emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local line showline restline REPLY REPLY2 userange nobackup datefmt local calendar donefile sched newfile warnstr mywarnstr newdate integer time start stop today ndays y m d next=-1 shown done nodone integer verbose warntime mywarntime t tcalc tsched i rstat remaining integer showcount icount repeating repeattime resched showall brief local -a calendar_entries calendar_addlines local -a times calopts showprog lockfiles match mbegin mend tmplines local -A reply zmodload -i zsh/datetime || return 1 zmodload -i zsh/zutil || return 1 autoload -U calendar_{add,parse,read,scandate,show,lockfiles} # Read the calendar file from the calendar-file style zstyle -s ':datetime:calendar:' calendar-file calendar || calendar=~/calendar newfile=$calendar.new.$HOST.$$ zstyle -s ':datetime:calendar:' done-file donefile || donefile="$calendar.done" # Read the programme to show the message from the show-prog style. zstyle -a ':datetime:calendar:' show-prog showprog || showprog=(calendar_show) # Amount of time before an event when it should be flagged. # May be overridden in individual entries zstyle -s ':datetime:calendar:' warn-time warnstr || warnstr="0:05" # default to standard ctime date/time format zstyle -s ':datetime:calendar:' date-format datefmt || datefmt="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" if [[ -n $warnstr ]]; then if [[ $warnstr = <-> ]]; then (( warntime = warnstr )) elif ! calendar_scandate -ar $warnstr; then print >&2 \ "warn-time value '$warnstr' not understood; using default 5 minutes" warnstr="5 mins" (( warntime = 5 * 60 )) else (( warntime = REPLY )) fi fi [[ -f $calendar ]] || return 1 # We're not using getopts because we want +... to refer to a # relative time, not an option, and allow some other additions # like handling -<->. integer opti=0 local opt optrest optarg while [[ ${argv[opti+1]} = -* ]]; do (( opti++ )) opt=${argv[opti][2]} optrest=${argv[opti][3,-1]} [[ -z $opt || $opt = - ]] && break while [[ -n $opt ]]; do case $opt in ######################## # Options with arguments ######################## ([BCnS]) if [[ -n $optrest ]]; then optarg=$optrest optrest= elif (( opti < $# )); then optarg=$argv[++opti] optrest= else print -r "$0: option -$opt requires an argument." >&2 return 1 fi case $opt in (B) # Brief, with number of lines to show. brief=$optarg if (( brief <= 0 )); then print -r "$0: option -$opt requires a positive integer." >&2 return 1 fi ;; (C) # Pick the calendar file, overriding style and default. calendar=$optarg ;; (n) # Show this many remaining events regardless of date. showcount=$optarg if (( showcount <= 0 )); then print -r "$0: option -$opt requires a positive integer." >&2 return 1 fi ;; (S) # Explicitly specify a show programme, overriding style and default. # Colons in the argument are turned into space. showprog=(${(s.:.)optarg}) ;; esac ;; ########################### # Options without arguments ########################### (a) # Show all entries (( showall = 1 )) ;; (b) # Brief: don't show continuation lines (( brief = 1 )) ;; (d) # Move out of date items to the done file. (( done = 1 )) ;; (D) # Don't use done; needed with sched (( nodone = 1 )) ;; (r) # Show all remaining options in the calendar, i.e. # respect start time but ignore end time. # Any argument is treated as a start time. (( remaining = 1 )) ;; (s) # Use the "sched" builtin to scan at the appropriate time. sched=sched (( done = 1 )) ;; (v) # Verbose verbose=1 ;; (<->) # Shorthand for -n <-> showcount=$opt ;; (*) print "$0: unrecognised option: -$opt" >&2 return 1 ;; esac opt=$optrest[1] optrest=$optrest[2,-1] done done calopts=($argv[1,opti]) shift $(( opti )) # Use of donefile requires explicit or implicit option request, plus # no explicit -D. It may already be empty because of the style. (( done && !nodone )) || donefile= if (( $# > 1 || ($# == 1 && remaining) )); then if [[ $1 = now ]]; then start=$EPOCHSECONDS elif [[ $1 = <-> ]]; then start=$1 else if ! calendar_scandate -a $1; then print "$0: failed to parse date/time: $1" >&2 return 1 fi start=$REPLY fi shift else # Get the time at which today started. y=${(%):-"%D{%Y}"} m=${(%):-"%D{%m}"} d=${(%):-"%D{%d}"} strftime -s today -r "%Y/%m/%d" "$y/$m/$d" start=$today fi # day of week of start time strftime -s wd "%u" $start if (( $# && !remaining )); then if [[ $1 = +* ]]; then if ! calendar_scandate -a -R $start ${1[2,-1]}; then print "$0: failed to parse relative time: $1" >&2 return 1 fi (( stop = REPLY )) elif [[ $1 = <-> ]]; then stop=$1 else if ! calendar_scandate -a $1; then print "$0: failed to parse date/time: $1" >&2 return 1 fi stop=$REPLY fi if (( stop < start )); then strftime -s REPLY $datefmt $start strftime -s REPLY2 $datefmt $stop print "$0: requested end time is before start time: start: $REPLY end: $REPLY2" >&2 return 1 fi shift else # By default, show 2 days. If it's Friday (5) show up to end # of Monday (4) days; likewise on Saturday show 3 days. # If -r, this is calculated but not used. This is paranoia, # to avoid an unusable value of stop; but it shouldn't get used. case $wd in (5) ndays=4 ;; (6) ndays=3 ;; (*) ndays=2 ;; esac stop=$(( start + ndays * 24 * 60 * 60 )) fi if (( $# )); then print "Usage: $0 [ start-date-time stop-date-time ]" >&2 return 1 fi autoload -Uz matchdate [[ -n $donefile ]] && rm -f $newfile if (( verbose )); then print -n "start: " strftime $datefmt $start print -n "stop: " if (( remaining )); then print "none" else strftime $datefmt $stop fi fi # start of subshell for OS file locking ( # start of block for following always to clear up lockfiles. # Not needed but harmless if OS file locking is used. { if [[ -n $donefile ]]; then # Attempt to lock both $donefile and $calendar. # Don't lock $newfile; we've tried our best to make # the name unique. if zmodload -F zsh/system b:zsystem && zsystem supports flock; then zsystem flock $calendar zsystem flock $donefile else calendar_lockfiles $calendar $donefile || exit 1 fi fi calendar_read $calendar for line in $calendar_entries; do calendar_parse $line || continue # Extract returned parameters from $reply # Time of event (( t = ${reply[time]} )) # Remainder of line including RPT and WARN stuff: we need # to keep these for rescheduling. restline=$reply[text1] # Look for specific warn time. if [[ -n ${reply[warntime]} ]]; then (( mywarntime = t - ${reply[warntime]} )) mywarnstr=${reply[warnstr]} else (( mywarntime = warntime )) mywarnstr=$warnstr fi # Look for a repeat time. if [[ -n ${reply[rpttime]} ]]; then (( repeattime = ${reply[rpttime]}, repeating = 1 )) else (( repeating = 0 )) fi # Finished extracting parameters from $reply if (( verbose )); then print "Examining: $line" print -n " Date/time: " strftime $datefmt $t if [[ -n $sched ]]; then print " Warning $mywarntime seconds ($mywarnstr) before" fi fi (( shown = 0 )) if (( brief )); then tmplines=("${(f)line}") showline=${(F)${${tmplines[1,brief]}}} else showline=$line fi match=() # Strip continuation lines starting " #". while [[ $showline = (#b)(*$'\n')[[:space:]]##\#[^$'\n']##(|$'\n'(*)) ]]; do showline="$match[1]$match[3]" done # Strip trailing empty lines showline=${showline%%[[:space:]]#} if (( showall || (t >= start && (remaining || t <= stop || icount < showcount)) )) then $showprog $start $stop "$showline" (( icount++ )) # Doesn't count as "shown" unless the event has now passed. (( t <= EPOCHSECONDS )) && (( shown = 1 )) elif [[ -n $sched ]]; then (( tsched = t - mywarntime )) if (( tsched >= start && tsched <= stop)); then $showprog $start $stop "due in ${mywarnstr}: $showline" elif (( tsched < start )); then # We haven't actually shown it, but it's in the past, # so treat it the same. Should probably rename this variable. (( shown = 1 )) fi fi if [[ -n $sched ]]; then if (( shown && repeating )); then # Done and dusted, but a repeated event is due. strftime -s newdate $datefmt $repeattime if [[ $newdate != *[[:space:]] && $restline != [[:space:]]* ]]; then newdate+=" " fi calendar_addlines+=("$newdate$restline") # We'll add this back in below, but we check in case the # repeated event is the next one due. It's not # actually a disaster if there's an error and we fail # to add the time. Always try to reschedule this event. (( tcalc = repeattime, resched = 1 )) else (( tcalc = t )) fi if (( tcalc - mywarntime > EPOCHSECONDS )); then # schedule for a warning (( tsched = tcalc - mywarntime, resched = 1 )) else # schedule for event itself (( tsched = tcalc )) # but don't schedule unless the event has not yet been shown. (( !shown )) && (( resched = 1 )) fi if (( resched && (next < 0 || tsched < next) )); then (( next = tsched )) fi fi if [[ -n $donefile ]]; then if (( shown )); then # Done and dusted. if ! print -r $line >>$donefile; then if (( done != 3 )); then (( done = 3 )) print "Failed to append to $donefile" >&2 fi elif (( done != 3 )); then (( done = 2 )) fi else # Still not over. if ! print -r $line >>$newfile; then if (( done != 3 )); then (( done = 3 )) print "Failed to append to $newfile" >&2 fi elif (( done != 3 )); then (( done = 2 )) fi fi fi done if [[ -n $sched ]]; then if [[ $next -ge 0 ]]; then # Remove any existing calendar scheduling. i=${"${(@)zsh_scheduled_events#*:*:}"[(I)calendar -s*]} (( i )) && sched -$i $sched $next calendar "${calopts[@]}" $next $next else $showprog $start $stop \ "No more calendar events: calendar not rescheduled. Run \"calendar -s\" again if you add to it." fi fi if (( done == 2 )); then if ! mv $calendar $calendar.old; then print "Couldn't back up $calendar to $calendar.old. New calendar left in $newfile." >&2 (( rstat = 1 )) elif ! mv $newfile $calendar; then print "Failed to rename $newfile to $calendar. Old calendar left in $calendar.old." >&2 (( rstat = 1 )) fi nobackup=-B elif [[ -n $donefile ]]; then rm -f $newfile fi # Reschedule repeating events. for line in $calendar_addlines; do calendar_add -L $nobackup $line done } always { (( ${#lockfiles} )) && rm -f $lockfiles } exit $rstat )