COMMENT(!MOD!zsh/hlgroup Alternative views of highlighting groups !MOD!) The tt(zsh/hlgroup) module defines special parameters that represent highlighting groups in different forms to ease the use of the groups when configuring other tools. In each case, these are readonly associative arrays where accessing elements uses values from the underlying tt(.zle.hlgroups) variable. startitem() vindex(.zle.esc) item(tt(.zle.esc))( This associative array contains the literal escape sequences used to apply the highlighting for each group. An example use would be when setting the tt(LESS_TERMCAP_xx) environment variables for the tt(less) pager. ) vindex(.zle.sgr) item(tt(.zle.sgr))( Where highlighting makes use of CSI escape sequences, this parameter contains the "Select Graphic Rendition" number sequence. This is useful with, for example the tt(GREP_COLORS) and tt(LSCOLORS) environment variables and the tt(list-colors) style. ) enditem()