texinode(Redirection)(Command Execution)(Shell Grammar)(Top) chapter(Redirection) cindex(redirection) ifzman(\ sect(Redirection) )\ cindex(file descriptors) cindex(descriptors, file) If a command is followed by tt(&) and job control is not active, then the default standard input for the command is the empty file tt(/dev/null). Otherwise, the environment for the execution of a command contains the file descriptors of the invoking shell as modified by input/output specifications. The following may appear anywhere in a simple command or may precede or follow a complex command. Expansion occurs before var(word) or var(digit) is used except as noted below. If the result of substitution on var(word) produces more than one filename, redirection occurs for each separate filename in turn. startitem() item(tt(<) var(word))( Open file var(word) for reading as standard input. ) item(tt(<>) var(word))( Open file var(word) for reading and writing as standard input. If the file does not exist then it is created. ) item(tt(>) var(word))( Open file var(word) for writing as standard output. If the file does not exist then it is created. If the file exists, and the tt(CLOBBER) option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, it is truncated to zero length. ) xitem(tt(>|) var(word)) item(tt(>!) var(word))( Same as tt(>), except that the file is truncated to zero length if it exists, even if tt(CLOBBER) is unset. ) item(tt(>>) var(word))( Open file var(word) for writing in append mode as standard output. If the file does not exist, and the tt(CLOBBER) option is unset, this causes an error; otherwise, the file is created. ) xitem(tt(>>|) var(word)) item(tt(>>!) var(word))( Same as tt(>>), except that the file is created if it does not exist, even if tt(CLOBBER) is unset. ) item(tt(<<)[tt(-)] var(word))( The shell input is read up to a line that is the same as var(word), or to an end-of-file. No parameter expansion, command substitution or filename generation is performed on var(word). The resulting document, called a em(here-document), becomes the standard input. If any character of var(word) is quoted with single or double quotes or a `tt(\)', no interpretation is placed upon the characters of the document. Otherwise, parameter and command substitution occurs, `tt(\)' followed by a newline is removed, and `tt(\)' must be used to quote the characters `tt(\)', `tt($)', `tt(`)' and the first character of var(word). Note that var(word) itself does not undergo shell expansion. Backquotes in var(word) do not have their usual effect; instead they behave similarly to double quotes, except that the backquotes themselves are passed through unchanged. (This information is given for completeness and it is not recommended that backquotes be used.) Quotes in the form tt($')var(...)tt(') have their standard effect of expanding backslashed references to special characters. If tt(<<-) is used, then all leading tabs are stripped from var(word) and from the document. ) item(tt(<<<) var(word))( Perform shell expansion on var(word) and pass the result to standard input. This is known as a em(here-string). Compare the use of var(word) in here-documents above, where var(word) does not undergo shell expansion. ) xitem(tt(<&) var(number)) item(tt(>&) var(number))( The standard input/output is duplicated from file descriptor var(number) (see manref(dup2)(2)). ) xitem(tt(<& -)) item(tt(>& -))( Close the standard input/output. ) xitem(tt(<& p)) item(tt(>& p))( The input/output from/to the coprocess is moved to the standard input/output. ) xitem(tt(>&) var(word)) item(tt(&>) var(word))( (Except where `tt(>&) var(word)' matches one of the above syntaxes; `tt(&>)' can always be used to avoid this ambiguity.) Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of `tt(>) var(word)'. Note that this does em(not) have the same effect as `tt(>) var(word) tt(2>&1)' in the presence of multios (see the section below). ) xitem(tt(>&|) var(word)) xitem(tt(>&!) var(word)) xitem(tt(&>|) var(word)) item(tt(&>!) var(word))( Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of `tt(>|) var(word)'. ) xitem(tt(>>&) var(word)) item(tt(&>>) var(word))( Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of `tt(>>) var(word)'. ) xitem(tt(>>&|) var(word)) xitem(tt(>>&!) var(word)) xitem(tt(&>>|) var(word)) item(tt(&>>!) var(word))( Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of `tt(>>|) var(word)'. ) enditem() If one of the above is preceded by a digit, then the file descriptor referred to is that specified by the digit instead of the default 0 or 1. The order in which redirections are specified is significant. The shell evaluates each redirection in terms of the (em(file descriptor), em(file)) association at the time of evaluation. For example: indent(... tt(1>)var(fname) tt(2>&1)) first associates file descriptor 1 with file var(fname). It then associates file descriptor 2 with the file associated with file descriptor 1 (that is, var(fname)). If the order of redirections were reversed, file descriptor 2 would be associated with the terminal (assuming file descriptor 1 had been) and then file descriptor 1 would be associated with file var(fname). The `tt(|&)' command separator described in ifzman(em(Simple Commands & Pipelines) in zmanref(zshmisc))\ ifnzman(noderef(Simple Commands & Pipelines)) is a shorthand for `tt(2>&1 |)'. The various forms of process substitution, `tt(LPAR())var(list)tt(RPAR())' for output, are often used together with redirection. For example, if var(word) in an output redirection is of the form `tt(>LPAR())var(list)tt(RPAR())' then the output is piped to the command represented by var(list). See ifzman(\ em(Process Substitution) in zmanref(zshexpn))\ ifnzman(\ noderef(Process Substitution)). sect(Opening file descriptors using parameters) cindex(file descriptors, use with parameters) cindex(parameters, for using file descriptors) When the shell is parsing arguments to a command, and the shell option The option tt(IGNORE_BRACES) is not set, a different form of redirection is allowed: instead of a digit before the operator there is a valid shell identifier enclosed in braces. The shell will open a new file descriptor that is guaranteed to be at least 10 and set the parameter named by the identifier to the file descriptor opened. No whitespace is allowed between the closing brace and the redirection character. For example: indent(... {myfd}>&1) This opens a new file descriptor that is a duplicate of file descriptor 1 and sets the parameter tt(myfd) to the number of the file descriptor, which will be at least 10. The new file descriptor can be written to using the syntax tt(>&$myfd). The syntax tt({)var(varid)tt(}>&-), for example tt({myfd}>&-), may be used to close a file descriptor opened in this fashion. Note that the parameter given by var(varid) must previously be set to a file descriptor in this case. It is an error to open or close a file descriptor in this fashion when the parameter is readonly. However, it is not an error to read or write a file descriptor using tt(<&$)var(param) or tt(>&$)var(param) if var(param) is readonly. If the option tt(CLOBBER) is unset, it is an error to open a file descriptor using a parameter that is already set to an open file descriptor previously allocated by this mechanism. Unsetting the parameter before using it for allocating a file descriptor avoids the error. Note that this mechanism merely allocates or closes a file descriptor; it does not perform any redirections from or to it. It is usually convenient to allocate a file descriptor prior to use as an argument to tt(exec). The syntax does not in any case work when used around complex commands such as parenthesised subshells or loops, where the opening brace is interpreted as part of a command list to be executed in the current shell. The following shows a typical sequence of allocation, use, and closing of a file descriptor: example(integer myfd exec {myfd}>~/logs/mylogfile.txt print This is a log message. >&$myfd exec {myfd}>&-) Note that the expansion of the variable in the expression tt(>&$myfd) occurs at the point the redirection is opened. This is after the expansion of command arguments and after any redirections to the left on the command line have been processed. sect(Multios) cindex(multios) pindex(MULTIOS, use of) If the user tries to open a file descriptor for writing more than once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies its input to all the specified outputs, similar to bf(tee), provided the tt(MULTIOS) option is set, as it is by default. Thus: example(date >foo >bar) writes the date to two files, named `tt(foo)' and `tt(bar)'. Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus example(date >foo | cat) writes the date to the file `tt(foo)', and also pipes it to cat. If the tt(MULTIOS) option is set, the word after a redirection operator is also subjected to filename generation (globbing). Thus example(: > *) will truncate all files in the current directory, assuming there's at least one. (Without the tt(MULTIOS) option, it would create an empty file called `tt(*)'.) Similarly, you can do example(echo exit 0 >> *.sh) If the user tries to open a file descriptor for reading more than once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to a process that copies all the specified inputs to its output in the order specified, similar to bf(cat), provided the tt(MULTIOS) option is set. Thus example(sort &$myfd). Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus example(cat bar | sort bar > baz) when tt(MULTIOS) is unset will truncate bar, and write `tt(foo)' into baz. There is a problem when an output multio is attached to an external program. A simple example shows this: example(cat file >file1 >file2 cat file1 file2) Here, it is possible that the second `tt(cat)' will not display the full contents of tt(file1) and tt(file2) (i.e. the original contents of tt(file) repeated twice). The reason for this is that the multios are spawned after the tt(cat) process is forked from the parent shell, so the parent shell does not wait for the multios to finish writing data. This means the command as shown can exit before tt(file1) and tt(file2) are completely written. As a workaround, it is possible to run the tt(cat) process as part of a job in the current shell: example({ cat file } >file >file2) Here, the tt({)var(...)tt(}) job will pause to wait for both files to be written. sect(Redirections with no command) When a simple command consists of one or more redirection operators and zero or more parameter assignments, but no command name, zsh can behave in several ways. vindex(NULLCMD, use of) pindex(CSH_NULLCMD, use of) If the parameter tt(NULLCMD) is not set or the option tt(CSH_NULLCMD) is set, an error is caused. This is the bf(csh) behavior and tt(CSH_NULLCMD) is set by default when emulating bf(csh). pindex(SH_NULLCMD, use of) If the option tt(SH_NULLCMD) is set, the builtin `tt(:)' is inserted as a command with the given redirections. This is the default when emulating bf(sh) or bf(ksh). vindex(READNULLCMD, use of) Otherwise, if the parameter tt(NULLCMD) is set, its value will be used as a command with the given redirections. If both tt(NULLCMD) and tt(READNULLCMD) are set, then the value of the latter will be used instead of that of the former when the redirection is an input. The default for tt(NULLCMD) is `tt(cat)' and for tt(READNULLCMD) is `tt(more)'. Thus example(< file) shows the contents of tt(file) on standard output, with paging if that is a terminal. tt(NULLCMD) and tt(READNULLCMD) may refer to shell functions.