __tetris-draw-next-block { local tetris_preview local y x i=1 b=0x8000 for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do tetris_preview=" " for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do ((tetris_block_next&b)) && tetris_preview[i]=\* ((b >>= 1)) ((i++)) done i=1 zcurses move preview $((y+1)) 1 zcurses string preview ${${${tetris_preview//O/$filled_block}//\*/$active_block}// / } done } function __tetris-place-block { local y x i=$((1+tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz+tetris_block_x)) b=0x8000 for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do ((tetris_block&b)) && tetris_board[i]=$1 ((b >>= 1)) ((i++)) done ((i+=tetris_hsz-4)) done } function __tetris-render-screen { local i x piece setopt localoptions histsubstpattern extendedglob local -a match mbegin mend local -A animation animation=( 7 ▇▇ 6 ▆▆ 5 ▅▅ 4 ▄▄ 3 ▃▃ 2 ▂▂ 1 ▁▁ ) for (( i = 0; i < tetris_vsz; i++ )); do zcurses move gamearea $(( i + 1 )) 1 zcurses string gamearea ${${${${${tetris_board[1+i*tetris_hsz,(i+1)*tetris_hsz]}//O/$filled_block}//\*/$active_block}// / }//(#b)([1-7])/$animation[$match[1]]} done zcurses clear score zcurses move score 1 1 zcurses string score "Score: $tetris_score"$'\ '" Lines: $tetris_lines"$'\ '" Speed: ${timestep%.*} ms" zcurses border gamearea zcurses border score zcurses border preview zcurses refresh gamearea score preview $debug } function __tetris-game-over { gameover=1 } function __tetris-new-game { gameover=0 timestep=1000 tetris_score=0 tetris_lines=0 __tetris-next-block __tetris-new-block __tetris-render-screen } function __tetris-game-over-screen { __tetris-debug "Died with $tetris_score points!" tetris_board=$tetris_blankboard local text="You got $tetris_score points!" local gameover_height=4 gameover_width=$(( $#text + 2 )) zcurses addwin gameover $gameover_height $gameover_width \ $(( off_y + (game_height-gameover_height)/2 )) \ $(( off_x + (game_width+score_width-gameover_width)/2 )) zcurses move gameover 1 1 zcurses string gameover $text text='Play again? [yn]' zcurses move gameover 2 $(( (gameover_width - $#text)/2 )) zcurses string gameover $text zcurses border gameover keepplaying= until [[ $keepplaying = [ynq] ]]; do zcurses input gameover keepplaying done zcurses delwin gameover zcurses refresh stdscr zcurses timeout gamearea ${timestep%.*} __tetris-new-game } function __tetris-debug { if [[ -z $debug ]]; then return fi zcurses scroll debug -1 zcurses move debug 0 0 zcurses string debug "$1" } function __tetris-remove-wins { local delwin local -a delwins delwins=(gamearea score debug gameover help preview) for delwin in ${delwins:*zcurses_windows}; do zcurses delwin $delwin done } function __tetris-help { local i local help_height=9 help_width=23 zcurses addwin help $help_height $help_width \ $(( off_y + (game_height - help_height) / 2 )) \ $(( off_x + (game_width + score_width - help_width) / 2 )) zcurses move help 1 1 zcurses string help $'left: h, j, left\ right: right, n, l\ rotate: up, c, i\ soft drop: down, t, k\ hard drop: space\ quit: q\ press space to return' zcurses border help until [[ $i == [\ q] ]]; do zcurses input help i if [[ $i == q ]]; then keepplaying=n fi done zcurses delwin help zcurses refresh stdscr } zmodload zsh/curses && { zcurses init __tetris-remove-wins zcurses refresh echoti civis local debug= if (( ${@[(I)--debug|-d]} )); then debug=debug fi local off_x off_y local game_height=22 game_width=25 local score_height=5 score_width=20 local preview_height=6 preview_width=10 local filled_block active_block local fancygraphics if zmodload zsh/langinfo && [[ $langinfo[CODESET] = UTF-8 ]]; then filled_block=██ active_block=▒▒ fancygraphics=${@[(I)--silly]} else filled_block='[]' active_block='()' fancygraphics=0 fi off_x=$(( (COLUMNS-game_width-score_width-1) / 2 )) off_y=$(( (LINES-game_height) / 2 )) zcurses clear stdscr redraw zcurses refresh stdscr zcurses addwin gamearea $game_height $game_width $off_y $off_x zcurses scroll gamearea off zcurses addwin score $score_height $score_width \ $off_y $(( off_x + game_width + 1 )) zcurses scroll score off zcurses addwin preview $preview_height $preview_width \ $(( off_y + score_height )) $(( off_x + game_width + 1 )) zcurses scroll preview off if [[ -n $debug ]]; then zcurses addwin debug $(( game_height - score_height - preview_height - 1 )) \ $score_width \ $(( off_y + score_height + preview_height ))\ $(( off_x + game_width + 1 )) fi typeset -F SECONDS local now prev timestep timeout key kkey keepplaying=y gameover=0 prev=$SECONDS __tetris-new-game zcurses timeout gamearea 0 while [[ $keepplaying == y ]]; do if zcurses input gamearea key kkey; then __tetris-debug "got input $key$kkey" case $key$kkey in LEFT|h|j) __tetris-left;; RIGHT|n|l) __tetris-right;; UP|c|i) __tetris-rotate;; DOWN|t|k) __tetris-timeout; ((tetris_score++)); prev=$SECONDS;; " ") __tetris-drop;; q) break;; F1|H) __tetris-help;; esac else __tetris-debug "timed out" __tetris-timeout fi now=$SECONDS if (( prev + timestep/1000. < now )); then (( prev += timestep/1000. )) fi timeout=${$(( 1000.*(prev + timestep/1000. - now) + 1 ))%.*} if (( timeout < 0 )); then __tetris-debug "BUG: timeout < 0" timeout=${timestep%.*} fi zcurses timeout gamearea $timeout __tetris-debug "timeout: $timeout" __tetris-render-screen if [[ $gameover == 1 ]]; then __tetris-game-over-screen fi done } always { __tetris-remove-wins echoti cnorm zcurses end }