texinode(Invocation)(Files)(Introduction)(Top) chapter(Invocation) cindex(invocation) sect(Invocation Options) cindex(flags, shell) cindex(shell flags) If the tt(-s) flag is not present and an argument is given, the first argument is taken to be the pathname of a script to execute. The remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters. The following flags are interpreted by the shell when invoked: startitem() item(tt(-c) var(string))( Read commands from var(string). ) item(tt(-i))( Force shell to be interactive. ) item(tt(-s))( Read command from the standard input. ) enditem() For further options, which are common to invocation and the tt(set) builtin, see ifzman(zmanref(zshoptions))\ ifnzman(noderef(Options))\ . Flags may be specified by name using the tt(-o) option. For example, example(zsh -x -o shwordsplit scr) runs the script tt(scr), setting the tt(XTRACE) option by the corresponding letter `tt(-x)' and the tt(SH_WORD_SPLIT) option by name. startmenu() menu(Compatibility) menu(Restricted Shell) endmenu() includefile(Zsh/compat.yo) includefile(Zsh/restricted.yo)