texinode(Introduction)(Roadmap)(The Z Shell Manual)(Top) chapter(Introduction) cindex(introduction) ifzman(\ sect(Overview) Because zsh contains many features, the zsh manual has been split into a number of section+CHAR(s)\ ifzshall(\ . This manual page includes all the separate manual pages in the following order\ )\ : startlist() ifzshone(\ list(em(zsh) Zsh overview (this section)) )\ list(em(zshroadmap) Informal introduction to the manual) list(em(zshmisc) Anything not fitting into the other sections) list(em(zshexpn) Zsh command and parameter expansion) list(em(zshparam) Zsh parameters) list(em(zshoptions) Zsh options) list(em(zshbuiltins) Zsh built-in functions) list(em(zshzle) Zsh command line editing) list(em(zshcompwid) Zsh completion widgets) list(em(zshcompsys) Zsh completion system) list(em(zshcompctl) Zsh completion control) list(em(zshmodules) Zsh loadable modules) list(em(zshtcpsys) Zsh built-in TCP functions) list(em(zshzftpsys) Zsh built-in FTP client) list(em(zshcontrib) Additional zsh functions and utilities) ifzshone(\ list(em(zshall) Meta-man page containing all of the above) )\ endlist() sect(Description) )\ Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles bf(ksh) but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command line editing, builtin spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features. includefile(Zsh/metafaq.yo) ifnzman(includefile(Zsh/seealso.yo))