----------------- KNOWN BUGS IN ZSH ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The pattern %?* matches names beginning with %? instead of names with at least two characters beginning with %. This is a hack to allow %?foo job substitution without quoting. This behaviour is incompatible with sh and ksh and may be removed in the future. A good fix would be to keep such patterns unchanged if they do not match regardless of the state of the nonomatch and nullglob options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is currently impossible to time builtins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40106: The comp* completion-related builtins (compadd, compset, etc) are run with $_comp_options in effect, rather than the user's options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ users/20807: vcs_info quilt 'addon' mode: hook lookup context specifies the underlying VCS but not whether quilt is used. Workaround: test (( ${+funcstack[(r)VCS_INFO_quilt]} )). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41184: 'exec' optimization for last command in a subshell should be skipped when STTY=... is set for that command ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41203 and others: Make it easier to maintain C modules out of tree. (May require defining a stable API for modules, see 41254) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44007 - Martijn - exit in trap executes rest of function See test case in Test/C03traps.ztst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45656: 'zsh -o nobanghist -o emacs' segfaults analysis in workers/45657 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44133 debian #924736 (partial patch in 44134) three setopts following ` #` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44850 terminal issues with continuation markers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45422 _arguments !-x !+x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45482 print -v with multibyte characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45568 repeat-count "illegal character" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45656 -o nobanghist -o emacs segfaults ------------------------------------------------------------------------ users/24765 -direct terminals. Not a bug as such but we may need to do something if -direct values in TERM are ever common ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45393/45396 [PATCH] avoid lseek(2) calls. 45768 is similar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45007 [PATCH] has_colors in configure.ac. The originator has a gentoo.org address which might provide some extra clues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44525, 45778 [PATCH] prompt redrawn on the wrong line upon SIGWINCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ users/24904: 'func <(...) | wc -l' results in ENOENT on /proc/self/fd/13 % efe() cat $1 % efe <(seq 1 10) | wc -l cat: /proc/self/fd/13: No such file or directory 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------