startmenu() menu(Author) menu(Availability) menu(Mailing Lists) menu(The Zsh FAQ) menu(The Zsh Web Page) menu(See Also) endmenu() texinode(Author)(Availability)()(Introduction) sect(Author) cindex(author) Zsh was originally written by Paul Falstad tt(). Zsh is now maintained by the members of the zsh-workers mailing list tt(). The development is currently coordinated by Peter Stephenson tt(). The coordinator can be contacted at tt(), but matters relating to the code should generally go to the mailing list. texinode(Availability)(Mailing Lists)(Author)(Introduction) sect(Availability) Zsh is available from the following anonymous FTP sites. These mirror sites are kept frequently up to date. The sites marked with em((G)) may be mirroring tt( instead of the primary site. The sites marked with em((H)) may be mirroring tt( instead of the primary site. startitem() item(Primary site)( nofill(tt( tt( ) item(Australia)( nofill(tt( tt( tt( em((G)) em((H))) ) item(Denmark)( nofill(tt( ) item(Finland)( nofill(tt( ) item(France)( nofill(tt( ) item(Germany)( nofill(tt( em((H)) tt( tt( ) item(Hungary)( nofill(tt( tt( tt( ) item(Israel)( nofill(tt( tt( ) item(Japan)( nofill( tt( em((H)) tt( ) item(Norway)( nofill(tt( ) item(Romania)( nofill(tt( ) item(Slovenia)( nofill(tt( em((H))) ) item(Sweden)( nofill(tt( ) item(UK)( nofill(tt( tt( ) item(USA)( nofill(tt( tt( tt( tt( tt( ) enditem() texinode(Mailing Lists)(The Zsh FAQ)(Availability)(Introduction) sect(Mailing Lists) cindex(mailing lists) Zsh has 3 mailing lists: startitem() item(tt())( Announcements about releases, major changes in the shell and the monthly posting of the Zsh FAQ. (moderated) ) item(tt())( User discussions. ) item(tt())( Hacking, development, bug reports and patches. ) enditem() To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to the associated administrative address for the mailing list. startlist() list(tt()) list(tt()) list(tt()) list(tt()) list(tt()) list(tt()) endlist() YOU ONLY NEED TO JOIN ONE OF THE MAILING LISTS AS THEY ARE NESTED. All submissions to bf(zsh-announce) are automatically forwarded to bf(zsh-users). All submissions to bf(zsh-users) are automatically forwarded to bf(zsh-workers). If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the mailing lists, send mail to tt(). The mailing lists are maintained by Karsten Thygesen tt(). The mailing lists are archived; the archives can be accessed via the administrative addresses listed above. There is also a hypertext archive, maintained by Geoff Wing tt(), available at tt( texinode(The Zsh FAQ)(The Zsh Web Page)(Mailing Lists)(Introduction) sect(The Zsh FAQ) Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), maintained by Peter Stephenson tt(). It is regularly posted to the newsgroup bf( and the bf(zsh-announce) mailing list. The latest version can be found at any of the Zsh FTP sites, or at tt( The contact address for FAQ-related matters is tt(). texinode(The Zsh Web Page)(See Also)(The Zsh FAQ)(Introduction) sect(The Zsh Web Page) Zsh has a web page which is located at tt( This is maintained by Karsten Thygesen tt(), of SunSITE Denmark. The contact address for web-related matters is tt().